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State of Affairs | America


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Boris Nemtsov sat in the Oval Office, staring at the map of Chechnya spread across the table. His eyes traced the mountain ranges, the villages dotting the region. Dimitry Smirnoff stood beside him, arms crossed, his expression hard. Finally, Dimitry spoke, his voice low.

"Boris, I wouldn’t worry too much about the situation in Chechnya right now. We’ve got enough resources on the ground. I'll talk to the GRU and FSB, and make sure they’re on top of things."

Boris nodded, before saying what was on his mind. "But this attack in London… it could spark something. The terrorists might see it as a signal. If they get inspired, we could be looking at a resurgence of resistance in the region. Worse yet, a radical extremist movement aong with a national liberation movement would be catastrophic."

"I wouldn't put that much worry. Alkhanov has been holding the line in Chechnya. If anything were to change it would be his head rolling first. I doubt he'd let that happen."

Boris leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed as his fingers tapped rhythmically on the table. "
I know. That's what concerns me, Dasha. We've been holding the line in Chechnya, but if this spreads…we’ll have another front to manage. And we can’t afford that right now."

Dimitry shifted his stance slightly, "I'll handle it. Between the GRU and FSB, we’ll keep it contained. But this isn’t just about security forces, Boris. We have to consider the ideological impact too. The people are watching how we handle London, and how we respond to these kinds of attacks. It sends a message, both to our enemies and to those who might be thinking about picking up arms. People want to see a leader who can protect them. There is already panic with people fleeing public spots over false threats or pure Islamophobia."

Nemtsov nodded, his mind already turning to another pressing matter. "Speaking of which, I want to talk to Sinclair. It would be a good sign for the world that Russia and America are on the same page regarding the attack in London as well as a potential response."

Dimitry frowned, his distrust of the Americans no hidden secret within the walls of the Kremlin. "Sinclair might be playing the long game here, Boris. I don't trust the Americans. Not fully. They’ll cooperate when it suits them, but you know how it goes. They’ve got their own interests. We need to watch our back."

Boris shrugged. "Granting Russia an exemption—he took a real bullet for us. He didn’t have to, but he stood by us. That means something. We need to make sure we're in sync on London, especially with the Americans already dealing with their own mess."

Dimitry shook his head. "He gave you an exception because he realized the risks of enforcing that policy against Russia. He is an American Boris. He cares about his own bottom line. He is no different to his predecessors."

Boris gave a half-smile, shaking his head slightly. "Benjamin Sinclair’s not like the others. He’s taken risks for us. Besides, if we’re going to navigate this crisis, we need them. We can't afford to be left out of the loop. I’ll talk to him, see what the British are thinking."

Dimitry sighed, knowing the decision had already been made. "Alright. I’ll arrange the call. But Boris… just keep your guard up. Allies or not, this is still politics. He'll throw you under the bus when it suits him."

Nemtsov stood and placed a hand on Dimitry’s shoulder. "I know, Dasha. But a world where Russia and America cooperate is a better world for all our children."

Then a secretary would arrange a call, directly to the White House and saying it was President Nemtsov of Russia wishing to speak with President Sinclair.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Sinclair was sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. It was the late evening in Washington, and almost all of the President's staff in the West Wing had gone home by now. President Sinclair was smoking his pipe while he looked over documents that had been sent from the Defense Department regarding ways to assist the British in response to the attack on London. Sinclair was almost never pictured in public without a jacket it. Right now, his three-piece suit was partially deconstructed. His jacket was laying on one of the chairs on the Oval Office while puffed on his pipe. He picked up an intelligence briefing from the CIA on Prime Minister Lawrence Adams, which detailed his basic personality traits and how the agency believed he would respond to this kind of attack on his country.

Before Sinclair could get a hundred words in to the briefing, his personal secretary said over his intercom, "Mister President, the Russian President's Office is on the phone. Should I put him through?"

Sinclair puffed on his pipe again, and then set it down in its holder, "Sure Marsha, go ahead."

