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Thailand | Emigration


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Thailand Electronic Mail Service
Official Correspondence

Encryption: Private and Encrypted | NSST 1.0 Architecture
Recipient: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of France Alexander
Sender: Bhumibol Adulyadej
Subject: Inquiry Regarding Permanent Residence Status

To the Ministry of Foreign of France,

I am Bhumibol Adulyadej, a citizen of the Socialist Republic of Thailand. However, most international observers prefer the former King of the Kingdom of Rattanakosin (1995 - 1998). The truth is that I have never assimilated into the new cultural identity of post-revolution Thailand, where each individual has transformed into a new socialist person.

Last week, I attended my first Community Assembly session after spending years inside the retirement house provided by the state. It was vibrant yet, personally, uninspired. If anything borders on democracy, I prefer representation, not participation. Such a contrast seems to be the struggle between Western democracy and Thai Socialist Participatory Democracy. Regardless, I don't intend to involve myself in a philosophical dispute.

Therefore, I seek information on how a Thai citizen can receive permanent residence status in France. Per my understanding, there is no visa requirement for a Thai citizen traveling to France and vice versa. I still own properties in Germany, and a provincial coordinator said he would seek technical assistance for me. I might also bring my family members to France.​


Bhumibol Adulyadej

Digital Electronic Mail​


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Château de Versailles

From: Her Excellency Alice Léone Rousseau, Grand Secrétaire
To: His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand Bossza007
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Emigration

Your Majesty,

Considering the nature of your status your request has been referred to the Palace of Versailles by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. After consulting with our legal and diplomatic experts as well as Her Imperial Majesty, we have decided to extend you and your family an offer of full citizenship of the Empire of France, including voting rights for all those above the age of 45 while those below will need to complete National Service to obtain voting rights.

If you accept this offer, there is an important legal matter you need to be aware of. Under French law any citizen engaged in activities to undermine the legitimate government of France or an allied state is guilty of treason punishable by death during war and a life term of imprisonment during peace. As such, you are not allowed to engage in any activities designed to undermine the Socialist Republic of Thailand.

As part of the relocation effort the Empress has graciously decided to offer you the Hôtel Matignon as your residence in Paris at no cost. You will also be allowed to transfer any assets to French banks without incurring the usual tax on international transactions. In recognition of your status the Empress has also created and granted the title Duke of Matignon, while this is a title of nobility it does not come with any subject lands or Imperial alllowance.

Her Excellency Alice Léone Rousseau
Grand Secrétaire


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Thailand Electronic Mail Service
Official Correspondence

Encryption: Private and Encrypted | NSST 1.0 Architecture
Recipient: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of France Alexander
Sender: Bhumibol Adulyadej
Subject: RE: Emigration

Your Excellency,

The Empire of France’s offer is intriguing and raises several questions, including whether Her Imperial Majesty has planned this occurrence with the Thai Government. However, I appreciate the romanticism toward my former position and will not seek any more inquiries given the extraordinary nature of such a proposition. I would, of course, accept the opportunity to hold the French citizenship, including the title of Duke of Matignon and the generously provided residence at the Hôtel Matignon. Please, extend my heartfelt gratitude to Her Imperial Majesty.

While the longstanding and deepening alliance between the Socialist Republic of Thailand and the Empire of France baffles me, I pledge not to involve myself in any activity that might harm or damage the reputation of Thailand. My family greatly appreciates the tax exemption privilege for us as we held many investment portfolios during the existence of the Kingdom of Rattanakosin. On another note, my family and I will retain our citizenships as the Thai Constitution forbids the revocation of such identities.

Once again, Her Imperial Majesty has our family’s sincere gratitude. The world has changed considerably since the fall of the United Nations, and I will have to learn so much from a more diverse media landscape. My family and I will travel to Paris after we have completed the necessary domestic arrangements.​


Bhumibol Adulyadej

Digital Electronic Mail​

Private and Encrypted

The former Thai royal family members would depart from Thailand through a commercial flight of the Thai Airways Cooperative three days later. The A350-900 airplane would arrive at the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport at noon local time.​

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