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[Sweden]: Message to the Netherlands


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I completely understand... alternatively we could work to a compromise, I'm uncomfortable having officers abroad with no resistance protection what-so-ever. If firearms are completely off the table and I will respect the fact you're working to abolish their existence around diplomatic missions completely, do you have any opposition to equipping our personnel with a Taser, telescopic baton and incapacitating spray? This is standard outfit for the British and Norwegian police forces as examples, a much less offensive belt of equipment but still serving the officers with some form of protection?"

"Again, it's not protection from the Ducth that we're working towards, simply providing the appropriate security that Swedish nationals would expect"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We have no issue and will encourage diplomatic security details from the sending country to use non-lethal weaponry over heavy weapons. So the deployment of non-lethal equipment to your security officers will not be blocked. I understand you wish to safeguard Swedish nationals and could understand the need for heavily armed security officers in high-risk areas. However, in my opinion the Netherlands is one of the safest places to work as a diplomat and we take our duty as hosts seriously and will perform our duty in providing external security to your missions."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh that's really good to hear, in fact it's relieving, I was worried I was speaking to a nation heart-set on domestic power rather than the protection and security of foreign nationals - trust me this doesn't come unfounded, there are many national globally that disallow any form of weaponry at diplomatic missions abroad... purely out of spite or just simply fear."

Annika, smiling, makes note of the verbal agreement before going on.

"Will there be any requirement for our personnel to receive taser, close quarter combat, incapacitant spray and use of force certification within the Netherlands? Of course they have received this training in Sweden and we believe they are safe to operate, it's just a legal matter for yourselves whether this puts our personnel in a criminal situation should they have to use their weaponry and they're not certified domestically. Naturally we don't want to see our Security Service slowly dwindle into Dutch prisons as a result of what would be lawful response to an immediate threat."

The Ambassador chuckles, making light of the situation however very clear that this is a genuine concern. She continues to sip her tea throughout, nodding as she returns it to the table delicately.

"Gorgeous tea..." she picks the packet up to examine the branding and flavour she chose hoping to herself that she can order this in her next weekly shop.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"No, I am relieved to live in a democracy where the rule of law safeguards our society. Yes, sadly not every nation is guarded by a separation of power, therefore I understand your need for diplomatic security and this is something we ourselves will be looking at in areas of high risk. However, luckily there are many nations left we still have faith in to uphold international law in regards to diplomatic missions."

"I will discuss this issue with the Minister of Justice and Security, though we will most likely create a new category of extraordinary security officers, revered to as 'buitengewoon opsporingsambtenaren' in the Netherlands. I will be able to tell you more once we've got a draft bill prepared, until that time would you be willing to avoid the deployment of weapons to your embassy. If you believe you require additional security I can increase the deployment from the National Police or deploy forces from the Royal Netherlands Constabulary."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Honestly, that is completely understandable and I can assure you that deployment of any use of force in Sweden is heavily documented so I can promise you of a robust audit trail for any use of equipment in and around our diplomatic mission. If at any point the Minister for Justice and Security requires any details from me, I will leave a card for you both following this afternoons meeting and I can hopefully find the relevant answers in the Swedish govenrment. Rest assured I am your best link for correspondence bilaterally"

A small box of business cards appears from the conference file on her lap, all of which clearly professionally marked as a product of the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs with her contact information, name and position all clearly printed.

"On the subject of international law in regards to diplomatic missions I'd like to draw your attention to Article 45 and Article 9 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations namely the ratified law detailing actions to be taken following the cessation of diplomatic mission and notice of person non grata respectively. We would like to bilaterally arrange for the establishment of a Diplomatic Mission Agreement in which we amend these two articles to encompass some values of Sweden, is this something you're interested in going forward with before I explain more?"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I will take note of that," the Minister said before taking another sip of his coffee, he noticed it was nearing the point of becoming cold. He shrugged as in his mind a cold coffee meant that there had been lots of talking, usually meaning a good negotiation.

The Minister had an inquisitive look on his face after the Ambassador had spoken, "please proceed, we are always willing to listen, and I am going to need some more information."[/i]


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Smiling sweetly, encouraged by the Dutch enthusiasm she expands.

"Article 9, as I'm sure you're aware, refers to the declaration of a person non grata which links nicely into Artcle 39 which in subsection 2 defines when diplomatic immunity comes to an end... throughout the Vienna Convention it is referred to that a 'reasonable period' be given in which either a mission ceases to exist or a persons immunity, following notice of person non grata, ceases to be legitimate. There are a number of issues the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs has with this agreement in particular, what on Earth is a reasonable period and who dictates what is and is not reasonable? As both parties, in this event, are likely to be bias to their own cause."

