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Thailand to France | New Caledonian Consultation


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <French Fifth Republic Ambassador to the Republic of Thailand> Taranis
From: <>
Subject: Diplomatic Consultation on the New Caledonian Unrest
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fifth French Republic | Department of Europe Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Thailand
Security Type: High Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax

Your Excellency,

I trust that this communique finds Your Excellency in the finest fettle and ebullient spirits. It is with the utmost respect that I extend my cordial greetings, and I convey the salutations of the esteemed Government of the Republic of Thailand to Your Excellency.

I pen this letter to address a matter of paramount importance, concerning the political tumult that has manifested itself in New Caledonia, a French special collectivity in the South Pacific. The Republic of Thailand holds a venerable kinship with the French Republic, and as parties to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the Global Assembly, we share an unwavering commitment to the preservation of peace, democratic values, and human dignity.

In light of the unfolding events in New Caledonia, the Government of the Republic of Thailand has entrusted me, as a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the noble charge of engaging in diplomatic consultations with the French Republic. To that end, I have the honor to cordially summon Your Excellency to my office within the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand.

The focus of our deliberation shall be the humanitarian concerns and security exigencies stemming from the upheaval in New Caledonia. It is in our shared interests as esteemed members of the international community to explore avenues of cooperation and coordination. Of particular import is the potential deployment of the Royal Thai Humanitarian Mission to New Caledonia, in conjunction with the possible assignment of assets from the Royal Thai Armed Forces, as an expression of our solidarity and commitment to the stabilization of the affected region.

This dialogue shall be undertaken with the utmost respect for the sovereignty and legal jurisdictions of the French Republic and in conformity with international law and the praxis of intergovernmental cooperation.

I kindly beseech Your Excellency to apprise me of your availability, at your earliest convenience, so that the necessary arrangements may be made.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and profound respect for the inviolable bonds that unite our nations.

Yours sincerely,

His Excellency Sukhumbhand Paribatra,
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Thailand


Jun 27, 2023

French Republic
Official Correspondence

Classification: Restricted

Sukhumbhand Paribatra, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Bossza007 )
From: Thierry Mathou, French Ambassador to Thailand
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Consultation on the New Caledonian Unrest

Your Excellency,

I would be most honoured to have a meeting with you on the crisis in New Caledonia. As this meeting will be primarily around military cooperation, I will have my military attaché with me.

Yours sincerely,

Thierry Mathou
French Ambassador to Thailand


Jun 27, 2023
With the reply sent, Thierry would make his way from his office to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the military attaché, on a tuk-tuk. When he arrived he would tell security that he had a meeting with the Deputy Minister, and wait.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As dawn unfurled her golden hues over the cityscape, French ambassador Thierry Mathou found himself traversing through the pulsing arteries of Bangkok, en route to the Foreign Ministry. The city, bathed in the first light of day, reflected the triumph of human resolve, silently narrating an epic tale of evolution and advancement. The Bangkok of 2002 bore little resemblance to the city of yore; it stood as a shining emblem of progress, a transformation orchestrated by the foresight of the Thai Government and the technological acumen of GlobalTech Infrastructure Solution.

Mathou journeyed through the city's beating heart, where the architectural silhouettes sang a symphony of change and innovation. Skyscrapers, cloaked in shimmering glass and steel, clawed their way towards the heavens, their reflective surfaces dancing with the hues of dawn, a kaleidoscopic testament to hope and optimism. Yet, beneath this architectural ballet, the city's lifeblood coursed with the rhythm of tomorrow, each beat echoing a relentless march towards a better future.

The infrastructure of this transformed city was a marvel of human ingenuity, a seamless amalgamation of form and function resonating with the pulse of futuristic elegance. Technological systems, both visible and unseen, worked in a synchronized symphony of efficiency, permeating every corner of the city with an air of pristine cleanliness, an atmosphere almost ethereal in its perfection.

The city's embrace of progress, however, had not come at the expense of its natural heritage. Bangkok, now, was a city of verdant splendor. The urban landscape had been reimagined, the grey concrete interspersed with lush pockets of green, breathing life into the city's lungs. Rooftop gardens blossomed atop the towering skyscrapers, verdant islands suspended amidst the city's steel-braced skyline. Streets, once choked with smog, were now canopied by the delicate shade of native trees, their leaves whispering tales of resurgence.

