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Thailand | Operation Guardian Harmony | Southeast Asia


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

After two days of journey, the Temporal Vatican Expedition Group (TVEG), comprised of the HTMS Sukhothai Narubet, HTMS Similan, and HTMS Tachai, passed via the coordinates -6.0429893, 69.1143438 on the Geographic Coordinate System (GIS), a site designated as MI on the Transit Map. All vessels were in excellent condition during the cruise, due to rigorous maintenance procedures and examinations that guaranteed every component functioned efficiently. The fleet maintained a consistent speed of 12 knots while balancing speed and strategic maneuverability. The crews on these ships were similarly vigilant, maintaining a high degree of physical and mental vigour. Regular physical training and mental health programmes were devised to keep the crew alert and prepared to respond to any scenario.

Throughout the entire trip, every system aboard, including the sophisticated weapon systems, was fully active and functioning. The RTNAF Squadron 602's Eurocopter EC725 helicopters shuttled between their mother ship and the HTMS Sukhothai Narubet on a regular basis. Their primary duty was to assure the timely delivery of supplies and personnel, which they accomplished with accuracy and dependability. Simultaneously, a rotation system was implemented from RTNAF Squadron 505's fleet of 14 (+10 in the hangar) Eurocopter EC725 helicopters stationed aboard HTMS Sukhothai Narubet. Ten of these helicopters were engaged at any given time within a 50-kilometer radius of the ship, providing constant aerial observation and assistance. This rotation was perfectly timed: when the first group of ten helicopters returned to the ship, another group of ten was prepped and quickly deployed from the hangar onto the deck to take their position in the air. Unless the deck was temporarily hosting assets from another support vessel, this technique assured that at least four helicopters were always accessible on the deck, ready for instant action. As previously stated, five of the helicopters in flight were armed with a pair of machine guns. According to operational needs, the remaining helicopters were outfitted with rockets. They would proceed along the established route to South Africa, Sweden.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

Following a well-planned route, the Temporal Vatican Expedition Group (TVEG) successfully passed the coordinates 34°37'13.8"S 27°35'41.8"E. Remarkably, they had no unexpected problems or setbacks on this portion of their voyage. Everyone on board was in excellent health, which was impressive given that they had gone more than ten thousand kilometers. Regular physical examinations, a well-balanced diet, and mental health programs that guaranteed both physical and mental fitness during the extended voyage all contributed to the crew's high degree of well-being. In addition, every ship and helicopter in TVEG's fleet was in excellent condition. Consistent upkeep and anticipatory service guaranteed that all equipment remained operational and prepared for any task.

They would travel from KF to JF, heading toward the Naval Base Simon's Town for refueling and resupplying as they notified the Swedish Government. The fleet would now travel to the Iskenderun Naval Base. Route: JK > IG > IH > II > IJ > IK > IL > IM > JM > KM.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

At precisely 1400 local time, the three ships HTMS Sukhothai Narubet, HTMS Similan, and HTMS Tachai crossed the Strait of Gibraltar. They entered the Republic Thai Navy Middle East Command's (RTNMED) Maritime Awareness Domain (MAD) system as they traveled these vital waterways. As a result of this change, every vessel in the Thai Navy network was aware of their whereabouts and movements, which were constantly observed. They were specifically inside HTMS Ramrachathirat's exact 3D radar range, which provided in-depth aerial and surface surveillance, and HTMS Intharacha's 2D radar range, which offered a more expansive but nonetheless thorough sweep of the region. Furthermore, HTMS Sukhothai Narubet's cutting-edge 3D air search radar was actively monitoring a 454-kilometer radius surrounding the ship. This cutting-edge radar technology ensured a multi-layered security strategy by not only detecting and tracking objects but also providing crucial information on their speed, direction, and altitude. Moreover, the fleet maintained a discreet communication link with the RTNMED, utilizing encrypted channels to report their status and receive updates.

Resupply operations for HTMS Sukhothai have not yet been initiated by HTMS Similan and HTMS Tachai since the fleet's supplies and fuel were still at a strong 60% of their maximum capacity. But, they were ready to conduct replenishment operations for any Republic Thai Navy Middle East Command (RTNMED) vessel that was in the area, such as HTMS Ramrachathirat and HTMS Intharacha, which just so happened to be within a reasonable operating range. 'Replenishment' in this sense meant carrying on board food, medical kits, and technical equipment in addition to fuel, so that all ships could continue to function properly and be self-sufficient while at sea for extended periods of time. To reach the Iskenderun Naval Base, the three ships—HTMS Similan, HTMS Tachai, and HTMS Sukhothai—followed a well designed path. The RTNMED kept a close eye on their travel to ensure their safety and to provide them with updates on any dangers and maritime conditions.

