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[Thailand] Military Attaché to Sweden


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Thai Military Attaché, Mr. Komkit Siriwanich, would dial a call to the Swedish ambassador to Thailand, Jon Åström Gröndah. The phone line is encrypted by NIA.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Ambassador would answer the phone immediately, the line being encrypted by default and taken in the confines of his private office in the embassy. Jon would lean back in his leather chair to answer the call, recognising the local telephone prefix but being nonethewiser as to who was calling:

"Good Morning, Ambassador Jon Åström Gröndah speaking, how can I help?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Hello, Ambassador Jon. I am a Thai Military Attaché to Sweden. My new government-appointed me a week ago. Do you know Kanchana? We used to bet who will be the first person to get a diplomat job, and she won." He chuckles. "I am not good at theory diplomacy as her, but I am trained for the military diplomat. I hope everything is great for you! Let's get to the point. First, we don't hear about major Swedish action in South Africa for some time now. Does the thing start to calm down? We are giving supply several thousand people a day, and that's all we are doing now, and that's all we are doing now. I heard that Sweden produce South African equipment and train soldier too. Regarding 798 of our forces are in South Africa, they might need to come home to meet their family as well. Can you ask the Swedish army headquarters if they are okay if we change the deployed force? Our army had expanded since we sent them to South Africa. We need the humanitarian aid force to come back, learn, and rest. We will send a new humanitarian team to South Africa. They are well-train like the current one."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"A Military Attaché... well congratulations on your appointment, given our close military workings recently I expect we will be working closely over the coming years. I think the situation in South Africa has quietened down in part due to ongoing peace negotiations between Sweden and the United States hosted in London, England; we are optimistic that this will have a substantial difference in the current political climate. Now Korea seems to have stopped their spread of lies we might be able to finally promote some truth and the reality of what's going on in South Africa, alongside the hugely beneficial humanitarian work the Royal Thai Armed Forces are doing.

I understand that South Africa has been going on for some time and there's no doubt been huge developments in your growing forces in that time. You are more than welcome to recall your personnel at any time and replace them with other units, my only ask is that if you exceed 798 personnel in your replacement deployment that you make the Department of Defence aware. I will have a memorandum sent across to the Armed Forces Headquarters to notify them of your intentions."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I'll take your word for it that we'll be working closely over the next year so that we may continue our humanitarian effort in peace." Our government has approved between $1 and $2 billion in investments in our country's agriculture business. We'll be able to share a little more in the future. I'm hoping that the peace talks in London will improve the political situation for you. If the Swedish military requires supplies, they may always travel to Pretoria.

Thank you for allowing our soldiers to return home. You inquire about going above the personnel limit. We can double the size of our humanitarian aid force. The maximum number of personnel we can deploy is 1,596. Political upheaval may arise if we deploy more than that. I believe we will establish camps throughout Pretoria to assist all of the city's residents.

I'd like to ask about the situation in the Middle East. Is there anything you know about the situation? We've reached out to Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia to learn more about the situation. If Sweden shares information with us, we will be grateful."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The situation in the Middle East is particularly complex as neither side really seem to be willing to pursue peace in any reasonable capacity... Israel lay dormant with very little effort whatsoever to protect their own civilians and appears to almost be relying on the support of the west and majorly economically developed countries as their primary defence strategy - their political efforts have been lacklustre to say the least. Turkey is in a similar boat, they are working under the concept they have the support of the major players in the region but this is a complex and swayed opinion; I do not hold must faith that Saudi Arabia will remain an ally when their own homeland becomes threatened.

We have a huge intelligence network, as you know, and is still likely to be the most advanced of its kind. We have a number of analysis working around the clock to compile region specific information which may or may not benefit those involved... however at this stage the Secretary of Defence has not authorised disclosure any gathered intelligence on national security grounds.

