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United States | Operation Special Circumstances

Personnel Quantity


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018





Rear Admiral Nicholas Monroe​

Ship ClassVesselComplimentHome Port
Nimitz-class Aircraft CarrierUSS NimitzTotal: 5134 /// Compliment: 3532 / Pilots: 300 / Air Wing: 1300 / NCIS Agents Afloat: 2Naval Air Station North Island, California
Ticonderoga-class Guided Missile CruiserUSS Valley Forge330Naval Air Station North Island, California
Ticonderoga-class Guided Missile CruiserUSS Antietam330Naval Air Station North Island, California
Ticonderoga-class Guided Missile CruiserUSS Mobile Bay330Naval Air Station North Island, California
Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile DestroyerUSS John S. McCain323Naval Air Station North Island, California
Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile DestroyerUSS Ben N. Campbell323Naval Air Station North Island, California
Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile DestroyerUSS Joe Lieberman323Naval Air Station North Island, California
Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile DestroyerUSS Chris Dodd323Naval Air Station North Island, California
Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile DestroyerUSS William Roth323Naval Air Station North Island, California
Celestial-class FrigateUSS Carter Braxton140Naval Air Station North Island, California
Celestial-class FrigateUSS Charles Carroll140Naval Air Station North Island, California
Supply-class Support ShipUSNS Arctic600Naval Air Station North Island, California
Henry J. Kaiser-class Replenishment OilerUSNS John Lenthall113Naval Air Station North Island, California
Henry J. Kaiser-class Replenishment OilerUSNS Andrew J. Higgins113Naval Air Station North Island, California

Captain Buck Jackson​

SquadronAircraftNumber of AircraftPersonnelGarrison
Fighter Attack Squadron 111 (VFA-111)F/A-18F Super Hornet1224 PilotsNaval Air Station North Island, California
Fighter Attack Squadron 112 (VFA-112)F/A-18F Super Hornet1224 PilotsNaval Air Station North Island, California
Fighter Attack Squadron 113 (VFA-113)F/A-18F Super Hornet1224 PilotsNaval Air Station North Island, California
Fighter Attack Squadron 114 (VFA-114)F/A-18F Super Hornet1224 PilotsNaval Air Station North Island, California
Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 203F/A-18F Super Hornet1224 PilotsMarine Corps Air Station Miramar, California
Electronic Attack Squadron 303 (VAQ-303)EA-16G-Growler1224 PilotsNaval Air Station North Island, California
Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 403 (VAW-403)E-2D Hawkeye420 PilotsNaval Air Station North Island, California
Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 503 (VRC-503)C-2 Greyhound24 Pilots | 4 CrewNaval Air Station North Island, California
Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 607 (HMS-607)MH-60R612 Pilots | 12 CrewNaval Air Station North Island, California
Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 608 (HMS-608)MH-60R612 Pilots | 12 CrewNaval Air Station North Island, California
Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 609 (HMS-609)MH-60R510 Pilots | 10 CrewNaval Air Station North Island, California
Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 703 (HSC-703)MH-60S918 Pilots | 18 CrewNaval Air Station North Island, California

Nimitz-class - Fully Fueled; Aviation reserves fully fueled; Non-perishable and perishable food/water for 3 month journey; Standard armaments including: x3 NATO Sea Sparrow Launchers (x8 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow loaded in each); x4 Phalanx CIWS; x2 RAM launchers (x21 missiles); Standard countermeasures/decoys; Onboard: x500 M4A1 Carbine and associated ammo and x500 M1911 and associated ammo in barracks;
Aircraft: x60 Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and all of their necessary armaments and equipment; x12 EA-18G Growler; x8 MH-60S; x5 Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye; x2 C-25 Greyhound; x6MH-60M Black Hawk; x4 MH-60S; X2 MH-60R.

Ticonderoga-class - Fully Fueled; Non-perishable and perishable food/water for 3 month journey; x8 RGM-84 Harpoon missiles; x2 5 in 62 caliber Mark 45 Mod 4 lightweight gun; x2 25 mm (0.98 in) Mk 38 gun; x4 .50 in (12.7 mm) cal. machine gun; x2 Phalanx CIWS Block 1B; x2 Mk 32 12.75 in (324 mm) triple torpedo tubes (standard reserve of Mk 54 torpedoes); Onboard: x30 M4A1 Carbine and associated ammo and x30 M1911 and associated ammo in barracks;
x2 61 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems containing: x5 RUM-139C (Mrk 54 Torpedo); x244 (Quad packed) RIM-162A ESSM; x40 RIM-161B (SM-3 block IA); x16 RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile;
Countermeasures/decoys: Mark 36 SRBOC; AN/SLQ-25 Nixie;
Aircraft: x1 MH-60R; x1 MH-60S.
Boats: x1 RHIB (each with mounted .50 cal Machine Gun).

