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UK | 1999 Peace Talks


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
US-SWE Peace Talks
Security Classification: TOP SECRET

Following requests from the Gore Government, Andrew Evans had agreed for the United Kingdom to host peace talks between the United States and Sweden, both of which have close relations to the UK in some capacity and their dispute remained something the UK was maintaining its neutrality on. The discussions were to be hosted in 10 Downing Street itself to be a familiar sight to both governments that were attending, but with that comes greater security risks. Especially given the nature of the talks which would have divided groups within the UK opposing the Swedish Occupation, as they would call it. The Metropolitan Police would take more precautions with additional uniformed officers on the streets and in proximity, along with armed officers who were to have an increased presence. Armed Police escorts would be provided to the guests who would both be given clearance to land at Heathrow. The routes to 10 Downing Street different to minimize risks to both delegates attending.

The conference room would be set up to welcome their guests, containing miniature US and Swedish Flags side by side as a symbolic gesture, and all guests including their security would be provided refreshments and food before the talks begun and during any breaks. Andrew Evans had taken it upon himself to be part of the talks as the neutral party, the meeting itself was to be private, with no press or other guests welcome.

Connor Odinson



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

After landing at Heathrow, the motorcade of the American Ambassador would pick up Secretary Fitzgerald, the key members of his senior staff, and five Diplomatic Security Service agents who went with them. The motorcade drove in coordination with the escort provided by the Metropolitan Police and followed whatever route they thought was necessary and safe - they fully cooperated. Secretary Fitzgerald explained several important things to Ambassador Cook about the position of the United States and what points he would be sticking too in the talks. The fact that the Swedish Prime Minister was willing to hold these peace talks under the two conditions that the United States set for Sweden, and the one concession the United States offered, meant that coming to a peaceful resolution was indeed possible. Once they arrived to 10 Downing Street the American entourage disembarked the motorcade and walked inside. While it probably wouldn't be necessary to check, everyone had their diplomatic papers on them. While Fitzgerald had brought five members of his senior staff, the only people at the negotiating table for the American side would be: Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald, U.S. Ambassador Noah Cook (Ambassador to the UK), and Daniel Madison. The rest of Fitzgerald's staff would request a room to wait in, in case Fitzgerald needed their help.

The American delegation would greet Prime Minister Evans and either wait in the negotiation room, or wherever the British saw fit for them to await the arrival of the Swedish.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
SVERIGE-ONE, an Airbus A330-300 of the Swedish Air Force, Skaraborg Air Force Wing, 1st Special Transport Squad, 1st Special Transport Flight, would make it's designated descent into Heathrow Airport following the guidance of Air Traffic Control. The aircraft would come down to meet the tarmac of the runway in a carefully choreographed manner before coming to a gradual stop further down the runway to meet the taxiway out towards their designated terminal. Immediately upon arrival the eight close protection officers of the National Security Office would ensure they were equipped with the necessary encrypted radio channels whilst also liaising with the Metropolitan Police Service to ensure the safety of the Prime Minister through his travels. It was no secret that South Africa was a controversial subject which posed a substantial security threat.

This security threat was the reason the National Security Office had brought a specially designed Rolls Royce Phantom VII and a single Chevrolet Suburban 2500. The Prime Minister alongside his aide would be escorted into the Rolls Royce driven and co-piloted by two close protection officers whilst the remaining six boarded the Chevrolet. Once ready they would make their way through the designated convoy route, with the assistance of the Metropolitan Police Service, to 10 Downing Street.

Immediately upon arrival the Prime Minister would exit the vehicle, waving to the crowds flooding the huge black gates at the end of the street and make his way into the foyer of Number 10.

Jamie Odinson


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The routes in which delegates from Sweden and the United States were taken on, although separate, saw small groups of protesters on the roadside. Unsure as to which one was American or Swedish, the protests mainly focused on an anti-war movement. The increased security presence was justified and the vehicles eventually pulled into 10 Downing Street were members from both governments were able to disembark and move into the foyer. Once their, having arrived at different times, those leading the negotiations would be invited to the conference room where food and water awaited. Andrew Evans, taking the time out of his schedule, was there to meet them. Introducing himself and engaging in small talk, it wasn't long until the conference room door shut and negotiation would begin.

