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The City That Never Sleeps


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
A deep breath out. Juan was rather nervous. He looked left then towards his right. Darkness had fallen long over the city and it wasn't long until sunrise. With the scorching August heat, Juan in his white vest and jean shorts stood on the street corner of the many run down homes in the city of Rosario. For Juan, Rosario was his home, his life. The proud area he came from was Santa Rosa home to one of the many small time gangs in the city. Rosario was going through a decline of crime and corruption, long before the new Castro Administration even set foot in the office. It was a tough challenge for the Administration and one that was promised change.
For Juan, he was a proud Rosario boy. Education wasn't his strong suite, sure. But as for many of young men of the city, the lure of money and power was to difficult to escape from and for Juan he knew it'd make him where he needed. For years he was bullied by his peers, tormented by his father and seen as in his eyes a total waste of space. However, one night the life of the 18 year old changed forever.

"They're here." Remarked Juan's companion. "Don't fuck this up, leave everything to the boss do ya hear?" His companion stared at him with firm eyes, Juan look up at the tall, burly man. He was older then him and he was respected in the gang. His tattoos covered his face, making him scary or even ugly. Juan simply nodded as he took one look at a large pickup truck that had pulled up on the corner. Loud American hip hop music played through the speakers of the car, but it suddenly came to an end.

Out they came. Three men all of a different height and stature. Wearing clothing that law enforcement could smell that they're a street gang. The only common theme between was they were littered in tattoos. Juan scanned all three carefully, until one of them locked eyes. "What you looking at, you pussy?" Juan quickly looked away, afraid. The male who firmly questioned him was in fact the leader of the three and he knew that instantly. "That's what I fuckin' thought. Let's get this shit fuckin movin eh?" The man tweaked his cap as the three of them walked in a group to Juan's companion. The companion stood tall, more braver then Juan as all of the group turned and marched into the Estate.

Juan's heart was racing. He was younger member of their gang, but this is the first time the leader of the crew had asked him to be there. Was it going to go wrong? What was going to go bad? All of these thoughts played through his head as they finally made it to one of the homes.

Knock. The door opened.

The group entered the home. It was dimly lighten. But before any further entry, a pat down was made of the three men that had followed, they were unarmed as they were instructed to come like this. A bag that they had brought had brought was also briefly looked. As they entered Juan scanned the home. It was quite clear it was used a drugs den. The dense stench of cocaine and heroin was powerful across the home and used needles were existent.

Juan walked behind the group, he shyly looked around in each room. The living room had three young men like Juan go crazy on the cocaine whilst listening to Hip Hop music. He noticed the sight of handguns and SMGs on the sofa gleaming the room. The group moved further through the hallway towards the kitchen, as they entered quickly found a spot to stand to the side as he looked around. Known as "Loco" he sat around a circular table shifting, moving rather friskly. Juan noticed he had already inhaled cocaine with his behaviour. Loco was the leading figure in their group and was well feared in Rosario. Even though they were a low level street gang, Loco's group was the most feared and powerful in the city. The three men who had came were leading figures of the rival group. Both gangs had set eyes on the drugs trade in Rosario and were at war. Though Loco's gang was technically winning, in the long term the rival street gang would and could come out on top. The war did claim the lives of many young men in the past year and it was in fact a slow but losing battle for the Police.

"Well." Loco sniffed alongside twitched. "I t-t-think we bring this to a close eh?" His smile beamed as the three men entered the room.

The three looked disgusted, they were all young as Loco and his gang. But they nodded. They looked around as four men stood behind the self obsessed leader. The leading figure placed a bag on the table and opened it. Inside was a mixture of cocaine packages and pesos.

"Ahahaha! You came through. You came through." Loco swiftly got up and grabbed one of the cocaine packages. Using a knife he cut it open and dipped his nose into the package, a loud inhale was heard in the kitchen as he got back up. "Very good, very good." He paused, twitching and moving his head more alert. The three men who came in looked in disgust. "This is my yard, do you hear? LOCO'S YARD!" He shouted, laughing.

"We can continue with peace.. now right?" One of them asked.

A pause continued. "Yes..with 30% interest." remarked Loco.

Before anything could be said, a number of shots would ring outside of the property. The shots were loud and were continuous alongside the barks of dogs that were outside during the night. They were drawing quite close outside, but before any further investigation could take place the door to the home was kicked in and the shots began to be heard in the home. Loco eyes beamed into action as he started screaming "Motherfuckers! They're here. Go!" He pulled out a Desert Eagle handgun from his waistband. As activity in the kitchen began and everyone tried to scramble for cover. One of Loco's crew members who were in the doorway of the kitchen fell to the ground. Blood splurted from his chest and neck. The fear quickly settled into Juan who tried to find the nearest place to hide. He wasn't the so called tough gangster he thought he could be.

Suddenly two men in skull balaclava masks entered the kitchen and fired several rounds from their handguns at Loco. Juan's ears were shrivelled in pain as he watched his mentor, his leader and the only person who accepted him be killed in his eyes. Loco eyes beamed once more, blood was pouring out several of his wounds as the adernaline from taking a high amount of cocaine tried to cover the pain that covered his body. He gasped for air, bit by bit. He knew in his head it was the end.

