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[Sweden]: Email to Japan


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service​

Dearest His Excellency - Shinzō Abe,

I am writing to you from the Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden and on behalf of the Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven.

The State of Japan has been of particular interest to Prime Minister Löfven since the appointment of your government and as such he would like to extend his hand in global friendship and invite you to his private residence Sager House, Stockholm. This gorgeous property lies between the Government Chancellery and the Department of Foreign Affairs buildings and amongst the scenery is Parliament House and of course the Royal Palace. Naturally, this a perfect setting for the development of bilateral relations between two nations in very different continents.

The Prime Minister is available to discuss this on his telephone number should you have any logistical questions... I look forward to hearing from you.

Carmen Dahl
Assistant to the Prime Minister
Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Kingdom of Sweden



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Recipient: Carmen Dahl, Assistant to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden

Prime Minister Abe welcomes contact from Prime Minister Löfven and wishes to further develop the relations between the State of Japan and the Kingdom of Sweden which can be traced back to the 19th century which was the signing of the Swedish-Japanese Treaty in 1868, which was also the first treaty the Meiji Government made with a foreign state. During the first decade of the 20th century, the two countries started opening legations in Tokyo and Stockholm, which were then promoted to embassies in 1957.

The Prime Minister will be glad to travel to Stockholm to meet Prime Minister Löfven and the appropriate arrangements will be made for his departure from Japan and all the neccessary details will be forwarded onto your office at the earliest convenience.

Taro Kimura
Personal Secretary to the Prime Minister of Japan


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
In preparation for the arrival of the Japanese delegation Stockholm Arlanda Airport is prepared for the imminent VIP arrival. Without any notice to the general public, security throughout was increased and with the assistance of the national police force regular security 'sweeps', both of regular patrol and with the use of canine support units, begin to be conducted in order to identify unusual or suspicious material (such as packages, trip hazards, blind spots, entry/exit points and emergency exit routes) which may be a hazard to the delegation. Plans for the travel route from the airport are pre-prepared in order to provide the most thorough and safe route possible whilst maximising spontaneity.

The Swedish Security Service, currently holding their own fleet of vehicles, prepare such for the arrival of the Japanese delegation. In anticipation of VIP guests, security personnel and administrative delegations, a number of vehicle variants are available for use.

A brief memorandum is prepared to be sent to the Japanese.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service​

Dearest Taro Kimura,

Thank you for your response, I have informed the Prime Minister of your intentions.

In order to prepare for the visit we require a thorough and complete description of persons, equipment and miscellaneous material coming to Sweden in order to best prepare accommodation and logistics on the day. I look forward to your imminent response.

Carmen Dahl
Assistant to the Prime Minister
Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Kingdom of Sweden



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Under the cover of darkness, the Prime Minister arrived at Yokota Air Base where a fully crewed and stocked Japan Boeing 777-200 had been chartered out to ferry the Prime Minister to the European country of Sweden, the Prime Minister was not alone though as he was joined by his wife. The flight would be filled by the Prime Minister, his wife, and agents from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department VIP Protection Division whereas the flight crew and cabin crew would be members of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, the flight was expected to land in Sweden at around 08:00am.

During the flight, members of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department VIP Protection Division would begin to go through security arrangements surrounding the visit and would coordinate with the law enforcement agencies in Sweden about the necessary details about the visit.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Recipient: Carmen Dahl, Assistant to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden

Security is provided by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department VIP Protection Division and each agent will be armed SIG Sauer P220 which will be concealed on each agents body and will only be used if absolutely necessary, the number of agents will be of fifteen. The Prime Minister will be flying in on a Boeing 777-200 which has 192 persons on board which include flight crew, cabin crew, engineers and other miscellaneous personnel such as reporters.

Taro Kimura
Personal Secretary to the Prime Minister of Japan


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Swedish Security Service provide a black Volvo 960 Executive (driven by a trained driver within the Swedish Security Service and accompanied by an armed guard in the front passenger seat) used exclusively for VIP travel, this vehicle is pulled up to the fastest exit from the busy airport terminal allowing quick and safe exit for the delegation to the vehicles. Joining this are four Volvo S80 support vehicles providing Swedish Security Service armed guards which will accompany the vehicles throughout their pre-planned route through Stockholm streets. Finally are three Ford E350 minibuses which are available for miscellaneous personnel such as assistants, secretaries, press officers and media personnel.

Stockholm Arlanda Airport are forewarned of the VIP aircraft and prepare a 'block' around their airspace to ensure safe passage. Within the airport a number of boards are placed throughout the terminal obscuring the view from the general public and providing a clear designated perimeter for security services to patrol.

Air Traffic Control authorise the landing of the aircraft once it enters Swedish airspace.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The atmosphere on board the aircraft was quiet as many of the staff had just woken up for the landing into Stockholm Arlanda Airport, the two Japan Air Self-Defense Force pilots in command of the aircraft had spent the flight studying charts and maps of the airport in order to prepare for the landing at the only airport. With the aircraft on final approach, they would presumably have received landing clearance from the air traffic controllers at the airport and typical of the spot-on Japanese punctuality - it was bang on 08:30am as predicted by the flight crew who taxied off the runway with the assistance of the air traffic controllers to the assigned spot where a staircase would be attached to the aircraft and the doors opened by the experienced cabin crew members.

