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ROC | Message to Russia


GA Member
Jan 11, 2024
Close friends and allies under previous administrations, both Russia and China had seen significant shifts. As the largest country in the world, a producer of resources vital to the Chinese economy and a country with the potential of exerting incredible influence on Asia while also acting as a bridge to Europe, President Ming had a strong interest in building relations with the new Russian administration. As such she had tasked Minister Yuan with the task of reaching out to her Russian counterpart to setup a presidential meeting between the leader of the world's largest country in population and the leader of the world's largest country in area.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China
Classified & Encrypted

Your Excellency,

Throughout history the Russian and Chinese peoples have often balanced between allies, ambiguity, enemies, and open war. It is the hope of myself and the Acting President that this is one of those times where we may be able to call ourselves allies. Both Russia and China are on similar trajectories in embracing liberal democracy and full freedom for our peoples, and I believe there is much we can learn from each other and support each other to make both our experiments with true government for the people truly successful.

As such the Acting President has asked me to propose a formal meeting between herself and President Nemtsov in either Moscow or Nanjing depending on your country's preference. Topics to be discussed at these meetings would include the status of the Russian and Chinese nations, trade relations, cultural ties (with an emphasis on the similarities between our peoples in the Russo-Chinese border regions, relaxation of border controls, foreign policies and if the rest of the meeting would allow for such a topic, defense cooperation.

I hope you will be open to these proposals and we look forward to your response.

Kind regards,
Yuan Jia,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Канцелярия президента
Office of the President of the Russian Federation
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Senior Office for Presidential Foreign Policy < Zebra >
Senior Office for Presidential Foreign Policy < >
[Subject]: [Confidential] RE: Bilateral Relations
Your Excellency,

I trust this message finds you well. Thank you for reaching, we have received your message with a positive light.

The official position of the Russian Federation has been the continued respect for the internal affairs of China including its self-determination over its political affairs.

His Excellency President Nemstov is eager to see the positive developments in China and hopes your government will remain on the path forward towards a strong and independent democracy in East Asia. He is hopeful to have honest and frank dialogues with his Chinese counterpart.

A major concern however is the powers of this transitional government, and if it is appropriate for the Chinese President, in her acting capacity, to carry out an official state visit to the Russian Federation, which is our preference, and what are her legal powers.

Based on your response, we would be happy to discuss the possibility of extending a formal invitation to the Acting President to visit the Russian Federation for a state visit and allow the Presidents of Russia and China to have a comprehensive discussion.

I hope you will be open to these proposals and we look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Yuri Nikolaev
Senior Presidential Advisory for Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation


GA Member
Jan 11, 2024

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China
Classified & Encrypted

Your Excellency,

The Republic of China appreciates and respects the Russian position with regards to China''s internal affairs. China likewise respects the internal affairs of the Russian Federation.

Per the Constitutional Assembly pending the January 2004 Presidential elections Acting President Ming has been granted the full powers of the Presidential office. While her decisions are subject to oversight by the Transitional Government of the Republic of China, her commitments hold the full power of the Chinese state. As such in her capacity she is able to discuss matters with President Nemstov with the mentioned power of the Chinese state. Any commitments made will carry over to the new government post-ratification. It should also be added here that per all polls the new governments will almost certainly consist of the same parties as make up the Transitional Government. I hope this addresses your concerns.

The Chinese state desires positive relations with Russia and such we are open to all the mentioned offers.

Kind regards,
Yuan Jia,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Канцелярия президента
Office of the President of the Russian Federation
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Senior Office for Presidential Foreign Policy < Zebra >
Senior Office for Presidential Foreign Policy < >
[Subject]: [Confidential] RE: Bilateral Relations
Your Excellency,

Please find the following invitation attached below to be presented to Her Excellency the President.

Office of the Presidential Executive

President Boris Nemstov​
I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. On behalf of the Russian Presidential Office, it is with great honor and pleasure that we extend a formal invitation to you to visit the Russian Federation.

