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[Turkey]: Phonecall to the Remnants of the Russian Empire


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister İsmail Cem would make a call to his Russian counterpart. This would be done while on the Presidential Aircraft, on the way to Warsaw. He would enter a private, soundproofed room on the Aircraft using a secure line, the PM would also be invited in to listen as he was curious to see the minister’s performance.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Russian Empire would answer the call using a highly encrypted line from his empty office. He would be informed ahead of time by his secretary of whom was calling. "Igor Ivanov speaking, how can I be of assistance Minister Cem?"

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People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Greetings Minister Ivanov, it is simply a pleasure to speak with you and I’m glad you could speak with me even with the current crisis in Russia. I’m going to get right to the point here Minister Ivanov, but what the in world is going on in Russia right now? We are getting mixed reports across the board that there are uprisings across the nation and we cannot deal with another crisis so close to home. So please, enlighten me to what exactly just happened.”


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"There's nothing I can say to sugar coat it, Minister, so I'll be blunt: there's a civil war. Far-left militants hoping to restore the communist regime have taken hold of cities throughout Siberia and have entered into open conflict with Russia. Furthermore, they have pushed into territories such as the self-declared Tuvan Republic and the Far-Eastern Resistance centered at Vladivostok. Furthermore, Islamic extremists have taken hold of Chechnya and surrounding territories and have entered into conflict with Russia, having performed various terroristic attacks throughout southern Russia.

The situation is dire, but Russian forces are steadily pushing into Siberia through the Ural Mountains and soon we will capture the operational headquarters of the communist militants. I understand that Turkey's location makes this a national danger, however, I can assure you that the Kremlin retains strong control of all Russian territories along the Black Sea and risks of Turkey being attacked by any of these traitors is slim to none."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“That’s what I would like to hear, this is though, of course, unsettling to say the least. How does Russia plan to maintain order in these territories that the people revolted in? I’m sure you can’t keep order without millions of occupying troops. Additionally it seems as though a revolt in the Caucuses has occurred and that it is governed by an Islamic Majority. Please what is this about, and is it true from unconfirmed reports that the grey wolves are actively assisting them? This would be serious and I can tell you if it is indeed true that they are operating in the region we could be in for a political crisis back here. They are supported by some in the National Assembly and denounced by other and many could call for support of this new state. I am indifferent and so is the PM but I’m sure the President would have very different feelings and I warn you Turkey could be involved in this conflict within days. We have a peacekeeping force that could be deployed near the region to reason and maintain control if you so need.”

”Since the Last revolt we have taken great strides to increase the security of Turkish waters and radar system so we don’t have any fear of a any disruption in the Black Sea. Does Russia require any support whatsoever this time or do you prefer to be left to your own conflict? The problem is that most certainly the GA could become involved and Russia could be in deep trouble.”


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"As in all situations, Minister, to disassemble an organization one must severe the head of the snake. I cannot go into any more detail than that, national security is still of concern. Please be assured that the situation in Siberia, while extremely dire, shall remain internal.

As for the Caucasus region... yes, there are intelligence reports that individuals stating to be members of the Grey Wolves are within Chechnya and are actively supporting this 'Emirate'. I understand that this could in fact cause... issues in Turkey. We have already taken efforts to severe all internet access in the region in the hopes of blocking their communication with the outside world. I can speak with my government members to take further steps in assuring that reports of the Grey Wolves being in the region remain as minimal as possible to assure political stability in Turkey.

While I appreciate your offer of peacekeepers, the Kremlin believes it best that foreign intervention remains as minimal as possible in the hopes of not giving these uprising forces anymore ammunition against Moscow. However, what could be done to aid us is to verify all shipments coming into Russian ports to assure that nothing in the way of weapons is smuggled to the Caucasus region. Would that be possible?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Thank you for that bit of advice and I will be sure to pass this on to the Defense Ministry but we will make sure to keep the information about the Grey Wolves Redacted to regular government personnel. We also understand that what You do in the region is your business so as long as Russia knows it can succeed we can approve of that.”

”We respect your decision to keep peacekeepers out of the region though I can assure you no weapons would be seized from our troops. Anyway, we of course can search and verify all shipments coming through the straits for Russia, your benefit is ours And The Coast guard will deploy vessels to search passing vessels when necessary. Now I would just like to dive off course for a second and talk about the Russian Defense Industry. First of All the Turkish government has serious interest in numerous weapons on sale by the Russian Government and Turkey would like to become a partner of Russia. Of course this would be via the diplomatic route and we could facilitate this via a trade agreement or if you’d like we could provide the blueprints to some of the latest Turkish Weapons. This sounds ok to your government?”


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I thank you for your aid.

Russia would love for nothing more than to aid another nation in modernizing and bettering its armed forces. However, I have been informed of a situation which the Russian government cannot allow to continue. I have been told that Turkey, on its Turkish Defense Exports International storefront, is listing Russian equipment. Specifically the following: the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier, SA-20 "Triumf" (S-400) SAM System, S-125 Neva/Pechora 2M SAM System, and the Mil Mi-17 helicopter. Turkey does not have the rights to produce these pieces of equipment, let alone sell them, and as such as long as they remain listed Russia cannot cooperate militarily with your nation.

I expect this should not be an issue, so for the sake of continued cooperation I must ask, what Russian weapons is your nation interested in, Minister? I can forward any requests to the Ministry of Defense and notify you of its status of exportation."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Turkey has indeed been selling Russian equipment via a operation license, but in order to gain the trust of the Russian Government we will discontinue the sale of all three those products. The previous interim government allowed us to produce this equipment without penalty be we can see why the new Government could displeased by this. Currently the MoD is interested in the following: S-300PMU SAM System, Bal Coastal Defence Missile System, and the Buk-M1-2 SAM System. These are the only products currently that we would like under the partnership program but we would invest heavily in the non-partnership required equipment if we were granted access to what I mentioned before. This could be a huge influx of cash for a nation with many economic woes, what do you think?”


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I'm sorry Minister, but a license to produce equipment domestically does not give you the rights to sell that equipment. We hope that Turkey has not sold any of this equipment to any foreign nation... Please assure that these four products are removed from your nation's storefront.

A partnership with Russia, Minister, is a harmony of diplomacy and military relations. I'm sorry to say that our current relations are a little too... young to allow this partnership, at least not without assurance in the events that this equipment is used against Rosoboronexport's terms of service. This assurance would of course be the premium account fee on Rosoboronexport's storefront. However, if you do not wish to pay for this premium fee then I could locate some alternatives for the products that your armed forces wishes to operate. For the Bal Coastal Defense System, we would recommend the Rubezh Coastal Defense System, its range is inferior but a battery consists of 4 launchers and each can operate independently, perfect for defending an area such as the Bosporus. Instead of the Buk, we would recommend the Kub. However, we do not offer any alternatives for the S-300 to non-partners."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
”I’m afraid not, thank you for your time. We appreciate the Russian Government’s swift response to our weapons orders and we wish Russia the best of luck against the Communist uprising.”
The Minister would hang up after hearing the Russian Reply.

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