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Thailand to Portugal | Improving relationship


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

To: <Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, Jaime Gama Bruno >

From: <>

Subject: Improving relationship

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Dear Jaime Gama,

I am the Thai ambassador to the Portuguese Republic. I got assigned by my Foreign Affairs to sweeten the relationship between our two republics. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand would like to see you and me meet at the most convenient time. I want to talk about trade, education, and further cooperation in the Friendship Treaty. I am currently at the Thai embassy in Lisboa. (Rua de Alcolena 12, Restelo, 1400-005, Lisboa, Portugal) I want to have you or your secretary arrange a meeting to discuss the collaboration between our two countries. We have seen rising to the tension that all three world powers have with Turkey. We do not want to straggle the potential partnership between us. I will be waiting for your reply.

Thai ambassador to Portugal
Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Republic of Thailand


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Portuguese Republic

This message is private & encrypted
To the Honourable Krongkanit Rakcharoen

I hope this email finds you well.
I am open to a meeting with your ambassador in my office today, where we will talk about all the points you have brought to light . We know that a healthy relationship with your nation will be vital.

We are also concerned with the rising tensions between Israel and Turkey.

Kind regards,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal
The Honourable Mr. Jaime Gama



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Upon receiving the e-mail from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, Ambassador (Mrs) Krongkanit Rakcharoen, would wear her new brown coat with Thai's foreign affairs logo. She would almost forget her briefcase when leaving the room. She would turn back and put documents inside it. She would go to the Portuguese's foreign affairs building by her private car and park in the parking zone. She has to ask the receptionist where is Jaime Gama's office because it is her first time here. She would knock on the door to ask for permission before going inside.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

(Necessidade Palace)
The Ambassador would arrive at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, she would be let through the gate by the Police. Being escorted inside the building, she would be led by many halls, very adorned with various objects depicting the history of foreign relations of Portugal, from medieval era to the present.​
Finally she would arrive at the main office where the minister would be to greet her.​
"Welcome!" He would say in thailandese.​
"I'm very pleased to finally get to know the new Thailandese ambassador, how are you this fine morning?"​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Krongkanit would greet him back with a Thai greeting and says. "Sawasdee ka." Meaning hello. "A decade of my career in the Foreign Affairs has finally brought me to Portugal. Sande de queijo has served me satisfactorily this morning. I feel strange from my homeland because rice isn't that popular with Westerners." She chuckles. "But, I can't disagree that the food is mouthwatering. How about yours?" She would wait for the Portuguese Foreign Ministers to answer before continuing her conversation. If there is anything else, they will relax before starting the discussion. "So, let's begin." She would smile. "Thailand has the ambition to develop a close relationship with your country. The subject that we can't miss is trading. We want to resume the trade route between our two nations to create more jobs for our people. We want to see our producer's product present to the new market. I am sure that will affect yours as well. To summarize, we want to trade Machinery including Computers, Electrical Machinery, Equipment, Rubber, Rubber Articles, and Plastics, Plastic Articles with your country. These resources are what our Commerce Ministry has requested. What o do you think about this? We are also willing to accept your resource as well."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
They would sit down in his office after exchanging a fair bit of small talk and getting to know each other. After hearing what the ambassador said he would reply.

"Well we would be delighted to enter a trade relations with Thailand, however we currently do not posses a ship capable to deliver cargo to your nation, unless you prefer cutting the middle man and using your own vessel to bring your goods and leave with ours? And when we have access to our own shipping fleet we would again arrange more trade routes. Currently our main exports are ;
  1. Vehicles
  2. Electrical machinery, equipment
  3. Machinery including computers
  4. Cork based materials
  5. Textiles
So feel free to pick what you'll like to have"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Krongkanit would reply and react in gladness. "We are willing to use our vessels. Two-ways tip seems a good idea!. I didn't acknowledge that your country has any information regarding your resource at the moment I researched. May I know its price? The passing tension between us and Congo has made the private sector export their product to foreign, which they should have sold to the government. We are now in a good relationship with Congo, but the inflation rate has increased. It has made the civilians invest more with their money, the wage increased while debt stays the same. But, people start hoarding because the price has risen. We want to make sure that the expense stays at the acceptable level. We want to make sure that this trade route will deficit our Balance of Trade.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Sorry, I'll provide you with the current prices of our resources" He would give him a document with their listed prices.