Russia remains committed to positive bilateral relations and assisting China's ongoing efforts towards democratization, peaceful coexistence, and development.

Reflecting that those positive efforts, I would like to invite you to Moscow, on December 11 to discuss bilateral relations, areas of cooperation, and international issues. I would be keen to hear your progress of ongoing reforms, how the Russian Federation can further help, and your plans for positive Russo-Sino relations.

Recognizing the importance of fostering and strengthening the diplomatic ties between our two nations, I believe that a bilateral meeting between ourselves would significantly contribute to the deepening of mutual understanding and cooperation in various spheres.

As we enter the months leading up to China's next presidential election, it remains as important today, as it did in 1950s and the 1970s, that Russo-Sino relations develop positively to provide global governance and prosperity.

Myteam is prepared to work closely with your delegation to tailor the agenda to address specific areas of concern and interest. Additionally, we are committed to ensuring that your visit is marked by the warmth and hospitality for which Russia is renowned.

Please consider this invitation as a sincere gesture of goodwill and our earnest desire to further enhance the strategic partnership between our nations.

I look forward to the possibility of welcoming you to our beautiful country and engaging in meaningful discussions that will undoubtedly contribute to the prosperity and stability of our regions.

Kindly convey your availability, and we will coordinate the necessary logistical details to facilitate a smooth and successful visit.

The Russian Government wishes to make all necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth visit to Moscow and offer our continued support.

I hope you will be open to these proposals and we look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Yuri Nikolaev
Senior Presidential Advisory for Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation


GA Member
Jan 11, 2024
A reply would be sent to the Russian Federation indicating the now elected President's acceptance of the Russian invitation along with details of the Presidential aircraft and the standard delegation that would be there to serve as her bodyguard and other aides. Once the final details had been exchanged President Ming's plane would approach Moscow at the agreed upon date and time.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Канцелярия президента
Office of the President of the Russian Federation
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Senior Office for Presidential Foreign Policy < Zebra >
Senior Office for Presidential Foreign Policy < >
[Subject]: [Confidential] RE: Bilateral Relations
Your Excellency,

The Russian Government wishes to make all necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth visit to Moscow and offer our continued support.

Please find the following itinerary attached below to be presented to Her Excellency the President.

Office of the Presidential Executive

Day 1
1. Arrival on Moscow International Airport
2. Flight line ceremony
President Ming will be greeted by welcoming committee that consisting of President Nemtsov, Speaker of the Federation Council, Mayor of Moscow, and Chief of the President’s Staff upon arrival to the tarmac, when entering Russian airspace, four Russian MiG-31 aircrafts will escort your airplane with priority landing given to your aircraft.
3. President’s arrival
President Nemtsov will exit the Presidential Palace through the Diplomatic Reception Room shortly before President Ming's arrival to the Kremlin Palace. The President will shake hands with President Ming before introducing her to the Russian cabinet and exchanging greetings.
3. Welcome
After an exchange of greetings, the President Nemtsov will introduce President Ming to the Russo-Chinese community welcoming committee, who are positioned to the right of the reviewing stand. Members of the Chinese community in Seoul whom have been invited by your Embassy will be in attendance.
4. Procession
President Nemtsov and Ming will proceed to the Diplomatic Reception Room. President Ming will be asked to sign and register in the Guestbook.
5. Exchange of gifts
President Nemtsov and President Ming will move to the Guest Reception Room, where the diplomatic gifts will be exchanged and showed to the journalists. President Ming has been gifted a set of Russian black sea caviar alongside a miniature of the Three Gorges Dam made from elephant tusk.
6. Salutatory
President Nemtsov and Ming deliver remarks about this Official Visit in front of journalists.
7. State Luncheon
President Nemtsov and Ming will hold an official luncheon in the Presidential Palace along with the ministers, leaders of the Russo-Chinese community, diplomatic members from the Chinese diplomatic community, and invited guests, a ballet performance by Altynai Asylmuratova will be performed along with the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra.
8. Russo-Chinese Bilateral Summit
In the afternoon, President Ming be asked to attend a summit with President Nemtsov along with their ministers. The summit will talk about agendas issues of trade, democracy, defense cooperation, and strategic cooperation.
9. State Diner
The President is invited to attend a state dining in the Kremlin. The State Diner will also invite journalists from various media of Russia and China to promote the accomplishments of the two parties from their talks.

