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United States | Inauguration of President Benjamin Valentine Sinclair


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


While the divisiveness of politics was not always pretty, and passions and tempers ran high during the campaigning season, President-elect Sinclair's political rivals conceded to him and publicly pledged their support for Sinclair and his soon-to-be administration. Politically, the United States was buzzing with excitement. A new president and vice president who were both independents, a new congress where both sides felt they had opportunities to create legislation with an independent White House, and a peaceful transition of power from Al Gore to Benjamin Sinclair had the entire nation excited for the future. While the media sometimes focuses on the negative spin of things to gain more views, the inauguration of a new president who was wildly popular and was seen as the father of the nation was an objectively positive thing for most Americans.

Exceptional security measures were to be taken in the District of Columbia and the surrounding area to ensure that the inauguration was both safe and secure for everyone in attendance and everyone participating. Numerous heads of state and leaders from around the world, and numerous leaders from states throughout the country, were invited to attend the inauguration, and a record-breaking number of Americans were expected to attend. Due to the security of the event and the priority of emphasizing America's domestic policies, the number of international representatives and spectators were restricted to only those invited by President-elect Sinclair. They are listed below and are expected to arrive at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland by inauguration day, January 20, 2005 [9/13/2024]. While this would not be known by the public until Inauguration Day, the British delegation is going to stay the night in the White House itself and the Russian delegation will stay, presumably, at Blair House which was the President's official guest house.

The following were sent a friendly reminder and official invitation and that they were now welcome to arrive to Washington:

The Commonwealth of Australia Owen

The Kingdom of Poland ManBear

The Russian Federation Jay

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Jamie
Last edited:


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
At RAAF Base Fairbairn, a No. 34 Squadron 737BBJ (-700ER) would make preparations for its long journey to the United States. The RAAF pilots would go through their checklists and flight manifesto, noting their journey across the Pacific before landing at Honolulu International Airport in Hawaii and then proceeding to Joint Base Andrews. This was a last minute change of plans to the schedule which originally had it landing in California but because of a website giving an incorrect measurement (do not use free map tools) they would need to change it to Hawaii. There would be four pilots onboard, taking rotations to fly the plane on the very long journey. There would also be four flight attendants on board, with at least one taking a rest shift at a time. The aircraft would be fuelled up with nine external fuel tanks, giving it a 10,000km range to get across the Pacific. To have sufficient emergency landing airports it would go over Norfolk Island and Fiji. Once refuelled at Hawaii it would past over near San Francisco before crossing the continental United States straight over Denver, Champaign, Indianapolis, Dayton and then Washington D.C.

At Government House in Yarralumla, the Governor-General and her husband would be preparing their personal belongings and suitcases for their trip. The Official Secretary would also be joining them and would do the same. They would travel by COMCAR from Government House to RAAF Base Fairbairn before boarding their aircraft. The plane would take off and head on its journey to Hawaii and then Washington.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
After the flight refuelled in Hawaii and headed over the continental United States it would approach the Washington, D.C. Special Flight Rules Area. The aircraft would come up on flight control radars as ENVOY01 and would be appropriately identified as Royal Australian Air Force. It would then enter the even more restricted Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Flight Restricted Zone as it mades it descent and approach into Joint Base Andrews. It would comply with all the necessary requirements of these special airspaces. It would approach Andrews from the south, flying over Woodbridge, Virginia before turning to head direct north over Waldorf, Maryland before landing at one of Andrews' two runways from the south. It would follow tower instructions to go to the west side of the air base, the Air Force side (rather than the Navy side) where the passenger terminal was. Once parked, the Captain of the aircraft would be the first to exit the aircraft on the stairwell, he would place his suit jacket on and would stand at the bottom of the stairs. The Co-Pilot would remain in the cockpit and do the necessary checks to shut down the aircraft. The flight attendants would begin cleaning the cabin and preparing for its return journey. Once the Governor-General and her husband exited the plane, the Captain would give a salute, a necessary gesture to give to the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. She would salute back. Ambassador Kim Beazley would welcome her on the tarmac as well as other members of the Embassy. She would enter a hire limousine adorned with an Australian flag on the front with her husband and Official Secretary, with her Aide-de-Camp opening the door for her. The two AFP officers would enter a hire SUV.