The infrastructure, too, had been imbued with this ethos of greenness. Renewable energy sources hummed with quiet determination, the city's veins pulsing with clean, green energy. Solar panels gleamed atop the buildings, harnessing the sun's bounty. Wind turbines dotted the cityscape, their blades cutting through the air in a graceful ballet of energy generation. Here, technology and ecology danced a harmonious waltz, their interplay painting a future that was not just advanced, but sustainable.

Amidst this modern marvel, the spirit of the old Bangkok thrived. Its warmth permeated through the smiles of street vendors, its soul echoed in the strains of traditional Thai music, and its essence wafted from the roadside food stalls. The city was a symphony of contrasts, the notes of the future merging with the melodies of the past in an intoxicating harmony.

This sense of awe was not lost on Thierry Mathou. As he journeyed through the city, his heart resonated with a poignant symphony of emotions. Yearning for his homeland yet inspired by Bangkok's triumph, he marveled at the city's tenacity. He was captivated by this dance between the old and the new, the tangible and the spiritual, the industrial and the natural.

This was Bangkok, a city that had not only leaped into the future but had done so while treading lightly on the earth. As the sun ascended higher, casting the city in a radiant glow, the French ambassador found himself captivated by the vision of a city that was a beacon of human potential, a testament to the delicate balance between progress and preservation, innovation and tradition, technology and nature. The narrative of Bangkok was a testament to humanity's unending quest for a better, brighter, greener future.


As Ambassador Mathou's vehicle eased into the expansive courtyard of the Foreign Ministry of Thailand, his eyes were immediately drawn to the symphony of sleek architecture and verdant vitality that rose before him. The Ministry building, a beacon of modern design nestled amidst the gentle embrace of a lush green ecosystem, was an astounding sight to behold. It stood not just as a structural marvel, but as a tangible testament to the seamless harmony between human ambition and nature's grace.

The building's glass and steel edifice, kissed by the morning sun, seemed to mirror the surrounding foliage, refracting a thousand shades of green. Nature had been thoughtfully integrated into the design, with a multitude of flora cohabiting alongside the technological prowess of the building. Bountiful trees stood tall like proud sentinels, their leaves whispering tales of enduring harmony, while verdant vines traced delicate patterns across the building's surface, imbuing the imposing structure with an air of serene tranquility.

Stepping into the Ministry, Mathou was greeted by a grand lobby that pulsed with energy. A grand chandelier cascaded from the high ceiling, casting an inviting glow over the teeming space below. Yet, despite the echoes of formal decorum, there was a palpable air of cordiality that permeated the room. The lobby was a hive of activity, brimming with personnel engaged in animated discussions, their voices merging into a symphony of productive camaraderie.

The individuals within this hallowed hall were the Ministry's lifeblood, each a vital cog in the machinery of diplomacy and progress. Yet, even amidst their professional demeanor, there was an air of relaxed ease. Their faces bore the marks of a well-honed work-life balance, their smiles a testament to a culture that valued human connection as much as professional accomplishment. Laughter punctuated the hum of discussion, the lightness of shared stories intertwined with the seriousness of their duties, creating an atmosphere of convivial professionalism.

Walking through this kaleidoscope of energy and camaraderie, Mathou felt a sense of warmth. He was not just an ambassador stepping into foreign territory, but a guest welcomed into a vibrant community. The faces around him were not just faces of professionalism but faces of humanity, each carrying their own stories, dreams, and complexities. So, with each step he took further into the Ministry, the ambassador found himself awash with a renewed sense of purpose and respect. He had entered not just a building, but a living, breathing microcosm of Thailand's dedication to advancement, harmony, and a profound respect for work-life balance. As he moved forward, he did so with the understanding that he was treading the corridors of a space where innovation and nature, professionalism, and personal life, coexisted in an elegant dance of mutual respect and synergy.


Upon conversing with the courteous receptionist, Ambassador Mathou was ushered toward the Deputy Foreign Minister's office. His guide, a young woman imbued with quiet grace, moved with an air of respectful urgency through the labyrinth of the Ministry. As they navigated the corridors, the rich tapestry of the Ministry's diligent pursuits unfolded before Mathou, adding more depth to his understanding of this dynamic entity.

The office of the Deputy Foreign Minister, Sukhumbhand Paribatra, stood as a testament to the man himself. A blend of traditional Thai aesthetics and modern functionality, it was a reflection of a man whose roots ran deep, yet who was firmly in step with the times. The walls adorned with delicate Thai art served as silent witnesses to Paribatra's decades of service, an enduring symbol of his unwavering dedication.

