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Thailand Diplomatic Message to Turkey


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: İsmail Cem Axis12

From: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Subject: Our Relationship

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Greeting, İsmail Cem

Good day. Mr. İsmail Cem, I am the Republic of Thailand's Deputy Foreign Minister. I apologize for not contacting the Turkish government since then. Our government would like to see an embassy exchange between our two wonderful countries. We will, hopefully, send an ambassador to Turkey to meet with you. We can provide the address of the Turkish embassy, which will be located at 61/1 Soi Chatsan, Suthisarn Road.

We hope the Turkish government accepts this offer. We would like to have a visa-on-arrival policy and possibly a campaign to encourage cross-national travel. If our people get along, our country can befriend.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sukhumbhand Paribatra
Republic of Thailand


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Government of Turkey
Official Communiqué

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bossza007


İsmail Cem, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Security Classification-Private-Encrypted

Last Updated: N/A

Dear Mr. Paribatra

Thank you for your email, I have spoken to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Relations Ministry and you will be happy to know that we have accepted your offer. Your Current Embassy location is excellent and we would also like to send around 35 Security Staff as well for Embassy Protection. The location of the Royal Thai Embassy is Gaziosmanpaşa, Koza Sk. No:87, 06700 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey. As for a visa on arrival policy I will have to discuss this with the Ministry of Tourism and other relating ministries, but I can assure you that this will likely pass without difficulty and a Tourism campaign between Thailand and Turkey can certainly be arranged. I hope to speak to you shortly.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
İsmail Cem
Republic of Turkey


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: İsmail Cem Axis12

From: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Subject: Our Relationship

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Dear İsmail Cem

This is a very beautiful day for our nation, Thank you for accepting our offer. We will have a warm welcome with Security Staff that the Turkish government will be sent. The location of our embassy in turkey is very excellent. I would love to go there, but I am unable to. I will sent the ambassador to the embassy the Turkish government provides us. The ambassador's name is Charanachai Wiang-in. He is a kind person. I beg you not to talk too much about the soldiers about him. He has a rumor that likes and supports a war. We would take a fight from Don Muang airport and we will request to enter turkey airspace.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sukhumbhand Paribatra
Republic of Thailand


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Charanachai Wiang-in with his selected embassy staff would board a Thai McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and everyone will be brought a week's worth of clothes and other necessities, they will wear a business suit. The Thai McDonnell Douglas DC-10 would take off from Suvarnabhumi Airport flying at 41,000 ft above sea level with a cruise speed of 796 km/h. From there the aircraft would travel to Ankara Esenboğa Airport. Turkish would be given notice of the flight number, an estimated time of arrival, and request to enter their airspace and permission to land



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkish ATC operators in Ankara would give the DC-10 Permission to land and 4 NIO operated Armored Rolls Royce Phantoms would be driven to Esenboga International alongside a police escort and 12 TRRT Armed Security Personnel in 6 Armored Toyota Century Sedans would come alongside the Motorcade. Minister of Foreign Affairs İsmail Cem would be in the second Rolls-Royce that would pick up the delegation. The group would now wait for the flight to land with plans to go to the Trilye Restaurant, one of the nicest restaurants in Ankara and frequented by various Government officals including the President. The restaurant would begin to be cleared out with no new reservations allowed and a security team brought in to survey the area.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Ambassador would arrive at the Airport along with his staff. When they get out of the airplane, they would be meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs İsmail Cem, and other guards. when they meet the ambassador would greeting the Miniter of foreign affairs. "Greeting Mister İsmail Cem, it's my pleasure to meet with you" After that the ambassador would get on the car the same as İsmail Cem. They would go to one of the nicest restaurants in Ankara.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Motorcade would leave the airport with major security elements due to the rise in crime in recent months around Ankara, while in the Rolls-Royce the Minister would engage in friendly conversation.

”It is a pleasure to meet with your as well Ambassador, I have long been expecting your trip And I give you the pleasure to know the Thailand is one of the first foreign governments to make an official trip to the Republic of Turkey. This clearly shows the Thai government’s drive to strengthen relations and create a new bond between Turkey and your home nation. I hope to discuss a variety of matters including a no tariff full trade deal between Turkey and Thailand and additionally I feel it’s only right if we could begin a negotiation regarding Tourism between Thailand and Turkey as Many of our people would be delighted to spend time in Thailand and its numerous resorts.”

