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United States | 2006 State of The Union


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The House Chamber
February 28, 2005
6:04 PM EST


President Benjamin Valentine Sinclair had now been President for over a year. This was Sinclair's first State of The Union since he had been sworn in as President. While the Gore Administration had to face countless challenges and struggles, the first quarter of Sinclair's first term as President had been relatively smooth. There have, however, been some bumps. The White House is still working towards international acceptance of the non-proliferation of strategic weapons, developing a closer and more trusted relationship with Russia, developing closer ties with Australia, and tackling the numerous domestic works that Sinclair promised to address while he was running for President. Some of those promises have already been fulfilled while others still need to be implemented.

On the last day of February, which was a frigid 24 degrees Fahrenheit, members of Congress, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Vice President gathered for President Sinclair's State of The Union address. The last time Sinclair had addressed one of the houses of congress, he was Vice President and had just led the military to Capitol Hill to save the Capitol Building from rioters. Now he was there as the sitting President. Sinclair's independent status and unique take on issues of the time contributed to his popularity among the American People as well as his popularity with Congress.

Security that night was intense in and around not just the Capitol Building, but the District of Columbia. That evening, the Secretary of Defense was the designated survivor. Access to the Capitol Building, and its grounds, were tightly controlled by the Capitol Police, the D.C. Metropolitan Police, the FBI, and the Secret Service. Only Americans and special guests were on the grounds and inside the building for what would proceed.

Members of the President's cabinet were introduced into the House Chamber, on by one, as well as the Vice President. The Vice President took his seat beside the Speaker of The House. Then, the Sergeant at Arms announced, "Mister Speaker, the President of the United States!"

All of those assembled, including Vice President Blumenthal and the Speaker of The House, stood, clapped, and cheered as the President began walking down the aisle. He shook hands with dozens of senators and congressmen, several of whom gave him words of encouragement or patted him on the shoulder. Sinclair was wearing what he considered to be his best semi-formal outfit: a three-piece black suit, white shirt, a dark blue necktie, and his black walking cane. He also had a pocket watch, which was concealed in a small pocket on his vest. The gold chain for the pocket watch, however, was visible. On the lapel of his suit jacket was a small American flag lapel pin.

President Sinclair eventually made it to the House Clerk's desk where he briefly turned around and handed two manila envelopes to the Vice President, who was President of The Senate, and the Speaker of The House respectively - inside was a signed copy of the speech he was about to give. He shook both of their hands, exchanged a few brief words, and then turned around to the Congress. After another minute or so of applause the crowd finally quieted down at the behest of Sinclair who nodded his head several times, waved, and said "thank you."

The Speaker, who had remained standing, gaveled once upon his desk and said, "Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States!"

The entire crowd, once again, stood up and applauded for what was nearly two minutes. President nodded at a few of his friends in the crowd, but quickly did his best to try to get everyone to sit down. Nevertheless, as was tradition, the Congress clapped anyway for another half minute. Finally, the crowd sat down and the President was able to begin his speech which was, at times, interrupted by applause.

"Mister President, Mister Speaker, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, my fellow citizens... In just thirteen months we have seen to changes and progress both domestically and abroad. At home legislation has been passed by this congress to see to the health of the youngest Americans. Through this act of congress, the Executive Branch is now empowered to assist in funding and organizing a national health initiative at American public schools so that young Americans, who have the most opportunity of any people in the world, will start their adult lives as healthy and productive members of our society.

"We do not need to plague our healthcare system with the systemic troubles of obesity and the thousands of other complications that come with it. We do not need to sit back and watch while companies are allowed to poison everyday foods just so that they can be made slightly cheaper! We do not need to sit back and watch while the vigor and vibrancy of youth is robbed from the most fortunate generation in history - we can stand up with them and give them every tool to build America into a better place for themselves and their families, just as our parents did for us!

"Also at home, we have seen the people of New Orleans and southern Louisiana rise up after some of their darkest hours and rebuild. Americans from across the continent have delivered aid whether it was during evacuations, after the storm had subsided, in the initial recovery efforts, or today where wealth, effort, and heart is being poured into one of America's most cherished cultural centers. New Orleans, a city inhabited by Cajuns, Creoles, and Americans from all over, is itself reflective of America. We are a country of many races, many faiths, and many struggles. However, we are one people - we are Americans.