As Paribatra stood to greet him, Mathou couldn't help but be struck by his demeanor. A steadfast figure of diligent honesty, he possessed a quiet strength, a stoic serenity that seemed to be an intrinsic part of his nature. Yet, his eyes sparkled with warmth, his smiles radiating a welcome that transcended formal protocol.

Paribatra greeted Mathou in fluent French, his accent hinting at a long history of international diplomacy. The words fell from his lips as softly as falling leaves, "Bonjour, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?" And then he switched seamlessly to English, "Hello, how are you today?"

As the icebreaker, Paribatra led Mathou towards a broad wooden table on which a beautifully intricate Thai chess set was displayed. "Did you know, Ambassador," he began, a soft smile playing on his lips, "that we have our own version of chess here in Thailand, called Makruk? It's an age-old tradition and a wonderful way to unwind."

Paribatra's hands danced delicately over the pieces, narrating tales of ancient Thai culture, subtly weaving anecdotes of his own experiences into the narrative. "Sometimes, I believe, we can understand each other better through the quiet language of shared activities, don't you think so, Ambassador?" His question, although rhetorical, evoked an atmosphere of relaxed camaraderie, setting the stage for their dialogue to unfurl.

The Deputy Minister, through his welcoming demeanor, demonstrated a deep respect for both the duties of his office and the human element intrinsic to diplomacy. As he shared his thoughts, his actions, his affinity for his culture, and his passion for fostering connections, the room filled with an air of sincerity and warmth. This was not merely a meeting between representatives of two nations, but a connection being built between two individuals, both with a mutual respect for the cultural heritage they carried and the future they envisioned.



Jun 27, 2023
Mathou would, after greeting the Deputy Minister, nod curiously at the chess set. Of course he had heard about it; it was his job, after all, to understand Thai culture.

"Yes, I do think that in... delicate talks such as these, games are often nice ways to relax. Especially among friends," he added, as his last delicate talks he had been involved in were with terrorists.

Mathou was a man of business, however, and he wanted to get into it.

"Shall we start?" he asked politely. "As you have called me here- and it is an honour- I believe you have the right to set the agenda."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The meeting room bore an air of reserved tension as Deputy Paribatra, with a hint of stern diplomacy, offered a brief round of casual pleasantries, a well-crafted ritual designed to smooth the icy precipices of the conversation that lay ahead. This was soon followed by his acceptance of the French Ambassador's earnest call to set the agenda.

"Indeed, Ambassador Mathou," he affirmed his voice an echo of composed resolution. He gestured to the plush sofa opposite, a silent invitation dripping with gravitas. As the ambassador settled into the cushions, he continued his words sculpting an ominous silhouette against the hushed silence. "I have summoned you to my office today to discuss the tumultuous uprising in New Caledonia."

The deputy's gaze, unyielding as polished jade, bored into the ambassador's own, seeming to pierce the veil of diplomacy and probe the very marrow of his thoughts. "The Thai Government is growing increasingly concerned about the ramifications of this insurgency. We fear it has the potential to fracture regional stability."

"Presently, we contemplate deploying a force of up to 10,000 Humanitarian Aid personnel to the heart of New Caledonia," he revealed, the earnest concern palpable in his voice. "As we speak, these brave souls stand ready at the Sattahip Naval Base, their hearts pulsing with the urgency of their impending mission."

Deputy Paribatra allowed a moment of weighted silence before he pressed on, "The sanctity of life, the fundamental right to dignity of every person affected on that island, is the beacon guiding our mission. We aspire to be the harbinger of relief to the oppressed and afflicted."

Again, his gaze locked onto the ambassadors, a silent exchange of understanding sizzling in the air between them. Just then, the sky outside wept its first drops of rain, a drumroll of nature's symphony, accentuated by the crackling dance of lightning as it struck the rod outside the ministry.

"Let me assure you, Ambassador," he began, acknowledging the existence of the insurgent group AINC attempting to upend French authority in New Caledonia. "We fully respect the sanctity of your internal affairs, and it is not within our purview to involve ourselves against such an insurgent faction."

He paused, reaching for his cup of tea, its scent permeating the room, as if in testament to the gravity of their conversation. He savored a sip, his gaze holding the ambassador captive once more. "However, due to the escalating security concerns, our deployment will consist solely of members from our Marine Corps and the Navy - individuals who have proven time and again their unwavering commitment to the greater good."