Day 2-3
10. Street-lining
President Ming will be greeted by children waving flag of Russia and China on the street near the Hermitage during her visit to the Hermitage.
11. Visits to The Hermitage and the The State Tretyakov Gallery.
The President is invited to visit the Hermitage and State Tretyakov Gallery to examine fine arts and cultural legacy of Russia. President Ming will be with President Nemtsov, the Cultural Minister, and members of the Russian parliament.
11. Requests
The Chinese delegation is free to visit any location throughout the visit, the FSB and other security agencies will provide escort wherever requested if possible
12. Moscow State University
President Ming is invited by the Moscow State University President to provide a special session on democratization in China, the future of the one China policy, and the future for China, and having the President to provide Q&A, talk briefly on the subject matter, and provide her insight would be most appreciated if accepted.​

Best regards,
Yuri Nikolaev
Senior Presidential Advisory for Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation

Last edited:


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

With the green light for the summit to begin the Russians wasted no time inviting the parties and making preparations for a venue. Ahead of the arrival of the Chinese the streets of Moscow were arranged with the Chinese and Russian flags. Posters of President Ming would be placed next to President Nemtsov.

President Nemtsov had the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arrange for visas for all the guests would be in attendance. The Russian FSB conducted investigations into 38 Chinese,Thai, and Central Asian nationals who had expressed online messages calling for harm to the President. The FSB would also check in with 6 European nationals who had made similar messages. None of these check-ins would produce any concerns.

At Moscow International Airport, the FSB and Ministry of Interior secured the Private Terminal where their guests were expected to arrive. Around the terminal FSB special forces in black fatigues and combat gear along with the Ministries counter-terrorism units patrolled the terminal. K9 dogs sniffed through packages and around the terminal.

The situation Europe had given Russian security officers enough to worry about and the ongoing proliferation of violence globally did not reassure the President over the potential for extremists to attack the summit. Russia's SVR would coordinate with the FSB to ensure all intelligence was being shared into potential attacks.

At Moscow International Airport, the welcome delegation would be getting to meet the Chinese. Along with them would be the Chinese Ambassador to Russia, as well as Kartashyov Vasilievich, a Russian telegram blogger popular in China.

The Chinese President's aircraft aircraft would upon entering Russian airspace would be welcomed by four MiG-31 interceptors which flew next to it with streamers in the color of the Chinese flag on the left side and the Russian flag on the right side. Upon descending into Moscow International, President Nemtsov would leave the terminal to prepare to greet his guests.

The Russian SBP prepared the motorcade to depart the airport as the aircraft began to taxi. They would work with whatever Chinese security officials were present and guided them to the vehicles before the President de-boarded her plane.


As the Chinese delegation stepped out of the airplane, they are welcomed by the crisp winter air of Moscow. Their eyes are immediately drawn to the sleek and modern airport that stands before them. After passing through immigration, the delegation would be met by a Russian man who introduces himself as Mikhail (Misha) Gennadiyevich, the protocol official responsible for them.

He would lead the group to the guest lounge, where they are greeted by the sight of a table laden with delicious Chinese tea and platters of sweet dates, turkic pastries, and Russian caviar.

