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UK | Antarctic Negotiation


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Her Majesty's Government
Security Classification: OFFICIAL

The recently passed resolution in the Global Assembly has raised new questions in relation to the overlapping Antarctic Territory between Argentina and the United Kingdom. Eager to have answers and iron out the finer details, the British Government has authorized the Ambassador to Argentina to hopefully come to an agreement surrounding the aspect of cohabiting in the region. Following this instruction, British Ambassador Matthew Hardy had sent a memo to the Argentine Government to request an audience at their earliest convenience to discuss the overlapping territory.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Ambassador Matthew Hardy, Embassy of the United Kingdom in Buenos Aires.
Message from: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Argentina

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Ambassador Hardy,
The Government of the Argentine Republic welcomes the interest of Her Majesty's Goverment in choosing the diplomatic path regarding the pending Antarctic issues, an example that should have been followed bt other european states from the start of this conflict on.

We would like to invite you for preliminary meetings to discuss the complex legal and political background that comes attached to the Antarctic Affair, before we can advance towards more concrete negotiations.

Sincerely yours,

Secretary for Southern Atlantic and Antarctic Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Republic of Argentina



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The invitation was well received and Matthew Hardy was quick to comply, responding briefly to confirm his intention to be there to open negotiations and with that, he prepared himself that morning with all the paperwork he may require before departing in his suit. A short journey later, he would arrive at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office and introduced himself to the receptionist before waiting for his appointment to be confirmed.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The british ambassador would be received and brought to at specially prepared meeting room in the San Martin Palace. The Secretary for South Atlantic and Antarctic Affairs would welcome him. He would be accompanied by 2 aides, the room was private.

"Ambassador, how are you? Please, take a seat. Can I offer you something to drink?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Matthew entered the meeting room and smiled as he took a seat. "I am doing well, thank you for asking. How are you?" he proceeded to ask before adding "A glass of water would be perfect" he adjusted himself to get comfortable. "Thank you for accepting my request for a meeting, following the success of the resolution in the Global Assembly, I had been asked to speak with you in relation to the claims over Antarctica which, as you know, ours overlap so discussing it and planning the future is probably the best move in my opinion."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"There is nothing to thank Mr. Ambassador, the Antarctic issue needs to be addressed and has been in the spotlight for quite some time now, thanks to the unilateral actions undertaken by some state actors. Before we start, we want to highlight the fact that despite claiming sovereignty over a portion of Antarctica for decades, the Argentine Republic was content with the status quo prior to 1995, in which all "antarctic" nations refrained from advancing on any claim and just let the issue be, favoring peace and stability in the continent. The fact that we have to sit here and talk about this is not something we wanted, but was rather forced upon us by the situation.

Now, after the GA Resolution on Antarctic Affairs, our Delegation was the last to sign the papers, and not without reason. The legal team of this Ministry put forward several objections and encouraged the Government to sign the Resolution with a Reservation on the matter of the article mentioning british claims over the area. In the end, we prefered to avoid further confrontation in a scenario that had already dragged for months, and signed it in full.

However, this does drag consequences into today's situation. Please correct me if I am wrong, but the United Kingdom builds its antarctic claims on the proyection of the Malvinas Islands, a very delicate situation, as this Government, obliged by our believes and our Constitution, mantains the claim on the islands and sees the british presence there as illegit. On this basis, we cannot, simply acknowledge your presence on the white continent.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
There was a moment of silence whilst the British Ambassador collected his thoughts, his mission was to deliver the proposal set by the British Government and nothing more. He quietly sighed. "I'll be honest, I didn't come here to lay down claims, nor to challenge your claims of Antarctica, or for anyone to be evicted so I feel that you not even acknowledging our claim in Antarctica would mean this trip was a waste of time. I had come here to propose cooperation and to build bridges by working together in Antarctica. Not to diminish territorial claims from either side over the White Continent but to propose a system where Antarctic Missions operate in the same area, from different countries, without interference and even opportunities to work together in the region. Where Argentine and British Flags could operate in the same area without tension and without Politicians arguing among themselves." Matthew paused, his tone of voice calm and sincere. The British Government were focused on working with others. He continued:

"The United Kingdom is certainly not interested enough to even contest the claims in Antarctica despite been in our right to do so. If you are interesting in cooperation, then, well, that's why I'm here today. So I suppose my question is, would you like to cooperate in Antarctica and come to an agreement for the parameters for both our countries operating in the same, contested area? Or are you more interested in just having the territory to yourselves? We of course, will leave that decision to you." He paused, surprised by how the initial Argentine statement sounded no better than what they were accusing Sweden of only weeks before.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Of course Argentina is interested in developing the Argentine Antarctic Territory into an area of stability and international research. We have plans for a network of scientific stations, open to researchers from other countries, and we would love to receive british scientists there as well.

