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[Sweden]: Call to China


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

A telephone call is made to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or equivalent department, by the Ambassador for Sweden to China, Helena Sångeland.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'CONFIDENTIAL' encryption level to be appended.


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Sep 28, 2021
Type: Confidential

As Liang Jiayi eats his snack, standing, watching the streets outside his window, from a tall building inside his office, he heard a ring from one of the telephones in the office, he then calmly finished his snack and began drinking his water from his glass from his other hand, afterwards he then walked towards his chair and sat, putting all he's carrying down and setting it aside. Knowing a ring from this particular phone may only mean that an important person is calling, perhaps a foreign ambassador from another country, he then adjusted his expensive black suit and confidently picked up the ringing phone.

He said in english, "chinese ambassadors office."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The call remains encrypted by the National Security Office.

"Ambassador! A true pleasure to speak to you, I am the Ambassador for Sweden to China calling on behalf of the Bureau for Asian Affairs. I trust I have caught you at a good time to make a start on Chinese-Swedish relations which have historically been extremely good. I'd like to take the opportunity to congratulate you on your party's success and your rise to office, I think it would be beneficial for me to understand what your primary objectives are in the coming years?"

Sep 28, 2021
Type: Confidential

"Good day to you too ambassador it's finally nice to meet on of europe's fastest growing nation, and I do appreciate you calling to me to congratulate the entire party, honestly we could have not done it with the support of Mr. Xu and the chinese people, we are here now and we definitely growing, just like your country, perhaps China will have more friends in europe it seems. Very well, to answer your question, regarding our objectives currently whether short-term or long-term, we will be focusing on the internal affairs of our country such as economy and especially the military, my my my, everyone loves the military, it encourages pride does it? well irregardless what anyone might say the party loves the military, and we will be acquiring a lot of it soon to catch up with the west. We will be testing the waters in regards to foreign powers in our region here too, as you can see we just can't be left behind, Mr Xu really wanted not just a wealthy China but a dominating China, which I can tell we will be doing what we certainly can to achieve that. well?, Does that answer the question ambassador? please do ask some more so we can make sure there are no misunderstandings between China and Sweden, we would like to continue this level of friendship with any western nations."

The ambassador then patiently waited silently for any replies.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"You're not wrong Ambassador, the people do love the Armed Forces. As you know Sweden has had great success with the economy over recent years. We are one of the smallest nations on the current political spectrum, in terms of population, but we have undoubtedly the largest economy in the world which continues to grow exponentially. I am sure together in close cooperation we could see our common interests assist in the flourishing of China as a global power.

I have to say the western-welcoming approach is greatly different to that of your predecessors. I must ask, what western powers draw your attention?"

Sep 28, 2021
"Well ambassador that would be the United States and Great Britain of course, sometimes I do mistake that the Americans technically came from those Brits Ha! since they've grown more powerful than the british, but personally, I do like to take a special interest with your country ambassador, from a small nation into an economic powerhouse, well, that sure hurts the ears of washington I suppose which is why we are very keen on doing business with europeans nowadays that those burger loving americans. and do forgive my colorful descriptions, Just like the americans always say, freedom of speech, yeah? but of course with limit. Well then, regarding my predicessors, I guess Chairman Xu's approach is more modern in my opinion, anyways might just say it is a fact now and not an opinion. Lastly, I suppose a less aggressive China in terms of military confrontation helps a lot, especially here in our backyard, we will be doing great business with the lesser countries in our area that's for sure."

Last edited:


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I feared you would say that, Ambassador. We have an extremely close relationship with Great Britain and consider them one of our closest allies. It has to be said however that the new United States government has a sense of... small man syndrome, if you're familiar with the phrase? They have no particular political influence and their military, at least to our knowledge, is nothing impressive. More laughable in fact. As a result the United States have resorted to the violation of international law, manipulation and have been fairly two-faced to get some sort of recognition. This has spanned a number of years and it appears their tactic at the moment is to assassinate the character of Sweden, perhaps in an attempt to free up a seat at the top of the table.

What draws you to the United States as a potential future ally? Are you aware of their recent violations of international law? Particularly violation of the Law of the Sea which I understand China strongly supports?"

Sep 28, 2021
"Well I guess we can sympathize with our brothers and sisters in America, they might learn a thing or two about hardship, I am in fact half white american as my lovely grandmother is from america living here in China with my chinese grandfather, but with that in mind my absolute loyalty stays with my glorious country, China. Personally I am sorry to hear that something horrible such as this, defamation, is happening to your country.

Well if you put it that way, I did not think it was that bad in the US, they were fairly quiet, and we assumed it was business as usual in the states, as you might not know, information is a bit luxurious here in China and we are proud of it staying that way.

If alliances is your concern Chairman Xu is quite open to all possibilities right now, all options are being considered. I personally think an alliance with old global powers is fairly unlikely now with America out of the picture, perhaps doing business with Great Britain can increase our understanding with the west, hypothetically speaking, but of course, in the end, ambassador, China will only pusue chinese interests.

"Lastly, ehem, what are those US violations exactly?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I do not mean to disrespect your heritage, nor do I intend to drag you astray of foreign policy with the United States. I just want you to keep in mind that they're manipulating the globe to suit themselves and I would hate to see them abuse the welcoming Chinese nature whilst they see political power. I would strongly advise liaison with Britain, they have long proven themselves a trustworthy partner of Sweden and I'd expect to see them extend the same hand of friendship to China, without doubt.