His gaze softened as he set his cup down, his words hanging in the air, pregnant with the echoes of unsaid implications. Their meeting was far from over, but the gauntlet had been laid. The narrative was set; now, it was time to navigate the labyrinth of diplomacy in pursuit of peace.


"I must impress upon you the gravity of the circumstances, should the insurgent faction dare to strike against our personnel or inflict harm upon the innocent civilians sheltered under our protection," Deputy Paribatra began, his voice unwavering and steady as a seasoned sea captain navigating stormy waters.

The thought lingered in the air, a harbinger of thunder waiting to break the heavy silence. "Our Humanitarian Forces, forged and tempered in the crucible of numerous battlefields, would retaliate without mercy against such oppressive forces. Their martial prowess, steeped in valor and honed by experience, outweighs any insurgent's fleeting years on this earth."

The room bristled with a silent understanding, the intensity of his words lingering like the tang of gunpowder after a distant explosion. The soft patter of rain against the window offered an undercurrent to his resolute declaration, an orchestra to the solemnity of his message.

"I perceive the implications," he continued, the weight of his understanding heavy in his voice, "of stationing Thai Armed Forces on the French overseas territory of New Caledonia. It is a delicate dance between national boundaries and international commitment."

The glow of the lamplight etched shadows on his face, highlighting the sincerity in his gaze. He extended his hand, palm up in a show of humility and respect. "In recognition of this, we pledge, with our national dignity as collateral, to respect France's territorial integrity to the highest extent."

His words hung in the air, echoing like an unbroken vow. Each syllable etched a promise into the expanse of silence, the tapestry of their conversation now rich with threads of empathy, understanding, and resolution. The promise wasn't simply between two nations but a testament to the resilience of humanity, a beacon against the storm of unrest. Each phrase, woven with the realities of political landscapes and the raw grit of human lives, bound them in their shared pursuit of peace and stability. Their meeting was a dialogue of nations, but beneath it all, it was a testament to the relentless human endeavor for harmony in an often turbulent world.


Just as Deputy Paribatra's resonant voice wove a solemn conclusion to his discourse, the fury of the storm outside echoed its agreement, a lightning bolt of celestial power striking the ground and plunging the corridors of the Foreign Ministry into unexpected darkness. The storm's roar seemed to underscore the gravity of their discourse, nature herself partaking in the dramatic saga unfolding within the room.

"Rest assured, Ambassador," Paribatra's voice cut through the inky darkness, an anchor in the unexpected void. "Our smart grid will restore power to our structure momentarily." As if on cue, the electric currents flowed back, returning the room to its illuminated state.

Yet, with the resurgence of light, an unanticipated figure materialized in the room's threshold, as if born from the shadows themselves. A towering figure, cloaked in an immaculate black suit, his eyes shielded behind an inscrutable pair of dark glasses. The glint of a discreet communication device tucked in his ear gave him an air of distinct authority and purpose.

"My apologies for the interruption, Minister Paribatra," the newcomer addressed the Deputy first, his voice a seamless blend of humility and firm resolve. He then turned towards the ambassador, "Please accept my sincere apology, Your Excellency."

With a flicker of intrigue in his eyes, the ambassador watched as the enigmatic man extended a document in his direction. He took in the thickness of the envelope, its ominous crimson "Top Secret" stamp, and his heart quickened with anticipation. It was a comprehensive dossier from the Defence Ministry, laying bare the intricate details of the Humanitarian Aid Forces' impending deployment to New Caledonia.

The air of the room seemed to thicken, the atmosphere now heavy with the tangible presence of duty and commitment. What was once a conversation between two diplomats had expanded into a tangible commitment, an agreement etched not just in words, but in the ink of the confidential document that now rested in the ambassador's hands. The storm outside, still raging, served as a resonant backdrop to the profound interchange within, a testament to the tumultuous path to the peace they were now committed to navigating together.



Jun 27, 2023
Mathou would look with increased concern as Deputy Minister Paribatra continued talking about deploying thousands of soldiers into New Caledonia. His mind turned to the recent deployment of Thai ships into the Atlantic- would this turn out to be the same, a (percieved) act of aggression in affairs that didn't concern them?

But he smiled politely as Paribatra finished, and then hesitated before speaking.