As they enjoy their refreshments, Misha would be responsible for getting them to the Kremlin as President Ming prepared to depart her plane. Shortly after the delegations arrival to the lounge, the Russian motorcades would begin getting Chinese officials to the summit hall ahead of their President. With their bags in tow, the delegation would follow Misha out of the airport and where a motorcade waited for them. Several sleek Mercedes S-Class sedans flanked by three Chevy Tahoes were waiting.

When President Ming exited her plane she would see President Nemtsov waiting for her at the tarmac along with other Russian officials. When she made it to the bottom stairs where the red carpet was waiting, President Nemtsov extended his hand and welcomed her to Moscow. After introducing her to his welcoming committee the two would enter President Nemtsov's 2008 S600 Pullman Guard.

As they drive through the bustling city streets, the Chinese delegation marvels at the city's energy and the lively atmosphere of Moscow. The bright lights of the city, combined with the occasional sight of the Russian and Chinese flags flying proudly overhead, create a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the coming days may hold.


Security was orchestrated with meticulous precision. The SBP conducted thorough inspections of each vehicle entering the area near the Kremlin. Snipers were set up on paths that the motorcade would follow. The Russian Federal Police secured the roads. All in the efforts of ensuring that no unforeseen threat would disrupt the course of diplomacy.

The imposing walls of the Kremlin and the vigilant sentinels that guarded it in silence would hang in the background as the Federation's guests came bristling through. Outside, the SBP Guard maintained their vigilant watch, forming a protective cocoon around the Kremlin.

Inside the Kremlin, the Russian and Chinese civil servants would enjoy a small reception ahead of the arrival of their presidents and the summit taking place. They would be served traditional chinese tea together with Russian delicacies.

As they settled into the luxury vehicles, President Nemtsov would turn to President Ming and make small talk. He shared some small bits of his background, how things were in Russia, and ask about President Ming's inspirations for politics and getting involved. As they drove through the city, the delegation would be struck by the energy and vitality of Moscow. The streets were filled with cars and pedestrians, and the city seemed to be buzzing with life even in the early morning hours. They passed by modern skyscrapers and historic landmarks.

Nemtsov pointed out various sights along the way, including where Russian tanks fired at the parliament building during the Russian political crisis. He also commented on the ongoing Moscow Season festivities, which brought visitors from around the world to the city for concerts, shows, and exhibitions. As they approached the Kremlin, the Chinese President would see the beautiful architecture of the historic city.

Once passing through the initial gates they found themselves stopping at the red carpet where President Nemtsov walked with President Ming. Once inside, President Ming would be introduced to the Russian Cabinet where she would greet each one alongside President Nemtsov. The same would be repeated afterwards with the Chinese cabinet. Afterwards, President Ming would be introduced to Russian and Chinese citizens apart of the Russo-Chinese community who would have brief chat with her.

President Ming then would be invited to sign the guestbook in the diplomatic reception room after which President Nemtsov would present her with gifts from the Russian Government.

After signing the guest book, President Ming and Nemtsov would walk to the Kremlin's inner halls. At the hear of the Kremlin, the opulent halls were adorned with decor befitting the stature of the occasion. Amongst the attendees were not only distinguished ministers and leaders but also prominent figures from the Russo-Chinese community.

As the guests took their seats, conversations hummed with excitement, mingling with the soft strains of classical music floating from the corner of the room. As President Ming and Nemtsov took their seats the humming slowly tuned out as the sounds of instruments drowned with them. When President Ming took a look at the menu she would see it included:

