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Slavic Affairs | Poland


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The cold February wind howled through the walls of the Kremlin as winter continued in the Russian capital. The grand chamber, dimly lit, saw flickering lights from the lit candle. President Boris Nemtsov sat at the head of a long, worn table, the dark wood. His fingers drummed lightly on the surface.

The acting head of the SVR stood at the table's edge, his hands clasped behind his back as he looked at the President. "Mr. President, the revolution in Ukraine as we are learning is becoming of increase concern. The regime that has taken power will likely be no friend to us—and the longer we wait, the more this infection spreads." Nemtsov’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he listened, his hands folded in front of him.

"The SVR believes that if we move swiftly with a direct military response we can secure Ukraine under a pro-Russian government. If we do not act soon, the region will fall completely under whoever can spend capital to influence these rebels. The next step for Ukraine could easily be membership in Thailand's axis of resistance. Need I say more that Ukraine is armed with Russian strategic bombers, aircraft, ships, and other systems."

"I hear you, Director. But war?" Nemtsov shook his head, as if the very suggestion tasted sour in his mouth. "War is a sword that cuts both ways, and I will not draw it lightly. We are not the Empire of the Tsars, to bleed out our resources on foreign soil. Ukraine is not worth the ruin of our people. I will not condemn our two people to bloodshed so needlessly."

The SVR Chief’s eyes flickered, but he did not flinch.
"Then what is your plan, Mr. President? To speak to the Ukrainians as friends? What will words do against their Socialist masters?"

Nemtsov rose from his chair slowly as he looked outside the window.
"We will not spill Russian blood at the first instance of dissatisfaction. Diplomacy is still possible. Not war." He turned his gaze back to his intelligence chiefs. "Diplomacy instead of war is not weakness. It is strength. It is the new Russia the people elected me for, and the mandate which I carry in this office."

The Chief nodded but then turned a page in the report. "I understand you Mr. President. But there is another issue to consider. Our analysts have also pointed at Thailand as a potential culprit for these events. Reports indicate that the country’s new socialist regime is actively exporting communist ideology to various factions in the region. They will be likely trying to foster ties with the Ukrainian revolutionaries, seeing them as part of a broader anti-Western alliance."

Nemtsov shook his head. "Director, Thailand is not a boogeyman which you can conjure to sway my opinion." Nemtsov said taking a look at the report. "Let us be sensible here. Really."

The SVR Chief, clearly dismayed, tried to mask his frustration but nevertheless let a glimpse get away. Nemtsov looked at the Director.
"And what do you propose, then? We invade Thailand next?" There was an awkward pause. From the back of the room, a voice cut through the tension. Mili, the Director General for Russia's GRU interjected. "I don’t believe this is our fight, sir. Thailand is not going to fall to some foreign ideology overnight. The situation there is more local—tied to internal struggles, not something we need to intervene in. They are too far from our immediate interests, and their focus is more on religious factions than expanding communist influence."

The SVR Chief shook his head.
"Religious fanatics. They are damn communists for crying out loud. We are not crusaders, chasing shadows across the fields of the world. We are trying to stop Thailand from creating a forward operating base on our border."We must act, or risk losing everything. The rebellion is spreading, and Thailand—Thailand, Mr. President—is already stirring. Their socialist regime has set its eyes on expansion, fueling revolutions, spreading chaos in the name of a new red resistance. There is fighting in the streets of Ukraine against this regime, if we do not act we will lose the narrow window of opportunity we have been afford.

Albrecht, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, raised her hand. "Might I suggest that the President is correct? If we intervene hastily in this situation—especially given the intelligence we have is rather limited—we risk strengthening the regime in Kyiv. Much like the Iraqis inadvertently solidified Iran's power after the 1979 revolution, we could be consolidating control within this new Ukrainian leadership. Let us not forget, the people on the streets include neo-Nazis and far-right militants, who, after dealing with the Communists, would have no hesitation in turning their violence toward Russians. The very unity of the Slavic Union is at stake. If we allow this revolution to continue unchecked, it could sever our ties with our neighbors. I believe the President should consult with the Polish King and then engage directly with the Ukrainians. He must set a clear red line and issue a firm warning. However, if we can get Poland involved, that would do a great deal to maintain our global image. Moreover, it'll add legitimacy to our talks with the Ukranians."

