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United States | Communique to 10 Downing Street


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: The Right Honorable Andrew Evans, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( Jamie )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Prime Minister Evans,

I am afraid that the situation between the United States and Sweden, regarding the South African affair, has continued to degrade since our Ambassador last contacted the Foreign Office. While our efforts in the Global Assembly were almost universally supported by the other nations of the world, our resolution was unable to move forward due to GA technicalities. Yesterday, I decided to direct the State Department to issue a general 'Do Not Travel' order to Americans for the Kingdom of Sweden. With the current state of geopolitics not only between the United States and Sweden, but also other nations and Sweden, I am concerned that a more serious confrontation could spark up at any moment. If that were to happen I would not want Americans to be stranded abroad in Sweden. Realistically, an armed conflict between the United States and Sweden may be inevitable if we cannot find common ground. While our goal would be to contain this to South Africa and the surrounding area, we would be unable to prevent the Swedish armed forces from escalating the conflict beyond the confines of the Southern Hemisphere. If that were to happen, it could ultimately lead to a direct hot war between Sweden and the United States. I am sure that you would agree that this, or even just an isolated armed conflict, is not the preferable outcome.

While I feel that we have exhausted most of our diplomatic options, I wanted to ask if the United Kingdom would be willing to host high-level peace talks between the United States and Sweden. I feel that because we share a formal alliance, and because Britain has a cordial relationship with Sweden, your country may be the perfect place to hold such talks. In order to hold these negotiations, though, I do have two non-negotiable conditions:
First, the Swedish government must agree that they do not intend to permanently stay in South Africa, and that when they leave, they will grant South Africa full independence as a separate and sovereign nation with no political or economic commitments.
Secondly, they must agree that part of the negotiations will be a timeline for the withdraw of Swedish forces from South Africa - I would not expect them to agree to an immediate withdraw, this is something we could discuss in person.
In return, we will agree to continue to support the Antarctic Treaty, specifically Sweden's claim to a number of islands throughout the Southern Ocean.

If the Swedish government agreed to these conditions, then the goal of these negotiations would be to produce a detailed treaty outlining the planned independence of South Africa and measures to cool tensions between the Untied States and Sweden. For these talks I would send the Secretary of State, Jackson Fitzgerald, to represent the United States. We would welcome the Swedish Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, or Minister of Foreign Affairs to represent them.

I am sure it goes without saying that this is time-sensitive matter, so I hope that you can get back to me as soon as possible. Because of the current state of the American-Swedish relationship, I would request that you inform them of this information and invite them to the peace talks on our behalf. I think it may be better received from your government than our own.


Al Gore
President of the United States


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Following the email from the President of the United States, Andrew Evans considered his options carefully, especially considering the sensitive nature of what was been asked. Equally, it was thought to be the best way for a diplomatic solution but would only be between the two parties. After careful thought, an invitation was extended to the United States Secretary of State and another invite to the Swedish Government. Both were done via private and encrypted channels. The invitation to the Swedish Government would include the request from the US for the UK to host peace talks, and although this included the non-conditional demands of the American Government, the focus was to put both delegates in a room to have a discussion without the interruption of others. If both parties agreed to attend, a formal setup would take place in preparation with dates, security arrangements and intentions.

Odinson Connor


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
A response was sent to the British confirming the attendance of the Swedish Prime Minister. In Stockholm preparations would begin for the undoubtedly extremely sensitive deliberations about to take place with the Prime Minister being briefed on national security interests in the region, travel advisory statuses internationally, sanctions imposed against Sweden, economic challenges, the strength of Swedish-United States relations and a wealth of other South Africa specific data and intelligence which may assist in the talks. Whilst ensuring the invitation of the British was respected the National Security Office would begin the preparation of a specially designed Rolls Royce Phantom VII and a single Chevrolet Suburban 2500 which would later be loaded into the cargo hold of a Swedish Royal Air Force Airbus A330-300 which sits apart of the Skaraborg Air Force Win, 1st Special Transport Squad, 1st Special Transport Flight.

When the time was right the Prime Minister would board the aircraft, which by this point was fully fuelled and adopting the callsign SVERIGE-1. Joining the Prime Minister would be eight close protection officers of the National Security Office, all of which would be awarded the necessary diplomatic passports for the protection of the Prime Minister and his entourage through the visit. All personnel, whilst maintaining firearms on the aircraft, would remain completely unarmed through their time on British soil, expecting the adequate protections to be supplied by the equivalent agencies in Britain.

The flight would later sour from the runway destined for London.

Jamie Odinson


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
After returning from Jeju, Secretary Fitzgerald and the Vice President went directly to the White House where they discussed the South African Affair with President Gore and the rest of the National Security Council. After it was confirmed that the Swedish would be attending the meeting, Secretary Fitzgerald prepared to depart for London as promised. He held several briefings with the NSC, the Joint Chiefs, and Deputy Secretary Charlie Price. Finally, he sat down and had a discussion with President Gore about what exactly America's objectives were and what concessions, if any, were willing to be made. The State Department then acquired diplomatic passports for everyone that would be on the flight to England, including the pilots. Secretary Fitzgerald then boarded a privately flight that was chartered by the State Department. With him were twenty armed Diplomatic Security Service agents, members of his senior staff, and documents that would be of assistance to him. After crossing the Atlantic, the aircraft would request to land at Heathrow.


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