Pelmeni: These are savory dumplings filled with a mixture of minced meat, such as beef, pork, or lamb, and seasoned with spices like garlic and black pepper. They are typically served boiled and accompanied by a side of sour cream.
Blini: Delicate Russian pancakes made from buckwheat or wheat flour, served either as a savory dish with fillings like caviar, smoked salmon, or sour cream, or as a sweet treat with toppings like jam, honey, or fresh berries.
Beef Stroganoff: A classic Russian dish consisting of tender strips of beef cooked in a creamy sauce made with mushrooms, onions, and sour cream, often served over a bed of buttered noodles or rice.
Caviar: A luxurious delicacy made from salt-cured fish roe, typically sourced from sturgeon, and served as a garnish or spread on blini or bread, accompanied by traditional accompaniments such as chopped onion, boiled eggs, and sour cream.
Kulich and Paskha: These are traditional Russian Easter treats. Kulich is a tall, cylindrical sweet bread flavored with spices, raisins, and candied fruit, often topped with a sugary glaze and decorated with colorful sprinkles. Paskha is a rich, creamy dessert made from cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, and sugar, molded into a pyramid shape and adorned with dried fruits and nuts.
Medovik: A beloved Russian honey cake made from thin layers of honey-infused sponge cake stacked with a luscious filling of sweetened sour cream or condensed milk. The cake is typically left to rest, allowing the layers to meld together, resulting in a moist and indulgent dessert.
Pirozhki with Sweet Fillings: These are small, stuffed pastries filled with a variety of sweet fillings such as fruit preserves, jam, sweetened cottage cheese, or poppy seed paste. They can be baked or fried until golden brown and served as a delightful finger dessert.​

Amidst the elegant ambiance, anticipation peaked as the lights dimmed, and the graceful figure of Altynai Asylmuratova graced the stage and performed her ballet as food was served to the two Presidents. The ballet performance, a symbol of artistic collaboration and mutual appreciation, captivated the audience with its ethereal beauty and seamless choreography. Accompanying the ballet was the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra. As the performance drew to a close, applause erupted, filling the hall with sentiments of admiration and respect.

The guests returned to their food admits the Orchestra continuing to play music that filled the halls and provided a refreshing sound that calmed the mind and heart. Once an hour or so had passed, the Luncheon would be completed and the guests shuffling out as the Russians and Chinese prepared for their summit.


President Ming and Nemstov would pass the Russian Kremlin Regiment and inspect the honor guard as they walked to the State Summit. The Regiment was neatly arrayed in their uniforms as they held the Chinese and Russian flags.

The civil servants set up the summit hall and prepared for their formal meeting. Officials departed from the hall after completing their preparations leaving only the ministers and their immediate staff. As the time came closer the sun wrapped around the Kremlin glistening the halls within.
Then as President Ming walked through the imposing doors which opened as she neared, the summit would official begin. The two would split and walk towards their respective sides. With President Nemtsov and the Russian delegation sitting across President Ming and her delegation. After everyone had settled and journalists entered the room, President Nemtsov made his opening remarks.

"President Ming, dear friend, welcome to Russia, to Moscow.

I am glad to have a chance to congratulate you in person on your election as President of China. It is an honor that you have chosen Russia to be your first visit since being duly elected by the Chinese people.

This was possible because the Chinese nation and its representatives rightfully appreciate your work and commitments. In recent months, China has made a colossal leap forward in its development. Both politically and socially. It has been the object of sincere interest around the entire world, and we are even a bit envious of you.

China has created quite an effective system to develop the economy and strengthen the state. It is much more effective than what many other countries have, which is an undeniable fact. Market mechanisms go hand in hand with a quite confident policy program and yield tangible results. China has shown that merit and progress go hand in hand.

I am sure that, under your leadership, China will continue to make strides in its development in the years ahead and will, without a doubt, fulfill its goals. The world watches with desire for China's strength and prosperity.

It has not escaped me that together Russia and China embarked on their socialist commitment to humanity and that today we embark on our democratic socialist commitment to humanity. Since our transitions, we have made great strides in developing our relations. Our trade continues to grow and exchanges between our two great peoples continues to multiply.

You personally and all of our Chinese friends devote much attention to Russian-Chinese relations. It is when Russia and China are in unison does the world stand a chance against imperialist hegemony. Both as socialist nations and today as democratic ones.

