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Taking Away the 24-Hour Conflict Rule


Aug 4, 2018
I think this rule causes undue stress on the roleplayers and is archaeic. A better system would be to have staff and roleplayers simply judge when a roleplayer is dragging their feet and penalize it. 24 Hours, for large conflicts, is absolutely not enough to do quality and fun roleplay.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Not a bad idea, but I believe removing it entirely would only open it up to being taken advantage of, even with staff moderation. I think extending it to maybe 72 hours would be more beneficial for RP sake and the sake of the role-player.


Aug 4, 2018
Obviously, you'll have people who'll run for it and pretend to be in the hospital like Sumit, but I really feel like having a set number isn't a good idea at all. Life happens and you just get busy. I think putting it fully in the judgment of staff is best.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
I prefer the idea of having the 24 hour rule remain in place, but allowing the admins to make exceptions in extenuating circumstances and just holding this to a high bar. Like Connor is a police officer, so if China invades Sweden, and Connor has three 14 hour shifts in a row, it would make sense to give Connor some leeway.


Aug 4, 2018
That would make sense, yeah, but I think it's just an overall better idea for there to be a gentleman's rule of take as long as you need to make quality roleplay until it doesn't quite make sense anymore. It's less stressful on all parties involved.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
It's mostly for the purpose of keeping RP going. Right now (myself included as a culprit) you see Political RP going on for months and months with only one or two pages.
It would only invite that happening in PvP, taking ages with little or no progress, but we have always done exceptions based on a persons circumstance.


Jun 20, 2018
Despite the 24Hour Response being a Rule, I would not mind an Operation between 2 People having their own "Gentleman's Agreement" — Of course we would need evidence that both sides have agreed to avoid arguments.
That being said, I would not agree to an Operation that involves more than 1 opponent, as the Operation will then be dragged out waiting on several other people to comment.
For example, If 4 People were involved and you agreed on 2 days per response. You'd be waiting 6 Days for your turn, due to the Posting Order