"My domestic agenda going forward is to fulfill a dream that is as old as the scriptures and as clear as the American Constitution. Today, in our times, we call it the American Dream. It is the dream to have a family of your own, to have children, and to raise them in a country that is better off than when you first noticed yourself in it. It is the dream for your children to be better off than you were. It is the dream to pursue your own happiness and to live out your life as you and your family wish. We can only fulfill that dream because our forefathers embarked on this American experiment. Here, in our country, we do not have kings and princes, we are not bound in one social class, our government does not tell us where to work, where to live, or what to think. The freedom every American has is to live their own American Dream.

"The domestic agenda of this administration is to foster an American Renaissance. We will continue investing in our cites, in our schools, and in the American People themselves. Our country is blessed with significant wealth and treasure which we are obligated to use, at least part of, to make the lives of this generation better and to invest in the next generations to come. There are bridges that need to be rebuilt, there are schools that we can bring the most state-of-the-art equipment to, there are libraries that we can refurbish, there are museums that need to be built! We are going to do it together and we are going to build up our country to new heights and live up to the dreams of the generations before us!

"My fellow Americans, next to this administration's domestic agenda is our agenda abroad. The United States military stands ready to defend our allies abroad and protect the interests of the American People. Make no mistake that the first concern of the United States government is to safeguard the American People, but we also take our commitment to global stability very seriously. It is the United States's duty as a global superpower to wield our overwhelming power with the wisdom of a scholar, the restraint of a knight, and the strength of an Olympian. There are those around the world who cannot fathom the idea of building or working together with others. All they want to know is destruction and degradation. We, as Americans, stand diametrically opposed to those groups and governments who want to see a divided world, a world to conquer, and a world to influence. We, as Americans, stand strongly for a world which comes together to help those who are willing to help themselves and to stand up for the innocent.

"I am encouraged by our diplomatic progress with the Russian Federation. If our two nations, which saw each other as enemies during the most frigid parts of the Cold War, can work together instead of opposing each other, then anything is possible. A relationship - a friendship - between our countries would mean that we could set aside some of the bitterness of the past and, in return, open our eyes to what we can do in the future. Imagine a world where we continue to work together and we stop wasting our blood, sweat, and sacred treasurers opposing each other. That is my hope for a friendship with the Russian Federation - a future of respect and cooperation.

"The newest diplomatic inroad of the United States is with Australia. We are two nations that share democratic, representative governments as well as a common language, similar histories and values, and shared goal for safety and international cooperation. In the months to come I plan to host the Australian Prime Minister here, in Washington, at the White House for an official state visit. The United States and Australia have already taken several steps to work closely together and we have formalized those efforts in treaties. It is one of my strongest beliefs that a strong relationship - politically, economically, and militarily - between the United States and Australia will be equally beneficial to both of our nations and, in many ways, beneficial to the world.

"There are many other friends we have abroad who the United States will endeavor to get closer to and work together with, from the noble Polish who have had the back of the American Navy repeatedly and around the world, to the Portuguese Republic which is a sure and steady American friend and partner.
ManBear Bruno

"Finally, I want to mention one of our oldest and trusted allies abroad. The United States and the United Kingdom have a Special Relationship which needs no introduction. The strength of our friendship and alliance is bound by hardened steel that was forged over generations and several wars where we had to look to each other, sometimes, as the only hope for the world. Most recently, the American People were reminded of the close relationship between our two countries when Royal Air Force pilots, piloting British fighter jets, were scrambled over southern California to intercept a terrorist aircraft. During a moment of weakness when mechanical issues made some American jets inoperable, these British pilots jumped into action without hesitation. They flew in tandem over American airspace and broke the sound barrier as they responded to a threat that was minutes away from reaching its destination. These pilots, both from England, are American heroes. Tonight my guests of honor are those pilots: Pilot Officer James Acre and Pilot Officer Adam Collins... You two gentlemen fly for one of the finest air services in the world and we are honored that you are spending some of your service time in the United States.

"From our domestic accomplishments to our new plans for success and our growing international alliances and friendships abroad, the American People have every reason to believe that the state of our union is strong. Today, and from this day forth, we embrace both reality and hope with every step we take. We reject the seductive qualms of cynicism that have strangled so many others around the world... We march on.... God bless you all, and may God bless these United States of America."
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