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[Ukr] Bitter Memory


Apr 5, 2020
"We've heard the Minister's address and I've spoken with him myself since then. We are acutely aware of the danger he currently poses. I would like to stress that Ukraine's Republican institutions are..." Yushchenko would pause, struggling through his opioid induced brainfog to find the proper word. Stable? Strong? "They're just as enduring as those in any other Western country. We are addressing these issues internally. Thank you again for your concern."

The President's tone was amicable but matter of fact--not far off from the one he used when assuring one of his children that bad dreams were merely dreams. He had always possessed an admiration for the former NATO countries and he was sure the Americans meant well with this call, but any Ukrainian could get this information by flipping to Kanal 11. His finger hovered over the end call button, his other hand brought the bitter coffee to his lips.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Al leaned forward on the Resolute Desk as he prepared to speak again to his worse for wear counterpart. "Mister President, I wanted to speak with you personally because we feared that you had already been taken out of the chain of command, or worse. The federal government is currently in talks with the Polish about the situation that your country is in. If your government, or your nation, needs any kind of assistance, we are prepared to offer it in any way possible - even if it means the deployment of American and possibly Polish ground forces to Ukraine. Please, Mister President, if you need help we can give it to you while you can still give us permission. I'm sure you would much rather American and Polish forces moving in to ensure your republic remains intact, rather than Russian forces moving in to enforce their own agenda... and God knows if they would ever leave," the President said.

"What can we do to help?" Gore finally concluded.
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