The President's line in the Oval Office, as well as Marsha's line in the West Wing, with both secure. If the Russian line was not secure, Marsha would indicate that the Russians would need to call back from a secure line. If ithe line was secure, the call was forwarded to the Oval Office.

Sinclair picked up the phone when he saw line one blinking on his landline.

"President Nemstov... It must be an ungodly hour in Moscow. How are you doing?" he asked genuinely.

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Nemstov's secretary, once it was confirmed the Americans were on the line patched through a private and encrypted line.

Nemstov lit a cigar for himself as he took a small puff and exhaled. Calming his mind for a few minutes as his secretary arranged the call. He placed his legs over the long oakwood table in his office as he turned off the television, a new run by ultranationalist pundits on the iron first needed to crush Chechen extremism .

The office line on his desk when orange, prompting Nemstov to take another puff of his cigar before placing it on the cigar rack while he picked up the phone.

"Please President Sinclair, Boris is just fine." He said as he looked out the window of his office. "Yes, it is indeed an ungodly hour, but this is the price of service." Boris said with a chuckle. "My daughter has been pestering me to take her back to Disney World, her trip to Florida really was life-changing haha." Boris laughed as he finished that statement.

"I am well, the situation in Russia is rather tense following the London attacks given our own challenges in Chechnya," Boris said rather honestly as he stared at the small, but energy-rich republic inside of Russia on the map of the federation in front of him.

"That is part of the reason why I am calling to be frank. I know the tragic attacks in London are overshadowing things, however I saw the unfortunate news of thes shootdown in America. I know it was not an easy decision." Boris said as he put his feet down and rubbed his temples.

"It looks like there is a very dark tunnel ahead for all of us. However, I am sure that in a world where Moscow and Washington are cooperating, we can do our part to help be a beacon of light. I know that you will have London's ear more than anyone else right now and I hope you will do your part to contain London's response, no matter how tragic the circumstances, I am worried that London will disproportionately react and that will have reverberating consequences." Boris said putting his feet back on the table.

"At the same time, I'd like Russia and America to cooperate on a way to tackle this problem, global terrorism and extremism is becoming a reoccurring challenge and I think the world could use our leadership on it."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"You and your family are always welcome to visit. I'm happy that your daughters had a good time at Disney World. Next time they want to go back let me know, not many people know this but there's actually a suite that you can stay in Cinderella's Castle. It's extremely difficult to get, but I think I could pull some strings," Sinclair said.

"I have enough blood on my hands from what I had to do in Korea back in the 50s," Sinclair said, referencing the Korean war which he was a Veteran of, and also it being the place where he earned the Medal of Honor. "I didn't want to add two kids to that list. I'm pretty sure one of them didn't want to go through with it, but the other was determined..." he said, and then stopped himself.

"Sorry, sometimes I can get carried away in conversations when it's late," Sinclair said, and then puffed his pipe again. "I understand the British to be outraged, and rightfully so. I haven't spoken with Prime Minister Adams yet, but I'm certain they're going to do something to respond. While there will be a response, and Prime Minister Adams and his government are upset, I don't think they're going to overreact. Ultimately, the United States will stand by Britain and assist them in any way possible. This kind of attack, on civilians for the sole purpose of murder and terror, is inexplicably intolerable."

"I agree that countering global terrorism could be an excellent way for our governments to work together. Did you have anything specific in mind?" he asked.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"That is good to know," Boris said with a chuckle, "I am sure the Democrats and Republicans will try to hang you for helping a Russian get access to the suite." Boris said in jest as he took a puff from the cigar that was resting on his desk.

"I have to say that I am an academic at heart, and to take a life is a high burden on the soul. However, we are fathers of our nations. We must protect our flock from the wolves that seek them harm." Boris said with a sigh as he too has had to make decisions which have lead to the deaths of others. "It doesn't get easier sometimes but alas, let us not get carried away at this hour." Boris said in agreement with Benjamin.

