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Spain | Contacting the British


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our Air Force is currently making plans with deploying one Tanker Aircraft towards Zimbabwe to help other nations in the UZACOM and GAPFOR-Zimbabwe reach their destination safely, I do believe that Spanish Tankers and the Globemaster as compatible? We currently use Boom Tankers."

"Regarding the Western Alliance, at the moment is just a possible idea, where nations of the western world unite under a military alliance and help defend each other in times of war or if one would come under the attack of another nation. I believe that by uniting various nations in this organization, it would become harder for rogue nations and other unsavoury leaders to try and cause chaos. There's a saying, one sheet of paper, alone in his might and resolve, is easily ripped with two hands. However various sheets of paper united in harmony, cannot be easily ripped with two hands." He would be saying this while pulling out a sheet of paper from his briefcase and shredding it a apart, then taking out a book he was reading and try to rip it but couldn't.

"I believe that a military alliance between nations can only bring peace and a firm ground towards this agents. Do you share the same idea?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That would be correct in relation to the tanker, however, this would require us to stop the Globemaster at Gibraltar to refuel, then an air to air refuel just to get to Zimbabwe. This would need the same journey back so I think this may be resource intensive for yourselves, No? If so, then we are happy to oblige and I can arrange for deliveries to begin within the week." responded the British Delegate. "On terms of alliances.. the Nordic Council, what are your thoughts and initial impressions on that bloc? They have invited us to join them as a full member, and it is currently including Germany as an observer, and Norway then Sweden."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After checking his phone for a few second while excusing himself. "I believe that Zimbabwe just fell into anarchy, its government as totally collapsed and no real authority figure now exists which connected it to Government we were working with. I don't believe that staying in the nation without any figure to lead it is the way to go, as the Kingdom of Spain only works with struggling nations with permission form their host, as such we will be removing our forces from the region. We thank you for your support and willingness to help." He would pause.

"We have not had dealings with the Nordic Council since its creation, so I can't really give a opinion on it. We do have good relations with Sweden, Germany and we are planning to contact Norway in the near future. However I trust that its a council that focuses on peace, prosperity and stability in the region. It would be something the Kingdom of Spain would consider to join as a observer first to work with it for the betterment of the region. As you said you were invited to it, what were your opinions on it? Does the United Kingdom consider it a future replacement of the defunt NATO?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That is understandable and of course, if you do require any assistance going forward, do let me know. Hopefully we might see some home-brewing stability in the region going forward but I suppose it will be a matter of waiting to see what happens over time. We feel the Nordic Council is beneficial and certainly has aspects of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation but perhaps more in common with what was once the European Union. Perhaps more of a combination of the two but it's something we are still looking into. It definitely looks promising, though. Speaking of Sweden, might I inquire as to your policy on Antarctica?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I agree with you, for now we must wait from the sidelines hopeful that, that nation will be able to ressurge. I thank you for your support on this matter." He would smile

"We believe in the eyes of the law that what Argentina did was bordering on a international crime in our view, there are other ways to solve these issues in the world without the use of aggression and weapons, we have democratic channels that can be used to prevent this, easily and with effectiveness." He would pause

"While we will not dispute the current claims made by Sweden, we will also not drop our own claims to the region, however...we shall not pursue them since they are based on very..very old treaties, but valid treaties none the less." He would pause again.

"Now..we believe that Sweden as every right to put a claim on the continent." He would say firmly opening both his hands forward, and then put his finger tapping two times on the table.

"However we will be honest it was a bit far fetched to claim it in its entirety." He would lean slightly back and chuckle. But would turn serious within a second or two.

"I believe that the continent can be claimed and nations with valid interests can lay a claim on it and pursue them just as Sweden as done, there is nothing wrong with this. But it needs to mean that the continent would be environmentally protected. This is paramount to Spain... that this continent remains untouched, only scientific personnel should be allowed there to gather information, new knowledge about it and its history. For this to be achieved it should remain demilitarized."

