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[Ukraine] Message to North Korea


Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Office of the Supreme Leader of Korea: Kim Jong-Il

Greetings, to the Supreme Leader, the Glorious Kim Jong-Il, from your brethren in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine. It is with the greatest of intentions I write to you on behalf of my people in hopes of opening ties between ourselves and Korea. Our two governments and people have much to benefit from such a relationship. Ukrainian arms, wheat, and concrete can help further the revolution in Korea, while your insights into media and politics could greatly benefit my own government. We believe that all revolutionary governments will benefit from close relations with one another, and we hope that we can arrange a summit to discuss the creation of strong ties between our two governments.



Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Message is Encrypted and Secure
From: Office of the Supreme Leader of Korea: Kim Jong-Il
To: Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko


We want to thank you for contacting us. We also currently looking to expand our diplomatic and economic relations with other nations. It is one of the first steps we are taking to make North-Korea more accessible for the outsiders. With pleasure, we accept your invitation for the summit to discuss our relations with both nations.

We hope to hear from you soon

Kind Regards

Somun Do-Yeon
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
People's Democratic Republic of Korea


Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Office of the Foreign Minister of Korea: Somun Do-Yeon

I am very pleased to hear of your receptiveness to our approach. We are open to attend a summit in Pyongyang if that is what your government prefers, or else we would be happy to host you and your representatives here in, Kyiv. We are open to either option, and will differ that choice to your government. We hope that this signals the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.



Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Message is Encrypted and Secure
From: Office of the Supreme Leader of Korea: Kim Jong-Il
To: Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko


If that is fine for you than we are going to send vice minister Pu Kyu-Bong to Kyiv to discuss our relations.

Kind Regards

Somun Do-Yeon
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
People's Democratic Republic of Korea

After the mail was sent, Vice Minister Pu Kyu-Bong would prepare his stuff for the summit in Kyiv. He would take a commercial flight heading to Kyiv and would wait at the Kyiv Zhuliany International Airport.


Jul 1, 2018
Private and Secret Meeting.

The Kyiv Capitol Police would greet the North Korean delegation and lead them to the black town cars from the state department sent to retrieve them, under police escort the cars would travel to the Ukrainian State Department, where a private meeting room had been prepared with computers and encrypted phones for the meeting. Premier Petro Symenenko would greet the North Korean delegation before ushering them inside the secured and private room.

"Welcome, welcome, we are honored to have a delegate of the Kim government in Korea here in Ukraine to meet with us, we believe we have many interesting and vital things to discuss."