The United States of America has made a number of faux pas recently. Their violation of international law came when they attributed themselves with the title of 'world police' and in doing so declared a no-fly and no-sail zone in international waters and the territorial waters of Lebanon and Israel without consent or discussion. This is a gross violation of a nations sovereignty.

They also seek to misuse the Global Assembly's good nature to benefit themselves. Following the delcaration of war by South Africa to Sweden we had a number of correspondence from the United States whilst they sought to escalate the situation with the use of a Carrier Battle Group - it was clear they were desperate for conflict and on a number of occasions we ordered them to stand down. It appears in retaliation to us denying them the right to kill innocent civilians they have manipulated the South Africa conflict and brought us before the Global Assembly, in conjunction with South Korea, with an illegal resolution. It is within case law that the Global Assembly does not have the power to remove a nations sovereignty, but that is exactly what they seek to do under the guise of 'peacekeeping'... and those close to them are falling for it."

Sep 28, 2021
"Well, ambassador I'll be sure to pass that information up to Chairman Xu, and do not worry about my heritage, it is no consequence to me whether I have foreign blood or not. So I see a breakup of former allies, With the US going on one path, Great Britain goes another, problems in the middle east, as well as weaker US influence in asia due to their current situation, It is, quite intriguing if I may say the situation have not been what I expected, Irregardless of what might happen, China will move forward, and we would like our loyal people to lead the future in terms of wealth and power, but that is what I think might happen if we all play our cards right. Last question ambassador, since your country is in close proximity to russia, any news regarding their current political situation? because Chairman Xu would also like to invest in that market."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We have been trying to steer clear of the situation in Russia given the complexities of our involvement in the Middle Eastern conflict and of course South Africa. In honesty I'd be unable to say what's going on; I can say for sure that it certainly doesn't appear to be spilling over the border at this stage and we've received no report of concern from our brothers in Norway who share a northern border with Russia. We don't intend to get involved... unless of course it does begin to spill into Scandinavia. What does the Chairman mean by invest?"

Sep 28, 2021
"That is good to know, the situation is fairly stable at least. To answer your question, the Chairman would want chinese businessmen or women to invest in the russian market, it is more of expanding local businesses in russia, this is due to the fact that China is known for mass producing quality goods and services, this might be also political since Russia is bordering China, and China's northern region is quite in need of development and It will be the same for Russia in her border with China.

So far this has been a good call ambassador, China will not forget this encounter with Sweden. Well then, I must apologize that is all I have to say ambassador, my government would like to continue this level of communication with your country next time. If you have anything to add ambassador, please do, otherwise I would like to say goodbye for now. Thank you for calling."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I understand, I understand - before you go Ambassador I would quite like to understand what your opinion on the current Swedish activity in South Africa?"

Sep 28, 2021
"Well there has been a lot of negative outlook from the masses here regarding any european war against another country, even the CCP itself is divided in this particular situation, most are neutral due to the fact that the war is far away from China and there is no chinese interest in taking sides with any unstable african nation, only business and economic control we are interested in, sweden has been all over the news here lately and the narrative of evil european invaders has always been popular in the rural areas, but in big cities, the opinion is fairly mixed. but one thing is for certain, profitable business with the west can turn heads quite quickly."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes it seems Korea and the United States have manipulated the narrative to make us look like the bad guys in this situation. I have to be clear, Ambassador, we are in South Africa at the request of their incumbent government and with the support of the people - the Global Assembly does not have the power to overrule that request, nor does Korea, nor does the United States. We are working to rekinder a stable government democratically, but that process is only being hindered by opposing states.

This is not a colonisation as much as they like to throw that word around. This is not the realm of the Japanese or British empires. This is cold hard jealousy."

Sep 28, 2021
" I see the situation is different from all perspectives, and so is the nature of war, but I understand ambassador, we the chinese people understand the that sometimes dialogue is not enough, and sometimes a force of arms is needed to get what you what, that is why ambassador as I said before we are intrigued by the actions of sweden rather than the old powers who dominate this world, let me share with you a chinese proverb. it goes like this, Patience is power; with time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown, I'm pretty sure this saying applies to China especially. The old powers are getting weak and perhaps you and I can benefit from this situation, in good time I am sure of it."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"It is a complex situation that we're looking forward to seeing the end of so we can truly make a start of rebuilding South Africa and fixing the damage caused by the Apartheid regime. I forsee that Sweden and China will be good friends in the near future and I look forward to a strong economic and political relationship between us. Do you have anything you'd like to raise? Any imminent projects that Sweden can assist with?"

Sep 28, 2021
"I agree, China can benefit in having friendly relations with foreign powers in that part of the globe."

"perhaps you can assist me in speading positive news regarding China, our party will be pleased to know we are not demonized by the western world, which is usually the norm, based on history. That is all for now, we will keep in touch in the near future, I know that you have many things to attend to, farewell."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Before you go Ambassador, I would like to discuss the possibility of a deal surrounding the production and use of nuclear powered submarines.. we already operate one of your finely manufactured submarines and we've very much like to expand our fleet to incorporate more. Is this something you'd be willing to discuss now?"

Sep 28, 2021
"Unfortunately, we are not able to discuss anything nuclear powered for now, as we are still stabilizing our current administration and growing our military, If the previous administration already sold to you on of our homemade nuclear submarines then it would not be hard to make such a deal again in the future, for now that is all i have to discuss, but please, if there are any other concerns, just inform us of it. And by the way, we do apologize for not supporting you in your efforts in South Africa, especially with the Global Assembly, as we like to keeps things lowkey for now, in which I personally am confident, your government is fairly equipped to handle this, unfortunate situation."


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