Nemtsov’s gaze turned towards his foreign minister. Appreciating her support. Poland—the key to Russia’s future, its strength in the region. He felt the weight of history pressing on his shoulders as the clock ticked on the wall. Each second added up as he could decide the future of the region. "Poland is indeed our ally in this. We cannot afford to lose them. We must keep the plans for our Slavic Union intact, no matter the cost. I will not sacrifice months of hard work over this."

The SVR Chief, his voice tinged with impatience, pushed forward again, unwilling to let his proposal slip into the cracks. "With all due respect, Minister, we cannot afford to wait for others to act while the situation in Ukraine deteriorates. Every moment we delay, the threat grows stronger. If we don't respond, we risk losing influence in the region. We cannot let these radicals gain a foothold, not when they pose a direct threat to our security. I urge you to reconsider—our response must be swift and unequivocal."

Boris shook his head, realizing this conversation was going nowhere. "Gentlemen, Ladies, I think this session has gone far beyond its usefulness. Madame Foreign Minister set up a call with the Polish King and then the Ukranian Leadership. I will not allow this madness to consume my own council."

With that, Albrecht would have the President's secretary arrange a call, directly to the Polish King saying it was President Nemtsov of Russia wishing to speak with His Highness regarding the situation in Ukraine and Thailand emphasizing it was urgent. With that, a secured and encrypted line was sent to Poland.



GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
King Stanislaus Grabowski sat at his desk, the morning sun casting a pale light on the intelligence report spread out before him. As he sifted through the details of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, his brow furrowed. The situation was far more volatile than he had initially imagined, and the growing insurgency was clearly poised to change the landscape of Eastern Europe. The report detailed a rising tide of chaos: from the workers' revolt at Azovstal in Mariupol, to the bloody clashes between anarchists, communists, and far-right nationalists that now defined the streets of Kyiv, Kharkiv, and beyond.

The King paused, leaning back in his chair, his mind already calculating the diplomatic and strategic ramifications. The report detailed how a radical shift was taking place—an underground movement dubbed the Black Revolution was gathering momentum. It was evident that Ukraine was teetering on the edge, with power slipping away from the government as factions vied for control.

It was against this backdrop that the secure line buzzed. The King’s own personal secretary entered the room and handed him a note.

Your Majesty, President Nemtsov of Russia requests a conversation regarding Ukraine and Thailand.

The King gave a brief, acknowledging nod. “Very well. Prepare the call,” he said. As the secure line was established, the King, still deep in thought, settled into his chair. His fingers gently traced the edges of the report before he picked up the phone.

President Nemtsov, it seems the cold winds of Moscow have found their way to Warsaw this morning. I hope all is well and I trust you are doing well despite the...turbulence in Ukraine. What weighs so heavily on your mind that you felt the need to call me directly rather than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

The King's tone was warm yet regal as he spoke, giving off a level of warmness and friendship to Poland's largest, and closest, ally. He would listen intently to the response from the Russian president, occasionally glancing at the detailed report that sat on his desk, his expression bore a careful mask of professionalism.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Your Majesty, it is a pleasure," Boris said as he placed his feet on his desk, picking up the cigar on the rack and placing in his mouth, giving it a big puff as he listened to the Polish King speak.

"Yes, it seems that the winds of Moscow have found their way into Warsaw today," Boris said with a chuckle. "The turbulence in Ukraine is indeed becoming of great concern to my administration. A civil war in Ukraine is not in our national interest as neighboring states, and an anarcho-communist religious fanatical regime would equally not be in our interests." Boris said, looking at the SVR report on his desk between the puffs of smoke he let out.

"Your Majesty, the situation is of serious concern that the Russian armed forces may undertake action to evict actors that constitute a threat to the Federation and its interests. I appreciate your government's support, however, I felt the need to discuss the situation with you. I plan to speak with President Yushchenko to offer him my support against the revolutionaries and also explain that if Thai troops or volunteers enter Ukraine, Russia would consider them legitimate military targets and strike them accordingly."

Boris said with a sigh. "Unfortunately, that is a red line for my administration. I have come to understand that your government has working relations with Thailand, and I hope you would relay our seriousness to their officials." Boris said with a pause as he took a puff from the cigar before placing it down on the rack. "Secondly, I hope that I could discuss my administration's hope to advance initial talks on the formation of the Slavic Union, including Russia, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, and the Czech Republic."

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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
"The turbulence in Ukraine is certainly concerning, President Nemtsov. It is also my position on the matter that it is not in Poland's national interest to have an anarcho-communist religious fanatical regime as a neighbor."

