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Royal House and Nobility of Èran


GA Member
Nov 2, 2024

The Kingdom of Èran, as an Monarchy, has reintroduced an very old system of social hierarchy: the Nobility of people.
But the hereditary Aristocracy is very little in modern Iran and in this system.
Only a few dozens of really old families can claim titles of such old nobles, that there are acknowledged by the state.
Therefore the system of Nobility is more tied to Families who earn the right to call them noble, according to these following categories.

𐎨 The Royal Family - Shahrdaran
The Family of the Shah is seen as the highest nobility. Interestingly the Shah himself as well as his wife, are not technically part of this category. As the Shah and the Queen are together the sovereign family of the country and are not seen as Part of the Nobility in that term, they can’t go voting for instance.
Part of the Royal family is only everyone in straight line to the Shah by 2 generations. So the children, siblings, parents etc. are part of this highest category and their children or siblings, parents if they are not the same as the Shahs. Everyone else with ties to the royal Family is either, if they have a full Family of their own (Parents and at least one child) part of the Wispuhran or get the rank of an honorable Lord/Wùzurdaran.

Notable people of the Royal Family
- Sha'an'Sha Gustàsp III (King)
- Māna-Pašnī Amereta (Queen)
- Shahzadè Anūšīrawān (Heir, first Prince)

𐎩 The Old Families of Nobility - Wispuhran

𐎪 The honorable Lords - Wùzurdaran


𐎫 The 1000 Families of the royal Companions - Azàdan
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