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United States | 2000 Presidential Election


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
2000 Presidential Election
Gore|Sinclair VS. Bush|Danforth

After long campaigns and two presidential debates, it had come time for the election between President Al Gore and Speaker George W. Bush. Both candidates had travelled across the country from Puerto Rico to Guam. Overall, this presidential campaign included more negative advertising than normal, but both candidates were able to remain civil with each other in person during the presidential debates. The campaigns for both candidates had worked tirelessly to earn the trust of the American people for their nominee, but now it was out of their hands and in the hands of the American people to choose who would be President of the United States for the next four years (as well as who would be Vice President). While the Democratic ticket had immense political and governing experience, the Republican ticket had charisma and appealed to the average man. In times of geopolitical uncertainty, Americans tend to favor Republicans while in times of domestic economic troubles, Americans tend to favor Democrats. Now it was up to the American people to vote.



Presidential Nominee | Albert Arnold Gore Jr. (D-TN)

Vice Presidential Nominee | Benjamin Valentine Sinclair (I-ME)


Presidential Nominee | George Walker Bush (R-TX)

Vice Presidential Nominee | John Claggett Danforth

Albert Arnold Gore Jr.
Experience & Education

President of The United States

Vice President of The United States

U.S. Senator

U.S. Congressman

Student at Vanderbilt University Law School
[Did not graduate]

Investigative Journalist

U.S. Army

Student at Harvard University
[Graduated cum laude with B.A. in Government]

Benjamin Valentine Sinclair
Experience & Education

Vice President of The United States

U.S. Senator

U.S. Congressman

Instructor at U.S. Air Force Academy

U.S. Air Force
[Awarded the Medal of Honor in 1951]

U.S. Army
[Army Air Forces]

United States Military Academy
[Graduated with B.A. in Military History]


Democratic Ticket Major Policy Stances

Foreign Policy
Strongly supports the unity of the Anglosphere;
Strongly supports the Monroe Doctrine;
Supports strong relationships with Europe/North America;
Supports democratic governments;
Supports foreign intervention if aligned with U.S. interests;
Supports establishing strong space presence;
Supports the Global Assembly;
Supports cooperation with Mexican gov. to fix border issues;
Somewhat opposes the international arms trade;
Generally opposes communism;
Opposes cooperation with dictatorships;
Strongly opposes the proliferation of strategic weapons;
Strongly opposes biological weapons of any kind;

International Cooperation
Supports strong military alliance with Britain and Sweden;
Supports establishing new alliances and international friendships;
Supports major military exercises with allies

Strong Military
Supports a powerful Navy to project power;
Supports a strong Air Force to project power;
Supports a specialized Army and Marine Corps;
Supports a large National Guard for domestic defense;
Supports further expansion of the Coast Guard for security

Supports expanding the EPA;
Supports new regulations on dirty industry;
Supports using renewable/alternative forms of energy;
Supports new regulations to combat global warming;
Supports the protection and restoration of wetlands;
Supports the further protection of major forests;
Supports expanding the Coast Guard

Economic Reforms
Strongly supports breaking up monopolies;
Supports expanding national rail network;
Supports expanding local public transportation;
Supports national construction projects;
Nominally supports raising the minimum wage

Political Reforms
Strongly supports removing corporate money from politics;
Supports reforming insurance and healthcare;
Supports reforming and expanding the U.S. Postal Service

George Walker Bush
Experience & Education

Speaker of The U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Congressman


George H. W. Bush Campaign/Administration


Air National Guard

Student at Harvard Business School
[Graduated with a MBA]

Student at Yale University
[Graduated with a B.A. in History]

John Claggett Danforth
Experience & Education

Attorney at Law

U.S. Senator

Attorney General of Missouri

Attorney at Law

Yale University
[Graduated with J.D. and MDiv]

Princeton University
[Graduated with A.B. in Religion]


Republican Ticket Major Policy Stances

Foreign Policy
Strongly supports the Monroe Doctrine;
Strongly supports relations with North/South America;
Strongly supports large-scale intervention at U.S./Mexico border;
Supports democratic governments;
Supports the international arms trade;
Somewhat supports the Global Assembly;
Somewhat opposes intervention in foreign war;
Opposes cooperation with dictatorships;
Strongly opposes the proliferation of strategic weapons;
Strongly opposes communism

International Cooperation
Strongly supports isolationism;
Supports alliance with Britain;
Nominally supports establishing new international friendships;
Opposes establishing new alliances;
Strongly opposes alliance with Sweden

Powerful Military
Supports a powerful Navy to project power;
Supports a powerful Air Force to project power;
Supports a powerful Army and Marine Corps;
Supports a strong National Guard for domestic defense;
Opposes further expansion of the Coast Guard

