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United States | Communique to The Holy See


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness ( Ender )
FROM: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See

Your Eminence,

The Secretary of State has asked that I meet with you at your earlier convenience. On behalf of the United States government, I request to discuss with you the status of the United States Embassy with the Holy See. While this may sound ominous, I can assure you that this will not be a negative discussion. On the contrary, the Federal Government hopes to use this potential opportunity to be able to work closer with the Holy See. Please let me know when you are available, and I will make my way to Vatican City.​

Best regards,

Giovanni Romano
United States Ambassador to The Holy See


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
To: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See (Odinson)
From: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness
Re: Meeting in regards to the American Embassy

Mr. Ambassador,

I would be happy to meet with you, how would you feel about meeting me at Castel Sant'Angelo, the building set aside as the new base of operations for the American Guard? As for the date of said meeting, I can make time in my schedule for you at your convenience. I will say that your brief missive has intrigued His Holiness.

On Behalf of the Church and God,
Raymond Cardinal Burke
Cardinal Secretary of State of His Holiness
Cardinal Deacon of Sant'Agata de' Goti


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness ( Ender )
FROM: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See

Your Eminence,

While the offer to visit Castel Sant/Angelo is tempting, I think the Vatican itself would be a more appropriate place to have this conversation. If you were willing to permit it, I would enjoy a walk in the gardens. While I have been Ambassador to the Holy See for a considerable period of time, I have actually not had the opportunity to explore most of Vatican City. I would be happy to come in the early afternoon at 1:30 PM.​

Best regards,

Giovanni Romano
United States Ambassador to The Holy See


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
To: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See (Odinson)
From: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness
Re: Meeting in regards to the American Embassy

Mr. Ambassador,

That would be most acceptable, I shall make the appropriate arrangements for your visit. Perhaps we shall even get the chance to see the Pope himself, as he frequently can be found walking the grounds.

On Behalf of the Church and God,
Raymond Cardinal Burke
Cardinal Secretary of State of His Holiness
Cardinal Deacon of Sant'Agata de' Goti


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Ambassador Romano informed his staff that he would be travelling to the Vatican to meet with the Cardinal Secretary of State. His staff in the embassy knew what the discussions would be about, as they had helped prepare paperwork as well as some proposals. The Ambassador's small motorcade arrived at the Vatican without incident. Travelling with the ambassador were two armed Diplomatic Security Service agents - one was male, and one was female. The male was wearing a dark suit and tie, while the female was wearing a conservative dress with a black vail in accordance with Vatican law. Each of the vehicles in the two-car motorcade were driven by a male DSS agent. The ambassador had on him a briefcase which contained some paperwork and proposals involving the discussions that would be had today. Once the vehicles arrived at one of the vehicle entrances to the Vatican, the driver would show American diplomatic papers to the Swiss Guard or Vatican Police on duty and request entry.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Swiss Guardsman checked the ID versus the list of today's visitors, then waved the motorcade into the parking lot. Not long after the car was shut off, Cardinal Burke could be seen coming out of one of the three buildings that surrounded the parking lot. His smile plastered on his face, and genuinely happy to be seeing one of his own countryman. He strode toward the motorcade his cassock swishing around him as he does so. Once the Ambassador stepped out of the car he extended his hand and greeted him saying,

“Welcome to the Vatican Mr. Ambassador, it is a travesty that we haven’t been able to have a meeting on these hallowed grounds before now.”

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Ambassador Romano shook the cardinal's hand. "It's a pleasure to see you, Your Eminence. Thank you for accepting my request, I have wanted to do this for some time," he said genuinely. If there was no issue with it, the two DSS agents would shadow behind the ambassador a couple of dozen feet as he and the cardinal walked throughout the Vatican.

"Because of some recent international events, the Secretary of State is requiring more strict security measures at American embassies," he said, ensuring no one else was listening besides the two men.

"As you know, right now, the American Embassy to the Holy See is located in Rome... I had a radical idea which I took to the Secretary of State, which he has authorized me to take to you. Collaboration between the United States and the Holy See could be closer, than ever, if we were permitted to have a small embassy within the walls of the Vatican itself. I understand that space is very limited here, but if we were given a small space of land to build on, we could make a humble two or three story building - perhaps with a larger subterranean area below - that would have a small staff, Marine embassy guards, and a small residence for myself. Because of the restraints of the Vatican itself, all of our staff would of course still live in Rome and 'commute' to the Vatican. In return for this privilege, we would pay the entire cost of the construction for this facility. I can go into more detail, but do you think this is something His Holiness would consider?" the Ambassador asked.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Cardinal Burke listened as the American Ambassador spoke so enthusiastically about his proposition. As the man finished his explanation the Cardinal shook his head with dismay.

