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[Turkey] Message to Saudi Arabia


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Government of Greater Turkey
57th Government of Turkey Offical Communication to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Security Classification: Private L3+ Access NIO Encrypted

Sender: Devlet Bahçeli, of The Republic of Turkey

Subject: Urgent Plea for Economic Assistance

King Al Saudi: ,VBCFan

Dear Royal Highness of Saudi Arabia,

We are in an urgent and dire time King and I come to you as a friend and an ally. I appreciated the support you gave my government during the recent summit and I appreciate as well the great bonds that our two countries have created together, especially the flourishing trade deals between out two Nations. But now I come to you with an urgent request of economic assistance, because my nation is at a point where we cannot save the people of Palestine without help. We are being denied production and purchases of our own equipment because of evil western banks that choose to ignore our great mission and focus on only the economic outlook. That‘s why I must ask your highness if Saudi Arabia would be willing to help an ally and a Friend in giving our government a loan of approximately twenty billion USD. I know this sounds radical but your nation has much economic prosperity but we can elevate this with an erriadication of Israel. I offer in return for the loan 21 Billion dollars USD six months from now, 35 free(Used) F-5 Tiger III Aircraft that we know Saudi Arabia Needs to defend it’s skies, and finally 25 free S-125 Neva/Pechora M surface to air missiles. This Will have great and lasting benefits for the Saudi Arabian armed forces and I trust that it will be sufficient for you to at least think over my offer. I am also willing to give Saudi Arabia a 40% discount on all Turkish Military purchases from here on if the total loan is raised to 25 Billion and a return of 29 Billion in one year. Please think this over and think of the Muslims we both strive to protect.

Best Regards,
President Devlet Bahçeli



Apr 8, 2021



To: Turkish President Bahçeli

From: Saudi Ministry of Royal Affairs, Fuad of Saudi Arabia-Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

SC: Private & Encrypted

Dear President,

This is quite the request President, our financial reserves put our nation at just Five Billion Dollars in reserve and this would drive our government into steep debt that we would struggle to pay off. I am Willing to loan your government 25 Billion and accept all offers, including the offer of 40% off all purchases from your defense department if 28 billion can be paid back in 6 months time, and if your government can’t fulfill the agreement we will continue to add to the amount your must pay back to us with 500 Million every month delayed. I dont mean to be harsh but this is a massive commitment and we are only assisting your government due to the fact that we share a common goal in eliminating the Israeli Filth off the face of the earth, and that your defense offer is needed since our Airforce has been unable to acquire new aircraft because of Sanctions for “Not being a democracy”. Please Respond ASAP and we will transfer required funds in exchange for all requests, this is non negociable.

Also I request that we begin planning for the invasion of Israel very soon, we are in fact considering an invasion of Jordan so that we can access the Israeli Eastern Border and we could work together to swiftly eliminate the Jordanian Government and march on to Israel. I hope this sounds acceptable to you, please be aware that all further communication will be done by my Foreign Affairs Minister and Defense Minister as I have a Royal event later today. Thank you



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Government of Greater Turkey
57th Government of Turkey Offical Communication to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Security Classification: Private L3+ Access NIO Encrypted

Sender: Devlet Bahçeli, of The Republic of Turkey

Subject: Urgent Plea for Economic Assistance

King Al Saudi: ,VBCFan
Thank you For your acceptance King, the deal is completely acceptable as I have already consulted my security council and it has been approved. At the moment we are shipping the S-125 Missiles and the F-5s are on their way and they pilots will be flown home on a chartered flight once they arrive in Riyadh. Additionally I approve of the operation to invade Jordan but this is very very risky in my opinion for a multitude of reasons. I would just like to point out that this would turn many Arab nations and the world against us and also Israel could likely reinforce the Jordian army causing massive destruction to fellow Muslims within Jordan that Israel will use as cover. Nonetheless I could send our best equipped Armored and Mechanized Divisions alongside your forces and we could quickly overrun the Jordian Army with sheer numbers of troops on the ground and Armored Divisions. I‘d be willing to commit 800 Tanks, 1,000 IFV/APC, and 1,500 Armored Cars along with 50,000 Infantry to this mission. It wouldn’t be hard to squash

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