Does Thailand have a any imminent plans to become involved in the Middle East?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"We currently have no confirmed plan by the Ministry of Defence. The closest that the ministry ever concerned in the Middle East region is that the citizens living there. We have over 22,000 citizens residing in the Middle East; 20,000 are in Israel. We have contacted the Israeli government. They said they were going to help repatriate citizens to Thailand, but we suspended the airlines to the Middle East because of the tension in the region long ago. If the war gonna break out, the Armed Forces will involve in it.

We are also gathering intelligence from news media like Twitter and local broadcasts to acknowledge the circumstances. We recognized that the Australian Armed Force will conduct the military operation to defend the Israel nation, so there won't be the massacre of Jews like in World War 2. Does the Swedish government think that it will influence the Turkish military's action? We believe that Australia might change the Turkish move into peace or war. The current Australian government is stiff, in my opinion.

Prime Minister has ordered the NIA agents in the drill to prepare for the infiltration in the Middle East region if the situation still does not back down. It will be an influential and secure network if the tension still occurs in the Middle East. Does Sweden have anything plan like this? Both sides rely upon support from other countries. We are concerned that if they can attract enough allies, the Middle East will be turned into a terrible conflict. Also, please keep this between our two countries.

Is there any strategy for Sweden to join the battle if it breaks out? But, to be honest, we do not want a war to end a war."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“In honesty we too are hoping to avoid direct involvement in the conflict arising in the Middle east and I strongly believe that the more nations involved will only exacerbate the issues we’re experiencing thus far. This however does not hinder our commitment to ongoing intelligence gathering to prevent the likelihood of this hitch in geopolitics from growing outwards to other targets on the agenda of hostile governments.

I don’t think anything influences Turkish military action other than domestic politics - they do not appear to account for the strength of certain nations, commitments to international allies or even any form of moral compass.

I fear the collapse of key ASEAN governments, namely South Korea, leaves Thailand open to threat - our experience with Vietnam thus far has proven that their response to immediate threats is lacklustre and we want to ensure that a key partner, such as yourselves, remain a key priority for our Department of Defence decision making. I would like to suggest the deployment of assets from our Strategic Defence Network to Thailand to begin intelligence gathering in coastal, air and space capacities; this branch of the Swedish Armed Forces is one of the most advanced intelligence and surveillance networks on the planet. I will not disguise this as a pure gesture of goodwill; we certainly benefit from this arrangement too as it will enable us to monitor deployments towards the Middle East as well as security concerns in the region.

We too want to avoid a war, and i strongly believe an arrangement like this is a strong step forward.”



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Ah, I see. I will pass along your suggestion to the Prime Minister. It will help us gather intelligence in the coastal, air, and space domains. It may take some time, but it will not be too long. We do not have any concerns about our coastal shore because at least 2,000 marines patrol the maritime zone with over 300 ships 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I believe the Swedish deployment will be massively beneficial to us as well. The current government's emphasis on people has resulted in a minor reduction in military spending. The overall annual budget is 20% higher than the budget for last year.

Also, I have a question. Does Swedish Armed Force interested in a joint military exercise? We will ensure our army combat readiness in case of inevitable. Thank the last government. They spent so much money that we can use it to perform a joint exercise. We will train them with the equipment that we will provide. We will also have a maneuver that the soldier will fight with others, but not actual ammunition. The last government had proposed a new way of exercise last year, and it can help with training safety."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The deployment would be purely for intelligence gathering purposes and they will be a non-confrontational force acting as part of the Swedish Strategic Defence Network. We have active arrangements with Germany which has seen to the sale of land on a leasehold basis and we previously had a similar arrangement with Norway which saw to the sale of land on a freehold basis for similar more permanent deployments. Initially we are happy to operate with a deployment of forces agreement, no sale of land required - after all we both benefit substantially from this arrangement.

We too would be very interested in a joint military exercise and I have to be honest that we would jump at an opportunity to experience tropical warfare taught by your armed forces in the Thailand jungles. Is this a possibility?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I think we can allow the deployment from what you say. Let's move forward to the next subject while waiting for the Prime Minister to acknowledge this request." Komkit has already written an e-mail about what the Swedish ambassador has requested. He adds some detail to summarize the context. He sends it to the Prime Minister.