The Prime Minister smiled as he left the aircraft, the Japanese press officers who had de-boarded the aircraft beforehand would capture some pictures of the Prime Minister and his wife before they stepped into the awaiting Volvo 960 Executive which would presumably set off for Sager House.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
As the security personnel enter the airport they'd immediately be requested by Swedish Security Service personnel, also armed and under constant surveillance of surrounding CCTV and non-uniformed close protection personnel in the crowds in and around the airport. A small box would be presented to the team of security personnel, clearly marked with the Japanese flag, and a small form detailing make, model, serial number and confirmation of firearm safety prior to it being archived. A small sign in Swedish, Japanese and English would be clearly displayed stating:

"NOTICE: Foreign firearms must be surrendered to the Swedish Security Service for archiving. All weaponry will be returned upon re-boarding of your aircraft. Welcome to Sweden."

Once the personnel are stripped of any contraband, the convoy would immediately leave for Sager House. This property is very heavily guarded for the duration of the visit again by the Swedish Security Service however repaid reaction forces are available for deployment and supplied by the Swedish Special Forces Group. A huge amount of press and media personnel are congregated before the entryway to Sager House for photo opportunities.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The weapons would be surrendered to the Swedish Security Service at Stockholm Arlanda Airport.

Prime Minister Abe arrived at Sager House and greeted his Swedish counterpart, he took in the surroundings of Stockholm as he approached the doors of Sager House before proceeding inside. A member of the Japanese press team captured a picture of the two leaders as they shared small talk. He awaited the Swedish Prime Minister to lead the way as he adjusted his suit.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
A number of Swedish news outlets would photograph the pair shaking hands before the doors of Sager House, during which Stefan leans over and utters "I have to say, it's an absolute pleasure to have you here in Stockholm, please come inside I'm sure you have much you'd like to discuss!" - the delegation is guided through the doors of Sager House whilst the Swedish Prime Minister waves goodbye to the press team outside. The doors are slammed shut and locked securely behind the Japanese counterparts before being lead through the historic hallways.

They make their way into a secure drawing room in-which Stefan takes a seat and the same is offered back.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Prime Minister of Japan takes his seat next to his Swedish counterpart and offers a smile as he looks directly towards him.

"Mr. Prime Minister, it is a pleasure to be in your wonderful country. As I came from the airport, I was blown away by the wonderful Swedish culture and traditions and it's good to be here so I will enjoy as much as I can."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Carmen Dahl, Assistant to the Prime Minister of Sweden, scurries into the room holding a small notepad - she glances throughout the drawing room to the various delegates:
"Can I offer any refreshments or beverages?"

Stefan smiles briefly before saying "I'll just take a water please Carmen" - this is noted down as her eyes dart to the Japanese for their orders.

"I suppose we should get straight to business" Stefan mumbles "I would very much like to grow the Japanese-Swedish relationship, first and foremost is the further development of Diplomatic Missions home and away. Currently we have an established presence in Japan however the Swedish Security Service is dedicated to the protection and security of our posts... what's your opinion on foreign security personnel within Japan?"


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Prime Minister Abe looked up as the Swedish personal assistant scurried into the room and he looked at her as the Swedish Prime Minister ordered a drink, when she turned to him, he gracefully smiled.

"I'll take a matcha tea if that's okay, please."

Shinzō looked at Stefen as he proceeded onto the next topic of discussion. "Foreign security personnel are welcome in Japan as each country sees fit but the problem we have is that Japan does not welcome firearms in our country, Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world so we don't see crime against embassies as a major problem."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Carmen makes good her escape and very quickly collates the necessary beverages for the delegation before bringing them in on a silver tray which is laid down for the group to delve into.

The door to the room is locked securely as Carmen leaves the room, Sager House now purely retains Swedish Security Service personnel, the Swedish Prime Minister and the Japanese Prime Minister. A senior officer of the SSS utters into his radio outside the drawing room doors "Packages are secure, move to phase 2". This prompts the rotation of personnel to secure the perimeter of the building, particularly the rear gates - to follow this a Ford E350 is parked at the rear secure yard of Sager House, not visible to the general public. This is retained here for emergency removal.

Stefan smirks before going on "I'm happy you're willing to establish our security representation within Japan, you must understand however that the retention of firearms is not for use against Japanese persons but much rather to serve as a deterrent to those with less-than-moral intentions. Your refusal to allow us to protect sovereign territory would be... a unique situation for us to be in."


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well I can of course bring this up when I head back to Tokyo with my Minister of Internal Affairs because he chairs the committee on these kind of affairs but I'm sure he will be able to come to some sort of agreement with the committee."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I can understand that but surely between men we can come to a compromise that allows for the protection and security of Swedish nationals abroad? My government is committed to making our establishments the safest the can possibly be without being in Sweden itself."

Stefan chuckles before looking down the list of his agenda, noticing the next subject linking in well.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am all for the Swedish Security Service having firearms to protect the Swedish Embassy but as you know, each country has their own laws and we have these laws to protect ourselves so I must have these issues forwarded to the Ministry of Internal Affairs so that these laws can be bypassed."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh, that's not a problem I'll have my assistant bring in a secure telecommunications line to establish a connection to the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs to iron this out... afterall there will need to be contracts wet-signed to ensure this occurs peacefully! Anyway we'll return to this subject shortly... on the subject of diplomatic missions it's not uncommon for a rogue nation to devalue the existence of a mission abroad and order its closure, this obviously causes a number of issues with civilian evacuation, visa security, safety of foreign nationals and general operation abroad..."

Stefan takes a sip of his water before going on.

"I would like to establish an agreement in-which we can cooperate with our global chain of diplomatic missions in times of a national emergency, this would purely consist of ensuring civilian safety, Sweden in particular has no interest in wading into bilateral disagreements with a horse in polished armour. But certainly ensuring public safety is well within our rights and we'd like to ensure this is honoured as best we can. What are you thoughts?"


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Shinzo takes a sip of water before listening into the Swedish Prime Minister.

"What kind of agreement do you have in mind? Do you have a draft agreement that I could have a gander at?"

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