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Russian Air Defense & Early Warning System


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
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The Russian Aerospace Command recognizes the critical importance of securing its airspace against potential threats and ensuring early detection of any incoming aerial risks. As such, we are proposing the establishment of a comprehensive National Air Defense & Early Warning System. This system will not only safeguard our national sovereignty but also enhance our ability to respond swiftly and effectively to any airborne threats, whether they be conventional or asymmetric in nature.

In today's rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape, the need for a robust air defense capability is paramount. With emerging threats ranging from conventional military aggression to asymmetric warfare tactics such as drone attacks, ensuring the security of our airspace has never been more crucial. Additionally, the proliferation of advanced aerial technologies underscores the necessity of investing in state-of-the-art early warning systems to detect and neutralize potential threats before they can pose a danger to our nation and its citizens.

Threats from Sweden, Poland, and Ukraine have raised serious concern for the Aerospace Command. In specific rapid advancements in the defensive and offensive capabilities of these actors along with substantial investment and support from the United States and United Kingdom has heightened insecurities within the Aerospace Command. Simulations conducted in 2003 confirmed serious gaps in the air defense capabilities over the cyber-space domain. Inter-service operability and data services has been severely diminished.

Under the NADEW the Russian Federation is committing to spending $550,000,000.00 in financing the overhaul of Russia's air defense and early warning systems.

The Project will establish a comprehensive National Air Defense & Early Warning System to monitor and protect our airspace 24/7. Enhance our ability to detect and respond to a wide range of aerial threats, including but not limited to aircraft, missiles, drones, and other airborne hazards. Strengthen our national security posture by integrating cutting-edge technology, intelligence capabilities, and strategic partnerships to effectively mitigate airborne risks. Provide timely and accurate situational awareness to key decision-makers, enabling them to make informed and effective responses to potential threats. Foster collaboration and coordination among relevant government agencies, military branches, and international partners to ensure seamless operation and interoperability of the air defense system.

The NADEW will achieve these goals through developing data link systems, advanced computing technologies, integrated information systems, hardening hardware against malware and cyber attacks, and securing connections for sensitive data streams.

Under this project the Russian Government will acquire seven Daryal radar systems and ten Voronezh radar arrays. These systems will be deployed to create network of advanced radar systems and sensors strategically across the country to provide comprehensive coverage of our airspace. These systems will be capable of detecting and tracking airborne targets with precision and accuracy.

In conjunction the Aerospace Command will receive a newly established state-of-the-art command and control center along with several other command centers established all equipped with advanced communication systems, data processing capabilities, and decision-support tools. These centers will serve as the nerve center of the air defense system, enabling real-time monitoring, analysis, and coordination of air defense activities. The command centers will integrate the currently deployed interceptor systems, including surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft artillery, to neutralize potential threats identified by the early warning system. These systems will be designed to swiftly and effectively engage and destroy hostile targets with precision and minimal collateral damage.

In addition with changes made to the cyber-space domain there is increased desire to maintain robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard the air defense system against cyber threats and ensure its uninterrupted operation. This includes securing communication networks, data storage facilities, and command and control infrastructure against potential cyberattacks.

Lastly the funding will be used to invest in comprehensive training programs to equip air defense personnel with the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to operate and maintain the system effectively. This will include training in radar operation, threat analysis, interception tactics, and cybersecurity protocols.


Construction will take place in the follow locations and will include a Control Center that houses the radar operators and personnel responsible for monitoring and controlling the radar system including consoles and other advanced interfaces, and communication equipment. A Power Generation and Backup Systems for a reliable source of power is essential for the continuous operation of the radar station. The stations will have dedicated power generation facilities, such as diesel generators or alternative energy sources, to ensure uninterrupted operation even in the event of power outages. Additionally the stations will have robust communication systems to transmit radar data, coordinate with other military units, and communicate with higher command authorities. This may include radio systems, satellite communication links, and secure data networks.
The Russian Aerospace and Air Force shall assign members of their forces to the Security Wing which will be responsible for enforcing the security measures necessary to protect against unauthorized access, sabotage, and physical threats. This will include manning the perimeter fencing, surveillance cameras, access control systems, and to screen visitors and users.

The Russian Aerospace and Air Force shall assign members of their forces to the Systems and Control Battalion to ensure optimal performance and reliability of the radar equipment, including incorporating environmental control systems to regulate temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors within the radar facilities. In addition they will provide regular maintenance and repair are essential to keep the radar system operational and minimize downtime through routine maintenance operations and addressing any equipment failures or malfunctions promptly.

The facilities will include all necessary space and resources for storage facilities for spare parts, equipment, and supplies needed for maintenance and operation. Logistics facilities will also support ongoing operations, including receiving and distributing supplies and equipment.

Lastly the radar stations will provide living quarters and support facilities may be provided to accommodate radar personnel and support staff. Including barracks, dining facilities, recreational areas, and medical facilities, etc...