Nominally supports the protection and restoration of wetlands;
Nominally supports the further protection of major forests;
Opposes renewable/alternative forms of energy;
Opposes new regulations to combat global warming;
Strongly opposes expanding the EPA;
Strongly opposes new regulations on dirty industry

Economic Reforms
Supports spending more on the military;
Supports focusing on domestic industrialization;
Opposes increases in taxes;
Strongly opposes increases in welfare

Political Reforms
Nominally supports measures to address corruption

Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore, most of his family, along with Vice President Sinclair and some of his family, were gathered at the Gore family farm just outside of Carthage, Tennessee. It was almost midnight. About twenty minutes ago, the State of Ohio turned a dark blue color on CNN's map of the United States. A man with whitening hair had taken his jacket off a few hours ago and had been eagerly pointing at different states on the map for hours. The mood at the Gore residence was very positive - a Republican had never won a presidential election without winning Ohio.
President Gore was sitting in a large leather recliner, next to an empty one on his left. Gore watched as the man on the television pointed to Florida, which was still grey. It had been "too close to call" for four hours now. Vice President Benjamin Sinclair walked into the room with two beers in glass bottles and set them down on the coffee table between the two leather chairs. Sinclair sat back down next to Gore and put his feet up. Sinclairs legs extended out beyond the end of the recliner due to his height, but he didn't seem to mind. While Gore had taken off his suit jacket and loosed his tie, Sinclair was still in his full three-piece suit - pocket watch and everything.
"I got fifty-bucks on this Bush-guy, what about you?" Gore asked Sinclair in a joking tone of voice. He took a sip of his beer.
"I don't know, that Gore-guy has a slick-looking Vice President. Those New England guys know how to dress," Sinclair retorted as he sipped his own beer. Gore laughed.
Sinclair looked to his left and noticed his great-grandson in a little suit, sleeping on the sofa to his left. Tonight was mostly about Gore and his family, but the President had some insight to the loneliness of the Vice President, so he decided to invite Sinclair's eldest son, grandson, and great-grandson to their election-night "party" in Carthage. The Sinclairs were a bit more reserved than Gores family, kind of how Gore imagined New Englanders to be, but they were good people.

"Hang on, we have a new call to make," the man on the television said. He listened for a few seconds to his earpiece and then pointed to the southeast United States. "CNN is now calling the State of Florida for Al Gore. This puts President Gore over the 270 electoral votes required to win the presidency - CNN is now calling the election for Albert Arnold Gore Junior of Tennessee."

Gore raised his fists in the air and shouted. Both men got out of their recliners as family and friends rushed over and hugged the winners. After a few minutes the men were standing next to each other again. Sinclair looked at Al and extended his hand. Al, instead, put out his arms and hugged Sinclair who hugged his friend back. "I couldn't have done it without you - all of it," Al said, his voice cracking just a bit.

President Gore's campaign manager walked up to the two men. "Mister President, Speaker Bush is on the phone."



President Gore and the First Lady stepped onto a stage shortly followed by Vice President Sinclair who had a small photograph of his late wife inside of the breast pocket of his suit jacket. It was past midnight. A crowd of thousands was convened at what was normally a rural field. Red, white, and blue confetti was falling all around the people on the stage and the people in the crowd. Gore and Sinclair both stepped up to the podium. Gore tried to speak, but the crowd was still booming. Sinclair grabbed Gore's right wrist and raised it in the air - the crowd cheered even louder, as the two leaders did as well.
Gore tried speaking again, "Thank you, thank you very much," he said. His eyes were watering, but he kept himself together.
"I have never had more hope for America than I do right now," the President said to a large amount of applause.
"We have overcome one of the most tragic events in our country's history, we are rebuilding the core of our most cherished cities, we have gotten through a war together... A few minutes ago I received a call from Speaker Bush who congratulated me on our election victory tonight. Speaker Bush has dedicated years of his life to this country, and I look forward to working together with him to bring much-needed improvements and reforms to our country. The United States has a bright future ahead of it - our best days are still yet to come. We are going to improve our country, we are going to have cleaner air and water, we are going to bring back more manufacturing jobs to our country, we are going to rebuild our infrastructure, and we are going to be safe. We are going to protect the environment and we are going to bolster our economy. We are ready to face whatever challenges that may be presented to us and whatever endeavors we will have to undertake, just as we have been in the past... Whether it is working the fields as a farmer, starting a new business as an entrepreneur, or raising the next generation as a mother or father, remember that similar tasks have been undertaken by our forefathers and that they are rooting for you from heaven, and that our country has a rendezvous with destiny. You will help lead our country into this next American century, and I am humbled to be the one elected to guide you on that path as your President... May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America."
President Gore looked to his right and offered his hand to Vice President Sinclair who took hold of it and gave it a firm shake. The families and friends of both leaders joined them on stage as "America The Beautiful" played.

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