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(Turkey)-Phonecall to U.S.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs İsmail Cem would contact the American Minister of Foreign Affairs in order to discuss a potential military and diplomatic alliance between the two nations.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The American Secretary of State, Jackson Fitzgerald, was unavailable as he was in Korea in order to facilitate a meeting between the Vice President of the United States and the Vice President of Vietnam. However Charlie Price, the Deputy Secretary of State, was available to take Mister Cem's call.

"Good afternoon, this is Deputy Secretary Price," he said from his office on a secure line.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Minister Cem would Respond using a Encypted Line

”Good afternoon Deputy Secretary Price, I would like to introduce myself as Minister İsmail Cem of the Republic of Turkey. I’m calling you today simply to establish or re establish relations between Turkey and the United States after years of separation following the election of the New U.S. Government. The relationship as you know has been through various different periods since the first contact with the Former Ottoman Empire in 1831 and then in the Republic of Turkey after its founding in 1927. The United States has always had similar views that aligned with the views of the People of Turkey. Standing firm with the Republic after Numerous Anti Democratic Coup Attempts in the last few Decades. Turkey was also a key regional parter with the United States especially when both Turkey and the U.S. were partners in the NATO alliance that was disbanded years ago. Now Today turkey looks to reestablish this connection and once again become a regional partner with the United States so that Stability can be brought back to the Middle East.”

”I would like to let you know that the president Himself will be listening to this call(recording) later today and has high expectations and cannot wait to begin a relationship with the U.S., the arsenal of democracy And with our two great powers together we can become a unstoppable force, as quoted by the president.”

”Now, First things first I must ask if the United States would be interested in setting up an embassy between Ankara and Washington. The Embassy would in the future assist in diplomatic communications and we currently have a building ready for the American Government in Ankara. Our Embassy would house standard diplomatic Staff and only 7-8 Armed guards(if Permitted) for security purposes. With this embassy it would also come with allowing clearance for Turkish Aircraft(non-combat) to land when needed. These aircraft would just be either a Airbus A340-541 or a A330 PA2 and land at Piedmont Triad International Airport in Washington. We would also ship a 2-3 Government Sedans and 2 Armored SUVs as well which are used for embassy Transport. On our hand any staff and equipment that the American Government would like to bring are welcome and not an issue. Similar Aiport clearance passes would also be issues to American planes and we could arrange allowing some U.S. Military aircraft to land for Connecting Flights to separate regions. Does this sound fine to you Secretary Price?”


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Minister Cem, it is very good to hear from you. I can assure you that the United States and the Gore Administration are excited at the prospect of reestablishing relations with the Republic of Turkey. We would of course be more than happy to once again occupy an embassy in Turkey and allow your government to send an ambassador, staff, and security personnel to Turkey's former embassy in Washington. I believe that this will be a fantastic first step in restarting our international relations. I can tell you that the Gore Administration is committed to the preservation of democracy in Turkey," Charlie said.

"In a general sense, are things going well for your government? I imagine that the instability in Russia, and to a lesser extent Ukraine, have been worrying for your nation."


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Indeed, the situation in both Ukraine and Russia has been quite worrisome for us, while both Russia and Ukraine are some distance from Turkey, we still share the Black Sea and there has been concern that there could be a disruption of trade and Civilian activities. Still the threat to us from the region is low and we have had little trade to the region so the situation has not seriously affected our economy. We feel for many of the citizens of the region but we feel as though intervention into the region would only cause our national issues that would be avoidable. Generally the Government has been stable, there is always some dissent and some in the government has been worried about the massive expansion of the military which could easily overpower the government but there seems to be a great deal of loyalty within the armed forces for the current government.”

”Our biggest internal issue is the Israelis and their heinous treatment of the Palestinian people. Much of the National Assembly remains divided on the topic as to if Turkey should intervene or not. Israel claims that they will give citizenship to Palestinians, but the issue is the Palestinians are supposed to have their own citizenship in the first place. At this moment Israel continues to deny any existence or agreement to a two state solution even after various pre GA assemblies and votes. What would be the American Opinion on this matter?”
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"From my immediate recollection, the Global Assembly has never taken a stance on the issue of Israel and Palestine. Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians have yet to get into contact with the State Department or request any kind of mediation. My understanding of the situation was that Israel and Palestine are currently acting as de facto independent states. In fact, I'm not aware of Israel taking any kind of action against Palestine since 1995. If Israel and Palestine wanted to work with the Global Assembly to find a solution to the problem, I'm confident that the GA would be more than willing to do so... However, I'm not sure that the Israeli and Palestinian governments will ever see eye to eye," he said.

"Why does your government feel the need to intervene when nothing has happened for almost five years?" he asked, genuinely intrigued.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
"Mr. Fitzgerald, if you would recall the former UN made several resolutions pre 1995 that had to do with this issue. Additionally numerous nations worldwide in the middle east and around the world have called Palestine a legitimate state. Yet here we are and Israel continues to deny citizenship of Palestinians and continues to claim that Palestine is part of Israel, and while the UN was dissolved those resolutions should still hold significant power in what the world thinks of Palestine."

