GA Member
- Jul 1, 2018
- 2,732
Republic of Spain
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To the Honourable Secretary of Defense Mr. John Glass Odinson
To the Honourable Secretary of State for Defence Mr. Jason Green Jamie
We formally invite your Armed Forces to participate in the first global naval exercise, AEGIS I "Atlantic Exercise for Grand Intercontinental Security", this first exercise will involve the use of our surface and under-water assets, working together in teams and as enemy, to better prepare our naval forces for the challenges we will face in the present and in the future. It is paramount that our navies remain as prepared as ever, to face adversity and dangers, from naval engagements, to anti-piracy patrols.
The first AEGIS will focus on Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface warfare, using our naval capabilities to track, finds and destroy assets from the opposing force, be it in close proximity or long range. We invite the use of Aircraft Carriers as they form a core integral part of a strong navy, however it is not needed to participate. In terms of number of vessels, if your nation accepts this invitation, it is require to have available a maximum of least four Vessels with Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface capabilities, two submarines, and a logistic support vessel to provide support to the fleet. The Location of the exercise will be in the center of the Atlantic, however Spanish military ports will be available for all vessels that will participate in the exercise to dock and rest.
In terms of funding, the Spanish Republic will offer the largest portion for the exercise, which will be 500,000,000$, while your nations in order to participate will need to transfer 200,000,000$. Making the total of the funding for the exercise 1,100,000,000$ billion dollars.
With great appreciation and kind regards,
Secretary of Defence of the Spanish Republic
The Honourable Mr. Gustavo Suárez Pertierra