"Firstly, thank you for coming on such short notice, I appreciate it's not ideal to have to arrange transport to get here, but my American colleagues as you know requested that we host peace talks between Sweden and the United States in light of the tension occurring over South Africa. This was something we were definitely on board with, especially because we see the relationship between the UK and the US, and the UK and Sweden as valuable and something we intend to try to maintain. My recommendation would be, starting with our American Counterparts, to provide their stance on the whole situation, followed by the Swedish point of view. This isn't here to hold grudges, or conduct personal attacks. It's an opportunity to voice concerns and get an understanding from each others perspective. After all, I'm sure we all here would prefer peace to any kind of conflict, no?"

Connor Odinson


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Yes, Prime Minister, we would certainly like to avoid conflict if possible," Secretary Fitzgerald said as he rested his folded hands on the table before him. He took a few moments to decide how he wanted to start.

"The foreign policy of the United States is quite simple: we are fundamentally opposed to new colonization anywhere in the world. It is wrong, and a threat to the global geopolitical order. If Sweden's intentions are to make an orderly withdraw from South Africa, to ensure that it has a fully independent government, and to agree to recognize it as a sovereign state, then we are ready to work together or assist in any way possible," he concluded. Fitzgerald looked over to the Swedish Prime Minister to listen to what he had to say.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Stefan, alongside his aide, would take their respective seats before the Swedish flag. He came armed with the usual black conference folder emblazoned with the Swedish coat of arms which landed in front of him on the conference table and contained a plethora of documentation some of which being memorandums from various cabinet departments but also various documentation relating to the activities in South Africa. There was absolutely no hostility from the Swedish delegation and the Prime Minister would not hesitate to shake hands and exchange pleasantries with the US arrivals.

"Sweden is too opposed to any action which fundamentally undermines democracy, human rights and the values all modern nations hold dear. History paints a rough-edged and blood covered image of colonization and this is simply not the same, nor anywhere familiar. The complex timeline that lead to our forces having boots on the ground leaves much to be debated amongst every nation on the planet that would've dealt with the situation is a plethora of different ways but one thing is for certain - we have acted inside the confines of the law. The people of South Africa overwhelmingly want Swedish forces in their country - no international body or independent state has the power to tell the people their decisions are right or wrong. That is democracy. This situation is complex but we are actively building a governmental system from the ground up...- a South African government for South Africans of South Africans."​

Odinson Jamie


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"So Prime Minister, with that being said," Fitzgerald noted as he looked at the Swedish leader, "when will your government be releasing a statement that you recognize the sovereignty of South Africa, and what's a reasonable timeline that we can look at for the orderly withdraw of all Swedish forces in South Africa?" he asked. Fitzgerald and Cook briefly exchanged blank glances with each other and then looked back at the Swedish Prime Minister.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We have made it clear in the Global Assembly by means of our representative Marc of our position in relation to the integrity of South Africa but one thing remains certain - South Africa waves its own flag and will continue to wave its own flag for the duration of our time in the country. As I know you're aware we cant commit ourselves to a specific withdrawal date and sign on the dotted line, that would be dishonest... not only because it isn't down to the United States to determine whether we can or cannot be there - the people want us there and we have some projects ongoing that are making a real difference.

We have remained transparent in our activity in South Africa, with a representative from every continent, and were soon to see additional representatives from independent organisations join us from across the world - there are no secrets with our presence.

Does the United States recognise the independent and fundamental human rights of South Africans? Does the United States recognise South Africans as humans full stop?"

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Yes, Prime Minister, I am aware of what the Swedish Ambassador to the Global Assembly stated. But you haven't answered my initial questions. Today we agreed to meet specifically under the conditions that your government would agree that you do not intend to publicly stay in South Africa, that your government will grant the nation full sovereign independence, and that we could have open negotiations on a timeline for Swedish withdraw from South Africa. I was hoping that we could discuss that, as it is the matter at hand?" he asked.