“I agree that it is a truly inspired idea… but alas there are some difficulties to be had. For instance, the entirety of Vatican Hill is built ontop of the Ancient City that once sat here, and it is a Necropolis and sacred soil. As such we can’t really allow any extensive excavations within the walls of the Vatican. As well we even if we could erect a new building, it would nessecitate the destruction of centuries old gardens, monuments, and other such works of cultural patrimony, which would be a travesty.” The Cardinal looked pensive for a moment before conintueing.

“But perhaps accommodations can be found if required. Perhaps Saint Charles Palace. I know that the Saint Pius X Junior Seminary has been looking at moving from their location to a larger Palazzo not far from here. We could then move the Financial Supervisory and Information Authority to under utilized space in the Palazzo del Governatorato, the Civil Administration Building. Freeing up the entirety of the Palazzo of Saint Charles for you use. It is conveniently located near both the Porta del Perugino and the Vatican Railway, it is near the south wall of the Vatican, the Via della Stazione Vaticana is the only road that leads to that Porta. So it is reasonably secure. We would of course allow you to update the infrastructure of that building and even the Porta itself to meet your security needs. We could also ensure that the Porta is secured solely by the American Guard, if you would prefer them to Swiss Guardsman.” He paused again and thought.

“Yes that would be the best option, the only other option is to utilize the aforementioned underutilized space in the Palazzo de Governatorato, but it wouldn’t be as secure as the San Carlo. Though some thought must also be given to the fact that both your Government's Ambassador to the Holy See and the Ambassador to Italy share the same building right now, if memory serves. I am not sure Italy would take kindly to your Italian Ambassador being housed within the Vatican. There has been some friction over the years in regards to even having official Ambassadors to the Holy See. But what do you think?”



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"The Palazzo of Saint Charles would be a wonderful, and generous, place for the American Embassy to the Holy See. State Department policy requires that all new embassies - and all existing embassies, if the host-state is willing - must be staffed by a detachment of United States Marines. Because an Embassy within the Vatican itself would be very secure, we would only have the minimum of thirteen Marines there to guard the embassy.

"Traditionally, American diplomatic missions have been guarded by U.S. Marines, and Diplomatic Security Service agents from the State Department. Marines always remain at the embassy, while DSS agents also provide security for the ambassador wherever he or she goes. I would like to formalize the amount of security and staff we have at our mission to the Holy See. Once you approve these security measures, and once we move embassies, we will deploy the Marines and DSS agents. Please note that the only weaponry located at our embassy or ambassador's residence will be: small arms, rifles, tear gas, and stun grenades - this is standard for all American embassies around the world," he said. He would hand a paper with State Department letterhead on it to the Cardinal Secretary of State, which had, "CLASSIFIED: SECRET" and "FOR EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION TO THE HOLY SEE" written on the edges of the paper in red. The information below would be listed on it:

Marines: 13
DSS Agents: 15
Diplomatic Personnel: 25
Mission Staff: 50

The Ambassador continued to walk with the Cardinal Secretary of State through one of the peaceful gardens. It was quite clear that the Ambassador was enjoying himself and that he felt at peace.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Burke listened as the Ambassador spoke, then frowned as he read over the paper. It was one thing to allow armed agents within the Palazzo, but armed foreign nationals on the grounds would be totally unacceptable and completely unprecedented... well at least when not being besieged. Even the fascists didn't bear arms within Vatican walls. After a moment steeling himself he looked up a sad frown on his face.

"I see no problem with you having weapons inside the embassy, or even in the immediate area surrounding it, but there is no way I can authorize anyone being armed outside that. Not even the Fascists bore arms within the walls of the Vatican. So if you or your successors choose to roam the grounds, your guards would have to leave their arms in the Embassy. I just cannot set that kind of precedence, for if I did then every single Ambassador or Head of State would wish the same accommodations, and that is simply tenable, as it would put the life of the Pope at too much risk. I hope you understand." He prayed that his counterpart did and that this didn't close the door to this move that he knew the Pope would approve of.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Ambassador could see that Burke wore his heart on his sleeve.

"Provided that one or two DSS agents would still be able to shadow whomever the ambassador is," the ambassador said, "I don't see an issue with them not being armed within the walls of the Vatican. However, this would mean that the Holy See itself would be ultimately responsible for the security of any American that steps outside of the embassy... I'm sure it goes without saying that said responsibility should not be taken lightly," he concluded.

Giovanni was satisfied with this arrangement, though it would not be acceptable for literally any other country in the world. The Vatican's unique situation made it, ironically, similar to North Korea in the sense that it was a fortress and only those who were meant to be there would be there.