Lekhtusi Radar Station, Leningrad Oblast:
Location: Lekhtusi Radar Station, Leningrad Oblast
Coordinates: 60°16′31.65″N 30°32′45.66″E
Armavir Radar Station, Krasnodar Krai:
Location: Armavir Radar Station, Krasnodar Krai
Coordinates: 44°55′30.38″N 40°59′2.02″E
Pionersky Radar Station at former Dunayevka air base, Kaliningrad Oblast:
Location: Pionersky Radar Station, Kaliningrad Oblast
Coordinates: 54.857294°N 20.18235°E
Mishelevka Radar Station, Irkutsk Oblast:
Location: Mishelevka Radar Station, Irkutsk Oblast
Coordinates: 52°51′20.11″N 103°13′53.94″E
Near Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk Krai -
Location: Near Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk Krai
Coordinates: 58.506095°N 92.046072°E
Near Barnaul, Altai Krai:
Location: Near Barnaul, Altai Krai
Coordinates: 53°08′21.1″N 83°40′52.5″E
Near Orsk, Orenburg Oblast:
Location: Near Orsk, Orenburg Oblast
Coordinates: 51.273346°N 58.959030°E
Near Vorkuta, Komi - but not the former radar site:
Location: Near Vorkuta, Komi
Coordinates: 67°36′50.3″N 63°45′19.5″E
Near Olenegorsk, Murmansk Oblast -
Location: Near Olenegorsk, Murmansk Oblast
Coordinates: 68.090694°N 34.327539°E
Near Sevastopol, Crimean Peninsula:
Location: Near Sevastopol, Crimean Peninsula
Coordinates: 44.5788°N 33.3862°E


Olenegorsk-1, Olenegorsk, Kola Peninsula, Russia:
Location: Olenegorsk-1, Olenegorsk, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Coordinates: 68°6′59.63″N 33°55′8.69″E
Coordinates: 56°43′40.92″N 21°58′58.10″E
RO-30, Pechora Radar Station, Pechora, Komi Republic, Russia:
Location: Pechora Radar Station, Pechora, Komi Republic, Russia
Transmitter Coordinates: 65°12′36.59″N 57°17′43.38″E
Receiver Coordinates: 65°12′36.55″N 57°16′34.68″E
Details: In operation.
OS-1, Mishelevka Radar Station, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk, Russia:
Location: Mishelevka Radar Station, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk, Russia
Transmitter Coordinates: 52°51′20.11″N 103°13′53.94″E
Receiver Coordinates: 52°51′42.02″N 103°14′20.49″E
Location: Yeniseysk-15, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Transmitter Coordinates: 57°52′5.67″N 93°7′7.26″E
Receiver Coordinates: 57°52′24.22″N 93°6′28.09″E

The acquisition of additional radar systems and the establishment of radar facilities in strategic locations will enable us to improve our situational awareness, detect potential threats at an early stage, and respond effectively to emerging security challenges.

Acquire four additional radar systems to expand our airspace surveillance coverage and enhance our national security capabilities.
Negotiate agreements with Kazakistan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan to construct radar facilities within their territories, allowing for strategic placement and cooperation in airspace surveillance.
Strengthen regional security cooperation and foster diplomatic relations with neighboring countries through collaborative efforts in enhancing airspace surveillance and security.
Enhance interoperability and information-sharing mechanisms with partner countries to facilitate coordinated responses to potential security threats and crises.

By acquiring additional radar systems and negotiating agreements with neighboring countries for the construction of radar facilities, we can significantly enhance its airspace surveillance capabilities, strengthen regional security cooperation, and foster diplomatic relations with partner countries. We believe that these initiatives will contribute to the collective security and stability of our region, while also promoting mutual trust and cooperation among neighboring nations.

Hantsavichy Radar Station (often listed as Baranavichy), Kleck-2, Belarus:
Location: Hantsavichy Radar Station, Kleck-2, Belarus
Transmitter Coordinates: 52°49′59.95″N 26°28′31.83″E
Receiver Coordinates: 52°51′41.98″N 26°28′2.88″E

RO-5, Mukachevo Radar Station, Ukraine:
Location: Mukachevo Radar Station, Ukraine
Transmitter Coordinates: 48°23′6.56″N 22°48′1.72″E
Receiver Coordinates: 48°23′18.41″N 22°47′37.71″E

RO-7, Gabala Radar Station, Qabala, Azerbaijan:
Location: Gabala Radar Station, Qabala, Azerbaijan
Transmitter Coordinates: 40°52′16.62″N 47°48′32.25″E
Receiver Coordinates: 40°52′4.54″N 47°47′44.60″E

OS-2, Balkhash Radar Station, Sary Shagan, Kazakhstan:
Location: Balkhash Radar Station, Sary Shagan, Kazakhstan
Transmitter Coordinates: 46°35′19.48″N 74°27′59.19″E
Receiver Coordinates: 46°36′2.70″N 74°29′51.67″E

In the Alternative Sites we propose for consideration creation of new facilities in Germany & Poland.

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