"Ah, yes, Your Excellency, while we no doubt trust your forces to respect our sovereignty to the highest extent, there ie a danger of... others... perceiving this as intolerable, an act of aggression against the Republic. And it would... give support to the AINC. We want to keep it a loca war- but an international affair, allowing our allies to support us and civillians."

Before he could continue in more detail, a man entered and handed him a document. Intrigued, but hesitantly, Mathou took the document and opened it.

As he scanned the pages and shared them with his military attaché, he realised the full extent of the Thai commitment. Every word was another blow to the Republic. The President would be furious, and the AINC would win the war before the first supplies would make their way into New Caledonia.

Assuming the role of a high official of the Republic, duty-bound to defend French sovereignty, Mathou spoke with dignity.

"Your Excellency," he began, and then struggled for the right words. "I must protest- strongly protest- at this proposal. It will give off the wrong message and defeat the purpose of trying to win over the civilian population. Thai boots cannot be marching through New Caledonia. It is not a question of trust, as we strongly trust our allies to act in our interests, but a question of sovereignty."

His attaché then chimed in, trying to make the refusal seem more practical.

"Furthermore," he said, "There are logistical issues with accomodating thousands of soldiers, alongside French soldiers and police. And there will be linguistic and cultural complications. And there may be no room for ships in our ports."

"And security concerns," Mathou added, getting into the flow of finding excuses now. "We wouldn't want your soldiers to be raided by the AINC, like they raided our forces. The health of Thai forces is a priority." He assumed a look of concern and sympathy.

"However," his attaché said quicky, "We may accept some soldiers to guard supplies and to maintain peace and order. Maybe up to a thousand or so, depending on how many supplies you wish to be released."

Mathou concluded their response. "In summary, then, nearly ten thousand foreign soldiers cannot be deployed to New Caledonia. We can accept a smaller number to guard your supplies. We have no concerns about sending them directly into New Caledonia, but we can also offer French Polynesia if you wish, and then we can fly them in?"

Mathou finished by taking a sip of water and leaning back in his chair.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Nestled in the vibrant heart of Bangkok, where the timeless and the modern dance a delicate pas de deux, Deputy Paribatra was poised on the tightrope of diplomacy. Within the opulent chamber, bathed in a wash of golden light that mirrored the city's storied spires, he held the scales that balanced Thailand's interests against France's apprehensions. His mission was as clear and inviolable as the sacred currents of the Chao Phraya River: to ease French trepidations while bolstering the Thai military's formidable engagement.

As Paribatra composed his counter-arguments, he found himself reaching back into the memory of the city he revered, channeling the ancient, whispering wisdom of its sacred temples and bustling markets, embodying the city's quiet resilience and profound understanding. He began by drawing attention to Neutrality and Humanitarian Goals, his voice resonating through the chamber, smooth as the surface of polished teak and authoritative as the profound chants echoed within the hallowed halls of a Buddhist monastery.

"Dear Ambassador Mathou," he began, his words riding the crest of profound respect, "it is with deepest sincerity that I reaffirm the inherent neutrality and humanitarian intent of the Thai Armed Forces. Our presence in New Caledonia stems solely from our pledge to deliver humanitarian aid and uphold the tranquility of the region. Engaging in direct combat with AINC is beyond our purview and our obligations. I am acutely aware of the intricate dance of international politics, and it is far from my intent to tarnish the reputation or undermine the credibility of the French government." He paused, allowing his words to settle.

He continued, his voice imbued with a sense of resolve, "To put your concerns to rest and complement our shared objectives, I propose a partnership in planning and execution. Our Thai forces, bound for New Caledonia, will operate under French command. Such an arrangement would provide you with the reins of the operation while drawing from the support of the Thai military." He paused, his keen gaze studying the ambassador, reading the room as he prepared to speak once more. It was the delicate ebb and flow of diplomacy, each wave carrying the weight of nations, each pause a breath before the tide turned once again.


"I discern the trepidation echoing within the French Government at the prospect of deploying the entire division of our Humanitarian Forces from Thailand to New Caledonia," he began, his voice a lullaby of diplomacy amid the tumultuous backdrop of international politics. "The strands of global perception weave a complex tapestry, one that can obscure our intentions. Thus, I propose a more palatable solution." His tone, both soothing and assertive, draped the room with anticipation.