"Turkey has acted because of the recent actions of Israel to move a large military presence to the Palestinian border which was an immediate warning sign for Turkey as each time this has happened inevitably there will be bloodshed, and the noodles comes from the people of Palestine. So we delivered an ultimatum, we would not stand to see Palestine suffer once more and now we see that it has worked! Israel has left the border and we see this rare position of power over Israel as the best time to further Muslim rights in the region."

"We simply ask for Israel to treat Palestinians and Muslims the way Caucasian Americans would treat African Americans. With Respect, Rights, and Recognition. Does this deliver an answer you were looking for?"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Minister Cem, I am very worried that Turkish interference in the situation, especially Turkish military interference, will only make the situation worse, just as interference from the United States military would. The United States government is dedicated to finding a peaceful solution to this crisis, but an armed conflict that would kill tens-of-thousands or hundreds-of-thousands of people cannot be the answer. It could be exceptionally beneficial to bring this matter to the Global Assembly where a modern, official solution could be found. Or, negotiations directly between Israel and Palestine," he said.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Turkey will not conduct a full scale militarily intervention Mr. Fitzgerald, the effects of such an action would be disastrous for the region and no doubt hundreds of thousands would die if all our war broke out, we seek to only pressure Israel and if needed give them forceful ”nudges” to accomplish our goals. We must interfere though for the good of Arabs and at this point Turkey cannot back down. The administration has looked at solving the issue within the global assembly and feels as though this could either solve or make things Much much worse. We would have to have serious support and backing Throughout the GA. If the United States looks to see a peaceful resolution, possibly supporting Turkey and Palestine could solve the conflict. As for negotiations between Israel and Palestine, I feel as though, along with my superiors that this would lead nowhere and create further tensions between the two states.”


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Charlie Price continued, "Minister Cem, that is very reassuring to hear that Turkey does not intend on conducting any kind of full-scale military operation against Israel. Such an operation would be exceptionally destabilizing for the region. At this time, would your government and the Saudi's find a continuation of the status quo acceptable? What I mean is, if Palestine remained in its current state, and Israel did not invade or annex any of it, would this be satisfactory for your governments and deescalate the situation?" Deputy Secretary Price asked.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Minister would be Confused
”Israel Annex Palestine? They wouldn’t dare! We have not even thought that Israel would try to make such a move, we have purely been pressuring them for equal rights and a recognition of Palestine in order to avoid bloodshed, because if Israel recognizes Palestine they would never ever dare to invade it. Have you gathered Information that Israel Plans to Annex Palestine? If so I suggest you speak now Mr. Price.”
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"No, but we have heard extremists on both sides in the past say that Israel wants to do this. An Israeli invasion of Palestine would practically be as destabilizing as a Turkish attack on Israel. But you haven't answered my question. Would maintaining the status quo, geopolitically, be satisfactory for your side? If not, what is your government and the Saudi government trying to obtain? You mentioned treatment of the Palestinians earlier," he said.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“We are looking for more than the status quo, we are trying to prevent a future war and tyranny on Palestinian, Turkey would not Accept the current situation, especially after millions of Dollars have already been spent. We look to just increase the civil rights of Palestinian peoples and I see no reason not to accept this. I do not speak for Saudi Arabia but I’m sure they would say the same thing, we are in the proccess of contacting the Saudi Administration in order to acertain their goals and if they align with ours, though they will likely have more radical plans as the government there is much more restricted to Sunni Islamic Law than we are. Right now we are dealing with an internal insurrection, we have a major portion of the minority government calling for an invasion of Israel and our administration is trying its best to prevent that for now. If Israel does not bolster the rights of Palestinians soon, we may loose majority and the Grand National Assembly could erupt into chaos on the matter and the administration would be forced to act. In fact the current government is already on its heels and we could be in for another coup if this issue is not sorted out soon. The Armed Forces Board has already decided at this moment to deploy a major naval force to Mediterranean near Israel, and I hear there is talk of massive increases to defense spending soon. I advise the American Government to entice the Israeli Government to accept our reasonable requests, especially since they have denied our phone calls and have outright stated that they wouldn’t be giving any further rights to the Palestinian people.”


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Minister Cem, I am going to relay this information to President Gore directly. I apologize, but I need to hang up now to talk to him directly. I will contact you again once I have further information from the President. In this situation, the United States supports a peaceful solution. Muslims, Christians, and Jews have had their differences for millennia, but there has been time after time again in history where they have been able to live next to each other as neighbors, and brothers. We are all People of The Book," he said before briefly pausing. "I have to go, Minister. I will be in touch," he said. He would give the Minister a moment to add anything if he needed to, and then he would end the phone call. Afterwards, he would securely contact the White House and directly inform President Gore of everything that they had discussed in the call.


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