They would drive out of Joint Base Andrews under the necessary direction of United States Air Force Security Forces. It would be assumed at this point the Secret Service would join the motorcade. The end point of the route would the Ambassador's Residence, White Oaks, in Woodley Park, once the home of General George Patton. Also home to the only lawn tennis court in Washington, D.C.(??). They would drive north on the Capitol Beltway before turning left on Pennslyvania Avenue out in Maryland and then would drive the entire length of Pennslyvania Avenue towards the Capitol Building. They were essentially giving the Governor-General a tour of the main sights of D.C. They would pass the Capitol Building and drive down Constitution Avenue NW, passing the Smithsonian and Washington Monument before turning right and driving down 17th Street NW to pass the White House. They would then drive down Connecticut Avenue NW before turning left down Calvert Street NW and Cleveland Avenue NW before arriving at White Oaks. The Governor-General would be given a welcome tour by the Ambassador and shown to her residence for her visit. It would be completely snowed in as it was the middle of winter in Washington.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
After sorting his affairs out prior to departing for the Inauguration, Prime Minister Lawrence Adams and his family had received transport to Royal Air Force, Brize Norton, where his flight was destined to depart from. Due to the significance of the event, security was heavy. Around 20 officers from the Diplomatic Protection Group was present and 4 covert soldiers from the Special Air Service was to remain at his side at all times. The information surrounding the security presence was sent to their American counterparts beforehand although this was only described as protection group personnel -- not the SAS. All armed, all concealed. During the flight and security briefings prior to departing, the air crew from No. 51 Squadron, A Flight, begun their checklists. The aircraft, a Lockheed TriStar KC1, was the preferred choice for the transit across the Atlantic and had sufficient room for all those involved. The TriStar departed 30 minutes later.

Prior to departing, a memo was sent ahead to advise of the expected arrival time and a request for transportation for all those on the aircrafts manifesto. Across the pond, the Royal Air Force contingent at Edwards Air Force Base had their own briefings, mostly consisting of where the event was happening, how quick they could get there if needed -- or to cover the Prime Ministers aircraft if any complications. Although the US Air Force would obviously have the situation under control, there were going to be millions of eyes watching the Inauguration and it was better to be safe then sorry. The USAF were made aware that the RAF was available to provide support if it was required. Odinson



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Soon after the request for the King to attend the inauguration of the new President of the United States, the Office and State Protection began working closely with the Ministry of National Defense to begin working on a secure protection detail for the King and his now, nearly, 3 year old daughter. With the queen currently away on diplomatic visits, the line of succession was guaranteed should something happen to either party.

Together, with the special forces unit JW Kommandosow, the OSP formulated a protection plan that would entail five OSP agents as well as 5 JWK operators that would work in conjunction with embassy staff on the ground within America during the inauguration. The Task Force would also work as closely as possible with the Secret Service as well as any local or other federal police units that would be required to be filled in. The OSP would request a Royal Air Force passenger jet that would transport the King, the Crown Princess, the king’s aids, and their protection detail. All relevant information, including itinerary and weapons being brought along would be transmitted to the Secret Service.

As the day of departure arrived, there was great fanfare in Warsaw as the King would depart Poland for the second time since he ascended the throne. Several camera crews captured the king dressed in a simple suit traveling hand-in-hand with the toddler sporting a pink dress and fairy wings, clutching a similarly colored wand in his other hand.

They small family would wave to the cameras before entering the aircraft while the ground crew did their last minute inspections and the pilots received clearance from the ATC. Prior to takeoff all relevant information would be passed along to the Secret Service. Due to the nature of the passengers four MiG-29M aircraft would transit with the Canadian-bought aircraft until they reached France where they would refuel in the air via a refueling tanker then return back to Warsaw. The passenger aircraft would refuel in Bordeaux before beginning their transit across the Atlantic.

Upon arriving in American airspace, Polish pilots would communicate with Andrew’s Air Base ATC to insure their safe and timely arrival into the United States. The Polish Embassy would have a several cars awaiting the arrival of the royal guests alongside several stationed members of the Embassy Security Team apart of the OSP detachment.

