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[Tanzania] Call to Germany


Aug 30, 2020
The Tanzanian Ambassador to Germany, Batini Asari-Dokubo, would make a telephone call to the German Foreign Minister, using an encrypted line.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Klaus Kinkel, Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs would take the call.

"Hello Ambassador Batini. How may I help you today?"


Aug 30, 2020
"Good Afternoon Vice Chancellor, I hope you are well. I will start off by congratulating you and your administration on forming an active government in Germany, this opens up many opportunities for your nation and the world.

Now, I am calling to discuss numerous ideas relating to furthering our economic and political relations, such being topics of trade, visas and academic partnerships. Is now a good time for you?



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"This is a fine time Ambassador Asari-Dokubo. I have to rest of the morning to chat and you have my undivided attention. What did you have in mind regarding trade?"



Aug 30, 2020
"Oh that's good to hear. Well our primary idea was to establish trade routes between us and Germany, exchanging key commodities and resources to fuel each others economies. Tanzania is currently a significant producer in metals, coffee, cotton, gold and phosphates, and we are hoping to export some of these goods to your markets. We are also wanting to imported German manufactured goods for our consumer markets and was wondering what specific goods you're exporting at this moment in time?"


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"We specialize in manufactured goods. Our primary export is our extensive line of automotive products. We have Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Open, Porsche and Volkswagen all headquartered here in Germany. The finished automobiles along with their proprietary parts lists are all available for trade. We also off comprehensive lines of machinery. Tractors, cranes, and other heavy engineering equipment is all available from a variety of manufacturers. Our Computer and Electronic Products catalog is also extensive. Allow me to highlight one in particular. Kontron AG is a German-based multinational company which designs and manufactures embedded computer modules, boards and systems. They offer OEMs, system integrators and application providers for different market sectors such as Industrial automation, communications, transportation, energy, avionics, medical, infotainment, and military. Our pharmaceuticals are world class. Headquartered here in Leverkusen is BAYER. BAYER is a German multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Bayer's areas of business include human and veterinary pharmaceuticals; consumer healthcare products; agricultural chemicals, seeds and biotechnology products. Along with pharmaceuticals we also offer the industry standard in Medical Instruments. Siemens Healthcare is headquartered in Erlangen and offers all of the following Angiography and Interventional X-ray Systems, Computed Tomography, Radiation Oncology, Laboratory Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics, Molecular Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Refurbished Systems, Syngo Imaging Software, Ultrasound, and X-ray Products."

"Our biggest bottleneck here in Germany is raw materials. We require an immense sum of metals in order to build our machines. We are very interested in setting up extensive trade routes with your country. We are currently building our merchant fleet. Once its complete, we can start sending you any of our fine products. We are ready to start receiving metals, gold, and phosphates weekly as soon as your prepared to send them I will have start a team immediately on drawing up the most efficient ocean going routes."



Aug 30, 2020
"Woah, wells there a lot here that the Tanzania people need, in many aspects as a matter of urgency. hmm...let me think what would be the most vital...Okay, automobiles will certainly be good and all brands are welcome. Along with machinery, primarily towards the agricultural and construction machinery as that's where the highest demand is. As well as that, Medical equipment is something we would like to import. So altogether, that's automobiles, machinery and medical equipment.

Metals, Gold and phosphates we can do, you say a weekly shipment. We currently can ship these to you and I'll have the paper work drawn up soon. I would offer to organise a return trip for our vessels to ship your products, however, I'm afraid we do lack the necessary ro/ro and container ships in the fleet; we only have bulk carriers.

What port would we be sending our vessels to, Hamburg? On our side, the Port of Dar Es Salaam would be handling this trade."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"Yes Hamburg should be the destination. We will have the 5 cargo vessels available for launch soon. Once they become available, they can begin shipping any of the supplies you might need. Did you have a shipping route in mind? I can have our team of cartographers draw up some plans. But I imagine your captains know what routes work best for their vessels. We are prepared to start receiving the weekly shipments immediately. "

"I'm quite pleased with the progress we have made today. I think our two countries have a bright future together."



Aug 30, 2020
"I understand. The route we will take is KI-LI-LJ-LK-KK-KL-KM-JK-IM-IN-IO-JO, from Dar Es Salaam to Hamburg. I will have the shipments organised soon and we're ready to receive your ships when you are."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"Everything seems to be in order Ambassador Asari-Dokubo. You may send paper work to the various Maritime organizations and inform them of the new trade deals. Just to confirm, the deals are as follows."

Metals (Weekly)
Gold (Weekly)
Phosphates (Weekly)

Route: KI-LI-LJ-LK-KK-KL-KM-JK-IM-IN-IO-JO, from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania to Hamburg, Germany.

"Once we have our merchant fleet, we will contact you again for routes leaving Germany."

"Ambassador Asari-Dokubo, I thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!.



Aug 30, 2020
"Yes, that sounds perfect.

To clarify the route will be inverted for Hamburg to Dar Es Salaam, so it will be KI-LI-LJ-LK-KK-KL-KM-JK-IM-IN-IO-JO.

Thank you, you too Minister"



Aug 30, 2020
"Oh before we conclude our talks today, I have just received a message from our Ministry of Defence asking me to enquire to you about the possibility of purchasing assault rifles alternative to the one you have currently advertised, maybe the Heckler & Koch G36 model? And also whether you had any anti-tank weaponry or vehicles we could purchase?

These both will be a huge asset to our armed forces. We are currently reorganising and modernising our forces you see."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Yes, of course. The G36 is currently under going its final endurance trails before its ready for export. It should be listed on our website within the next few weeks.

As for your inquiry into anti-tank weaponry, you will be delighted that you are to be the first to hear our announcement of the Panzerfaust 3-IT. It is an improvement over the Panzerfaust 3 as it is an improved Anti-tank version with tandem hollow charge warhead (designed to penetrate reactive modern armour). we have the entire brochure available online at our website here. We can offer the Panzerfaust 3-IT to you today for $13,885.00 per unit.

I have also received word that the first wave of our new merchant vessels have launched. We spoke earlier about automobiles, machinery and medical equipment being exported. I assume this is weekly?

I have also revised the planned routes.

Journey Start: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Destination: Hamburg, Germany.
Metals (Weekly)
Gold (Weekly)
Phosphates (Weekly)

Journey Start: Hamburg, Germany
Destination: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Automobiles (weekly)
Machinery (weekly)
Medical Equipment (weekly)




Aug 30, 2020
"This is great. Once you've realised them, we will surely be putting in a large order. We want them to be the standard rifle for our armed forces.

And with the anti-tank, well, I'm delighted to hear it. Is this something I can put an order in now with you, or shall I arrange an order through your defence exporting website?

Yes weekly is good. The trade summary seems all in order, and we will look forward to receiving your ships in due course.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"I would like you to arrange it through the website if you wouldn't mind. That helps us keep track of all of our orders. I will call you as soon as the G36 is ready for export."

"I have filled out all of the required paper work for our trade routes. Now we wait to hear from the Maritime Law board for final approval. But I have enjoyed working with you. I hope that this is the start of a lasting friendship between out two nations. If there is anything else you might need, do not hesitate to call or email me."

"Have a wonderful evening!"


Aug 30, 2020
"That's excellent, thank you, I'll have an order put through shortly.

Indeed, this has been a very successful first step to forming a good relationship.

Thank you, I wish you one too!"


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