- Jul 23, 2018
- 4,223
Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration
Dear Reich Chancellor,
I write to you on behalf of my government in an attempt to rekindle the formerly rock-solid, strong relationship between Sweden and Germany.
As I am sure you're aware our former development of the Nordic Council to see the introduction of global partners echoing our core ethics, values and beliefs saw the encompassing of your great nation into our chambers, building a strong alliance between our nations. Our relationship saw to the offering of billions of dollars in grants through the offered Infrastructure Mitigation Programme and National Security Investment Initiative, as well as the ratification of agreements which saw to the exclusive production rights to the Sachsen-class Frigate and leasehold of land within German borders. The collapse of the former administration came at great disappointment to us in Stockholm as we lost a close friend and partner; an ally.
The world today is a very different stage as what were sacred global alliances have become encapsulated in coalitions against a common enemy in the Middle East, and continents see a shakeup of their usual neighbours as more and more government rise from the ashes. Annexation and global outreach has seen a complete shift in strategic positioning, something which we suspect will only develop further as the years go on.
Our nations combined were once a powerhouse for economic and military strength.
I would very much like to discuss our relationship with you further and would like to schedule a telephone call at your earliest convenience - I will leave this to suit you and your schedule and I can be contacted in my office via the usual diplomatic telephone lines which will be ported via our secure switchboard. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Stefan Löfven
Prime Minister of Sweden
Executive Office of the Prime Minister
Kingdom of Sweden
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All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995