We are eager to see detailed steps about how we can pursue a more robust partnership and alliance that will reflect our deeply intertwined history. As Empires. Socialists. Democrats. It is reassuring to know that Russia does not walk this journal alone. Neither do I wish you to feel that you walk this journey alone. China will alway have a friend in Moscow, just as much as I hope we have a friend in Beijing.

We know that you are guided by the principles of justice and respect for the fundamental provisions of international law and indivisible security for all countries. Promoting the fundamental principles of international order and multipolarity that is inclusive of the global south is crucial.

As we continue to promote Russo-Chinese international strategic cooperation, we must achieve the goal of ensuring justice and equality in the world while also achieving further development and prosperity in our countries in the process.

The Russian Government pays a great deal of attention to promoting Russo-Chinese relations, because this has its own historical logic and we are two major neighboring countries. We are partners in comprehensive strategic interaction and cooperation, and this status determines the close relations between our countries.

There are lots of social, economic, and political cooperation issues. In the coming days, we will discuss this with the participation of our partners and colleagues. I am pleased that you thought fit and took the time to come here in the evening in order to discuss all issues of interest in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

Welcome to Moscow once again."



GA Member
Jan 11, 2024
As the Boeing 767 ER approached Moscow International Airport Yi looked through the window at the city below her. "Moscow, the heart of the largest country in the world and strangely enough almost always on the same ideological course as we are" She mused, not really intending to start a conversation.

"Did you say something, Madam President?" Stephanie Wu, a young Cantonese woman from Hong Kong and her personal assistant, asked.

"It's nothing Steph, just some thoughts spoken aloud."

"Understood, madam President. I am sorry if I'm overstepping, but what are your hopes for this meeting?"

"It's okay, Russia and China have a centuries-old history. While for most of that time during our imperial eras we clashed with Russia's expansion to their East encroaching on our sphere of influence and by the 20th century even our territory, we then embarked on an era of cooperation under our communist governments which themselves clashed over ideology as somehow the communists always end up doing. Now we find ourselves in the same political direction again. Russia had its slow collapse and a decade of corrupt leadership, but the Russian people grew tired of that and now elected an honest man. Meanwhile communism in our country had been dying and turning into a corrupt oligarchy decades before our revolution finally brought an end to that sickly husk of a communist party. Then there is the foreign angle, even if we are ideologically closer to the western world now than we've ever been before, I doubt the US or UK are planning to just share their superpower status with their former enemies. If this meeting can be successful and we leave with a new commitment to our bilateral relationship we can stake our own position in this world, free from outside interference. If we fail, both Russia and China are threatened. So we cannot fail the next few days" Yi answered, only by the end realizing this was much more than her assistant and friend likely wanted.

Before Steph could even respond a quick ping would signal a message from the Captain.

"Madam President, we are approaching Moscow. If you look outside the window you will see Russian aircraft in ceremonial formation. We should be landing in ten minutes"

As Yi turned back to the window she could indeed see the impressive sight outside. Once the plane had landed and connected to the gate the Chinese delegation would steadily disembark based on their hosts' instruction. In addition to President Ming was a small army of aides and civil servants from the Forbidden City that would serve to provide any resources Yi might need, including advice, records, and secure communications with her Cabinet back in Beijing. Meanwhile, a more literal army would come in the form of the recently established Presidential Security Service. These men and women were among the most elite the Republican Army had to offer. Largely former operators, they had been selected for their ideological independence and strong loyalty to China rather than any particular leader or party. On the plane itself were twenty of the most elite within the already high capability service, additional personnel had travelled to Moscow in advance to coordinate with their Russian counterparts and inspect the locations where they would be visiting. Each member wore a suit, hiding Kevlar underneath and carried a Type 92 handgun. Four of the twenty responsible for the direct protection of President Ming also carried Changfeng Submachine Guns. Both the sidearms and SMGs would be hidden beneath their clothing, and had of course been reported to the Russians in advance. In general the PSS would maintain constant communication and cooperation with their Russian counterparts to guarantee a smooth visit, and ideally make their presence close to invisible for the public.