"But yes, if the Holy See were willing to allow the Marines, the DSS agents, and the armory within the embassy itself, then we can move forward. I could never foresee a situation where they would be needed within the walls of the Vatican, but after recent global events the State Department is not willing to make any exceptions to this. In the event of an emergency, I'm sure that America's small bastion within the Vatican would be willing to help if called upon," he said.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
"Mr. Ambassador, you seem to misunderstand me. Anyone with clearance to be past the walls of Vatican City are free to walk the Gardens and Chapels as they see fit. And of course in the completion of their duties they are free to accompany you anywhere you are authorized to go. They just can't do so while armed. As for the Palazzo itself, that would be considered American Soil, just like any Embassy, and as such you are free to secure it and stock it as you see fit. As well should the Vatican have need of defending, as unlikely as that is, though His Holiness has drawn our attention as of late to the Last Stand of the Swiss Guard in 1527, it is not unprecedented. We would be honored if your guards would stand with ours in the defense of Christendom." Burke explained.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Well, I am happy that we could discuss this matter. Once you can confirm to me that the Palazzo is ready for the State Department to move our embassy there, we will begin the process almost immediately. I, myself... perhaps selfishly, am really looking forward to it," the Ambassador said happily.

"Thank you, and please thank His Holiness, for allowing us to take this step," the Ambassador said.

"Can you tell me about the situation between Turkey and the Holy See?" he asked.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Cardinal Burke stopped as the they came beside a statue of Mary and bowed his head a moment in prayer, and to center himself. He was glad that an agreement could be struck with the Americans, but the situation in Turkey is the bane of his time as Cardinal Secretary of State. Admittedly he'd had little do with the actual foundations of the situation, as His Holiness took it upon his own initiative, but since that time he had been the one tasked with handling the fallout. After a moment he turned back to the Ambassador.

"It is complex isn't it, and above that unfortunate. His Holiness entered into communications with the then Turkish Government, in the hopes of restoring the Hagia Sophia to the arms of Mother Church. He even had a grand vision of making strides to reconcile the Orthodox Schism. An admirable goal, and one that if His plan had come to fruition, would likely had made the most progress towards that aim, in recent memory... But alas we did not account for the fickle nature and inbred hatred of the Saracens. You think we would've learned from the Nine Crusades we fought against them. But His Holiness hoped and trusted in the innate good will of all men. It hurt him deeply when they reneged on their word, and now the Hagia Sophia is beyond reach, having been desecrated, this time likely beyond repair." He took a breath as if steadying himself at the memory of the in depth suffering he had seen in the Pope as of late.

"In response he pulled a page from the depths of antiquity, and ordered an operation sending the entirety of our Clergy and Religious in Turkey underground, for their protecting and that of the Catholic's under their charge. We have heard rumors that this might have been the best option, for the new government there may or may not be seeking them out for reprisal... under pang of death. He also ordered all faithful Catholics to resist in the mean of the noble French Partisans of World War II. In exchange he ensured that all their sins would be forgiven for any action they take in the Defense of Christendom. A bold move, and one that I am certain we haven't seen the full fruits of yet. For many are likely to heed that call, for glory and honor. But only time will tell. But we couldn't stand idly by either as the Saracen Threat rears it's head again, and so blatantly gives us offense. And we had little else we could do at this time. For the Church under the long suffering reign of the Pole, suffered a great loss in power and prestige."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Well," the Ambassador said, choosing his words carefully, "I can tell you that the United States will soon be engaging in discussions with the Turkish... or Ottoman government, to get more clarity on the situation. I hope - the federal government hopes - that their public statements about the Holy See are not directed toward the entire Catholic Church, and individual Catholics. I understand how the loss of the Hagia Sophia, especially when it was promised, is a great loss that the Holy See has to deal with - I can see how that would be very frustrating," he said.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Cardinal Burke nodded his head as his American counterpart carefully picked the words that allowed him to speak his mind, without breaking any confidences and regulations he was bound under.

“You have more faith in the good nature of the illegitimate government of what was once Turkey, for I have spoken with their Minister. And I would categorise him as duplicit, and above all else innately untrustworthy. I would also use the word Craven, but that is perhaps just biased on my part. And unbecoming a diplomat of my stature. But alas, mea culpa, I am also a mortal man, and thus flawed. As to the loss of the Hagia Sophia, I had advised His Holiness not to trust the word of the Saracens, who have proven their metal far too many times in the past. But he like you sees the best in people, even when it isn’t warranted.”



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you for clarification on that matter, and thank you for opening discussions on the possible move of our embassy into the Vatican itself. The State Department will send over an official document outlining our agreement, which will hopefully reflect exactly what we have discussed.... Also, thank you for giving me the opportunity to walk here, in the gardens. It is much more serene here than where the embassy is," Giovanni said with a small smile. If there was nothing else to discuss, the Ambassador would bid Cardinal Burke farewell and return to the American Embassy.


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