Our point is, that while in practice we can achieve such goal, and we will consider your proposed Agreement, we cannot sign a Document that explictly refers to british claims on Antarctica in that pecific area and their link to the Malvinas Islands, as it would go against our foreign policy. If you are able to leave that out of the proposal, and not address the issue, I'm sure we can get to a mutually beneficial agreement.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"In that case, there isn't any point. No one else has mentioned the Falkland Islands except yourselves, and our claim over Antarctica is not presently determined by the islands; but for British Antarctic Research. If you fail to recognize that Britain is entitled to such claim in Antarctica, the way we recognize Argentine Claim for the benefit of cooperation, then perhaps the agreement is pointless and you are not interested in cooperation? What you are after isn't cooperation, as much as it is wanting to state that British Scientists would be operating on Argentine Land which is not the case given the UK, such as yourselves, is entitled to the claims mentioned in the resolution. Just to confirm, you are not interested in working with the British Antarctic Teams unless we renounce our claim? Is that correct?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Legally speaking a nation cannot recognize two overlapping claims, since it would be contradictory. That goes both for Argentina and the UK, its a legal matter.

As for the specific treaty, we did not ask that, we just prefer not mentioning any matter regarding sovereignity, of both sides, in an potential Argentine-British Antarctic Cooperation Agreement.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine diplomati would give the british ambassador a document.

"This is what we had in mind."



The Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA), an agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Commerce and WOrship of the Argentine Republic, and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), part of the Natural Environment Research Council of UK Research and Innovation, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northem Ireland ("the Participants");

Recognizing the high priority afforded to intemational cooperation on Antarctic scientific activities by the former "Antarctic Treaty" and its "Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty", and the recent GA Resolution on Antarctic Affairs;

Conscious of the increasing importance of Antarctica in scientific research, particularly in relation to understanding global environmental and climate change; and

Noting the value of intemational scientific cooperation on Antarctic science issues, including to share resources and expertise on scientific projects of mutual interest;

Have decided to seek opportunities for closer cooperation on Antarctic science issues, as follows:

1. Working together

IAA and BAS will look for opportunities to cooperate, including through seeking to optimize the human and material resources of both institutions, on Antarctic science and technology initiatives of mutual interest.

2. Priority issues

IAA and BAS will seek to cooperate on areas of mutual interest related to the "GA Resolution on Antarctic Affairs", and issues related to environmental protection, for example on:

a) Joint science and technology research projects in the fields of, inter alia, Earth sciences and life sciences, as well as those related to the protection and conservation of the Antarctic environment and its dependent and associated ecosystems; and

b) Training and exchange of personnel between the Antarctic stations, institutions or academic centers of each of the Participants.

3. Administrative Arrangements

Costs and logistics relating to actions taken under this MoU will be borne by each Participant, as mutually decided.

The results and outcomes of activities carried out under this MoU will normally be deemed to be of joint ownership and only published and/or exhibited jointly, unless the Participants decide otherwise.

Any dispute related to the interpretation and application of this MoU will be resolved amicably.

4. Duration of MoU

The present MoU will come into effect on the date of signature, and is in tended to last for an initial period of five (5) years, unless terminated by either Participant. Thereafter, it will be automatically renewed for equal periods with the same provisions. Any written notice of termination will only take effect three (3) months after the date of the notice and any results or outcomes of activities carried out during the period of the M o U will remainjointly owned unless the Participants decide otherwise.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Despite these claims, our goal is to have an agreement in place for operations to take place in the area without interference and the prospect of working together. For example, we can run our own Antarctic missions, you run yours, in the same region of the overlapping claims. The agreement you have set out is certainly on the right path, however, I'd like to also add something along the lines of our ability, and of course, your ability, to also operate independent research missions in the contested regions without issues arising. I would also like to know your thoughts on a clause to make sure that the overlapping conflict of interest is also demilitarized, perhaps with the exception of unarmed logistical craft perhaps?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Obviously, unilateral research missions are allowed. We would suggest however a notification system for potential SAR services in the area. Its always good to know where everyone is to provide quick assistance in case of events.