Arleigh Burke-class (Flight IIA) - Fully Fueled; Non-perishable and perishable food/water for 3 month journey; x1 5-inch (127 mm)/62 Mk. 45 Mod 4 (lightweight gun); x2 20 mm Phalanx CIWS; x2 25 mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun; x2 Mk 141 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile Launcher (x8 Harpoon missiles each); x2 Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes: x1 per tube + full standard storage of Mark 54 torpedoes on ship; Onboard: x150 M4A1 Carbine and associated ammo and x150 M1911 and associated ammo in barracks.
96-cell Mk 41 VLS: x10 RUM-139C (Mrk 54 Torpedo); x32 (Quad packed) RIM-162A ESSM; x5 RIM-161B (SM-3 block IA); x48 RGM/UGM-109E Tomahawk Land Attack Missile; x25 RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile;
Countermeasures/decoys: AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System; AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures; MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System; MK 53 Nulka Decoy Launching System; AN/SLQ-39 CHAFF Buoys;
Aircraft: x2 MH-60R;
Boats: x1 RHIB (each with mounted .50 cal Machine Gun).

Celestial-class Cutter - Fully Fueled; Aviation reserves fully fueled; Non-perishable food/water for 2 month journey; Well-rested, fed, and uniformed crew;
32-cell Mk 41 VLS: x5 RUM-139C (Mrk 54 Torpedo); x36 (Quad packed) RIM-162A ESSM; x3 RGM/UGM-109E Tomahawk Land Attack Missile; x15 RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile;
Standard armaments including: x2 Mk 141 canister Harpoon missile launcher (x8 missiles); x1 Mk 32 triple torpedo launcher + 10 Mark 50 torpedoes stored; x2 Mk44 Bushmaster II 30-mm chain guns; x1 SeaRAM CIWS; x1 Mk 110 57mm gun; x4 crew-served .50 caliber Browning M2 machine guns; x2 crew-served M240B 7.62 mm machine guns;
Decoys: x2 Mk 36 SRBOC chaff rapid decoy launchers;
Compliment: 140 sailors;
Barracks: x100 Sig Sauer P229 DAK 9mm w/ Night Sights and x200 loaded magazines; x100 M4 Carbine and x300 loaded magazines; x10 M870P 12-gauge and x300 12-gauge shotgun shells.
Aircraft: x1 MH-60R;
Boats: x2 RHIB (each with mounted .50 cal Machine Gun).

Supply-class - Fully Fueled; Fully-stocked with non-perishable and perishable food/water for 6 month journey of the entire fleet (on top of the resources the respective ships already have); complete storage of usable fuel for aforementioned vessels; complete storage of aviation fuel for aforementioned aircraft; x2 Sikorsky MH-60S; Onboard: x100 M4A1 Carbine and associated ammo and x100 M1911 and associated ammo in barracks;
Boats: x1 RHIB (each with mounted .50 cal Machine Gun).

Henry J. Kaiser-class Replenishment Oiler - Fully Fueled; Fully-stocked with non-perishable and perishable food/water for 6 month journey; complete storage of usable fuel for all conventionally-powered vessels for 6 month journey; complete storage of aviation fuel for all aircraft in the fleet for 6 month deployment; Onboard: x60 M4A1 Carbine and associated ammo and x60 M1911 and associated ammo in barracks;
Boats: x1 RHIB (each with mounted .50 cal Machine Gun).​




Colonel Miles Kennedy​

Clandestine Squadron GX-Ray Troop16 Clandestine OperatorsFort Bragg, North Carolina
Clandestine Squadron GYankee Troop16 Clandestine OperatorsFort Bragg, North Carolina
Clandestine Squadron GZulu Troop16 Clandestine OperatorsFort Bragg, North Carolina
Air Mobility Squadron FVictor Troop12 Rotary-Wing Pilots // 12 Crew chiefs/gunnersFort Bragg, North Carolina

