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[RUS]: Call to Ireland


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private, Encrypted, Classified
A Representative from the Russian Ministry of Defense would place a call to the Irish Ministry of Defense on an encrypted and secured line as part of the SIN system.



32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

Ireland's minister of defense, Sean Cosgrave would pick up the phone on an encrypted line. "Greetings, this is Defense Minister Cosgrave speaking how may I help you?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private, Encrypted, Classified

"Yes, I am a Representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, under the Minister of Defenses Office. You can call me Viktor for now. It seems that Ireland has run into some trouble, now I wont go into our thoughts on this war. However, I will offer Ireland a chance to come out of this a little stronger then before. You see, we have a surplus of military equipment that needs to be refurbished but is currently laying around. We can offer Ireland a once in a life time chance to buy a portion of this equipment. We refurbish it and then send it to you. Now, it isn't the best equipment, but let me tell you inform you that it will suit you for a stepping stone in the right direction. We will sell it at no mark up and more then likely not make a profit. What we want is to build good relationships with a country in trouble.
Without further ado, what we can offer you is equipment for the building of a single division. Regiment by regiment. That equipment is...
T-55AD-1 (Ob'yekt 155AD-1)
100 mm field gun M1944 (BS-3)
BM-14MM (2B2R)
Strela-1 9M31M
2K11M1 Krug
SU-100 Tank Destroyer
S-200VE "Vega-E" (SA-5b)
BTR-50PK (Ob'yekt 750K)
122 mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30)

Then for air equipment...
MiG-17PM/PFU ("Fresco E")
MiG-19S (NATO - "Farmer-C"; OKB - SM-9/3)
Sukhoi Su-9

Project 205mod
Foxtrot-class submarine


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Viktor. Given the current circumstances, the Irish Defense Forces are at the breaking point due to a acute lack of modern equipment, questionable leadership, poor planning and intelligence gathering, and a non existent training program underfunded by our own government. As you can probably already see we can use and will accept any or all the help we can get so this nightmare doesn't become a rule so much as it ought to be a rare exception." He paused taking a moment to enjoy his Darjeeling before continuing the conversation. "Looking at this list, I can't help but grin at the prospects of a better future for our men and women in uniform currently fighting at the front...I shall happily accept this deal."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private, Encrypted, Classified
"Very good! Now then, this is what we will do to start you off.
1,560 - ZIL-157K
5 - ZIL-157KV
20 - ZIL-157KD
6 - 122 mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30)
4 - BM-14MM (2B2R)
6 - 2S4 Tyulpan
4 - Strela-1 9M31M
8 - SU-100
4 - MT-55
100 - UAZ-469
5 - S-200VE "Vega-E" (SA-5b)
10 - 2K11M1 Krug
300 - BTR-50PK (Ob'yekt 750K)
120 - T-55AD-1 (Ob'yekt 155AD-1)
3 - MT-LB
10 - Project 205mod
10 - Foxtrot-class submarine
12 - MiG-17PM/PFU ("Fresco E")
12 - MiG-17R
12 - MiG-19PML
12 - MiG-19S (NATO - "Farmer-C"; OKB - SM-9/3)
12 - Sukhoi Su-9 "


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

"Very well...this seems to be quite satisfactory, when will the first shipment arrive?" He said eyeing the list curiously with great interest in a manner akin to a kid in a candy shop.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private, Encrypted, Classified
"Refurbishment of
80 T-55AD-1
616 ZIL-157K
15 ZIL-157KV
30 ZIL-157KD
15 BS-3
8 BM-14MM (2B2R)
8 Strela-1 9M31M
10 S-125-2TM / Pechora-2TM
12 SU-100 Tank Destroyer
12 2S4 Tyulpan
8 MT-55
10 S-200VE "Vega-E" (SA-5b)
138 BTR-50PK (Ob'yekt 750K)
15 MiG-17PM/PFU
15 MiG-17R
15 MiG-19PML
15 MiG-19S
15 Sukhoi Su-9
10 Project 205mod
10 Foxtrot-class Submarine
15 Yak-152 Basic Training Aircraft
15 Yak-38M "Forger-A"
20,000 AKM Assault Rifle
200 9K333 Verba SA-25
500 RPG-29
100 Kord 12.7 6P50
5000 Vityaz SN
5000 Vepr-12
500 UAZ-469
500 SV-98 Sniper Rifle
5000 AK-74M Assault Rifle

Has begun. We recommend for structure in use of this equipment the following
2 x Armored Battalion
1 x Combat Engineer Company

3 x Motor Rifle Regiment
1 x Artillery Regiment
1 x Mortar Battalion
1 x Anti-Air Battalion
1 x Assault Gun Battalion
1 x Combat Engineer Battalion
1 x Signal Battalion
1 x Medical Battalion
1 x Transport Battalion
1 x Reconnaissance Battalion

5 x Air Defense Regiment

1 x Missile Boat Task Force
1 x Submarine Wolf Pack

We also recommend beginning minimal training for this equipment effective immediately. If in need of troops right at this moment train for two weeks, but if time is available 10 weeks is recommended."



32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

"Wonderful, The Republic of Ireland and its inhabitants hereby extend their sentiments of graditude to Russia for having provided the defense forces with the necessary means of maintaining Irish sovereignty. Training shall be conducted as soon as possible."


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

"Sligo or Cobh will do, preferably the latter."

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