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United States | Communique to the Russian Empire


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Igor Ivanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire ( Alex )
FROM: Charlie Price, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States of America

Minister Ivanov,

I understand that this is a tumultuous time for Russia. I am writing to you for primarily two reasons. Firstly, I am hoping that you can give me a rundown of the geopolitical situation in Russia. It had appeared that things simmered down recently, but they are now starting to heat up again. While it may not be possible for us to directly help due to the perception it may give your people, I do offer the support of the United States for a peaceful resolution to the troubles that Russia is presently in. Please let me know if there is anything that we can do, such as facilitating peace talks. We do not want to inflame the situation any further than it is. President Gore wanted me to express to you that the United States will not, under any circumstances, take advantage of Russia's current state in any way. Today we see the Russian nation as a potential friend and partner in an otherwise very chaotic world.

I can only imagine that the present troubles in Russia are at the forefront of your government's priorities, and rightfully so. However, I am sure that you have also been made aware of the emergency resolution that was jointly presented to the Global Assembly by Korea and the United States. The resolution will require Sweden to withdraw from South Africa and return its government to the South African people. Colonialism, especially on the eve of the 21st century, is entirely unconscionable. I am writing to you in hopes that the Russian Ambassador to the Global Assembly will support our resolution. The Global Assembly, as the spiritual successor to the United Nations, was made to keep global peace. It is our stance that Sweden has overstepped and that this is the best course of action to take to have a diplomatic solution. I hope that we can count on your ambassador's support in our resolution.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Charlie Price
Deputy Secretary of State
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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Message to the United States of America
Private & Encrypted

To: Deputy Secretary of State, Charlie Price
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Ivanov

Dear Deputy Secretary Price,

Things have never simmered down, the Russian people have been shedding our common blood for the past months and this bloodshed appears only to be the beginning of a long and horrific ordeal. We, at the Kremlin, all appreciate your offer of aid, however I believe the situation has deteriorated far beyond peace talks. But, for the rundown that you have requested: the militants in Siberia fired the first shots when they began an offensive into the city of Prem in the Ural region of the Russian-Siberian border, in retaliation Russian forces have begun pushing into Siberia - it is a slow and gruesome offense but it is a steadily gaining one. The militants have also invaded the self-declared republic of Tuva, however, the Tuvans have proved efficient in leading guerilla warfare against their occupiers and have continued to hold out in the city of Kyzyl. In the Far-East, the militants have pushed into the territories once held by the 'Far-Eastern Resistance' and, while resistance remains strong, they will soon be at the gates of Vladivostok. Lastly, the Islamic extremists of Chechnya have seized territories in the Caucasus region and have declared an 'Emirate', continuing to deploy terrorist attacks across Russian territories in the south.

It is grim, but Russia has been through worse - Moscow will succeed.

We understand the current situation between Sweden and South Africa, our stance is firm - Sweden has no right to annex South Africa. The Prime Minister has already assigned a new Russian Ambassador to the Global Assembly and from my knowledge, she is currently within the resolution's seating room. We are eager, yet uneasy, of what is to develop from this situation.

Kindest Regards,
Igor Ivanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Russian Empire

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Gore's motorcade arrived back at the White House after the President had made a visit to the Pentagon in Virginia. He walked in first to the Residence where he grabbed a few things from his personal office, and then walked over to the West Wing where he was greeted by his Chief of Staff. To his surprise, the President informed him that he wanted to talk to the Russians. He followed the President into the Oval Office and asked who exactly in which Russian government he wanted to talk to in which Al replied, "The Russian Empire... Get me the Tsarina, if she is available," he said. The President's personal secretary picked up her phone via a secure line and made a secure call to the Kremlin. She would inform the government official who took her call that President Gore was waiting on another secure line and wanted to speak to the Tsarina. This call was taking place a 10:00AM in Washington, so it was 5:00PM in Moscow. The President's secretary politely emphasized that talking on a secure line was critical, if the Tsarina was available.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Catherine had been in her private office in the Grand Kremlin Palace since her small speech following the liberation of the city of Tyumen. She sat at her desk, thinking of all the things that were happening throughout her Motherland, her thin fingers rubbed against the material of the grip of the loaded pistol that they had given her for self-defense. But most specifically she thought of her family. For a hundred years they lived in exile, none of them ever expecting to be able to return to or even see Russia again and none of them could ever even dream of donning a crown again. Yet here she was: Tsarina of Russia - the first in eighty-seven years. Every time she thought of it she felt like she was in a dream, but pinching herself didn't wake her, this was very much real life. Was she prepared for this? Was she worthy?

A knock came to her door and she quickly placed the pistol inside her desk drawer. "Come in." Catherine's voice was silvery.

At her command, the white door opened and her personal aid peeked inside, bowing. "You have a call waiting, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Who?" The Tsarina asked slight surprise.

"The... President of the United States, Your Majesty."

Her heart felt like it had exploded inside her chest. "T-the President?" There was disbelief. "Uh... thank you, Katya, put him through." The aid nodded and bowed before leaving, shutting the door behind her.