"I will take your views on Prime Minister Adams at its own value then President Sinclair, I consider you a judge of good character." Boris said as he stretched his back and leaned backward into his chair. "As for a possible response, I'd say we need to gather more information from the British and the Afghanis for a response to the attack in London." Boris spun the cords of the phone.

"For a global response, I believe we need to leverage our military and economic power to hold state and non-state actors accountable. In addition, I think a joint Russo-American counter-terrorism center, perhaps in Poland would be a good initiative. To help states deter develop their own capabilities and monitor global challenges."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"I have been assured that the British are leaning hard on the Afghans for answers, though I am not sure if they will actually get any. Regardless of what happens, we are going to support Britain... I cannot think of a time in the past ten years where they were not right besides us, through thick and thin...

"Anyway, I think that a joint American-Russian counter-terrorism center in Poland could be a really interesting idea, assuming that the Polish are on board. While this is not along the exact same lines, a place where our national interests align is against piracy. If we could engage in anti-piracy operations, pretty much anywhere in the world outside of our own international waters, it could be a good thing for the rest of the world, and our own governments, to see. Even if those ships didn't do much, it would be a great first step in working together."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I am sure we can use our good ties with the Poles to make this possible. The center would be a good start." Boris said as he put it into his planner to speak with the Polish King in the coming days. "As for anti-piracy operations, I am sure that we can spare a few destroyers to conduct joint patrols with the American Navy. You had a suggestion a few months ago for a potential joint operation if I remember correctly."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"A joint-operation between our navies, even if it were to contain just one or two ships from both of our navies, would be meaningful, I think. I am going to have the Department of Defense reach out to your people so that we can get an exercise organized. I also would like to announce the international conference for the proliferation of strategic weapons. This conference will likely take some time, so it would not be wise for us heads of state to be there in person, but I think that this will be a worthwhile effort for all of us to get together for," Sinclair said, and then puffed his pipe again.

"I am happy that we are trying to work together on things, instead of against each other. Maybe soon we can see some real cooperation and stop talking about the prospect of cooperation," Sinclair said, and then chuckled.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"That would be perfect President Sinclair. I look forward to hearing about their progress soon" Boris said taking another puff from his cigar. He wondered if he should tell Benjamin about France's efforts to undermine his talks and to host rival ones elsewhere. "I believe the summit should take place soon, however, at this stage technical talks are more appropriate over high-level ones. I am happy to submit a statement in favor of these talks if all parties with the capacity but also current arsenals of strategic weapons are present. As you are aware, the Portuguese recently tried to purchase strategic weapons form us, which we denied, and I am certain they will try to seek it from other sources." Boris chuckled with Sinclair. "Indeed, I would very much liek that as well."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"Portugal is a close partner and friend of the United States, but I will be honest with you and tell you that we have declined selling strategic weapons to them as well... Under current American foreign policy, we would not sell or transfer strategic weapons to anyone, even our allies. As you know, I am strongly against the proliferation of strategic weapons. I agree that the talks need to happen soon, there are just a lot of details that need to be ironed out - at least that is what the State Department is telling me. In the meantime, Mister President, I greatly appreciate your support. I am going to order the Secretary of Defense to organize a plan for our navies to coordinate together soon on a joint mission," he said.

"I hate to end this call, but I'm being told that there's a matter that needs my attention. I want you to know that you can call me any time of day, I think that it can be really productive for us to have these conversations directly," he said.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I am glad to hear President Sinclair," Boris said, rubbing his nose. "I will not keep you long, President Sinclair. Thank you for taking this call. I appreciate it. I hope you will keep me informed of any decisions Britain may make in Afghanistan given my nation's proximity and security concerns from the region." Boris added before taking a huff from his cigar. "I pray for your good health and fortunes Mr. President, I will mak sure my Minister of Defense cooperates accordingly to have our joint mission carried out as soon as reasonably possible." Boris said. If nothing else would be said from President Sinclair, the secured and encrypted line would be ended on the Russian side.


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