1. Vehicles $4,000,000
2. Electricalmachinery and equipment $4,000,000
3. Machinery including computers $3,000,000
4. Cork materials $5,000,000
5. Textiles $5,000,000

"What sort of tensions rose with Congo and your Nation?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Krongkanit would focus on reading and calculate the total price. She mumbles the numbers, which takes a minute before she looks up and smiles at Minister Jaime. "Portugal goods are luxury, aren't they?" She laughs at her joke. "It's expensive, and it will surely help with our economy." Her eyes would look up when he asked about the tension. "Let's call it Monarchist crisis." She chuckles. "You know that Congo is a constitutional Monarchy. And they are royalists. When they heard about the rebel things in our country, they quickly sent the diplomat to investigate it!" She put her hand over her face for a second before putting it down. They attacked our International airport, airbases, military outposts with their nuclear submarine. We almost went to war! The parliament discussed sending 20 frigates to Congo's shore, but the Foreign Affairs solved the problem. At least, they paid us $150 million for their destruction. They are now our friends." Her eyes move to the top right for a moment. "Do we need a paper regarding our trading? I have asked other ambassadors about this. Some said need, and a few don't. I don't understand why my Foreign Affairs don't have care about the trading document. I can draft it. And we can continue to talk about the next subject." She smiles.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I wouldn't say a luxury, however they are made with the utmost care and with various quality regulations." he would smile."Well that's quite a story, from enemies to friends." He would pause.

"Regarding the trade, I believe an official document would be best, we would like to receive your Rubber and Plastics, what would you like to receive from us in exchange?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"We are willing to import your Cork materials and Vehicles. I will take care of the document. Do you have any typewriter?" Ambassador Krongkanit would look around the room to find what she needed. She picked up her briefcase and opened it, which she would mumble in Thai while trying to find the trade agreement template. "I am sure that I had taken it." She would find that paper after half a minute. It would take her 5 minutes to finish the document. She walked back and sat with the Portuguese Foreign Minister. She smiled and handed over the trade agreement. "How is it? I first thought that I forgot the template!" She giggled.


The Portuguese Republic, represented by its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jaime Gama
The Republic of Thailand, represented by its Ambassador to Portugal, Krongkanit Rakcharoen

Have honored the document, pledge on behalf of its country, to undertake a healthy trade relationship for the interest of its people and nation. To open a trade route of the offered resources, invest in the accomplishment as follow;

Republic of Thailand is willing to present the following resources;
  • Rubber, Rubber Articles for $2,000,000 each delivering
  • Plastics, Plastic Articles for $2,000,000 each delivering

Portuguese Republic is willing to present the following resources;
  • Cork materials for $5,000,000 each delivering
  • Vehicles for $4,000,000 each delivering

The mentioned representative declared to maintain and follow the context of the agreement.

Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Thai ambassador to the Portuguese Republic

Jaime Gama
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Portugal Republic


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Minister would sign the document, and print a second copy, so each of them would have one.

"There we go, I believe the ships might start sailing soon!" He would chuckle

"Seems that the Turkish tensions have sparked into war, its very concerning, what are Thailand views on this?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Turkey-Israel Coalition war doesn't concern us much. In the feeling, we are all opposed to their brutal action. Our embassy staff in Congo had shown how they don't like it." She would give the Minister a photo in the International Embassy Complex in Kinshasa. It shows a billboard hanging in front of the Royal Thai Embassy building. "Your action demonstrates, being not human, so be it animal." She takes it back and continues. "It was no Foreign Affairs's order, but they couldn't stand for it. We are okay with it. The Prime Minister wants us to be powerful, but he also needs to care for his people. It's none of our business to partake in nonsense. Our allies, Sweden and Israel, undoubtedly resist Turkey's action, and it is our regard to give them political support, but not military right now. Although all of that, we also plan to send Intervention forces into the battlefield when there is one. It will be a great experience for our army to participate in that field. How about your policy with Turkey and its ally? I have heard a few but want to hear it from you."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our policy regarding Turkey, is containment and quarantine, we do not have the strength of arms for a direct conflict, neither we want to. We view them as nothing more than a third rate Nazi Germany, their ideals all come from the same sespit creation bucket, and their modus operati from the same rule book.
They will too fade from history alongside their leadership, such is the fate of a nation with such ideals. They will never be a true society, nor a beacon of hope. A hiccup of history.

They will however become the example of what not to do, and will be reviewed in history as nothing more than that. A failed experiment."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I agree with you on that. Also, my duty here today has ended. I have to bring back the document to my government and let them schedule a time where I can meet with you again!" She smiles. "I thank you for your time." She would leave the office whether with the minister or not. She drives her car back to the embassy with happiness. She then sends a message to Thailand. The trade route will start soon when all preparation is fininshed.


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