He would be pleased with the Swedish ambassador's reply. "Yes! We will gladly instruct the Swedish men in tropical warfare. Southern Thailand is the ideal spot to exercise. We will train in the Tropical rainforest. The soldier will have to fight in both hot and humid conditions. Nature can be wild and unconquerable for the inexperienced person, but we will guide the way. We will show the Swedish men how to survive in the tropical climate and natural environment. Nakhon Si Thammarat province will be the practice point for our joint exercise program. Is there anything that Swedish want us to provide? We will give the supply to soldiers and cover the exercise fund. How many soldiers does Sweden Armed Force will assign to the joint program? This information would give us the estimated time of preparation."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Initially our Strategic Defence Network deployment would like to see operation from three 'Temporary Operating Positions', or 'TOPs' in Chiang Rai, Ubon Ratchathani, Prachup Khiri Khan and Kelantan. These will consist primarily of radar stations and anti-air facilities - any offensive positions will require authorisation from the Thai Armed Forces prior to engagement. Ordinarily at the basic level each of these positions combined would require thirty two operational personnel. If you require coastal monitoring we can facilitate a further deployment.

We're interested in the development of our Special Forces and will look to deploy a company from the Life Regiment Hussars, 1st Airborne Battalion... namely the 2nd Airborne Company which consists of two hundred and seven personnel. Will vehicles be required for this exercise? We will need to account for each platoon's logistics which is ordinarily carried out by a mix of Land Rover Wolf WMIK and Snatch Land Rovers for these companies."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"The Temporary Operating Positions is very interesting. We have an airbase at Prachuap Khiri Khan, which can collaborate with the airforce there. We have an empty airbase at Ubon Ratchathani, a radar system can be easily installed there. I just received word from the assistant of the prime minister that deployment is possible. Although the prime minister is currently busy reforming the administration, he has informed us before that he would allow the deployment of Swedish force if it happens. Sweden can send the operational personnel here along with the exercise group. We might assign a few operational reporters from our National Intelligence officer to surveillance and report the information back to us. What will the coastal monitoring include? We would be appreciated to gain support from Sweden to help us in the patrol mission.

So Sweden wants to train the special force in tropical warfare. If Thailand's geography is desert-like in Africa, the vehicle would be needed. As I have said before, the terrain can be unconquerable. The vehicle is not necessary. We have many roads these days, which make us don't need to travel through jungle or forest. We will exercise the troops in case of unable to go through the road. The terrain is perfect to ambush, which we the special force can use to train their Infiltration. The main point of the exercise will be jungle surviving and overcoming the environment. It is what a special force needs to perform better. If Sweden wants to list the vehicle in the exercise, I would say it is possible. The vehicle can be used as an ambush counterpoint. We can teach how to adapt the mobile infantry tactic with the legs infantry tactic. Two hundred and seven personnel is an appropriate amount of the exercise program. I believe we might assign some of the 9th Infantry Division to this exercise. From my perspective, two weeks would be the preparation time. Is this enough for the Swedish force to prepare the personal?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Following the raising tensions I'm the Middle East we have recieved instruction from the Department of Defence to deploy immediately to Thailand for the Temporary Operating Positions to be established as soon as physically possible. We are missing vast amounts of data with every moment we have no operations in Asia. With your permission could we expedite the deployment to within the next twenty four hours? Coastal surveillance will enable us to monitor your waterways, more as a gesture of goodwill to Thailand as the system would provide little benefit to us day-to-day but will allow you to monitor all surface vessels inbound and outbound, to and from Thailand.

