- Jul 23, 2018
- 4,241

Security Classification: SECURE
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Strömberg International Legal Consultants
To whom it may concern within Nationales Konsortium Fur Marineexport,
Our law firm, Strömberg International Legal Consultants, represents our clients the Swedish Department of Defence in the interest of points of law. If you are represented by legal counsel, please direct this letter to your respective lawyers immediately and have them notify us of such representation. It should be noted that all correspondence is to go via our firm and you should not contact our client in reference to this letter.
It has been brought to our attention that Nationales Konsortium Fur Marineexport, currently publicly advertise the sale of a number of military-grade products in the form of online advertisement by means of website - specifically the Sachsen-class Frigate. An agreement between the Swedish Department of Defence and the German Ministry of Defence namely a 'Domestic Production Rights Agreement' ratified in 1997 prevents this activity explicitly. The agreement prohibits the advertisement or even acknowledgement of this product, clearly outlined in a risk assessment contained within. I am duty-bound to inform you that Strömberg International Legal Consultants has collated a significant amount of evidence (including financial data and physical advertisement) that we intend to take to civil court should this cease and desist not be actioned immediately.
In addition, we will be seeking appropriate compensation for the substantial risk our client have now unduly been laden with. We seek that you inform of us all sales of the aforementioned product, the recipients and the total value of these sales. Between us, we will find an appropriate out-of-court disposal to suit both of us.
We demand that you provide us with written assurance within three days of receiving this letter. If you fail to comply with the demand, the Swedish Department of Defence are entitled to use your failure to comply as evidence of wilful infringement and seek monetary damages and equitable relief for your actions via the judicial system. If in the event that you fail to communicate with us, please be advised that our clients have asked us to make it clear to you that they will be looking to pursue all available legal remedies and should we be forced to go via the judicial system they will be requesting court costs, counsel fees and other appropriate expenses. Your liability and exposure under such legal action could be considerable and will likely result in a monetary loss which we will pursue. We will be acting on behalf of our client and any further correspondence will be official, on behalf of our client and the judicial system of our choosing.
Before taking legal action, however, my client wishes to give you one opportunity to discontinue your illegal conduct by following the instruction given within this letter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
William Helrig
Strömberg International Legal Consultants

Strömberg International Legal Consultants and Strömberg Debt Collection Solutions are trading names of Strömberg
All promotions, goods and services are subject to bespoke negotiation
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