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Saudi Arabia/ Call to the Republic of Turkey


Apr 8, 2021
Foreign Affairs Minister Saud bin Faisal would call the Turkish Minister of Foreign affairs İsmail Cem to discuss the Middle Eastern High Speed Rail Project, A potential arms and military Alliance, and Previously Discussed Trade deals.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs İsmail Cem would answer the call on a Secure line.

"Greetings Minister Faisal, how can I help you today?"


Apr 8, 2021
“Thank you for receiving my phone call minister Cem, I’ve been looking forward to further communication between our two states for quite some time and it has been several months and a new year since Our last communication via email. I come to speak to you first of the Middle Eastern Rail Project. As discussed in our last correspondence, it was to begin sometime soon after our email but we have not heard any further information. I have spoken to the Emirates, Kuwait, and Iraq on the matter and they have authorized the railroad to be constructed through their territory. We only need to get the Turkish Government’s approval in order to begin construction using our own state construction agencies. As discussed the rail line would connect major cities in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East letting nations have extremely better access to oil refined and drilled with Saudi Arabia. This line would also have tankers capable of transporting oil products to Turkey without loading them onto a large sea vessel. Our current coast analysis puts our portion as around $4,000,000,000 USD and the Turkish Equivalent at $3,000,000,000 USD. We will begin construction as soon as your government approves.”

“Next, I would like to inform you that our government has gained great interest in purchasing more Turkish weaponry after their high performance in Testing. Our Ministry of Defense would like to order 200 FNSS ACV-15 APC, 10 G-class, Oliver Hazard Variant Frigates, 80 TRG-300 TIGER Missile systems, 3 Osman Gazi-class Landing Ships, and 2 Replenishment vessels. With heightened worldwide instability we must do what we can to defend our lands and this means an expansion of our inventory of weapons. We have reduced our active military personnel to only 35,000 in order to create a more dedicated and organized force and we would like to potentially in the future work with Turkey and its huge military might. With our Economic power and your diplomatic and Military force we could become two of the major players in the worldwide stage as I’m sure you would agree. My counterpart, the Minister of Defense will contact your Ministry of defense on a possible joint trading operation that I’m sure you would be interested in.”
“As for trade, we would like to authorize an additional two Tanker 2300 Vessels carrying crude oil to be sent to Turkey as we are about to increase the National output and begin the construction of multiple offshore Oilwells that will reach areas not touched by our operations yet. If you approve it could further our Economies and could lead to a new source of fuel for Turkey as we could significantly cut prices if Turkey would be willing to invest in the soon to be Created ARAMCO corporation that will oversee national oil production. We are due to introduce ARMACO to the International stock markets in the coming months and we would be able to give Turkey a sizeable share of the company if willing.”

“What do you think minister?”


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Minister Cem would Reply

”With regards to the first mentioned, Turkey has approved the construction of the Middle Eastern Railway /Line to commence promptly with the $4,000,000,000 mentioned to be immediately allocated to the project whoch we believe could finish before the start of this year. We have put to work numerous domestic agencies and state fun contractors that are at this very moment preparing for the construction of the Railway. We assume Saudi Arabia has already done the same and should be ready to start as well as you have contacted us on this matter. I believe the earlier agreement outlined additional information and technicals. We are currently contacting the South Korean Government on purchasing high speed Passenger rail that will run alongside Industrial and Cargo Transport As discussed.“

”As for the mentioned weapons, I have contacted TDS to alert them of your purchase amounting to a total of $6,078,000,000. Please transfer these funds securely in order for production to commence. In regards to a military alliance I have contacted the Presidency and the MoD and Turkey would be interested in organizing some sort of a mutually beneficial alliance between our two nations. We would be able To host a Arab Summit in Istanbul in the next few weeks to disscuss details regarding your offer. Please send us a full list of Ministers and personnel that Saudi Arabia plans to send and we will get back to you on that as soon as possible.“

“We will accept the Tanker 2300 Vessels and they can begin their shipments shortly as the MoF has displayed great pleasure in knowing that further trade between Turkey and Saudi Arabia can begin, though we would like to notify you that the initial deal regarding vessels being sent to Turkey has not been fulfilled and the promised oil has not been sent, if you would send those vessels as well we would very happy and begin using the Saudi Oil for supplying our Military and Civilian needs. ARMCO is an interesting proposition and we would be willing to invest in the company during this boom in the Oil market after the collapse of the Russian Oil wells after long periods of Instability there. Onto another topic, I would like to ask what the Saudi Government thinks of the current state of the State of Israel after the recent Turmoil in the Palestinian Region.”



Apr 8, 2021
“Very good, well Israel is definitely a sensitive topic to us... The one word I would describe them as is simply سيى, utterly awful. The atrocities they have committed over the years against the Muslim People are simply horrific, from the settlements and backing of insurgent groups in Palestine, to the occupation of eastern Egypt. They even continue these settlements after joining the GA! It’s as if they have no leash and can do what they want when they want. Of course though they deny any wrongdoing with excuses but we know they do not care for followers of Islam and only care for their pitiful religion that they think will protect them forever. We forbid travel to Israel and have not established diplomatic ties, nor will we ever. The issue is Israel has the backing of the west, we do not. In fact, the Americans will not even sell us military equipment after being longstanding allies with them for years! We are “not a democracy” I suppose... But still, Israel can’t be touched diplomatically and we do not border them anyway so we cannot conduct military operations anyway. In all Saudi Arabia has a great deal of hate towards the Israelis and I’m assuming that as a fellow followers of Islam, Turkey feels the same.”
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People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“I must agree, Turkey shares the same view on Israel and their continued ignorance and complete disregard for the rights of Muslims is despicable. We though cannot take action against Israel without substantial cause and the Grand National Assembly is divided on the issue. There are some on the left who believe a reconnection with Israel is in Turkey’s best interest but the ruling Right Party believes that Israel should be reigned in though there is still doubt as to if action should be taken. We are currently establishing an advanced Ballistic Missile system based on Korean Equipment that will be shown to the world when activated and make the Israelis know that we can and will strike them if they make one wrong move. Additionally if they think they can develop their own missile system we recently acquired MIM 104 Patriot SAM which are proven to take down hostile missiles. We also have long range bombers that able to strike all major Israeli cities And if you would allow us, we could position aircraft on Saudi Air-fields. As to the Joint military operation we would definitely agree to a joint military training and we would like to request if the Operation could be held in Saudi Arabia as it has a unique environment and would be excellent for our troops. We would send our C-130 Transports loaded with troops, and total up to 10,000 Personnel. We would also send on separate missions 50 BMC-380 Trucks on Cargo Vessels and 20 Otokar Akrep APVs. Ground Attack Aircraft would also be flown in after the current training operation is complete.”


Apr 8, 2021
“Very Well, the Defense Ministry will be alerted immediately so that aircraft can land at King Fahd Air Force Base where they will then be readied for the Training Operation. We will be deploying our Al Shibl Armored Vehicles and Challenger Tanks alongside the Turkish Armored Equipment. In addition I would like to ask about the status of the various purchases made by Saudi Arabia for Turkish Weaponry and when these will be delivered?”


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Ah, well these will be completed shortly, we are simply gathering our inventory and will begin soon.”

“As for the Railroad construction I mentioned earlier, that will be started very very soon and I’m sure you will be keeping up your end as well, yes?”

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