Annika glances at her agenda before continuing

"I would like to suggest the introduction of a minimum 14 day (350 hour) being recognised as the defined 'reasonable period' for a person to be removed from the receiving state as an immune diplomat, how would you feel about that?"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, I can see how that could lead to difficulty in certain situations. However, since I cannot believe that we would ever come to the point of designating each others diplomatic staff 'persona non grata', would it not be better to aim to secure such a time-frame on an international scale? Perhaps through means of a resolution by the Global Assembly it could be possible to implement this on a global scale?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I can understand and I must push you to view our relationships outside of both yours and my own lifetime - where could we end up and what can we put in place to ENSURE security between our nations? Time and time again European nations have jumped to the dissolution of diplomatic missions leaving nationals and diplomats stranded and at risk of prosecution. The amendments to the Vienna Convention are definitely something we're going to raise to the Global Assembly however international talks take time, legislative changes bilaterally are very easy to do and a way for us to show strength in diplomacy."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well, I can understand the need to agree a definition, so if you have a draft proposal I would be happy to take a look at it. Furthermore, I can guarantee this government's support for any resolution brought forward, aimed at amending the issue, to the Global Assembly or any other multilateral organisation."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"That's great to hear, it's good to see that you're eager to develop a fair diplomatic system protecting diplomats and civilians abroad. The Global Assembly is almost certainly going to be a pressurised situation with many younger nations unsure of how their political opinions will effect their development - your support is valuable."

"Everything we discuss today will be written up into a Diplomatic Mission Agreement which will require formal ratification and I presume the appropriate pre-reads from various areas of business... so far we've negotiated mission security and emergency assistance from receiving states alongside changes to the Vienna Convention on persona non grata and diplomatic immunity. Two fundamental changes that make our relationship unique... bespoke. Whilst we're on the subject of the Vienna Convention we'd also like to request permission in line with Article 27(1) to make use of wireless transmitters in order to monitor the location of our diplomatic bags and couriers in order to better enable secure communication."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, any treaties will need to be reviewed by the government before being presented to Parliament. Depending on the amount of opposition to the treaty, it might require formal approval from Parliament before we can ratify the agreement."

"I don't believe I have any say on the contents of your diplomatic bags, therefore I have no objections to the monitoring. I may even propose a similar security measure to the cabinet."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I think I've drowned you with a lot of the subjects I wish to cover in regards to physical diplomatic missions and some loopholes in the Vienna Convention which I believed needed covering - is there anything on your agenda you wish to mention?"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am pleased you've brought all these topic to the table, I believe they form a strong foundation for a strong diplomatic relationship. Well, I would be interested in hearing more about your Nordic Council, it's role and purpose as well as what you hope it can achieve in the future."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Annika smiles, sipping her tea that by this point has significantly lowered in temperature however retaining her etiquette swallows it down without any sign or symptom.

"The Nordic Council is a project founded by the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs, it's origin was the focus of Swedish activity in the Nordic region and ways in which we alone can effect the future in a variety of different ways - economic, safety, law enforcement etc. Now, with the uprising of Nordic states we're looking to develop this into a multinational council in which a number of representatives from a number of different focus groups come together under the umbrella of council committees to make real effective change on a much broader scope. It's something we're working on from scrap and life-time relationships will undoubtedly form between neighbours."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It is truly positive to see the formation of regional organisations aimed at peace, stability and prosperity. I can offer you my governments praise with your initiative and announce we hope to work closely together with the Nordic Council."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I know my bureau is heavily involved in the development of the Nordic Council, being in Europe, so I can assure you there will be a mass of opportunities for involvement with other states and given your drive to better develop the region, we look forward to a strong relationship between the council and the Netherlands"

"Its a new standpoint to regional affairs and certainly one that'll come with bumps and bruises down the road however I am hopeful for the future of this organisation"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm glad to hear that both Sweden and the Nordic Union would be eager to cooperate with the Netherlands. I've got nothing else I feel I need to bring to discussion at this time. Is there anything left you wish to discuss? Or shall we each adjourn in order to update our government of these talks?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Uhm, at the moment I don't have anything left on my agenda, this has certainly opened the beginning of a relationship bilaterally. If there's anything else you need I am always around and only a short taxi journey from your offices... I will forward what we've discussed onto the DoFA to be formally written up so no doubt they'll be in contact with you imminently. Thank you so much for hosting this meeting this afternoon, it's been a pleasure!"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"No Ambassador, thank you for coming and engaging in these positive talks. I'm sure we'll be in contact soon." The Minister raised himself from his position and led the Ambassador to the door, "The Officer will escort you down, and I'll have the secretary call a car up for you. I hope you have a good day." He said while extending his hand.

The Officer from the Diplomatic Security Service escorted the Ambassador back down to the lobby where she would be asked to return her visitor pass. After which the Officer guided her out the front door and opened the door to the car which was waiting to return the Ambassador to the embassy or any other destination she desired.

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