The security detail would allow all baggage and belongings not bearing the diplomatic tape to be searched while also declaring any of the Glock 19 sidearms present on the protection detail arriving from Poland. Once they were cleared to leave, the convoy would proceed to the Polish Embassy where the group would stay the night and prepare themselves for the inauguration.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The cabin of the President’s Plane was warmly lit as it departed Boston Logan and flew to Joint Base Andrews. President Boris Boris sat in his seat, reading the New York Times article, while his daughters, Zhanna and Sofia Nemtsova, sat across from him, with Zhanna sipping tea as she gazed out the window and Sofia read a book. The steady hum of the engines permeated through the cabin as a stewardess placed a cup of mint tea in front of Boris.

A brief silence passed between them all, filled with the soft hum of the engines. Zhanna shifted, her voice softening as she ventured into a more personal subject. "I wonder what D.C. is like?" She asked as she looked at the latest fashion magazine.

"It is a nice place. Cleaner than New York but more lively than Boston," Boris said, as he looked over the front page of the news. ”But I hear it is less of a university city than Boston.” Boris continued, his voice tinged with a hint of respect. "So you better get into Harvard young lady."

Sofia looked at her father and sister before adding, “I want to visit the Space and Air Museum. I hear you can see an actual moon rock!"

Boris turned his head slightly, meeting his daughter’s gaze. "We have moon rocks at home, my Child...Also, you know we went to space too right" He said with a laugh. "I'm sure Grischa can arrange that, however. Have you picked what you are going to wear for the inauguration?"

Zhanna leaned back, "I found this nice leather jacket...

Boris looked at her as he took another sip from his tea. "No. You'll wear something ladylike and presentable. Otherwise, I'll have you wearing your grandmother's old dress." Boris said gaining a palpable look of disgust from Zhanna.

"Fine. I'll wear the red dress." Zhanna said in defeat. Getting a laugh from the other two as they read the paper. There was a knock on the door, Grigorij Mirov, the head of his security detail entered.

Grigorij stepped forward, "Sir. Ma’ams” Grischa said with a nod to the two daughters of the President. We're landing in twenty minutes."

Boris stared at Grigorij for a long moment, before nodding his voice heavy with finality. "Thank you Grischa. We'll be ready."

Grigorij bowed his head slightly. "Yes sir.” He turned his head and left the room.

Boris wiped his face with a towel and changed his shirt while his daughters got dressed.

Washington was cooler than Boston. The air was not whipping across the tarmac as it had at Logan International Airport. At Joint base Andrews a convoy of black SUVs, escorted by local police, positioned themselves near the arrival terminal. The Russian FSO had already brought the Presidential Motorcade and awaited their President. The vehicles were equipped with advanced countermeasures, the President’s blood type, and other necessary equipment for the President’s trip. Local law enforcement had shut down the motorcade route, and all traffic was rerouted to ensure a smooth journey to the President’s accommodations at the Prentiss House.

Security had been in place for hours; the U.S. Secret Service had coordinated extensively with the Russian FSO to secure the area, closing off roads and establishing a tight perimeter around the airbase and route to Blair House. Snipers were stationed on nearby rooftops, scanning the horizon, while tactical units patrolled discreetly, ready to respond to any threat. D.C.police, alongside FBI agents, stood at key positions to ensure no unauthorized personnel approached the restricted zones.

Moments later, the sleek silhouette of the Russian Il-96 aircraft appeared in the distance. The sun was just beginning to rise when the radio crackled: “Russian Air Force One, approaching.” As the plane taxied to a halt, a team of Secret Service agents moved into position, checking for potential threats. Russian embassy staff stood ready, and a senior State Department official was already walking toward the aircraft door, waiting to greet President Nemtsov.

President Nemtsov and his family descended the stairs of Air Force One and greeted the American and Russian officials waiting on the tarmac. After a few brief moments captured by television crews, the Russian President and his family entered their vehicles. Helicopters hovered overhead, providing real-time surveillance, while officers on the ground cleared the path.


As the motorcade sped through Washington's unusually empty streets, all eyes were on the sky and the streets below. Tactical units, trained for rapid response, were positioned at key points along the route. U.S. and Russian security agents remained in constant communication, coordinating movements and ensuring everything was proceeding as planned.