We can prepare personnel for a joint exercise in a matter of weeks for deployment - we just need the details of the chosen headquarters and barracks for our troops to be based in whilst they train."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I agree that the tension in the Middle East is ever-increasing. In a situation like this, the government and our military wouldn't mind letting Sweden leave the soldiers. We have 200 small ships patrolling in Thai waters, and they may be able to guide your fleet. For the joint exercise, we can do it at Fort Thep Satri Srisunthorn. It's the headquarters of the 5th Infantry Division. in ur schedule, the Swedish forces will have to travel around the province to experience tropical warfare. Well, while it's not just the tensions between the Middle East countries. Our country is also a target. Recently, Our national security level had been raised from three to four. Let's say, almost ready for war level. Swedish intelligence might know that there are rebellion things in our country. I have an audio file of our dead NIA agent who espionage the rebel organization. I will let you hear it."

I am reporting the Pattani town case to the Armed Forces, Police, NIA, and the government. Nattawat Khumpai here, a National Intelligence Agency. With those rebels, I explored at least 20 provinces in our nation. Furthermore, the insurgents are backed by Co-n—g——-."

"As you hear, things are getting atrocious here. But, in the end, the NIA agent said something. After breaking through, we tried to listen to understand. Congo criticized us for dropping a bomb on the rebels. They claimed that we took as many as 178 lives of our civilians. Although, there was no death casualty at the time. It gave us a thought that our NIA agent said Congo. If Sweden could surveillance Congo, we will be appreciated."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I will deploy our teams as part of a passive relocation thus no military operation orders will be issued at the moment but we will be sure to have a retrospective agreement drafted for a more permanent deployment of the Swedish Defence Network - I will be sure to have advisors keep you up to speed with quantity of troops and equipment within Thailand. Afterall transparency retains the strength of our extremely close friendship.

On the subject of your national security level, growing tension in the Middle East and the ongoing civil dispute you're having with these rebels in Thailand we'd like to extend our hand of friendship. We'd like to make an investment into Thailand's defence - and following liaison with the Executive Office of the Prime Minister we have approximately $3,000,000,000.00 (three billion) we'd like to transfer to you for additional personnel, equipment, infrastructure; whatever you see fit and whatever maximises the safety of your people. There are no conditions, no catch, no small print. Just a gesture from Sweden to Thailand.

Your audio file concerns me greatly... I can tell you in the utmost secrecy that we recently had a government-sponsored terror attack in Cape Town, South Africa and early indications show they are potentially responsible for the explosion in Stockholm, Sweden. Both incidents saw to the death of senior foreign politicians on diplomatic visits. It is abundantly clear that Congo is becoming somewhat unruly and a substantial threat to national security for both of us."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Three billion will benefit the government, military, and civilians. These many funds will support our armed force to equip all soldiers with light utility armored cars. Speaking of vehicle things, does Sweden has anything vehicle for us? Maybe something like the Land Rover Wolf WMIK from Britain. You may be able to subtract the cost from the money you're giving. The battle between our 15th Infantry Division and the rebel showed that we needed more mobility to our army.

I am sorry about the incident in both Cape Town and Stockholm. It needs someone responsible for this. Our government attitude toward is somewhat threat, especially for the armed forces. Not so long ago, the armed forces started to draft a new grand strategy plan for an invasion against Congo. I have all the information like them, but I think they see something more than me. It is common for me to receive information directly from the Ministry of Defense to discuss with Sweden. It would be okay to talk to you.

At this moment, the armed forces are training more than 150,000 soldiers. Russia refused to supply military equipment to the rebels instead. But we were able to seize back some. We are concerned that our country will be a battlefield for the other nation to send their soldiers. I suggest that Sweden send the soldiers for the exercise program as soon as possible. I acknowledge that the threat of another conflict is near to our country. The Middle East has dragged many nations to be involved. Congo has become a threat to our security. Early mobilization of the resources into the military can be a good idea. Also, do you wish to discuss more? I should report about our conversation before things escalate."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Komkit would ask the Swedish ambassador if he was still there. "Hello? Can you still hear me?" If there is no response, he will hang up the phone call before talking to the Thai ambassador to Sweden. If Sweden has no interest in further cooperation in the military area or the phone line is having trouble, the ambassador will take over the work and will wait for the arrival task from Foreign Affairs to discuss with the Swedish ambassador in the new thread.


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