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[Ukraine] Establishing contact with Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: encrypted and secure

Yes, indeed we should. While I'm not positive as to President Yushchenko's schedule at this moment, I do know that Poland shall be his top priority once President Yeltsin's visit has concluded. We are eager to host a state visit for Poland. It would be an excellent opertunity to demonstrate our friendship to the world! In the mean time, Foreign Minister Gryshchenko would be more than willing to host a regular working visit or travel to Poland himself whenever is convenient for you.

We're glad we can share our concerns with Poland, and that you seem to feel the same way regarding East and West. Above all, Ukraine strives to avoid a second Cold War (or worse, a heated war like in 1960s Vietnam or various countries in Latin America...), but this does not negate our right to self-governance. Would Poland be interested in forming a formal alliance--a defensive pact to ensure we both have an ally should unwanted foreign intervention occur? It's something we could discuss more in-depth at our in person meeting, along with the clarification of our stance on the Belarusian issue.

Our Ministry of Defense is starting to remedy the problems left by the Symonenko administration. Once we're more organized (and that will likely take some time), we would like our ground forces to conduct joint training operations with Polish soldiers. Is this also of interest to you?


Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Ihor Kharchenko

Subject Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


That sounds like a great idea. After the many conversations that we have had over the past months, I feel that Foreign Policy Minister Dariusz Rosati has mentioned the to me that he has been meaning to travel to Ukraine recently. It would be a great time for our two ministers specializing with foreign nations to meet each other. Perhaps they can share some ideas to help brighten the image of Ukraine and Poland together.

A defensive pact would be an excellent idea. A second Cold War feels as if it is approaching with the state of the world right now. Much of what was previously mentioned in our previous communications. I'm sure Minister Rosati and Minister Gryshchenko will lay the ground work for this great alliance.

In regards to conducting joint training exercises with Ukraine, I can say we are very interested in the prospect. It would not only assist our soldiers in gaining more experience, but also show the world that our Alliance is something that is not to be trifled with. Once you feel your armed forces are ready, just say the word and we shall collaborate on a truly spectacular exercise.

On an unrelated matter, has your government thought about offering support of some kind to the Global Assembly Peacekeeping Force in Zimbabwe? Just between us, how does your government feel about the Peacekeeping mission in Zimbabwe? And Peacekeeping in general?

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: URGENT; regarding unauthorized defense sales

Security: encrypted and secure
I will respond to your last email in time, presently there's something urgent I must ask you. It has come to our attention that RusAr, a company jointly owned by Russia and Argentina (Linked), has been selling Ukrainian products without our permission or even a notice. We have sent Russia several emails about this and have received no reply...

If there was a misstep on our end to warrant this, have they discussed it with you? Is this because you inform them of our opinions regarding Belarus? From our perspective, it seemed we were getting along better than ever before, so we truly have no inclination as to what might have caused this.

It saddens us. How can we remedy it?

Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Secured and Encrypted

To: Ihor Kharchenko

Subject: Regarding Urgent Message

CC: Janusz Onyszkiewicz; Marek Belka; Dariusz Rosati

First, I would like to thank Ukraine for bringing this to our attention. We are aware of the company having recently purchased some aircraft of Russian design from them but not aware of them selling Ukrainian owned designs illegally.

It is unfortunate that our Russian neighbor has seemingly allowed this theft from our sibling nation, Ukraine, and we are highly upset about it. Russia has failed to inform Poland about allowing Ukrainian owned designs to be sold by a third party. And, as far as we are aware on our end, there has been no misstep made by Ukraine against Russia or Argentina.

As for a remedy, we would advocate that Ukraine keeps trying to contact Russia for clarification but also send a cease and desist letter to the RusAr company. As mentioned previously, Poland is more than ready to mediate between Ukraine and Russia should any conflict arise.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: An update and response to your questions

Security: encrypted and secure

To provide an update: they explained it as simply an error in paper work and declined an offer for us to assist them under a contract more favorable to Russia.

We thought their goals were already clear to us, they’ve remained unchanged for the past century. Over the past several months we’ve even attempted to further them in our communications with other countries. Unfortunately, it seems we have frustrated them somehow, as the Russians felt it necessary to specifically restate their goals to us.

We will make a point of not getting in their way again. Instead, we will shift the majority of our focus towards assisting Poland internationally—should there be anything in which you would like us to support you. Aside from this and trade, Ukraine shall recalibrate it’s federal resources towards domestic policy and humanitarian efforts. We will demonstrate that the independent Republic of Ukraine can enrich the world, even if we have failed to benefit Russia.

On that note, I should like to inform you that the first shipment of foodstuffs to Poland will soon be on its way. I apologize for our trimendous delay, much has happened these past months.

To address your previous question regarding peacekeeping missions, we have not yet considered providing a peacekeeping force to Zimbabwe as we are still undergoing a restructuring of our defense forces. We consider peacekeeping missions a two edged sword. They have the ability to assist the local populous and provide experience to foreign forces--and of course would be a source of excellent PR. However, the foreign parties can abuse their admittance into the country receiving aid. In cases where foreign forces do not attempt to abuse the peacekeeping system, there could still be liabilities--injuries, sickness, and miscommunications. We would not judge any state for participating or abstaining so long as they fully considered the pros and cons.

As always, we are deeply thankful for Poland’s constancy and friendship. If the Russian Federation is our brother, then the Republic of Poland is our twin.

Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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