"We will begin by dispatching a battalion of a thousand strong from our humanitarian forces to New Caledonia. Like the tide, their numbers will ebb and flow, gradually increasing only as the circumstances warrant. The land will not be overwhelmed by our presence but gently nurtured into peace and stability." His promise hung in the air, a poignant testament to Thailand's commitment. He paused, allowing the weight of his proposal to settle, before transitioning into the crux of his dialogue.

"Yet, there is another matter that we must consider," he continued, his voice somber. "We stand on the precipice of regional instability. The uprising in New Caledonia serves as a harrowing tableau, a stark illustration of the potential fallout from local unrest. I implore you to remember that our intervention is not a single-minded pursuit fueled solely by Thai interest." His gaze, unwavering, bore into the ambassador's, revealing a depth of sincerity that could not be feigned.

"No," he concluded, his words wrapping around the room like an evening fog, "this is a mission that touches the heart of every nation within our region. France is not an exception but an integral part of this collective endeavor. Our concern extends beyond our borders and envelopes the interest of all nations under this shared sky." And with that, he leaned back, a glimmer of determination reflecting in his eyes - the embodiment of Thailand's undying commitment to regional stability and peace.


In the ensuing silence, thick with unspoken thoughts and measured assessments, Deputy Paribatra delicately cleared his throat, breaking the quiet with a gentle resonance. His gaze, soft yet commanding, swept over the room as he began, "I empathize with the French Armed Forces, aware of the present condition that leaves them unable to deploy a comprehensive fleet to New Caledonia. Bearing this in mind, Thailand extends a hand, offering to lend its resources in training and capacity building."

He spoke of the Thai Armed Forces as a father would his child, not with boastful arrogance but with a potent blend of respect and pride. "Our forces," he continued, "have earned acclaim for their strategic acumen and tactical prowess. For years, we have been pioneers in evolving military training approaches, and our methodologies are innovative and highly effective. Our armed forces are revered, not just locally but across the globe, earning the distinction of being the most formidable military powerhouse in Asia."

He allowed a moment's pause, a respectful nod to the gravity of his claims, before continuing, "Moreover, our nation has plunged itself into countless overseas deployments over the past decades. Our Armed Forces bear the imprint of these experiences, making them among the world's most well-versed entities in terms of foreign deployment. Cultural sensitivity and awareness are not just afterthoughts but fundamental tenets of our training."

As the echoes of his proclamation faded, he leaned in closer, preparing to unveil an offer of incalculable worth. "Perhaps," he began, his tone acknowledging the unspoken concerns of the ambassador, "you, and indeed your government, perceive Thailand as an overly assertive nation. I, however, stand before you to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to global peace and humanitarian endeavors, a commitment that has received the laudation of two global powerhouses, Sweden and the United Kingdom."

His voice dropped to a near whisper, the weight of his proposal settling in the room. "Hence, I propose that Thailand will actively seek a Global Assembly mandate and rally support for an international coalition in our joint operation in New Caledonia." As he concluded, he turned his gaze towards the ambassador, his eyes flickering with anticipation, offering not just his words but the unwavering resolve of his nation.



Jun 27, 2023
Ambassador Mathou and the attaché exchanged glances. The attaché spoke first.

"Your Excellency, we were not suggesting that we, the French Government, were... distrustful of your intentions. It is simply logistics and-" He looked hurriedly at Mathou.

Thinking fast, Mathou continued as seamlessly as possible. "-And security. Yes, we have your interests at heart in our decision."

The attaché nodded vigorously, then continued. "However, a smaller force, and under our command, is something we can contemplate. As long as we are kept entirely informed of your operations, then we can trust you to do the right thing."

"Not that we would ever distrust you," Mathou added helpfully.

"And we have considered the global implications of this affair, naturally." the attaché said, improvising. "And we agree that of course we should allow international forces to help... it is simply practical considerations."

"But," Mathou said, "We are happy to accomodate forces and deal with the practical considerations ourselves, provided they are under our command."

Without realising the irony, the attaché took over. "And your offer of a GA resolution is most welcome. We are developing one ourselves, in fact, but with your diplomatic expertise in the field we are happy for you to draft one. We will, of course, support it in principle."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As if choreographed in an intricate ballet of diplomacy, the tension wove its invisible threads across the room, knitting together the fates of three men engaged in the subtle power play. Deputy Minister Paribatra, having patiently absorbed the concerns of Ambassador Mathou and his aide-de-camp, now found himself on the chessboard, delicately strategizing his countermove. His gaze, a tranquil sea in the midst of a storm, betrayed no sign of falter, his comportment akin to a lotus blooming resolutely amid ripples.