By the time the convoy reached Blair House, Secret Service agents stood watch alongside FSO operatives. President Nemtsov would follow through with the formalities, including signing the guest book as the FSO did a security sweep of the residence for any bugs or electronic devices. Once secured, the Russian first family was brought into their rooms and allowed to recover and refresh before the inauguration.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


All of the invited international leaders and guests would find ample protection from the Secret Service as they landed in Washington and entered the United States. Washington D.C. itself was crawling with armed Secret Service and FBI agents as well as the D.C. National Guard which was on the ground in Washington to assist civilian law enforcement in securing the National Mall, Constitution Avenue, and the areas around the Capitol Building and the White House. The inauguration of President-elect Sinclair would be the largest in American history as Americans from all 50 states were in attendance. Hotels in Washington and Baltimore were sold out throughout the entire region as people had poured into the District and the surrounding places for the inauguration. Excessive security measures were taken in Washington and at the Capitol Building to ensure that the inauguration would be a safe event for everyone involved and everyone watching.

The day before Inauguration Day, President Gore invited President-elect Sinclair to the White House. There was a short photo op outside as Sinclair walked to one of the entrances of the White House and shook hands with President Gore, who looked very happy to see Sinclair. The two men walked inside without exchanging too many words in public. Gore offered to give Sinclair a tour of the White House Residence, where Sinclair would be living for at least the next four years. Sinclair especially liked the President's private study in the Residence, which was truly a private office unlike the Oval Office which was much less private. By the end of the tour the two ended up back at the Oval Office. It was 4:51 P.M. in Washington at the time. President Gore told the Secret Service agent outside that they were not to be disturbed for the next thirty minutes.

"This is my favorite time of day in general, but especially in this room," Gore said as he closed the door behind him.

"Sir?" Sinclair asked.

Gore poured two glasses of scotch on the rocks and handed one to Sinclair. The President took off his suit jacket and flopped it over a chair. He walked over to one of the two sofas in the Oval Office, kicked off his shoes, and then laid down it while he rested his glass on his chest. Sinclair did the same on the other sofa and sipped his whiskey.

"Why is it your favorite?" Sinclair asked.

"Just wait," Gore responded, and then sipped his whiskey again. The two men remained silent for a few minutes, the only sound was the grandfather clock in the room which was ticking as each second went by. Sinclair rested his head back on a pillow as he laid across from the leader of the Free World, his colleague, and one of his closest friends. The grandfather clock kept ticking, and after eight minutes it started chiming as it turned five o'clock. Another minute of relative silence went by. The sun would set in approximately fifteen minutes.

The light that was shining from the outside went from a natural yellow to a brilliant, citrusy orange color in under three minutes. The entire room was enveloped in an orange hue that covered everything, and made everything feel so warm even though it was so cold outside. Gore set his scotch glass down on the coffee table between he and Sinclair and he sighed. These twenty minutes where the Oval Office were like this were his happy place. Most of the days of his presidency - at least the ones where he was at the White House at the time - he would spend this time alone. Now, for the last time he would experience it as president, he was sharing it with his friend.

"I'm going to miss working alongside you," Gore said as he stared up at the ceiling while the sun painted the room orange.

"These past four years have been an honor, Mister President... I'm going to miss working with you too," Sinclair responded, and then set his glass of scotch down on the coffee table as well.

The room grew more and more orange and then it started to dim as the sun started to slip below the horizon. Both of them remained silent for the next twenty minutes or so, and both fell asleep. After another twenty minutes passed by, the President's personal secretary knocked on one of the doors to the Oval Office and found the two most powerful men in the world sleeping. She cleared her throat and neither one of them moved. She quietly closed the door behind her. Nearly an hour later both of the men woke up around the same time. Sinclair needed to be well-rested for tomorrow, and Gore needed to be ready for a day of change and moving.

"Good night, Mister President," Sinclair said as he extended his hand to shake Gore's.

"Good night, Mister President-elect," Gore said, taking Sinclair's hand, and pulling him in for a hug - like a son hugging his father.​


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
United States Capitol Building
January 20, 2005
11:30 A.M.


The inauguration of President-elect Sinclair was the largest in American history. with almost two-million people in attendance in person at the National Mall. Nearly thirty-million more Americans were watching on television and the internet. Schools around the nation suspended their normal activities to watch the inauguration, and Sinclair's speech, live.