Secretary Fitzgerald had the two points that President Gore, himself, had written and submitted to the British, which had then been submitted to the Swedish as conditions for this very meeting even taking place. Sinclair had read the two items so many times while on the flight from Washington that he basically had them memorized. The words silently stringed through his mind as he waited for a response from the Swedish Prime Minister: "First, the Swedish government must agree that they do not intend to permanently stay in South Africa, and that when they leave, they will grant South Africa full independence as a separate and sovereign nation with no political or economic commitments.
Secondly, they must agree that part of the negotiations will be a timeline for the withdraw of Swedish forces from South Africa - I would not expect them to agree to an immediate withdraw, this is something we could discuss in person



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Secretary, youre not listening to me. How can you sit here and dictate how long Sweden is in South Africa? You do not represent South Africa and the people of the country want us there... you have no grounds to force our withdrawal? You have no grounds to dictate what decisions made by the people are right or wrong.

Similarly we attended with summit to negotiate an arrangement to prevent further conflict. The United States has provided us with the terms of a settlement before the negotiations have even began...- that's not quite how it works and we don't agree to the conditions in your correspondence without thorough discussions in this room. The situation is complex but there is a repeating theme that you will not be happy until you get your own way - it's not a matter of me not answering your questions, more that I'm not giving you the answers you want to hear.

We do not intend to remain permanently and South Africa will be granted full sovereignty upon our withdrawl - but only the people of South Africa will dictate when that date is.

So I ask you again, does the United States recognise the independent and fundamental human rights of South Africans? Does the United States recognise South Africans as humans full stop?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"So... you're saying you brought us here in bad faith, that you never had any intention of actually abiding by the requirements laid out by President Gore for this sit down to take place, and that you are totally unwilling to negotiate or budge from the status quo. And you also wont answer my questions without deflecting and asking me questions yourself... If you're not willing to meet us half way, or even have a real discussion, then I'm not sure how we can find common ground," Fitzgerald said. "Or am I misunderstanding?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Well no...? Quite the opposite.

You invited us to peace talks; the very purpose of which is to negotiate peace. You have attempted to dictate the results of peace talks by essentially demanding we commit to a conclusion of terms without any form of discussion taking place? What would be the point in these peace talks if we unconditionally agreed to your demands - there would be no conflict to resolve.

This appears to be a repetitive theme of your administration, with all due respect, if you do not hear the answer you want to hear you attempt to turn the cards to make your opposition appear as though they’re in contempt of reason.

We willingly attended these peace talks, not because we believe we’re in the wrong, not because we fear the United States of America, not because we seek to waste your diplomats time; but in pursuit of exactly that... peace. I do not intend to prolong this unnecessary conflict between our two great nations but equally I am tired of your representatives attempting to brand Sweden with a cloak of dishonesty when we have taken every possible avenue to remain transparent not only here but also in South Africa.

I trust that you understand the purpose of these talks... and I trust you’ll take the opportunity to discuss the ideals of both Sweden and the United States to find some common ground in the interests of resolving this unnecessary friction. But these discussions must be held with respect, and without demands. This is a level playing field - you are not the world police.”



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"President Gore was exceedingly clear that the American government was only willing to sit down to negotiate if you were willing to meet the terms he laid out. For the sake of diplomacy I don't mind sitting here and seeing we can find some kind of common ground instead of letting this devolve further; but I have no idea how the White House is going to take the Ambassador and I being brought here in bad faith. But, if I can put it so bluntly, our side effectively says that your government has just colonized an African country and your government and military should leave; and your side says that you've peacefully brought South Africa into your realm, everything is fine, and we're just trying to be world police... So what's the common ground, Prime Minister?" Fitzgerald asked.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I may be misunderstanding but what would be the point in peace talks if you've already dictated the results before the discussio s had even begun. There's a theme here, Secretary. While Sweden, throughout its history, has respected the United States; it is not mistaken by your political position on the international stage, and the influence you possess.

There are two sides to this coin...

Our side is backed by fact, the voice of the people who have the right to choose and a government free from racists and discrimination - corroborated by two independent nations who prior to this conflict had no relationship with Sweden whatsoever. That is the definition of transparency.