As for the the demilitarization, we agree with your idea. We would be in favor of limiting the employment of certain military operations in the area. Something like this:

3. Employment of military means

The Parties recognize the importance of mantaining a safe and stable antarctic environment by limiting the deployment of military units into the area below the 60°S, prioritizing the use of logistical units to be put in service of scientific advancement and navigational safety.




GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"We are certainly happy with the addition of the Employment of Military Means, however, I was thinking more in relation to the reduction of armament in the region. Such as something more specific in relation to that any military assets cannot be armed, somewhat echoing your delegations proposals in the Global Assembly Resolution but primarily between ourselves for the joint research area. Furthermore, a notification system would be useful not only for Search and Rescue but for general awareness to prevent our survey teams unintentionally interfering with one another. If, of course, you are in agreement."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Ambassador, we share your concern, and are equally interested in a peaceful Antarctica. However, with the persistent menace of swedish presence in the continent, and also from other nations, we cannot commit to a full demilitarization, as much as we would want to, as long as these other nations do not play by the same rules, since this would put the Argentine Republic in a reltive position of weakness."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That is understandable, hopefully in time as the situation continues to deescalate, it may be something we can revisit. In the meantime, we are happy to sign the agreement with the amendment to add the section for the employment of military means to prioritize logistical units. If you are able to refine the agreement and send it over, we will be able to sign and get the ball rolling. I see it as a progressive opportunity for Argentina and the UK to work closer together and if it was of interest, to use it as a stepping stone to further cooperation and relationship building in the future."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We agree that his could be an interesting opportunity for collaboration. Here, we incorporated your suggestions to our initial proposal."


The Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA), an agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Commerce and WOrship of the Argentine Republic, and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), part of the Natural Environment Research Council of UK Research and Innovation, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northem Ireland ("the Participants");

Recognizing the high priority afforded to intemational cooperation on Antarctic scientific activities by the former "Antarctic Treaty" and its "Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty", and the recent GA Resolution on Antarctic Affairs;

Conscious of the increasing importance of Antarctica in scientific research, particularly in relation to understanding global environmental and climate change; and

Noting the value of intemational scientific cooperation on Antarctic science issues, including to share resources and expertise on scientific projects of mutual interest;

Have decided to seek opportunities for closer cooperation on Antarctic science issues, as follows:

1. Working together

IAA and BAS will look for opportunities to cooperate, including through seeking to optimize the human and material resources of both institutions, on Antarctic science and technology initiatives of mutual interest.

2. Priority issues

IAA and BAS will seek to cooperate on areas of mutual interest related to the "GA Resolution on Antarctic Affairs", and issues related to environmental protection, for example on:

a) Joint science and technology research projects in the fields of, inter alia, Earth sciences and life sciences, as well as those related to the protection and conservation of the Antarctic environment and its dependent and associated ecosystems; and

b) Training and exchange of personnel between the Antarctic stations, institutions or academic centers of each of the Participants.

3. Employment of military means and safety of navigation

The Parties recognize the importance of mantaining a safe and stable antarctic environment by limiting the deployment of military units into the area below the 60°S, prioritizing the use of logistical units to be put in service of scientific advancement and navigational safety.

The Parties agree on establishing a notification system to inform of operations in the antarctic area, to facilitate potential SAR operations.

4. Administrative Arrangements

Costs and logistics relating to actions taken under this MoU will be borne by each Participant, as mutually decided.

The results and outcomes of activities carried out under this MoU will normally be deemed to be of joint ownership and only published and/or exhibited jointly, unless the Participants decide otherwise.

Any dispute related to the interpretation and application of this MoU will be resolved amicably.

5. Duration of MoU

The present MoU will come into effect on the date of signature, and is in tended to last for an initial period of five (5) years, unless terminated by either Participant. Thereafter, it will be automatically renewed for equal periods with the same provisions. Any written notice of termination will only take effect three (3) months after the date of the notice and any results or outcomes of activities carried out during the period of the M o U will remainjointly owned unless the Participants decide otherwise.


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