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Thailand State Visit | Japan


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The new Empress of the Empire of Japan had formally invited the Thai Prime Minister to conduct a state visit, which the Thai leader eagerly accepted to fly out of his homeland. Necessary preparations for the state visit by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to Japan were coordinated between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and Japan. Security measures were emphasized to ensure that the visiting Thai delegations, including the Prime Minister, would not be harmed or threatened during his time in Japan. However, multiple exceptions were explicitly clarified by Thailand that they expect the Japanese Government to ensure all activities by local media, organizations, and populaces by international laws are allowed and not prohibited.

Both Thailand and Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs would exchange key information during the state visit, which Japan as a host, was expected to take the initiative. In the case of the Japanese decision’s proposal of a multi-day state visit, the Republic Government would be willing to cover the costs while having the Japanese Government decide the best residence for the visiting delegation. Moreover, in the effort of public relations campaign by the Thai Government, and hopefully the Japanese Government as well, there would be promotion of such a state visit through various and accessible means.



GA Member
Jun 10, 2024
While the Thai government had offered to cover the costs of the Prime Minister's stay, the Japanese government was too proud for that and would instead cover the costs themselves. Not that too much additional costs would be incurred, the Thai delegation was to be hosted at the Imperial Residence which was already under heavy guard to protect the Empress. Likewise the ongoing counterterrorism efforts meant security in Tokyo was already at high alert. Though any of the zones that the Thai delegation was to travel through or visit would be subjected to increased scrutiny by the TMPD and IJGF the week prior and during the visit, in particular the roads would be checked regularly for IEDs and other explosives.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would guarantee that all rights would be respected with the exception of those explicitly restricted by Japanese law or the State of Emergency, while the visit would be reported in news the decision was made not to advertise it too excessively inside Japan to discourage would-be terrorists from treating it as the perfect time to attack and damage Japan's international reputation for failing to protect a foreign head of government.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Relationship between Thailand and Japan traced its root back to the late 16th century when King Naresuan receives military aid from Japan in a form of 500 Japanese warriors, leading to his victory over the Burmese price crown while securing the independence of the Thai nation. Despite the significant distance between both countries that have made communication difficult, Japan has always been Thailand’s main trading partner that could challenge the monopoly of the Dutch East Indie Company. Furthermore, it was well-recorded that King Songtham maintained a long-distance friendly relationship with a Japanese Tokugawa shogun during his reign, exchanging letters regularly. However, the relations between Thailand and Japan have been largely lukewarm after the end of the second world war.

The Republic Thai Air Force chartered aircraft, the Airbus 340-541, was assigned to carry a contingent of the Thai delegations. Being the first state visit taken by Prime Minister Thaksin six months into his second term, this diplomatic gesture by Thailand is viewed domestically as the importance in which the Thai Government places on its relationship with Japan. Other than 15 high-profile officials and 7 unarmed Republic’s Shield security personnel, Prime Minister Thaksin was accompanied by Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai and Defense Minister Sutin Klungsang. These two ministers are recognized internationally and domestically as among those who hold the most influence within the Thai politics and potentially beyond.

Although the democratic institution in Japan has been backsliding since the collapse of the United Nations in 1995, Thailand is no stranger to fostering positive ties with countries of autocratic tendencies such as France and Poland. With the new Empress of the Empire of Japan be bestowed a significant authority within her hand, the Thai delegations were well aware of the fragile balance she is managing within her country. The differences in governance system, as experienced by Thailand during its interactions with other countries, were a reminder of potential mutual growth instead of traditional signs of incompatibility.

After taking off the Suvarnabhumi Airport, the RTAF chartered aircraft arrived at 9 in the morning at Haneda Airport. Once the airplane was taxied in and the staircase was put in place next to the aircraft, individuals began departing. Security details and members of the place would depart first, followed by other civilians such as pilots and cabin crews. Then, the Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and the Prime Minister himself came out on the stair and walked down into the tarmac.



GA Member
Jun 10, 2024

While the security situation had improved significantly in the days since the recent legislature passed and the government went about to preserve Japanese security more directly, the country still was not going to leave things to fate when it came to the security measures of the Thai delegation. The moment the plane came within Japan's Air Defense Identification Zone the nearest Air Traffic Control Center would contact the pilots and inform them that two Mitsubishi F-15J fighter aircraft would approach the jet to provide security while in the air. The Air Traffic Control Centers would maintain control operations over the jet until it could be handed over to the Tokyo Haneda Air Traffic Control for final landing instructions. Again due to security precautions and the size of the airport allowing it, rather than having the passengers step out on the tarmac, the jet would instead be guided to a terminal which had been cleared for the state visit the entire day.


The Thai delegation would initially be welcomed by a senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before then being escorted to three Lexus LX 570 Luxury SUVs under protection of the IJGF while the support staff would also be escorted to vehicles. The Thai delegation would from there be driven to the Imperial Residence. Streets and traffic lights had been cleared in advance and the motorcade would drive at speeds up to 200 km/h wherever the roads allowed it.


Only once inside the security zone around the Imperial Residence would the motorcade slow down and finally come to a stop before the Imperial Residence itself. Members of the security detail would open the doors allowing the delegation to step out at which point they would already be able to see the Empress (left) and the Crown Princess (right) await them.

"Your Excellencies, welcome to Tokyo" Aimi would address the Thai Prime Minister and other Ministers respectfully.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As the Thai delegations arrived at the inner security zone of the Imperial Residence of the Japanese Royal Family, the historic landscape and architecture captivated them. Among the delegation were three key figures shaping Thai foreign policy. Thaksin Shinawatra, the Prime Minister of Thailand, wore a black suit with a white dress shirt and a vibrant red necktie, symbolizing his commitment to socialism at home. To his right stood Surakiart Sathirathai, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, whose stylish demeanor was complemented by a sky-blue necktie, representing his dedication to the three pillars of Thai foreign policy. On Thaksin’s left was Sutin Klungsang, the Minister of Defense, known for his successful military reforms. His light pink necktie, though seemingly soft, hinted at his determination and pure intent as the highest military authority after Thaksin.

As the Japanese Empress and the Crown Princess approached the Thai delegation, the visitors bowed in traditional Japanese fashion. Thaksin Shinawatra was the first to respond. "Your Imperial Majesty, please accept my sincere gratitude for your warm hospitality. We are humbled to be hosted in the Imperial Residence, a place of immense authority and historical significance. This state visit marks the revitalization of the strong and reciprocal relations between Thailand and Japan." His tone was formal and calm, his eyes reflecting a mix of reverence, determination, and humility.

After a brief nod, Surakiart Sathirathai stepped forward. "As the Prime Minister mentioned, Your Imperial Majesty, we are deeply honored by your welcome." He extended a handshake, meeting the Empress's gaze through his glasses. "Thailand is committed to the well-being of the global population, believing that the 'responsibility to protect' is essential for our civilization to thrive. We are relieved to see Japan taking a proactive stance against the rising criminal activities within the archipelago. While some laws may seem problematic from a human rights and due process perspective, we understand these measures are necessary to stabilize your country and ensure the safety of your people." He concluded with a respectful nod.

Sutin joined the conversation as his colleague finished. Though the youngest of the three, he was already in his early forties. "It's truly a relief that your administration is tackling the systemic issues that have allowed criminal organizations to thrive," he said, pausing briefly. "Today, we face emerging threats unlike any in human history. Thailand is committed to being a reliable partner to Japan in developing an integrated security paradigm. Together, we can counter the rise of asymmetric and unconventional warfare, as well as cyber, information, and psychological warfare." His tone was clear and confident.
