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[Russia] Call to Brazil

Feb 4, 2021
As the Foreign Minister was currently meeting the Thai ambassador, his deputy, Otávio Brandell, would pick up the phone.

"Hello, this is the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. How may I help you?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Hello, Deputy Minister Brandell. Thank you for taking my call so quickly. As the first nation from South America to enter the national stage in... well, quite some time, Russia believes it to be paramount that our two nations share positive diplomatic ties. It is to my knowledge that Brazil has recently purchased products from Rosoboronexport, it is my hopes that perhaps we could extend this to proper trade of products? I believe Brazil may be interested in machinery, boilers, and nuclear reactors. Russia is certainly interested in importing Brazilian coffee and manufactured goods if possible."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Of course. Now, we don't have any cargo vessels, so I hope you have some. If not, we can try to acquire some as soon as possible. We are interested in nuclear reactors and machinery- it would boost our technology and our economy. We will also be able to give you some coffee and manufactured goods. It won't take too long for an arrangement to be made. We can have a cargo ship go from Santos to St Petersburg, or vice versa. Would that be convenient?"


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Certainly, we currently have a cargo vessel in the shipyard nearly finished. We'll be able to send it from St. Petersburg to the port of Santos is roughly a week's time. We can also task it with bringing Brazilian products to Russia if your nation lacks a cargo vessel by them. Our machinery and reactors have a export price of 2,800,000.00$ per fortnight, however, we with the Russian imports that should come closer to 300,000.00$ per fortnight. In other words, that will be 7,800,000.00$ per year - if you would rather pay upfront. Although, we are open to negotiations.

Furthermore, I should warn you that if you do trade with other nations, there is quite some risk in the Mediterranean and Red Seas due to the current conflicts with Turkey and Saudi Arabia."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Indeed. We are prepared to pay the full cost for trade. And we are closely monitoring the situation in the Mediterranean- we would prefer a quicker route from Russia here through the Mediterranean. Speaking of which, I would like to let you know that we fully stand behind Russia and other nations regarding Turkey at this time."


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Ah that is good to hear! The Global Assembly is currently investigating their crimes after evidence of it was released by Congolese peacekeepers in the nation - which Turkey also murdered - 5,000 of them to be specific.

Speaking of, it would appear that we made an error regarding the pricing of the GAZ Tigr on our offer. The price for each would be closer to twice that we offered your government. However, because of this error, we are willing to produce them at production price for you. That would make each GAZ Tigr roughly 329,400.00$ per vehicle, leaving 18,510,000.00$ to be paid. Or if you prefer we could offer Brazil the GAZ-3934 Siam, which will cost you nothing more. Or, we could offer you a refund on the order of the GAZ Tigr."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"My orders were to get the Tiger, so I'll go with the Tigr. $18,510,000.00 will be paid as soon as possible."

Otávio quickly scribbled down a note to get to the Central Bank as soon as possible.

"Alright, it was a pleasure meeting- or rather, hearing- you! I'm sure that this is the first step towards a stronger, better relationship between us and Russia."


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Wonderful, we can put the order of the Tigrs and the exports together, simply sending us 26,310,000.00$.

The pleasure was all mine, Deputy Minister Brandell. I hope that we'll be able to have a more in-depth conversation regarding our relations once the current issues in the Middle East are dealt with."

If there was nothing else, the Russian would hang up the phone.

Thomas R. Jones

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