- May 4, 2021
- 3,004
Operation Succor I
Top Secret
Humanitarian mission to Congo
Top Secret
Humanitarian mission to Congo
Detail |
As the intensity of destruction resulted in the invasion by the Imperial State of the Congo over the Republic of Congo, the Thai Government deems Humanitarian aid necessary for the Congolese people. As hundreds of thousands of Republican refugees flee into the Imperial Congo, the Imperial Congo is far from ready to bear the consequences. The Royal Thailand Humanitarian Mission to Congo is the second time the Thai Government has decided to step on the African continent to support the innocent from a war. The previous mission was on the northern part of South Africa during the Swedish-South African war, where Thailand spent nearly $400 million alone on the expense on a much lower scale than the current one. The Thai government now enters the African continent on another humanitarian mission with a budget that approaches a billion USD and could be more in the future |
OCT01/SCR/PP/01 - Complete - General maintenance tasks, pre-deployment preparation, and provision of ordnance, supplies, assets, and services.
OCT01/SCR/SV/01 - Complete - Auxiliary Fleet's transporting task, underway replenishment, and supplies delivered.
OCT01/SCR/SV/02 - Complete - General resupplying tasks by the Auxiliary Fleet in South Africa.
OCT01/SCR/OP/01 - Complete - Escorting task by the 3rd Frigate Squadron of the Royal Thai Navy Second Fleet.
OCT01/SCR/OP/02 - Active - Deployment of the Royal Thai Humanitarian Aid Force to Congo.
OCT01/SCR/OP/03 - Active - The Royal Thai Humanitarian Aid Force dispensation of Humanitarian aid to the Congolese.
OCT01/SCR/IT/01 - Complete - NIA operatives travel to the Imperial State of the Congo by the Auxiliary Fleet.
OCT01/SCR/IT/02 - Active - NIA operatives' coordination with another NIA unit from Operation Pong Na Pha Klai in Kinshasa.
OCT01/SCR/IT/03 - Active - NIA operatives news gathering in the Humanitarian mission area and supporting the existing intelligence operation of Operation Pong Na Pha Klai.
Royal Thai Humanitarian Aid Force[8,500] Infantry Company[250]
Maintenance Platoon[50]
Signal Corp Platoon[30]
Combat Engineer Platoon[30]
Medical Squad[55]
Reconnaissance Patrol Squad[30]
Humanitarian volunteer[8,000] Not Personnel
| Royal Thai Navy Second Fleet[1,088] 3rd Frigate Squadron (FS3) Royal Thai Navy Auxiliary Fleet[1,313]
Amphibious and Combat Support Service Squadron (ACSSS)
Logistic Support Squadron (LSS)
| National Intelligence Agency (NIA) [30] Intelligence Agency Officer [25]
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