Once it was time for Yi to leave the plane she would approach the exit and with a steady pace walk through the gate towards her welcoming reception, she immediately recognized President Nemtsov and would greet him with a smile. Maintaining small talk, she meanwhile made sure to take close note of each of the sights in Moscow and fully take them in. The city was so different from what she was used to in Beijing. When the topic of her interest in politics came up she sighed as she looked at the floor of the car.

"Mister President, I assume the SVR has likely briefed you on my name not just being a coincidence but rather that I am a living descendent of the Ming Empire. My father was a honourable and proud man, he had a strong sense of justice and fairness. He truly believed in communism. This brought him in conflict with the local party leadership in Yunnan. When I was seven goons from the Yunnan Party Secretary entered our home, they raped and killed my mother and older sister in front of his eyes. They would have done the same to me if one of them didn't feel pity for me and had hidden me from the others. Then they shot my father. I was hidden from them but I had to see everything. I swore there and then that I would take up my father's torch and that no one should ever have to suffer for having a political opinion again. That is why I committed myself to democracy and the creation of a truly free China. Quite possibly the first time one has existed in our five thousand year history"

After arriving at the Kremlin and being introduced to the Russian Cabinet Yi made sure to personally shake the hands of each member and exchange at least a few sentences with them. She had always had a photographic memory so the Russians could be confident that she would remember them and whatever they said to her. Yi would sign the guestbook when offered the chance with a greeting and her name in Mandarin. When it came to the gift exchange she would take the Russian gifts with appreciation and offer some of her own via her aides, including jade statues, art symbolizing the relationship between Russia and China from some of China's most impressive young artists, and finally something a bit too big to carry to the Kremlin.

"Mister President, I realize this was often a tool of diplomacy used by the communists, but sharing these creatures with the world is one of the few good things they did. It is my pleasure to offer two recently born Pandas for a zoo of your choosing"

After the gift exchange she would follow her host to the meeting with Russian and Chinese nationals that held some meaningful relationship to the bilateral relationship. She would listen to each of their stories closely and try to offer some wisdoms wherever she deemed it appropriate. Admittedly she was getting a bit tired, but the combination of excellent food and impressive music and ballet revitalized her. In a moment of quiet she would whisper to Nemtsov. "Her skills are truly impressive, I can see why Russia is so famous for ballet"

Once they made it to the summit Yi, and her advisers from the various relevant Ministries would take their assigned seats, each of them would listen to Nemtsov's opening remarks, offering genuine smiles and signs of appreciation at various points. Once he had concluded Yi would begin speaking

"President Nemtsov, your excellencies, thank you for your incredibly kind welcome. I appreciate your kind words and compliments regarding our progress. While much is left to be done and the remnants of the communists may take years to entirely remove from our institutions, we plan to create a truly free and open nation where respect for human life and rights is the highest concern and top priority. In this Russia and your own campaign is a model for us, in fact your very activism in Moscow had been a large source of confidence when our own movement was in its infancy and the idea of defeating the communists seemed like an impossible dream.

Russia can be confident in the knowledge that you will always have a friend in China. Even now as ideologically we have even more freedom than many towards our west, we still find ourselves on the outside of much of global decision making. However when we stand together we are the largest territory with the largest population, our influence spans from Ocean to Ocean and our resources, industry and technology can outperform anyone in the world.

The Republic of China wants the creation of a free world, where each person can live free of the fear of war or tyranny, where each country can develop in peace without some power stepping on them. To achieve this we need international organizations, but not ones tainted by a single ideology but rather ones truly representative of the whole that the world has to offer.

It is my sincere belief that a comprehensive Russo-Chinese agreement in the areas of trade, justice, military cooperation and diplomatic cooperation can be a great first step in achieving just such a truly free and fair global order"

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