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[Sweden]: Message to Taiwan


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995​

Dear Joseph Wu,

I am writing to you from the Representative Office of Sweden to Taiwan. My name is Rosita Jonsson and I am the current Ambassador for Sweden to Taiwan and my sole objective is to ensure that the future of out relationship is fruitful and productive to our collaborative growth - recently the international interests of Sweden have come under intense scrutiny not only by the global political arena but also by my own administration; following the recent announcement by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven our interests have evolved to accelerating our focus in areas which we have historically neglected to delve into. Taiwan and Sweden have little to no history between them, this is our opportunity to make it.

I would very much like the opportunity to meet with you to discuss a range of subjects to allow our nations to intertwine in friendship, please forward me your availability and I look forward to hearing from you.

Rosita Jonsson
Ambassador for Sweden to Taiwan
Bureau for Asian Affairs


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Dear ambassador

Thank you for contacting us. Our government just came to power and is currently transforming from the old to the new government. We apologize in advance for any delays or sudden changes of contact persons that may happen in the future. We are more than willing to build-up and improve the relationship between our nations. we have currently no diplomatic relationships with the European nations or any other part of the world and are hoping to change this in the coming future.

I have read the announcement that Prime Minister Stefan Löfven made in regards the national safety (including the safety diplomatic staff), Domestic investments, and the assembly of nations. We know how important national safety is. We are currently spending billions of dollars in defense equipment out of fear of what mainland China did in the past and what they might do in the future. We couldn't rely on the international community in the past and the chance is small they will help us in the future. we do hope to change this in the future but I myself am pessimistic about this. As for domestic investments, I think most governments neglect to invest in their infrastructure. We only do something after a disastrous accident happens. We prevent it after it happens rather than before it happens. In regards to the GA we don't have much to say as we just joined the assembly ourselves and are busy reading and following up what currently is happening in the GA.

We are more than happy and willing to discuss our diplomatic and economical relationships between our nations at any time.

Kind regards
Joseph Wu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China (Taiwan)



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995​

Dear Joseph Wu,

First of all, thank you for your prompt contact in relation to my correspondence. In part I am thankful that Sweden is your guiding-light towards relationships in Europe, it is almost certainly the powerhouse of the globe and at present is within one of the rockiest points in it's history with no nation really aligning with one another in any specific alliance or treaty. You are correct in that national security is of upmost importance and we are eager to ensure that Swedish interests domestically are echoed between our allies, friends and partners; at the very forefront of our foreign policy at the moment is the focus on diplomatic protection which has caused international tension recently with the unlawful detention of Swedish nationals abroad. I am eager to hear your points on this subject matter and how, together, we can better develop between ourselves.

I propose we meet this afternoon to discuss further, do you have a location in mind?

Rosita Jonsson
Ambassador for Sweden to Taiwan
Bureau for Asian Affairs


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Dear ambassador

While reading about the detainment of the diplomatic staff in the Swedish embassy in Buenos Aires I was quite confused. Arresting the diplomatic staff and then prosecuting the staff for charges of espionage? Seems like Argentina never cared about human rights. Honestly, I am quite concerned about how things are going and Argentina's behavior. Using military and diplomatic powers to get what he wants. We already know what happened in the past with people who used the same tactics Argentina is using now. No good happened. We can only hope for now that it won't escalate any further and that the summit will resolve issues in the Antarctic summit so that further losses can be avoided. We also need assurance that when a resolution has been made that Argentina will follow them since they are not a part of the GA.

We can hold our further talks in the Swedish consulate in Taipei if that is good? If not we can continue our talks in my office in the Foreign affairs building.

Kind regards
Joseph Wu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China (Taiwan)



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Following this correspondence the appropriate safety measures would be completed at the Representative Office of Sweden in Taipei for the arrival of the Taiwanese Minister of Foreign Affairs - a message would be forwarded to the Minister's office to notify him of the preparations made and the Ambassador awaiting his arrival for the first diplomatic relations between Asia and Sweden.