Transit: IM > JM > KM.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The HTMS Sukhothai Narubet, escorted by the HTMS Similan and HTMS Tachai, successfully passed via the coordinates 38° 1'19.62"N 9°15'58.24"E, a crucial position in the Mediterranean. The fleet's supply stock was methodically controlled at this point to maintain roughly 50% capacity, providing a balance between readiness and resource efficiency. Both Similan-class Replenishment Tankers had successfully completed at least six replenishment missions. These activities were critical for the survival and operational continuation of six Naresuan-class frigates as part of the Republic Thai Navy Middle East Command's (RTNMED) Operation Mediterranean I. These replenishment operations, carried out with precision and efficiency, entailed moving vital supplies, such as gasoline, ammunition, and food, while at sea. Each replenishment operation was conducted with a focus on minimizing time and maximizing transfer accuracy, ensuring that the frigates remained combat-ready and fully provisioned for their missions.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The HTMS Sukhothai Narubet, together with the HTMS Similan and HTMS Tachai, navigated successfully via the coordinates 35°47'42.2"N 20°01'48.5"E. This put them around 100 nautical miles from the Greek coast, a vital position in the Mediterranean Sea. At this point in their trip, the two Similan-class Replenishment Tankers had successfully replenished the bulk of the vessels participating in Operation Mediterranean I. The only exceptions were the HTMS Ramrachathirat and HTMS Intharacha, which remained committed to protecting the vital Suez Canal. Having established their location in the KM area, as evident from the comprehensive Transit maps utilised for navigation and tactical planning, the fleet proceeded straight for the Iskenderun Naval Base. The Republic Thai Navy Middle East Command (RTNMED) is headquartered at this facility, which was situated within Ottoman territory. The trip to Iskenderun was carefully and precisely planned, considering the best routes and the state of the seas at the time to guarantee a safe and prompt arrival at the command centre.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The HTMS Sukhothai Narubet had arrived at the Iskenderun Naval Base, together with the HTMS Similan and HTMS Tachai. Upon arrival, they moored effortlessly in the specified berths, which had been carefully selected for their accessibility and security. They began restocking operations in this well-equipped facility. This procedure included not just renewing necessary supplies such as fuel, food, and ammunition, but also performing periodic maintenance inspections to maintain the boats' operational readiness following replenishment. They also performed extensive maintenance and inspection processes, thoroughly inspecting both the vessels and their crews. Precision was used in these operations, which focused on every component of the ships, from the engines to the navigation systems, and included a comprehensive health and readiness check of all crew members. Additionally, 675 new personnel, specially trained and fully briefed, were prepared to board the carrier.

The three warships were formally delivered to the Republic Thai Navy Middle East Command after rigorous upkeep, replenishment, and staff rotation. Following this thorough training, the HTMS Sukhothai Narubet commenced operations under the command of Naval Expeditionary Group Five (NEG5). Meanwhile, both Similan-class Replenishment Tanker boats arrived at the same naval base, fully replenished and ready for prolonged operations. Their presence at this position was strategically intended to offer logistical support and fast reaction capabilities, guaranteeing that the naval force in the region could maintain protracted operations without requiring distant replenishment.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The world's focus progressively turned away from this region under Thai influence after three months of the Thai Coast Guard's Operation Harmony patrolling operation in Southeast Asian waterways. The mission environment was remarkably peaceful and uneventful, with no unforeseen challenges or accidents. The Thai sailors had periodic breaks to maintain their morale and keep their familial relationships strong and grounded, owing to a well-structured leave rotation. By this stage in the mission, the Thai Navy and its personnel had gained a thorough awareness of the region's marine environment. During their patrols, each vessel in the fleet had visited every assigned location at least once, assuring complete coverage of their operational zone. This strategic patrolling pattern not only provided significant information into maritime activity patterns, fishing operations, and environmental conditions, but it also allowed the Thai Navy to maintain a visible and constant presence in these seas, bolstering regional security and stability. As a consequence of the Thai Coast Guard's outstanding management of Operation Harmony, not only was the region's safety and security assured, but the Thai Navy's reputation as a capable and responsible maritime force in Southeast Asia was enhanced.

The Republic Navy's efforts to boost rapid response capabilities within Southeast Asian waterways were significantly strengthened when the Republic Coast Guard obtained a state-of-the-art 'offshore patrol helicopter carrier' from the Mahidol Adulyadej Naval Dockyard. This carrier, designated the HTMS Suphannaphum Narubet, quickly established itself as a substantial asset, holding a crew of 841 professional Thai Navy personnel and outfitted with 24 armed helicopters, all ready for prompt deployment to provide watchful monitoring and rapid reaction across Southeast Asian maritime zones. In addition, the Thai Navy authorized the Logistic Support Squadron Two (LSS2) to remain on continual standby, acknowledging the critical importance of logistical support in supporting regional maritime operations. The HTMS Huyong and HTMS Surin Nuea, both Similan-class Replenishment Tankers, were integral members of this squadron. These warships were strategically placed to respond to any logistical issues that may develop as both regional and frontline responses.

The HTMS Suphannaphum Narubet performed an important role in maritime security during her operating life. She always made sure that at least ten helicopters were patrolling within a 50-kilometer radius of her deck. As described in the operational plan, five helicopters equipped with twin machine guns acted as the principal assault force. The remaining five were each armed with two rocket pods, allowing for a mix of observation and strike capability. At least four helicopters were stationed on the carrier's deck at all times, with crews ready for instant deployment. An additional ten helicopters were held in the hangars below, awaiting rigorous maintenance and examinations. This meant that they were operationally ready for the following aircraft rotation, effortlessly taking up patrol responsibilities from the first group when they returned.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

In alignment with the adjustments in military policy, Operation Guardian Harmony underwent a temporary pause. This decision, while halting the current operational tempo, carried implications for the ongoing patrolling activities within Southeast Asia. The culmination of this pause manifested in the systematic withdrawal of all personnel, assets, and ships, directing them back to their designated naval base in Thailand. The return journey was marked by meticulous consideration of operational requirements. Notably, personnel and assets that had been strategically transferred to other ongoing operations retained their positions. All personnel and equipment, including, would receive their time to rest or maintenance, ensuring they are in best shape and prepared for any immediate deployment.​

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