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[Turkey] Message to Egypt


Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019

Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted


Foreign Minister Deniz Baykal


Foreign Minister of the Republic of Egypt


Diplomatic and Economic Relations

Dear Foreign Minister,

It is with great honour that I open official diplomatic communications between our two states. I would like to take this opportunity to further our diplomatic relations and explore areas of establishing additional foundations and routes of greater economic cooperation. It is with paramount importance that Turkey and Egypt have a close relationship, not only for our own prosperity, but for the secuirty and prosperity of the wider Middle-East region.

Given the development of our national economies and the resources made available to us, a deeper economic partnership can only be beneficial to both our states. This is especially so given the close geographical location we are to one another, and the key geographical areas at stake, such as the Suez canal and the Bosporus straits.
I would like to start by exploring the idea of trade. The Turkish economy has much to offer in terms of exports of goods and services and in domestic demand for the import of foreign goods. Our primary and most popular goods for export to foreign markets include: vehicles from civilian cars to agricultural vehicle, electrical machinery, a wide range of metals from steel to tungsten and chromium, mineral fuels and clothing and accessories. I do hope that this does peak your interest.
I would also like to inquire about your government's tariff policy on foreign goods and services. We would like to promote business exchange between us outside that of an official trade agreement.

I shall look forward to your reply.



Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Turkey



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted


Message to: D- Baykal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
Message from: Sadiki Aswad, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Arab Republic of Egypt

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Baykal,
We welcome your message with open arms, and would like to use the opportunity to congratulate your Government for rising to power and taking control of such a relevant international player such as Turkey. Latelay, the Middle East has been rather void of internationally active players, one more reason to welcome Ankara to the party.

We would like to discuss the creation of new trade routes between our major ports, to give our populations and industries access to new products and commodities, not only expanding our economies bu also improving the quality of life of our citizens. What goods does Turkey currently wish to export, and could find a mrket here in Egypt? On our side we are looking to find new markets for petroleum, fruits, fertilizers, copper and gold.

We are also looking for new routes for our national carrier EgyptAir, and a direct flight between Cairo and Istambul would prove a very interesting opporutnity to increase bilateral exchange.

Sincerely yours,

Sadiki Aswad
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Arab Republic of Egypt



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019

Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted


Foreign Minister Deniz Baykal


Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad


Diplomatic and Economic Relations
Dear Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad ,

I'm happy to hear your willingness and openness to furthering our relations.

Indeed, I couldn't have emphasised the need for trade better myself. As your country has developed, our Trade Ministry has recorded the increasingly growing consumer culture in Egypt. Based off of this, we would like to export Electrical machinery and clothing and accessories to your nations markets, should you agree.
We, on the other hand, would like to import fruits and fertilisers from Egypt. A weekly shipment of fruits to the Port of Ambarli and a weekly shipment of fertilisers to the Port of Mersin would be most suitable.

A flight route between Cairo and Istanbul would be most beneficial, as to which I accept. Our government encourages foreign firms operating in Turkey and we encourage EgyptAir to explore further flight routes between Egypt and Turkey. Just as routine and a preventative measure to any future inconveniences, we do expect the airline to adhere to any and all laws and policies put in place, such as taxes, emission limits and visa of passengers.

I has also come to my attention the recent nationalisation of the Suez Canal. I was wondering if we can come to an agreement to where Turkey would be exempt in tariffs of future trade routes that pass through the Suez Canal.



Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Turkey



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted


Message to: D. Baykal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
Message from: Sadiki Aswad, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Arab Republic of Egypt

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Baykal,
We are happy to see that our Governments are on the same page here, regarding trade. Of course we can arrange the opening of our market to turkish electric machinery and clothing, while at the same time being able to export fruits and fertilizers to Turkey. In terms of logistics, we would like to tun all maritime trade routes between our nations through our main mediterranean port, Alexandria. If you are ok with this, we can already begin submitting the corresponding paperwork.

As for the flight route, with your authorization EgyptAir will being operating daily flights between Cairo and Istanbul with their fleet of 737-800. Other potential routes could be Cairo to Ankara and Alexandria to Istanbul. Do you have nay other route in mind?

As for the Suez issue, my Government is currently deciding the details regardin operations and tariffs, but I see no issue in discussing potential special arrengements with friendly nations, in virtue of mutual benefit.

Sincerely yours,

Sadiki Aswad
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Arab Republic of Egypt



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019

Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted


Foreign Minister Deniz Baykal


Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad


Diplomatic and Economic Relations
Dear Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad ,

This is a great trade deal.

For clarification:
Clothing - Port of Mersin to Port of Alexandria
Electrical machinery -Port of Mersin to Port of Alexandria
Fruits - Port of Alexandria to Port of Ambarli
Fertilisers - Port of Alexandria to Port of Mersin
All shipments to be on a weekly schedule.

If you're ready to put this to action, so am I.

You've mentioned the primary cities for flights, any other business interests in other flight routes would be down the company to decide. If EgyptAir has plans to open routes including Ankara and Alexandria within the coming weeks, I give my permission for that. Though if this is just consideration for future expansion, I ask for yourself or the company to approach me closer to the time.

I understand that your government is still putting together the details of the new Suez status, so I don't wish to put pressure or complicate things at this time. Though it's Turkey's interest that our trade routes pass through with minimum obstruction and lowest tariffs possible. With the rapidly increasing globalisation, enhanced with the new development of industries in Asia, its expected that Turkey's commercial traffic will increase and of course want to pass through the Canal. But again, I don't want to agree to anything concrete prior the finalisation of the reorganisation of the Suez Canal.



Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Turkey



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted


Message to: D. Baykal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
Message from: Sadiki Aswad, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Arab Republic of Egypt

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Minister Baykal,
I can confirm you the submitted data, we will prepare the corresponding paperwork and launch the first ships shortly.

Regarding the new routes, with your approval we will launch the following routes next week:

7 weekly flights from Cairo to Istambul
7 weekly flights from Cairo to Ankara
7 weekly flights from Alexandria to Istambul
7 weekly flights from Alexandria to Ankara

All with their corresponding return flights.

Finally, regarding the Suez, the new board has informed me that they will be uploading the new website today or tomorrow, and it will include the new operational guidelines and tariffs. I suggest your staff to review it and with those numbers in mind, we sit down to discuss potential special consideration for turkish vessels.

Sincerely yours,

Sadiki Aswad
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Arab Republic of Egypt



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019

Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted


Foreign Minister Deniz Baykal


Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad


Diplomatic and Economic Relations

Dear Foreign Minister Sadiki Aswad ,

Perfect, we'll put forward our documents as soon as the ships are prepared.

The flights routes appear to be in good shape.

With the Suez, myself and my government will review the information and put together a proposal. I shall get back in contact with you shortly.



Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Turkey


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