"Your Excellency, Monsieur Mathou," Paribatra initiated, his voice akin to the gentle fall of rain, echoing respect in each syllable, "and esteemed attaché, I find myself in harmony with the virtues of mutual trust and cooperation you've so eloquently voiced. The Thai government, akin to a silk weaver, values the threads of trust and integrity that form the intricate tapestry of our alliance. Our endeavors aim for the crystal clear transparency of a mountain brook, ensuring our actions respect your sovereignty and mirror our mutual interests."

Allowing his words to settle like monsoon rain upon parched soil, he masterfully steered the conversation towards the more pragmatic matters at hand. "Addressing your logistical apprehensions, we are poised to lend our support in any feasible way. Our troops, sharpened by experience and honed by rigorous training, are well versed in the language of foreign deployments. Our nation stands ready to proffer additional resources and technological might if required. Our pledge extends beyond our soldiers—it touches the very soul of the mission's success."

Regarding the query of the Global Assembly resolution, Paribatra allowed himself a moment's introspection, gathering his thoughts like pearls on a string. "Your initiative in drafting a GA resolution brings a dawn of hope. We welcome the chance to infuse it with our diplomatic insights. A joint endeavor in crafting the resolution ensures our nations share the loom in weaving this historic tapestry. Our aim is a resolution that reflects the very essence of our collaborative operation."

Then, with the finesse of a seasoned diplomat threading the tightrope between deference and assertion, he underscored the pressing nature of the situation. "The heartbeat of New Caledonia quickens with every passing moment. Delay is a luxury we can ill afford—the situation grows dire with every sun that sets. I implore the French government to heed the urgent call for swift, coordinated action. The hour is upon us to not merely stem the tide of suffering, but to set an enduring precedent of international unity and compassion."

As his statements gently receded into silence, Deputy Minister Paribatra leaned back, his poise speaking of unyielding resolve. His eyes shimmered with the quiet confidence of a nation standing firm. The next move was France's to make. The fate of New Caledonia balanced precariously on the fulcrum of international diplomacy and shared trust, its future written by the hands that held the quill of decision.



Jun 27, 2023
"Thank you, I am sure this will be the start of something... bigger. Of course we will allow your troops to enter as soon as possible, under the terms previously agreed. You can contact Thierry Lataste, our High Commissioner, who will have ultimate command and control over your soldiers."

His attache chimed in. "And as for logistics, is there any way for you to provide accomodation for your men, perhaps at sea or by providing tents and so on? It will make things faster as we cannot provide accomodation for all those soldiers."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Immersed in the glow of a hard-won diplomatic victory, Deputy Minister Paribatra felt the tides of negotiation ebb in his favor, culminating in a moment of triumph. Yet, he wore his victory lightly, as a cloak of humility, aware that the game of diplomacy was akin to a river, ever flowing, ever changing. He was but a vessel navigating its unpredictable currents.

"As the twilight heralds the end of our day, Ambassador Mathou," he began, his voice mirroring the serene calm of a setting sun, "I find myself buoyed by the belief that today marks not an end, but the commencement of a journey. Our discourse has planted the seeds of mutual respect and understanding that will, I trust, bloom into a robust tree of collaboration."

His tone echoed the music of optimism, the cadence wrapping around every word, imbuing the room with the vibrancy of newly forged bonds. Even the air, laden with anticipation, seemed to hold its breath as he steered his words towards the resolution of their practical concerns.

"Concerning the question of accommodation," he continued, "our Armed Forces stand prepared like a lighthouse in a storm. They possess the requisite resources, not merely in terms of brick and mortar, but also the intangible spirit of adaptability and the will to overcome adversity."

Each word he chose was an artist's brushstroke, painting a vivid tableau of readiness, capability, and resolute determination, creating an undeniably assuring image. The essence of his message, underscored by his measured tone and resolute gaze, spoke volumes about the readiness of the Thai Armed Forces, their unswerving commitment to the mission ahead.

As Deputy Minister Paribatra concluded, the room seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief, a tangible sense of achievement hanging in the air like a gossamer curtain. This session had paved the path for a promising relationship, filled with possibilities and guided by a shared vision. The lingering sentiment was one of unity and collaboration, a beautiful sonnet of diplomacy successfully composed, marking a triumphant end to a day of negotiations.


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