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Thailand to New Zealand | Calling


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Sukhumbhand Paribatra, Deputy Foreign Minister of Thailand, sat calmly in his modest, neatly organized office, listening to the news through an earpiece. Three quick knocks broke the silence before the door swung open, revealing a middle-aged man. "Sukhumbhand, the Department of ASEAN, Oceania, and Pacific Affairs needs you to represent Thailand regarding the stalled strategic partnership treaty in New Zealand’s Parliament. We're arranging a call with Prime Minister Helen Clark. Good luck." The man left, closing the door softly, yet the room felt suddenly heavier, as though the tension had seeped in.

When the call connected, Sukhumbhand answered in a composed, sincere tone. "Good afternoon, Prime Minister Clark. I’m Sukhumbhand Paribatra, Deputy Foreign Minister of Thailand. I understand the strategic partnership treaty was rejected by your Parliament. What happened? Is there anything we can do to help reassure your legislators of the benefits for New Zealand and its people?"



GA Member
May 24, 2024
Prime Minister of New Zealand, The Right Honourable Helen Clark, would be in her office in the Beehive massaging her temples over the recent blockage of the Strategic Partnership Treaty. One of her aides would knock and enter when allowed, and would inform her of the incoming call. Collecting herself, she would pick up the telephone placed on the right side of her desk.

"Good to talk with you, Minister Paribatra. Yes, you got it correct. The opposition managed to block the passing of the Treaty in the House of Representatives. All because 2 Green MPs recalled some statements I made about them in 2002." She would very audibly sigh. "Unfortunatly, there's not much that you can do. I've sent out a few messages asking under what terms the opposition will pass it, but so far they have all said the same thing; under no terms will this agreement pass through the opposition."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Sukhumbhand took a moment to collect his thoughts after hearing Prime Minister Helen Clark’s response. Though the outcome wasn’t entirely unexpected, it still carried a weight of disappointment. "I understand, Prime Minister. This may not be the outcome we hoped for, but I want to reassure you that Thailand remains fully committed to its partnership with New Zealand. We respect your democratic process and have no intention of questioning the decision of your Parliament."

His tone shifted, growing more serious. "However, I must express concern about the rise of disinformation campaigns within your country. Our Office of Foreign Intelligence has flagged a Twitter account openly dedicated to spreading misinformation, and it seems to be fueling protests. As friends, Thailand stands in solidarity with New Zealand against any form of foreign interference. The OFI strongly suspects this account is foreign in origin."

He paused briefly, his voice steady. "Prime Minister, I must warn you—this situation could destabilize New Zealand if left unchecked. Our Strategic Partnership Treaty is built on mutual respect and the shared goal of improving our nations and the world. Personally, I have an uneasy feeling about this, though I can’t quite place why. But I remain convinced that our cause is just. As a fellow leader committed to equality, justice, and human dignity, I know you share this vision."

Sukhumbhand waited patiently for her response.

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GA Member
May 24, 2024
Prime Minister Clark would somberley say, "Thank you. Your reassurances mean a lot. Even if it is not officially recognised, this government will act within its power as if the agreement has been ratified."

The Prime Minister's tone would match the Thai's. "I must insist that you provide myself and the New Zealand Intelligence Service this information."

The Prime Minister would be horrified to hear the words that had been in the back of her mind for the past 2 months said aloud. "Ye-yes, I-I . . ." she would stammer. Collecting herself, she would reply, "I do share that vision, very much so."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Sukhumbhand nodded thoughtfully, his gaze briefly settling on the golden hammer and sickle symbol hanging on the wall of his modest office. After listening to Prime Minister Clark’s response, he replied calmly, "I'm glad to hear that, Prime Minister. Regarding the intelligence, I will personally ensure that the information is shared once it has been thoroughly verified by our Office of Foreign Intelligence. In the meantime, I would recommend your domestic intelligence agency take a closer look at the Twitter account in question, if they haven’t already."

He paused for a moment, then added, "That’s all for now. Thank you for your time. Goodbye." Sukhumbhand ended the call and leaned back in his chair, allowing a moment of reflection.



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Prime Minister would respond, "Thank you. Yes, that is a good course of action." She would then take a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I've been a bit overwhelmed by the events today. Thank you for the call. Goodbye."


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