The car would pull up to the restaurant and the two would be escorted inside with their respective delegation and security teams.

What a delight, I’m starving, shall we order?

Minister Cem would order a Kisir Salad for his main course, the waiter would request what the Ambassador would like.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Ambassador would order the same as Mister İsmail Cem and they would finish the food first before the ambassador start talking.

"The food here is very delicious now I know why people like to eat here. I guess I should start talking about a diplomatic thing."

"The main reason that our government contacts you today is about the tourism and relationship. Our government is very eager to see human development in each country and to connect the people in each country, to increase the relationship of the country which can easily be made by increase the relationship of people in the country. We believe we can increase the number of tourists in our country by starting an agreement of visa on arrival, the 60-day would be great for tourists in our nation. About the campaign, I think we should start with the cultural exchange which would be great since many people in our country enjoyed to learn foreign nation culture."

The Ambassador would take a sip of water and ask "What do you think about this? I would love to talk about the trade too since our Minister of Commerce always complains about the lack of trade in our country, even though it's is not my main mission to talk about this, but it is our Foreign plan."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Due to the Ongoing crisis, Minister Cem would leave the table and be replaced by Assistant Minister Arap.
Minister Arap would sit down where Minister Cem was and continue the conversation.

“Sorry for the Minister’s sudden disappearance Ambassador, but we are in quite the situation right now. Anyway I would love to continue this conversation… So, Minister Cem would like you to know that your proposed plan is excellent but that your Trourist Plan certainly does not work when you are, I believe, Restricting travel to Turkey. Now tell me, why is this so? You can see around you that there are no issues and that no citizens of Thailand could be harmed here, yes?”


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I agree that there might be no issue here for Thai citizens to be harmed. The government made a decision too harshly, in my opinion. It's a sudden turn of events for me as well. From what they have informed me, the government wants to ensure that there will be no event like shooting civilian aircraft to civilians. There is a solution to this if Turkey agrees not to shoot our civilian aircraft and be a good friend to us. I believe we can lift the travel bans since our first objective to contact Turkey is to befriend Turkey and have more cultural exchanges. What do you think? It will be the best to find the solution fast."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Minister would chuckle
”Of course Ambassador, we do not intend to shoot down any civilian aircraft. Furthermore we recently shot down an SAA 747 that was illegally commandeered by the late, disgraced former South African President who sparked the deaths of potentially thousands if not tens of thousands of innocents by initiating a war with Sweden for no reason. The aircraft illegally entered our airspace and we Believed at the time that it could very well be a hijacked aircraft that could be on its way to attack a civilian target. This would make sense after all since all civilian aircraft were grounded in South Africa, there was a state of lawlessness in the region and likely the airport, they did not respond to numerous calls to land or at least state a destination, and finally The aircraft was trying to evade our Jets instead of pitching side to side to indicate that the aircraft was under the control of a sane pilot. I’m sure the Thai Administration has not heard these details and I want to let you know that only Saudi Arabia and the domestic government has known of these details. In fact the international media continues to criticize us without knowing an inkling of information on the matter as it was all top secret. Turkey is currently operating a recovery mission and has multiple CG patrol craft searching through the area at this time. So anyway, O can promise the Thai government that not a single aircraft would ever ever ever be shot down by Turkey without proper cause and we would first contact the Thai government if we thought that an aircraft was dangerous/suspicious enough to even be considered to be shot down. What do think of this evidence Ambassador? In fact what do you think of the ongoing tensions between Israel and Turkey? I’m sure you support the side that is trying to prevent the unlawful annexation of another nation‘s territory, yes?


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Well, since the aircraft entered Turkey's airspace illegally and there was a possible chance that the airplane has been hijacked, it sounds makes sense to me as well, and I appreciated that Turkey share the information with us to make it clear. In our country, the media attack your government through news media, but we can't do much about it due to free speech in our country.

About the ongoing tension between Turkey and Israel, yes, I support the side that is trying to prevent the unlawful annexation of another nation's territory. Can you tell me detail about this current situation? I would love to hear from Turkish's perspective."


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