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[THA] Message to RusAr


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: RusAr Board
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

To Whom it May Concern,

I am contacting the RusAr Board on behalf of the Rattanakosin Kingdom as their Minister of Defence.

We were browsing through the RusAr storefront and while we liked what we saw, we were hoping to purchase a larger array of military equipment from you - specifically more modern equipment. I am uncertain if all the pieces of equipment that I will list are available for purchase, but if not please let me know and I will find an equivalent replacement for the Kingdom to purchase. We were interested, to start, with naval products:

  • x2 Slava-class Cruisers
  • x10 Udaloy II-class Destroyers
  • x50 Bora-class Guided Missile Hovercraft
  • x4 Oscar-II Submarines (Project 949A Antey)
  • x12 Kilo-class Submarines
  • x4 Ropucha-class Landing Ships
  • x21 Kamov Ka-17 Helicopter
We will be inquiring about more equipment in the future relating to air force and ground forces, but for now we will be focusing on the Royal Rattanakosin Navy.

Thank you for your time.

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Chuan Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr​

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
We thank you for your interested in the services offered by RusAr. On behalf of the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Argentine Republic, we are happy to assist you in fullfilling your current armed foreces requirement by providing cost effective, reliable and potent hardware.

In relation to the equipment requested by you, after consulting with the legal department, we have been cleared to offer the following prices.
  • x2 Slava-class Cruisers ($1,360,000,000.00 per unit) ($2,720,000,000.00)
  • x10 Udaloy II-class Destroyers ($420,000,000.00 per unit) ($840,000,000.00)
  • x50 Bora-class Guided Missile Hovercraft ($18,000,000.00 per unit) ($900,000,000.00)
  • x4 Oscar-II Submarines (Project 949A Antey) ($1,350,000,000.00 per unit) ($2,700,000,000.00)
  • x12 Kilo-class Submarines ($352,500,000.00 per unit) ($4,230,000,000.00)
  • x4 Ropucha-class Landing Ships ($380,000,000.00 per unit) ($1,152,000,000.00)
  • x21 Kamov Ka-17 Helicopter ($21,000,000.00 per unit) ($441,000,000.00)
The total price would be of $12,983,000,000.00

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

I thank you for your prompt response. Rattanakosin is more than happy paying for the listed price, however, as of right now it is only slightly out of budget for us. Would RusAr be willing to allow us to make two payments, one this month and one next month? Each month we will be able to transfer 6,491,500,000.00$ and in return, each month RusAr will produce half of the order. Therefore:

For each payment of 6,491,500,000.00$ RusAr will produce the following:
  • x1 Slava-class Cruiser
  • x5 Udaloy II-class Destroyers
  • x25 Bora-class Guided Missile Hovercrafts
  • x2 Oscar-II-class Submarines
  • x6 Kilo-class Submarines
  • x2 Ropucha-class Landing Ships
  • x10 Kamov Ka-17 Helicopters (x11 on the second payment)
Is this a reasonable payment method for you, Sir? If not, please let us know with a counter-offer.

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Denfence
Rattanakosin Kingdom



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Chuan Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom​
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
Your proposal is more than acceptable. In this case, if you wish to proceed, please transfer the first part to Argentina and we will start production of the first half immediatly.

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

I hope all is well, I am contacting you on behalf of the Rattanakosin Kingdom once again for another order for both of our Royal Navy and our Royal Air Force.

We would like the price of the following:
  • x1 Kuznetsov-class Aircraft Carrier
    • x24 Sukhoi Su-33
    • x4 Kamov Ka-31
    • x2 Kamov Ka-27PL
  • x1 Kilo-class Submarine
While we may not be able to purchase all of this at once, we would also ask for an estimate on the following:
  • x36 Sukhoi Su-30 Multi-Role Fighters
  • x96 Sukhoi Su-27 Air Superiority Fighters
  • x60 Sukhoi Su-24M2 Attack Aircraft
  • x60 Kamov Ka-50 Attack Helicopters
  • x6 Ilyushin Il-76M Tactical Airlifter
  • x96 Kamov Ka-226 Utility Helicopter
  • x2 Ilyushin Il-78 Aerial Refueling
  • x6 Ilyushin Il-38 Maritime Patrol
  • x1 Beriev A-50 AEW&C
Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Chuan Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom​
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
We thank you for your renewed interested in the services offered by RusAr. On behalf of the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Argentine Republic, we are happy to assist you in fullfilling your current armed foreces requirement by providing cost effective, reliable and potent hardware.