"In regards to the possibility of foreign actors intervening in the Ukrainian crisis, Poland agrees with Russia's stance. Foreign actors such as Thailand, the United States, or even France or German would further destabilize the nation or the entire region itself. During your talks with President Yushchenko, please pass along our support as well. While we do have a working relationship with Thailand that as before they became a communist or socialist nation. Whichever they prefer to be called these days."

"As for what support Poland is ready to offer immediately, we can offer a safe location for Ukrainian governmental officials seeking asylum from the revolutionaries. We are also prepared to defend Ukraine from foreign actors from intervening on the regional issue of the revolution. As for Thailand, we can attempt to pass along that information but our diplomatic channels, from what I understand, are mostly ceremonial with Thailand just now rebuilding the Polish embassy."

"I for one am eager to begin talks regarding the formation of the Slavic Union our representatives had discussed in their prior meeting."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I appreciate your concern on the matter Your Majesty. Unfortunately, I dare say, the ship on who our neighbor will be seems to have sailed. Unless we wish to force regime change on Kyiv it looks like we have to now find a way to deal with the anarcho-communists residing on our border.

My primary concern is to ensure that Ukraine does not become a forward operating base for Thailand. It seems that President Yuschenko and his allies have been removed from power and a new government is running the show. Out of a desire to avoid fueling Russophobia in Kyiv I have extended an invitation to meet with the new leaders to test the water.

However I believe we must consider our own plans whether military action or enhancing our strategic ties to the level of forming a Slavic Union. It is safe to say Russia has had no stronger ally than Poland in recent decades and I personal wish to see that taken to the next level."



GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
"As I am sure you are aware, Mr. President, our history with Communism and Socialism is not one of sunshine and rainbows. However, it is our current belief that interfering with Ukraine at this juncture would be unwise for any parties. Poland has considered Ukraine to be a sister nation since I came into power and we would like to work towards with having amicable relations with the Ukrainians lest they set their sights upon neighboring nations to expand their influence.

We share that same concern. Thailand's encroachment into Europe is something that must not be led to continue past Turkey. Much like the Ottomans in 1683, Poland will force invaders out of the continent and back to Turkey. If not further. We are also concerned with France's level of involvement with Ukraine as well as Syria. With their expansion of their Navy and their ability to project power, it has become a level of concern should they wish to influence our allies.

As for our own plans, I am eager to begin discussing these with you. I whole-heartedly believe that Poland and Russia together will be able to stem the tidal wave of Communism that seems to becoming more popular these days. As well as curbing the influence of Thailand within Europe and the Middle East. It has also long been a goal of mine to form a Slavic Union between nations where we can work together to ensure democracy and human rights when needed while also expanding and developing nations into the modern era. Whether that be through diplomacy, economic assistance, or even assistance with peacekeeping forces. It is my belief that the Global Assembly has been swallowed by bureaucracy, much like its predecessor, the United Nations, did. I feel that if the Slavic Union were to expand our influence to the whole of the Slavic Region and Scandinavia we would be able to provide the assistance the GA is no longer capable of providing."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"On our sisterly relationship with Ukraine, I believe we can agree on," Boris said with a pause finding the right words before continuining. "I believe that we must be pragmatic with the fact not only in Kyiv but also in Türkiye, Columbia, and likely elsewhere socialist movements are emerging and we must work to disentangle Thailand's monopoly over this growing number of likeminded nations. At the very least, in Ukraine and Türkiye we can not afford to let Thailand aquire a base of operations to springboard further revolution into Europe." Nemtsov said rubbing his eyes.

"I very much agree with your views on a Slavic Union. While I had initially sought to create a wider European Union, I believe Europe's divisions and discrimination against Slavs makes such a project difficult in the short term. I hope that you will support my mission to host preliminary talks by our heads of government in Moscow with Ukraine, Poland, and Russia to create a framework for this union."



GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
"In regards to Turkey, we must already assume the new Turkish government will allow the Thai to keep their Turkish base there for the foreseeable future. As for Columbia, that is directly out of our sphere of influence but I can certainly pass a message along to our American friends to keep a watch in their basement for possible rats. For the current Turkish-Thai problem, we will work through official diplomatic channels to try and secure Europe from any incursion less the Hussars have to stretch their wings once more.

I feel I must correct my previous statement regarding Scandinavia as a whole. Denmark and Norway have proven to be friendly with Poland in the past but I cannot say I agree with Sweden's continued occupation of South Africa after their unilateral decision to occupy the sovereign territory of another nation. As for the talks in Moscow, Poland will be present there with an open mind to assist creating this framework to the best of our ability."


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