Your side is of sheer opinion and backed by a government, South Korea, which has all but dissolved under the pressure of a weak argument and a failed attempt to undermine diplomacy... oh and let's not forget the Turkish, who are slightly preoccupied with the very public breaches of international law. Hell of a team you have there.

Secretary, I want this to remain dignified and sensible - but your stubbornness is making thay difficult. I have no intention to bring the reputation of the US into disrepute, I am here for our relationship, not your approval."

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"So what's the common ground, Prime Minister?" Fitzgerald asked. He waited to see if the Swedish were prepared to offer any kind of concession of compromise or if the Prime Minister would just continue to rub out platitudes and underhanded insults.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well that's what we came here to discuss... yet since the moment we walked through the door you've accused us of war crimes and refused outright to move from the stance of your President. What is the point in us being here if you're using it as ammunition for your own political stance? As I said previously, we're here for the US-Sweden relationship and not your approval on our position in South Africa. I can reel a list of reasons why Sweden in South Africa is not only lawful and the choice of the people but also the undeniable benefits the country has seen in a matter of months.

Perhaps you could reel your own list of, giving me the chance to address each and every one of your concerns. It'll shed light on the reality of the situation and perhaps work towards some movement from your concrete stance thusfar."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"The position of the United States Government is that the Swedish occupation of Sout Africa is illegal and an act of colonization. If your government agrees to withdraw we allow the full force of Swedish soldiers in South Africa to leave with their arms, equipment, and vehicles; we would also be prepared to sign a private agreement stating that we will not try to bring up anyone in your government or armed forces for war crimes, for this particular matter. Also, we will agree to keep normal relations between our countries. That is the offer we are prepared to make at this time. Should I have a copy sent to just your office, of your foreign ministry as well?" he asked.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"You'll 'allow' Sweden to withdraw will you? Last time I checked you'd already failed in the Global Assembly and thus far have made no attempt through the International Courts of Justice. You are not the world police and not a single person on this planet recognises you at such. Whilst you may not like the fact Sweden is in South Africa, that does not make it unlawful, unless of course you're able to help guide us to the legislation youre referring to?

I am frankly disappointed that the United States has not only invited us to peace talks youre unwilling to actually talk in but has now resorted to the implication of threat. Let me be absolutely clear, we do not fear you, cut the attempt to intimidate me.

We are in South Africa at the request of the people and the incumbent government. It cannot be any more lawful than that. The United States of America has no power to tell the people their opinions are wrong. How dare you violate diplomacy."

The Prime Minister would simply shake his head. It had become clear that whilst the United States desperately pursued the position of world police, as evident in their recent violation of the Law of the Sea of which the entire planet has evidence, it appears desperation has taken over.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Prime Minister, I have not made any threats today. I merely showed up for a meeting that my government only agreed to participate in if your government agreed to President Gore's conditions. You're the one that participated in this meeting, knowing that you were not willing to abide by those two conditions. You came here in bad faith, and I'm still trying to negotiate the position that we came here prepared to discuss. But if you still aren't willing to abide by the original conditions set forth for this meeting to take place, and if you are rejecting our proposals, I'll inform my government that you've rejected our diplomatic offers and we can go from there," he said.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well, it's certainly been a pleasure meeting with you and I am glad you extended some form of diplomacy but it's very clear that the United States of America has a very differing and somewhat warped vision of what peace talks entail. Unfortunately you unwillingness to discuss the matter and your deliverance of subliminal messaging is becoming of graver and graver concern to not just me but my administration too.

You have invited us to negotiate peace however demanded we agree to laid out terms with no form of conversation beforehand? If I were to sign a treaty agreeing to your terms, we would have never needed the peace talks in the first place. This entire situation is completely baffling to me, frankly. Moreover, I don't understand why you cannot see how unreasonable such a request is!

I cherish and appeal for a friendly relationship with the US - but we will not beg, we will not be intimidated and we will not be bullied to follow your party line.

Secretary, perhaps we should call for a recess to give you an opportunity to discuss with President Gore whether or not he is willing to permit negotiation during these peace talks or whether he is going to stand in the concrete conditions sent in your correspondence. If the latter is the case, there's no need to return from the recess as we aren't going to get anywhere."

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