First of all, there seems to be a legal complication regarding the ownership of certain products, that has just recently come to our attention. Under the current arrangements RusAr is unable to produce the Slava-Class Cruiser and the Kuznetsov-Class Aircraft Carrier. Our legal department is currently working things out with the russian part to move forward with this. The already delivered Slava-Class Cruiser will obviously remain under your control, since it was already deliveredbut we won't ne able to produce the second one. We can offer you a refund or to redirect the funds to produce other assets.

As for the new equipment requested by you, we have been cleared to offer the following prices.
    • x1 Kuznetsov-class Aircraft Carrier (1,440,000,000.00 per unit - awaiting approval - )
      • x24 Sukhoi Su-33 (Currently unavailable, but we can offer the (Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29K instead for 22,000,000.00 per unit)
      • x4 Kamov Ka-31 (Currently unavailable, certification process. Estimated cost of 27,000,000.00 per unit)
      • x2 Kamov Ka-27PL (23,000,000.00 per unit)

      • x1 Kilo-class Submarine (Kilo-Class Project 636, 420,000,000.00)
  • While we may not be able to purchase all of this at once, we would also ask for an estimate on the following:
    • x36 Sukhoi Su-30 Multi-Role Fighters (Sukhoi Su-30K for 29,000,000.00 per unit) (total: 1,044,000,000.00)
      x96 Sukhoi Su-27 Air Superiority Fighters (Sukhoi Su-27S for 34,000,000.00 per unit) (total: 3,264,000,000.00)
      x6 Ilyushin Il-76M Tactical Airlifter (Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A for 124,000,000.00 per unit) (total: 744,000,000.00)
      x60 Kamov Ka-50 Attack Helicopters (17,500,000.00 per unit) (total: 1,050,000,000.00)
      x60 Sukhoi Su-24M2 Attack Aircraft (Sukhoi Su-24M for 43,500,000.00 per unit) (total: 2,610,000,000.00)
    • x96 Kamov Ka-226 Utility Helicopter (5,200,000.00 per unit) (total: 499,200,000.00)
    • x2 Ilyushin Il-78 Aerial Refueling (Ilyushin Il-78M for 135,000,000.00 per unit) (total: 270,000,000.00)
    • x6 Ilyushin Il-38 Maritime Patrol (Ilyushin Il-38 Dolphin for 30,000,000.00 per unit) (total: 180,000,000.00)
    • x1 Beriev A-50 AEW&C (Beriev A-50U 449,000,000.00 per unit)
Excluding the costs of the carrier and the corresponding airwing, since we understand that you will not move forward with acquiring an embarked airwing without a confirmed carrier, the total cost of the requested products is $10,530,200,000.00

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Chuan Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom​
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
An issue seems to have come up. Due to legal reasons we are unable to provide the second Slava-Cruiser and the Ropucha LPDs. We can offer to produce for the same cost as the Slava. 3 Udaloy II-Class Destroyers. However, for the Ropuchas, we would need to talk with Russia for them to produce it, since its registered in Poland but operated by Russia.

Please, let us know you thoughts.
Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

It is no worries at all.

We will accept the replacement of three Udaloy II-class Destroyers. Please contact Russia and let us know what they say regarding the Ropucha-class Landing Ships.

We are also going to be soon purchasing for our army. Would it be possible to have a quote for this future order:
  • x260 T-90 Main Battle Tanks (T-90S is acceptable)
  • x110 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
  • x84 9P148 ATGM Carrier
  • x498 BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier
  • x159 BMP-97 MRAP/Recon Vehicle
  • x38 TOS-1A MLRS
  • x84 9K33 Osa SAM System
  • x798 GAZ-33097 Light Truck
  • x38 Ural-4320 Utility Truck

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom

Last edited:


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Chuan Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom​
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister XXX,
We thank you for your interested in the services offered by RusAr. On behalf of the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Argentine Republic, we are happy to assist you in fullfilling your current armed foreces requirement by providing cost effective, reliable and potent hardware.

In relation to the equipment requested by you, after consulting with the legal department, we have been cleared to offer the following prices.
  • x260 T-90S Main Battle Tanks ($936,000,000.00)
  • x110 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle ($440,000,000.00)
  • x84 9P148 ATGM Carrier ($680,000,000.00)
  • x498 BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier ($410,000,000.00)
  • x159 BMP-97 MRAP/Recon Vehicle ($75,000,000.00)
  • x38 TOS-1A MLRS ($110,000,000.00)
  • x84 9K33 Osa SAM System ($360,000,000.00)
  • x798 GAZ-33097 Light Truck ($25,000,000.00)
  • x38 Ural-4320 Utility Truck ($3,000,000.00)
The total price would be of $3,039,000,000.00

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

I hope all is well, I am contacting you on behalf of the Rattanakosin Kingdom once again for another order for our air defences.