"I hope that you can understand my point of view, as this is our standing for now the time being, however we do honestly hope that Argentina and Sweden can come to terms on this issue, and even perhaps become friendly towards one another."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That is understandable, I figure it has now turned back into a waiting game to understand the next turn of events in the Antarctic Saga. All we can do is hope it doesn't escalate into conflict involving military units again and remains discussed at a political level until resolved. Perhaps we may see a situation where it remains disputed for years to come but only time will tell.
As much as we'd like to continue to discuss that, there is one agenda that I think you would probably like to turn to as well. Romania and Moldova which seems to be kicking up a fuss in the news and seems to be diverting unwanted eyes in Europe to an escalating threat. We've seen your government place sanctions on Romania, do you have much knowledge on the whole situation? We're attempting to get what intelligence we can on the matter but it seems a bit.. he said she said."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The Romania and Moldova issue is a difficult one I must say, You see, we were contacted by the Romanians, regarding trade, we made the deal with them for a few trade routes, which is when we asked what they were doing regarding Moldova. They out right said they were going to invade, because they don't believe that they should be sovereign, and neither have a culture. Which is worrying."

"Now, they attacked Moldova an a war is ensuing over there. We have spoken to both Germany, Ukraine and Russia. Spain consideres this a threat to the security of Europe, as we fear it can escalate to a bigger conflict. And a conflict in Europe again is off the agenda! Europe as suffered enough with wars. As such we asked support by these three nations, Germany and Ukraine approved of Spain sending a carrier fleet over as a show of force, trying to put some sense into the Romanians. And the Russia slightly approved it but they are sending their own carrier fleet, and will impose a no flying zone over Moldova and Romania. Which I believe is escalating the event. We can perhaps cooperate with them, but we are unsure. Perhaps a the UK could send a couple of vessels with the Spanish ones to show that Europe is united in stopping this conflict? We asked Germany but they are unable to provide support due to economic restraints, however Diplomatically we have their full support. Ukraine may be intervening too."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That is concerning with the escalating conflict, I would like to be hopeful for a peaceful resolution but if they are that abrupt about it, I would be surprised by such. It certainly is a concern to European Security and we are definitely advocates of peace. There has been a tasking to deploy a frigate to the Black Sea but this is subject to approval from Ukraine, whom we are yet to get confirmation from, and now a new Turkish Government may provide new issues depending on their cooperation relating to using the strait. Additionally, with the involvement from Russia growing, I feel the more parties involved, the worse the situation would escalate." spoke Andrew. "We will continue to monitor it from afar and our Royal Navy Frigate, providing Ukraine approves, will hopefully be up close to review the situation."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, however there's also the possibility that if the number of nations continue to grow and more support grows towards stopping the conflict, it could make them reel their aggressive rhetoric and stop the invasion in its tracks, which is why the Republic of Spain is trying to use all diplomatic channels available to stop this war. We do not want to resort to violence, because in violence, its only the people that suffer. Regarding the Turkish Dilema, that as also put a dent in our carrier fleet, as I do not believe they will let us pass through, so I believe that downgrading our carrier fleet to one destroyer and one frigate would be more appropriate for this action.

Speaking of Straits, I do not believe Turkey is acting for the best out come, while the straits are not very useful for Atlantic nations such as ourselves, it poses a slight threat towards the unimpeeded trade flow, and it could be a Turkish leverage on Russia and Black Sea Nations, while they do have every right over their straits, I believe that, cooperation is the best tool a nation as at its disposal, and not confrontation."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That is true, unfortunately waiting to see what occurs next is probably the only way forward. Cooperation is certainly at the top of the agenda for any deployments in the region due to the Black Sea but we are more than happy to commit alternative assets to carry out monitoring activities. Hopefully the Global Assembly will be convened to act and prevent it turning into a bigger conflict than it already is. We will aid in maintaining the peace where possible though. I am not sure of Russia's involvement as it seems a bit out of no where, but hopefully everyone's intentions are good for those deploying."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe that Russian intentions are... fair. To be honest, its a conflict on a former Soviet Union member, in the Black Sea, from a clearly Fascist Government, I believe it was bound to happen that Russia would try to intervene, however we are reassured that Ukraine is also doing their own diplomatic intervention, I do believe Ukraine is very trustworthy when it comes to these disputes, and has a good moral compass. Though I have to raise the point that, while the Romanian Army should be far superior to Moldova, I do give credit to the Moldovan Army for holding their ground and even pushing into Romania, which is something we don't see very often."