While the entire country was watching, America's intelligence, police, and military forces in the District of Columbia and the region were taking significant measures to ensure that the inauguration was safe for President-elect Sinclair, all involved, and all watching. The Secret Service, with the assistance of the National Parks Service and the FBI, secured the perimeter of the National Mall with barricades and security checkpoints with metal detectors. The mall was also broken into large sections so that certain individuals could be given priority in the front of the mall, and also so that no section would become overpacked. Counter-assault teams were covertly deployed in buildings around the National Mall and in tall buildings throughout Washington D.C., as well as in buildings along Constitution Avenue, around the Capitol Building, and also around the White House. The D.C. Army National Guard was also on the ground in the city and around the National Mall in the event that crowd control or assistance of any kind would be needed from the D.C. Metro Police, the Capitol Police, or the National Park Rangers.

The leaders and representatives from around the world who had been invited to Washington were either transported directly, or escorted, by the Secret Service as previously discussed with those governments. President Gore left the White House for the last time as President, along with his family. The dozens of armed Secret Service agents who were protecting the foreign dignitaries took their jobs seriously and would, if necessary, die trying to protect them if it came down to it. Also, throughout the inauguration, a small but efficient operation of removing the Gore family's belongings and bringing in President-elect Sinclair's belongings would be underway. By the time the inauguration was over, the West Wing of the White House would be noticeably different than before, as would certain parts of the Residence.


The foreign leaders and representatives, along with high officials from the United States Federal Government as well as state and local governments from around the nation, entered the seating at the Capitol Building outside. It was a cold January day, hovering slightly above freezing in the 40s with some wind. All of the living former American Presidents, as well as many of the living former Vice Presidents. President Gore himself, as well as the First Lady, were in attendance. Senator Olympia Snowe from Maine, who had been in a semi-secret relationship with Sinclair for years, was in attendance. In recent months it was clear that the Vice President and the Senator had no reason to hide their relationship anymore, though they had not made any formal announcement about it.

After several speeches and introductions and a prayer from a local Catholic bishop, Vice President-elect Richard Blumenthal was sworn in. Then, immediately after, President-elect Sinclair took the Oath of Office. Sinclair was dressed in a black three-piece suit and was wearing a gold pocket watch that had been in his family for generations. He was also wearing an overcoat and had a small American flag lapel pin. Sinclair stood before Chief Justice Clarance Thomas while Senator Snowe held the Catholic bible that Sinclair would take his oath on.

"Sir," Chief Justice Thomas said. "Place your left hand on the bible, raise your right hand to God, and repeat after me...
I, Benjamin Valentine Sinclair,
I, Benjamin Valentine Sinclair,
do solemnly swear,
do solemnly swear,
that I will faithfully execute,
that I will faithfully execute,
the Office of President of the United States,
the Office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my ability,
and will to the best of my ability,
preserve protect and defend,
preserve protect and defend,
the Constitution of the United States,
the Constitution of the United States,
so help me God,
so help me God."

Chief Justice Thomas extended his hand and shook Sinclair's, "Congratulation, Mister President."

The crowd assembled in the National Mall was electric as they cheered, followed by roaring applause and more cheers. A military band began playing "Hail to The Chief," as President Sinclair hugged Senator Snowe, then shook the hand of Vice President Blumenthal, and then also shook hands with President Gore. Army Artillery off in the distance on Capitol grounds performed a twenty-one gun salute. Seconds after they finished, the Governor of Maine took to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Americans, it is an honor to introduce to you, for the first time, the 44th President of the United States, Bejamin Valentine Sinclair."

The crowd again erupted in cheers as President Sinclair took to the podium and waved out to the crowd. Sinclair was eventually able to start his speech. Fog from his breath could be seen as he spoke in the cold winter air.

"Vice President Blumenthal, Mister Speaker, Mister Chief Justice, President Ford, President Carter, Vice President Mondale, President Gore, reverend clergy, my fellow citizens... What you have just witnessed was not a victory for any political party or special interest. The Presidency and the Vice Presidency of the United States are now in the hands of men with no bounds to any political party, and an allegiance only to the Constitution and the United States of America. This gathering today, at this place and time, represents the end and beginning of several things, but is most importantly a continuation of our republic and a peaceful transition of power from a very estimable man to myself. For thousands of years, princes and kings and tyrants alike fought to the death and gripped the reins of power until their dying breaths. Since 1797, our republic is one of the few in the world where the people can truly choose their leaders, from the mayor of a town of 300 people, to the President of 300-million people.