She recited the proper greeting through her head at least five times before the light on her encrypted phone began to flash. Clearing her throat, she picked up the phone. "Hello Your Excellency," her voice had modulated, "Catherine speaking."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
While Al waited for the Russian Monarch to pick up on her side, the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security and the Director of CIA entered the Oval Office. Gore motioned for them to come in; they each took a seat across from the Resolute Desk, but the President didn't put the call on speaker phone. It was then that he heard the Tsarina's surprisingly good English and soft, regal voice. "Your Imperial Majesty," the President said, trying not to take in the surreal feeling that he was talking to a Russian Monarch. "Thank you for taking my call - I know that it is approaching the end of the day in Moscow. I heard the good news that the Empire's forces have liberated Tyumen. How are you doing?" he asked.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Tsarina was too nervous to stay seated, taking to walking back and forth across her office instead. "I'm doing well, Your Excellency, thank you. How are you?" She could see the majority of the Kremlin from her window. "It is true, yes. The brave men and women of Russia have liberated Tyumen, pushing the communists deeper into Siberia. We're making steady ground." Catherine spoke slowly but clearly, assuring that she didn't say anything wrong. She hadn't expected to speak of such things so early without having any experience of it. "One of their... generals has surrendered and a great number of the militants from around the city gave up their arms. It is a great victory for us."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I am calling to inform you, as the head of state and sovereign, that the United States of America recognizes the Russian Empire, under your reign and your government, as the legitimate and sovereign government of Russia. The federal government pledge's its full support to the Russian Empire and the Russian people. I hope, as I'm sure that you do, that the civil war ends as quickly as possible. I think that the Russian Empire and the United States have a unique opportunity to not just become international partners, but potentially friends on the international stage. To show you that I'm serious about that possibility, I wanted to ask you directly what the United States can do to help the Russian Empire. Be it political, economic, military, or something else. Name it, and I'll see what we can do," he said.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Thank you, Your Excellency." She said with a smile. "America's influence spread far, your recognition of the Empire's legitimacy means a great deal to me. I hope our nations can be friends in the future as well, Your Excellency. For too long our people have bickered at each other. I am not fully informed of everything that is happening around the world at this moment, but I know that this bickering must end for our nations cannot afford it anymore." China, Sweden, the various nations that caused international strife - those were the true enemies now.

"As for help..." That was a difficult question. There was so much to do, so many things that needed to be resolved. Catherine knew that military support was out of the question, hours of debate with her government proved her that much. "I believe I know of a good way to help us, Your Excellency. Recognizing my government is a great thing, and I feel horrible saying this, but it holds no value in this war that is ripping my Motherland apart unless you make it known to the world. I... shouldn't be telling you this, but... my government fears that China and perhaps even Vietnam have or are planning to support the communists in some way. We have to evidence of this other than ideology but if America were to make their stance known to the world, perhaps it would make them think again?" The Tsarina would think over everything her Ministers had told her in the past. "Other than that, if you are willing, we are always in need of extra food to stockpile to counter a potential famine. Grain, canned food - anything, really."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"The United States will make a public declaration of our soul recognition of your government. I will release a statement tomorrow morning," he said. "In regards to food, I will get in contact with the Department of Agriculture and the State Department to see what we can do. The State Department will contact your government once we have supplies that can be brought over by the Air Force. Please let me know if there is anything that we can do, militarily, to help you. While we may not be able to deploy hundreds-of-thousands of troops to Russia for obvious reasons, we could issue Russia a line of credit with a small interest payment. This could be used for weapons, training, or humanitarian supplies - really whatever your government deems necessary in order to ensure that it wins the struggle," President Gore said.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"That is wonderful news, Your Excellency. The ports of Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, and Kaliningrad could also receive vessels if you are willing to send vessels near Turkish and Swedish waters. But I've heard that tensions are high with both nations... whatever you think is best, Your Excellency." During her thinking, she'd begin toying with her phone's coiled cable. "As for military... I'm afraid I'm not too knowledgeable on that area. But I do know that the Ministry of Defense wished to focus on the navy and air force. If willing, I would imagine something around three billion dollars could help us enormously. But if that's too high then anything would help, I'm certain. I would have to discuss with my Minister of Finance before accepting but in the mean time, what would be the terms of a potential loan?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty. I will be sure to pass that information along to the Pentagon. In regards to a loan, I think that we could swing $2-billion. But we would need to keep that under the radar for now. While we would have to formally write something up, I imagine that the agreement would be that it would need to be repaid by this time next year with an interest rate of 10%. So, in total, the Russian Empire would pay back $2,200,000,000 to the United States. Also, the agreement would clearly stipulate that this money cannot be used for anything like the production of weapons of mass destruction or given to other nations unless it's for military purposes... Does this sound acceptable?" he asked.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Catherine III was no financial expert but she knew that two-point-two billion dollars could easily be paid off by her government. "Those terms seem more than suitable, Your Excellency. Send the funds to the Ministry of Finance at your earliest convenience and I'll assure that my government spends it wisely." At this time a loud knock would come to her door. "I--please give me a moment, Your Excellency." The Tsarina would cover the mouth-end of the telephone before beaconing for the knocker to enter.

It was Deputy Prime Minister Putin and for the first time since she had met him, he had a smile on his face. "It's over, Your Imperial Highness. We won - they surrendered."

Catherine nearly dropped the phone from her hands, she was in disbelief, she had feared that this conflict would have no end. "Your Excellency," she spoke into the phone, "I'm terribly sorry to cut this short but... it appears Russia has won the war. I must go to attend to immediate duties, I hope you understand."

If there was nothing else, the Tsarina would hang up the phone.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore congratulated the Tsarina and then let her go to tend to her stately and imperial duties.


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