"Following up on the talks about cooperation, how does the United Kingdom feel about a possible joint exercise with the US,Germany and Sweden, hosted in Spain? We have spoken to Sweden and they are open to the idea of a Counter-attack on Amphious Operations, which is something our Armies should always be ready to face in a event of a possible conflict with a stronger naval power."

Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It certainly could be fair, I don't mean just Russia but in general. A lot of parties have opportunities to take advantage of the situation to benefit themselves in some way so naturally, some governments will make calculated decisions to achieve their goals. In relation to an exercise, it is something we are open too but I feel that premise may be rushed. The UK and Spain haven't had an exercise yet, so inviting a further three countries is open to create confusion and not provide effective training. My suggestion would be to embark on more personal training with those countries individually before committing to such a large scale one. The UK already has an exercise due to take place with Sweden, and a planned exercise in Germany. Perhaps another exercise could take place in Spain just between ourselves? If you are happy to host?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That's what we are afraid off, nations taking advantage of others, its always the political game. You might be right actually, it would be best to increase our inter operation ability as friend countries. In the event of a conflict, both Spanish and British Armies would work more efficiently together. We are more than happy to host this exercise. I believe that both our nations operate similar Aircraft Carriers, perhaps a exercise based on Carrier Operations? Our aircraft landing on your carrier and doing missions from it, and vice versa, this would not only train our navies in this important branch of operations, but it would also increase their ability to carry out said missions for other carriers, which would mean that they were not forces to work with just their nations carrier.

What do you think?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"An aircraft carrier focused exercise is possible but it may not be viable for a couple of months. Our Maritime Strike Group are going to be shortly engaged in exercise with a Swedish Fleet before their return back to the UK. Following their return, they will be replaced by a new maritime group. It's possible to either postpone the exercise until after the new Maritime Group deploys, or look for an alternative exercise. I am happy to comply with either option. Unless, perhaps, a carrier operation but where UK Aircraft work on board your own carrier perhaps? with a couple of frigates of sort to support it. In a practical sense, this would mean British Forces operating under Spanish Command. If that's something you'd be keen to do?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We are happy to see Britain and Sweden working together too, really says something about how European Nations can rely on each other. Hmm...Yes perhaps your last idea is something we are interested in, it would mean that British Aircraft can learn to operate on diferent carriers, and the Spanish Command can be more effective on commanding different forces from other nationalities, while both would gain more experience on carrier operation. Do we agree?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That sounds perfect, we are happy to accommodate for times and dates best for yourself so if you would like to advise of a best date for this to take place, we can make the necessary arrangements from our point of view to get our forces moved. It will consist of harriers and if possible, helicopters. We would ideally need to know how many we would be able to send for the exercise due to the expected limited space for aircraft from both nations."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'll have our Secretary of Defense handle these details, as he is more versed on this that I am." he would chuckle "Then it is settled, a British-Spanish exercise will be made." He would be noticeably happy about the agreement.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Great stuff, we'll no doubt see some amazing strides forward for British and Spanish Cooperation, something I long to see." there was a moment of silence as the Prime Minister collected his thoughts. "I shall be honest, I have nothing further on the agenda with the exercise in the works. Unless you have anything else you'd like to discuss?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"This meeting was very fruitful and it cemented a relationship, hopeful, one like non other. I've also have spoken about everything I've wished to say. It was very nice to meet you, and I'm overjoyed with the future." He would extend his hand for a handshake.

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