We would like the price of the following:
  • x12 S-300V4 Long-Range SAM System
  • x16 Buk-M1-2 Medium-Range SAM System (if unavailable then we shall order this later)
  • x64 S-125 Neva/Pechora 2M Short-Range SAM System

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom

Last edited:


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Chuan Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom​
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
We thank you for your interested in the services offered by RusAr. On behalf of the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Argentine Republic, we are happy to assist you in fullfilling your current armed foreces requirement by providing cost effective, reliable and potent hardware.

In relation to the equipment requested by you, after consulting with the legal department, we have been cleared to offer the following prices.
  • x12 S-300V4 Long-Range SAM System (138,000,000.00 per unit) (subtotal: 1,656,000,000.00)
  • x16 Buk-M1-2 Medium-Range SAM System (Currently unavailable)
  • x64 S-125 Neva/Pechora 2M Short-Range SAM System (296,400.00 per unit) (subtotal: 18,969,600.00)
The total price would be of $1,674,969,600.00

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

I hope all is well, I am contacting you on behalf of the Rattanakosin Kingdom once again for another order for our air defences.

We would like the price of the following:
  • x30 RT-2PM Topol ICBM
  • x6 MAZ-7917
  • x16 Buk-M1-2 Medium-Range SAM System
  • x3 Dnestr Radar (Dnepr Variant)

We would ask that if this purchase is possible that the productions of the ICBMs, MAZ-7917, and the Dnestr Radars remain highly encrypted. We would be willing to pay for the extra cost of doing this is RusAr so wishes.

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Minister Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
We thank you for your interested in the services offered by RusAr. On behalf of the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Argentine Republic, we are happy to assist you in fullfilling your current armed foreces requirement by providing cost effective, reliable and potent hardware.

In relation to the equipment requested by you, after consulting with the legal department, we have been cleared to offer the following prices.
  • x30 RT-2PM Topol ICBM (24,000,000.00 per unit - 720,000,000.00 in total)
  • x6 MAZ-7917 (300,000 per unit - 3,300,000.00 in total)
  • x16 Buk-M1-2 Medium-Range SAM System (37,500,000 per unit - 600,000,000 in total)
  • x3 Dnestr Radar (Dnepr Variant) Only Dnestr-Variant available. We can offer instead the P-70 Lena-M for 62,000,000 each and 186,000,000.00 in total)
The total price would be of $1,509,300,000.00

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

We are more than happy with the pricing of these products. However, we will refrain from purchasing the radars at this moment.

Would it also be possible to add an additional 30 Kamov Ka-27 helicopters to this purchase?

We have also heard of the current Russian Corporate Auction going on. I hope that this will not impact RusAr in the extreme, the Kingdom believes this company to be a great positive impact for Thailand, Russia, and Argentina.

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom

Last edited:


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Minister Leekpai, Minister of Defence, Rattanakosin Kingdom​
Message from: Pedro Kafelnikov, Commercial Manager, RusAr

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Leekpai,
Removing the Radars and including the 30 Kamov Ka-27PL would result in a total of

The total price would be of $1,923,300,000.00.

As for this auction, we have not yet been formally notified by our russian partners regarding potential implications. As soon as we have any relevant information, we will let you know. We hope to continue being able to provide you with first grade equipment.

Sincerely yours,

Pedro Kafelnikov
Commercial Manager



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Defence - Krasuang Kalahom


To: Commercial Manager, Pedro Kafelnikov
From: Minister Chuan Leekpai

Dearest Mr. Kafelnikov,

It is saddening to hear that the shares have been sold to such... distrusting corporations of the west. Nonetheless, the needs of the Kingdom's armed forces continues.

This will be our last purchase for some time, but we would like to known the pricing for a total of:
  • x100 Credo-M1 BFS Radar

Kindest Regards,
Chuan Leekpai
Minister of Defence
Rattanakosin Kingdom



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Minister Chuan Leekpai would be privately informed that due to recent modifications to the legal framework, consultations are being made regarding the licensing rights to produce the requested equipment. As soon as there is a reply, the Rattanakosin Kingdom will be informed.


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