"For over 200 years, the United States has forged its own destiny with the will of the American People as its rule and guide. America has endured times of great hardships and war, but we have stoically marched forward with the utmost fortitude and the strongest of national spirits. Our country has never been one that has relied on the government to bring forth fortune or greatness. The individual spirit of every American, guided by righteous moral character, has worked to build and support families, to invent technologies people only a generation ago could never even imagine, and to build businesses that have employed millions and brought them to the middle class. The people of this country have built charities that help Americans and people the world over, while contributing more to philanthropy than any people in any country anywhere in the world in all of human history. The character, morality, determination, and pure grit of our people is second to none... That begs the question, what is the role of government? The government of this republic exists to execute the will of the people, to protect them from harm, and ensure that they can perform the most sacrosanct American right of pursuing their happiness.

"Despite our rise from a fledgling republic to that shining city upon a hill, we are still human. We have made mistakes and suffered mishaps. In the past fifty years, we have slowly allowed critical industries in our country to slip away to other parts of the world. The growth of the middle class is not what it once was and, if we do not change our pace, we will see it shrink. If we continue on our current path, if we decide that the American People are destined for nothing more than to be part of a so-called 'service economy,' we will slowly watch the American Dream fade........ That will not happen under my watch. No matter the cost! No matter the sacrifice! No matter the politics! No matter what!!!

"In a hundred years from now, when historians look at this crucial time of change in world history, they will look back and see what we decided. They will see that we decided to grow our apples in Washington State instead of importing them from a thousand miles away, they will see that we made our cars in Detroit instead of overseas, they will see that we reopened the textile mills in Maine and that we are energy independent. Business interests, the richest men in the world, the tyrants who have ruled for a thousand years will all try to stop us. They don't want to see our country succeed, they don't want there to be a middle class, they don't want the life of an average American to be the envy of the world, they don't want you to support a family on one income, they don't want you to have a family - but you will! We are going to get there together, we are going to preserve our country and make sure that our children have a better nation than even we did. My fellow citizens: let - us - begin.

"We are going to rebuild Detroit, we are going to save New York City, we are going to lift up our schools to be the envy of the world, we are going to make the Rust Belt America's backbone again, we are going to rebuild our infrastructure, we are going to grow the middle class and save the American Dream! So help me God, we will have an American Renaissance!"

President Sinclair was pointing to the heavens as he finished his speech and the crowd of nearly two-million people erupted in cheers and applause. Shortly thereafter, President Sinclair, Vice President Blumenthal, Senator Snowe, and the foreign leaders were safely escorted back to whence they came. President Sinclair did make a point to greet and thank each of them for coming while in the Capitol Building, before they went their separate ways.​

Jamie Jay ManBear Owen


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"The Governor-General of Australia, Mr. President."

Quentin Bryce would extend out for a handshake.

"Congratulations on this great honour. It my wish to see our two governments come closer."

They would engage in small talk before she watched the President continue walking to the other leaders, she would look back at him.

"Well Michael, that's it." She would say to her husband.

As the ceremony concluded, the Governor-General would return back to the Ambassador's residence and would prepare her things to travel back to Australia. Just like Chief Justice Thomas, she too had constitutional obligations to fulfil following the federal election in Australia. One of the few roles she does have is swearing in the Prime Minister and the Cabinet as a part of her Federal Executive Council on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen. With the Prime Minister now requiring to be re-sworn in as she exits from caretaker back to full-time duties and a Cabinet reshuffle almost expected, the Governor-General would prefer to be in Canberra for the occassion rather than allowing the interm Administrator, the Governor of Western Australia, to fulfil those duties.

Once her things were all packed and her entourage was ready, they would take the motorcade they came into Washington D.C. on back to Joint Base Andrews to the RAAF Boeing 737BBJ. The RAAF pilots and flight attendants would have spent the past few hours preparing the aircraft, going through maintenance checks, flight plans, fuel loads and preparing the cabin for the long journey back to Australia. They would stop over at Hickham Air Force Base in Hawaii to refuel before heading onwards to RAAF Base Fairbairn in Canberra.


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