As the crazed teen laid dying, the shooting suddenly ended. Juan looked up hands in the air, feared and afraid. The two men who had came in were very well dressed and he quickly determined they weren't your typical street gang member. They were more organised and more mature. What startled him more was the three men who came in who stood next to the two balaclava clad men. Did they know them? What was going on?

"This... all of this ends now. It is bad for business." Remarked one of the balaclava clad men to the three younger men. They simply nodded and took note of what they had said and understood.

"What about the rest?" One of them asked.

"Kill them, take them. Do what you like. But all of this war has ended tonight." Remarked balaclava male. "We must leave and so should you."

The balaclava clad men quickly disappeared into the night. Juan looked around, only him and one other of Loco's crew remained alive as the others were dead. He was scared and fear settled in. Was he about to die? How did his dream of becoming powerful end so quickly within one night? He kept his hands in the air as the three males looked around and picked up the bag. They too disappeared.

Juan remained still for a further few moments. It had only taken a matter of a minute for everything to change and he was struggling to process everything. The other teen of Loco's crew also ran for his life. For Juan he was alone, but he wondered one question.

Who were they?



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Policia Federal Official Document #0322
"The Soulless Ones"

Los Sin Alma is a Organised Crime Group based in the city of Rosario. The group formed in the late 1980s by Rodolfo 'El Vaquero' Sosa. With knowledge of the leadership, it is estimated that there is over 100 inducted members with over 500 associates of the OCG. Membership in the group is strictly Argentinian but have accepted other ethnicities as associates. The groups activities include: murder, loansharking, racketeering, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, hijacking, robbery, fraud, money laundering and more. The Organised Crime Group is structured around like the Italian Cosa Nostra Mafia Families rather then South American Cartel counterparts as they prefer a quieter approach compared to other cartels who have previously been involved in Narcoterrorism.
It is rumoured that Los Sin Alma may have paid off Santa Fe Police and local politicians in the city. It is unknown currently if their reach expands across Argentina.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Churrascos Restaurant, one of the most popular restaurants in Rosario. Everyone loved it. The steaks, the Italian food, the wine. Even the architecture. But what lay in the back of the restaurant was the home of Los Sin Alma. It was where everything and anything went down. A meeting room, a two offices and further in the back was a garage for where mechanics set to work on stolen vehicles and medium sized storage area where some of the sicarios go to relax or do 'other' work.

As closing time approached for a restaurant, in the back. A meeting was called with the Captains. As they stood waiting for the bosses. Vega & Dominguez had been involved in the Rosario underworld for some time, whilst Arias was younger and wiser then the other two. All three however worked closely, but separately. They all had sizeable crews and number of their own rackets around the city of which a cut was paid of what they made was paid each week to Sosa. Anyhow, they remained quiet and once the door opened, in came the boss Rodolfo followed by Bruno and Francisco.

Sosa, it was quite clear he was reaching his age. He dressed smart when he had meetings, but also embraced the latin culture by wearing a tumi hat. His long black hair swept neatly and his bushy beard had took over most of his mouth and went down to his neck. It was clear, age was coming to him, but he avoided showing it as best as he could. He was of stocky build, but had a bit of apetite. Bruno Medina was much older. He had reached his pension age and it was quite clear for him age wasn't friendly to him. Only thing that could show for him was reading glasses. He was a close companion of Sosa as both had known each other for years. Varela on the other hand was also reaching of age. Both Sosa and him were very close. They had grown up together as youths and seen everything and done everything together. Their was no breaking that bond for sure.

Sosa sat down in his seat as the three captains nodded as their boss entered. Sosa puffed and smoked on a cigar as he put his hand out indicating for them to sit. His hand was covered in rings and he donned his favorite watch. The three obliged and took a seat. Bruno stood beside Sosa, whilst Varela took a seat on the opposite side of the long table.
Sosa placed his cigar in the ash tray as he spoke, he took a deep breath. "So boys, things are lookin' on the up." He paused. "Vega, a very well done ending that silly little war in Santa Rosa. The cops don't know who it was and they'll never know it was us." Vega simply nodded. "The reason why I called you all is we may hit the jackpot here." Sosa paused as he put his hand out to three dossiers that were on the table.

"In there is three dossiers. Lemme go through each one.

Vega - your task will be getting involved on the betting circuit for the upcoming World Cup. See if you can get involved, but also see if you can further in with FIFA themselves. Ya know access to the players. We're gonna see if we can 'fix' the games in our favour.

Santino - A lotta work is going in for this World Cup. Your task is to get involved in the construction business. Muscle in on them, you catch my drift?

Mateo - A bit different you. I need you to reach out to other groups, any crime or even terroists. You know like the Yakuza, maybe even those right wing nutjobs in Canada or even the gangs in the UK. See if they want anything as we've got a bit to go. I know the Mexicans have gone to ground after a few years ago their feds went heavy on them and the Colombians have been a bit quiet. But we can look at transporting some goods if they need.

Any questions?"

The three nodded no and set to work.
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