G Squadron - Operators in this squadron have the equipment and weapons listed below, per soldier, unless noted otherwise.
Apparel: x1 Enhanced Combat Helmet; x1 Army Combat Uniform (as well as boots and gloves) with American flag patch, x1 Jumpable Plate Carriers, x1 four-eyed special forces night vision/infrared goggles; x1 AN/PRC-148 Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio; x1 The Individual First Aid Kit.
Weapons: x1 HK416 rifle +10 30-round magazines and bayonet, x1 M1911 +4 magazines; x1 Barrett M82 (per troop); x4 flashbangs; x2 white smoke grenade, x1 orange smoke grenade; x2 red flares; x6 M67 grenade.
F Squadron - Operators in this squadron have the equipment and weapons listed below, per soldier, unless noted otherwise. Vehicles operated by F Squadron are listed below.
Vehicles: x6 Sikorsky MH-60M Black Hawk (each: x2 pilots + x2 gunners);
Apparel: x1 Enhanced Combat Helmet; x1 Army Combat Uniform (as well as boots and gloves) with American flag patch, x1 Jumpable Plate Carriers, x1 four-eyed special forces night vision/infrared goggles; x1 AN/PRC-148 Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio; x1 The Individual First Aid Kit.
Weapons: x1 HK416 rifle +10 30-round magazines and bayonet, x1 M1911 +4 magazines; x4 flashbangs; x1 white smoke grenade, x1 orange smoke grenade, x2 red flares.




In New Caledonia, Polish humanitarian aid workers and soldiers were murdered by a supposed revolutionary movement that, supposedly, wants independence for New Caledonia. Poland is in a unique situation where they are there at the invitation of the French government, but do not have sovereignty over the island. In accordance with official United States policy, the Gore Administration supports the status quo on the island - which is that it remains a part of France. Because the Polish there is at the open invitation of the French and they have not seen fit to ask them leave, the United States nominally supports their continued presence as well. However, after the attack on Polish soldiers who were doing nothing but distributing aid on the islands, the President, his National Security Council, and the Pentagon came to the consensus that a deployment of American forces into the Pacific was more than necessary. An unorganized reaction by allied, neutral, and theoretically adversarial groups in the region made it so that an American presence was needed.

In addition to the deployment of a carrier strike group from the Navy, Delta Force units were also called up to go on the operation. The deployment of Delta Force - a special force which the Federal Government did not acknowledge even existed - was unique, let alone the fact that the most secretive clandestine units in it were being sent on the mission. The Delta Force operators were flown by helicopter (at the appropriate cruising speed and altitude) from Fort Bragg to Naval Air Station North Island in California. Along the way they would refuel at U.S. military installations as needed and would then land aboard the USS Nimitz at around four in the morning before it left port.

The carrier strike group immediately began preparations for an extended deployment into the Pacific. The Secretary of The Navy also securely reached out to the Secretary of Homeland Security in the event that Coast Guard assets in teh Pacific may be needed later as well.​

Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018




Carrier Strike Group One deployed from San Diego in an organized and normal manner, beginning with the cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and support ships, and then finally followed by the USS Nimitz. Once the fleet was approximately 100 miles off shore, it organized itself into this formation, with the USS Valley Forge leading the way. The distances of the ships from each other in that depiction are to scale. The fleet would maintain this formation unless otherwise specified. Throughout this deployment, the vessels and aircraft associated with Carrier Strike Group One would not enter the territorial waters or airspace of any country other than the United States and the United Kingdom, unless otherwise noted. This would mean that while traversing through the Pacific, the formation may slightly alter itself when going around obstacles (e.g. islands). The surface ships would use all active and passive means of radar and sonar detection. The fleet travelled at 17 knots. The route that the fleet took is depicted in the previously-linked map.

While the Nimitz was leaving port, the flight crew for one of the four E-2D Hawkeyes on board performed preflight checks and prepared one of the aircraft for takeoff. The pilots and flight crew launched the fully-fueled aircraft and flew it at its cruising speed and altitude. It generally flew in circles around the Nimitz and the fleet by using the cruisers (which formed a triangle around the Nimitz) as weigh points. The Hawkeye would monitor the sky and the surface for any and all threats and unknown flying or floating objects. Once the Hawkeye had flown through five hours of its six hour endurance, another crew for another one of the Hawkeyes would perform preflight checks and ready another Hawkeye to take off from the carrier - this process would take twenty to thirty minutes. After these checks were performed, the new Hawkeye would be launched and the original would land aboard the carrier where the crew could relax and the aircraft could be serviced. This process would repeat to prevent fatigue of any individual crew.

The fleet had a final destination of about 75 miles off the coast of New Caledonia (though the carrier and most of the other ships would be 100-240 miles off the coast of New Caledonia). The final destination is depicted in the previously linked map, and the exact coordinates for the carrier are (-24.24348, 168.396).


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