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Saudi Arabia/Egypt- Phonecall

Feb 4, 2021
With the Minister currently in Hanoi, the call would be passed through the switchboard to the Assistant Minister for the Middle East, Hesso Ganem, who was reading a book in his office.

His secretary, Ahmed, hurried in, talking about some call from Saudi Arabia.

"Well, can't you see I'm busy?" the Minister snapped, gesturing to his book. "And I've got to deal with this flight crash, and Israel, and-"

"You're the Minister for the Middle East." Ahmed pointed out.

"I have a deputy Minister." Ganem retorted.

"Who is dealing with the flight crash."

Reluctantly, Ganem closed the book, and picked up the phone.

"Hello Minister, this is Assistant Minister Hesso Ganem speaking. What can I do for you?

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Jul 12, 2018

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Apr 8, 2021
“This is Foreign Minister Faisal Speaking of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I would like to dive into the current matters occurring in the Middle East and Egypt’s opinion on the matter. Right now we have learned that a Civilian 747 airliner has been shot down which I believe the Egyptian government has already mentioned but also what is the Egyptian Opinion on the Rights of Palestinian People living in Palestine or Israel? Egypt, being a nation that is close in proximity to the region, has a considerable Influence, and a major Arab world superpower could influence any of the events going on right now, so the Government has decided to see how Egypt will respond, how will it respond Minister? Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Minister, we fully support Israel. And a shooting down of this plane only adds to our opposition to Turkey and support for Israel. Turkey must stop acting like the Policeman of the Middle East. I may also mention that Saudi Arabia has a considerable influence as well. You may also influence events, if you do it right. What side are you on?"

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Apr 8, 2021
Irritated, the Minister would respond
“Well… I would say the side of freedom and justice for all Arabs Assistant Minister, and Saudi Arabia is on that side. We do not choose a specific side but what the King feels as best, and right now we see the Actions of Turkey to be possibly heavy handed but still necessary in the face of Israels oppression. Palestine as you know has been oppressed for many years and Egypt has also be oppressed by Israel for a long time, after all Egypt has been in four wars in the last century with Israel. Why can I ask, does the Egyptian Administration whatsoever support Israel? They have done nothing for Egypt and while Turkey may have done nothing for Us, they are fellow Arabs and are defending Arab Rights. Why do you support Israel, it just makes no sense. The people of Egypt don’t want it, your neighbors don’t want it, no one supports Israel and you get nothing out of it. To be honest, your administration seems very suspicious, has Israel somehow interfered in the recent elections?
Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
Minister Ganem smiled and leant back on his chair.

“Can I speak frankly to you? Us helping Israel is as strange as Turkey interfering in Israel and Palestine. I suppose… we can’t let Turkey interfere so close to our border.” He paused, and swung around on his chair. Then, suddenly, he let out a bark of laughter. “And we don’t want Israel as an enemy, not after… 1948, 1967 and 1973. We all lost, and only Israel won.”



Apr 8, 2021
Excuse me? Turkey is assisting fellow Muslims, and why aren’t you a Muslim yourself? Not to mention, have you even seen the might of the Turkish Army? They number in the Hundreds of Thousands and I think the pitiful wars that, mind you, we helped you with were fought with equipment that was far outdated and useless against the modern Israeli Armed Forces. Now the tides have turned and we have the upper hand, you really think that by supporting Israel you will avoid another war? I urge the current administration to reconsider and soon, meddling in things that you know will have all of the Middle East Angered by is not a smart step.”
Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
Minister Ganem thought for a long time, then spoke. “I think… I think I should consult the Prime Minister. You have certainly opened my eyes, Minister.” He paused. “It remains whether we shall actually militarily intervene without setting off the US. Although we don’t approve of the Americans acting as a world policeman… well, Egypt is keen not to have the international community keep- or, rather, enforce- peace in Palestine.”



Apr 8, 2021
“Very good, I hope you make sure this reaches the upper escholons of the Egyptian Government because I don’t know if they are blind or what but they have to understand that they are ruling against the Public Interest. And when the public interest is disregarded you will get another 1952.

In regard to the Americans, they might feel all big and powerful after Iraq which they invaded with good cause but they cannot hurt us or any others in the Middle East,in fact right now a spending bill was just passed by the king to increase the Saudi Armed forces and we think that the Americans would never interfere in the region where all of their precious black gold comes from. If Egypt supports Palestine, I can guantee you that Saudi Arabia will send literally send barrels of black gold to Egypt for free which would boost the Egyptian economy tenfold. Anyway if Turkey acts, we will too and we can artificially decrease the cost of Oil and the entire U.S. economy and their own oil sector would sink. We could also just withhold it altogether from them but that would hurt the Saudi Economy immensely.”
Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
“Very well. I shall email the President, who’s currently in Warsaw for the peace talks. In a few hours our position will have taken a U-turn in the Middle East. Now, with trade, of course we would like a trade deal. It seems that we do have the advantage- Egypt has the Suez Canal, Saudi Arabia has oil, and Turkey has soldiers. May I ask what Saudi Arabia intends to do with regards to Israel now? Are you considering military action?”



Apr 8, 2021
“Minister, honestly I can’t tell you that. Until Egypt presents its new opinion to the international community such info is too sensitive to share. Once Egypt formally states its hopefully new opinion, we can discuss this much further, in fact at the start of your administration, we Belived that Egypt could become a strong ally with us and I don’t see why this can’t still happen. I think The Turks may have a hard time with forgiving Egypt but over time if you change I could see the Middle East become United again under a common cause. How does this sound Minister?”
Thomas R. Jones
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Feb 4, 2021
“Of course. We shall look to joining the joint condemnation of Israel in the next few days. We shall also divert our forces to be directed against Israel.”

Unless the Foreign Minister had anything else to say, Minister Ganem would put the phone down.

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