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Thailand | Operation Blue Canvas

Personnel Quantity


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Title: Operation Blue Canvas
Document Number: RTAF-BLCAV-001/2004
Classification: Semi-Confidential | Secret
Security Level: NSST 1.0 Architecture
Date: April 16, 2004
XI. IntroductionX

Background and Objective

Following the return of peace in the Western Hemisphere, two carrier strike groups of the Republic Navy have returned to Thailand and transition to peacetime readiness. The Republic Navy doctrine mandates that during peacetime, at least one or two naval deployment must take place within Asia to ensure rapid response capability to any emerging threat. Given the reduced military budget of the Republic Armed Forces, the Republic Navy will be deploying two light carrier, eight multi-role guided-missile frigates, and four replenishment tankers to patrol the Asian water.

XII. Command and ControlX

2.1 Guidance

This operation is conducted under the guidance of the Republic Thai Navy Third Fleet Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Wisa Tasanaroeng, and approval from Defense Minister Sutin Klungsang.

XIII. Operational ForcesX

Republic Thai Navy First Fleet
  • Naval Expeditionary Group Two (NEG)
    • [1] Chakri Narubet-Class Light Aircraft Carrier
      • HTMS Ban Phlu Luang Narubet
        • 1,076 Crews
      • RTNAF Squadron 503
        • [11] Eurocopter EC725
        • [11] Hermes 450
    • [4] Naresuan-Class Frigate
      • HTMS Phaya Chaban Boonma
        • 150 Crews
      • HTMS Kawila
        • 150 Crews
      • HTMS Thammalangka
        • 150 Crews
      • HTMS Khamfan
        • 150 Crews
  • Logistic Support Squadron Six (LSS6)
    • [2] Similan-Class Replenishment Tanker (Type 908)
      • HTMS Ha
        • 157 Crews
      • HTMS Miang
        • 157 Crews
Republic Thai Navy Second Fleet
  • Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4)
    • [1] Chakri Narubet-Class Light Aircraft Carrier
      • HTMS Uthong Narubet
        • 1,076 Crews
      • RTNAF Squadron 506
        • [11] Eurocopter EC725
        • [11] Hermes 450
    • [4] Naresuan-Class Frigate
      • HTMS Kalawandith
        • 150 Crews
      • HTMS Uchitthaka
        • 150 Crews
      • HTMS Chakkawat
        • 150 Crews
      • HTMS Kampoch
        • 150 Crews
  • Logistic Support Squadron Four (LSS4)
    • [2] Similan-Class Replenishment Tanker (Type 908)
      • HTMS Payan
        • 157 Crews
      • HTMS Payang
        • 157 Crews

XIV. ExecutionX

4.1 Initial Deployment

All personnel will be reported to the respective base with all necessary equipment per the Defense Ministry documents.

4.2 Communication

Effective communication among all units is paramount and must be maintained through the use of secure communication channels. Any unidentified or suspicious activity must be immediately reported to the command center, except in situations where such actions are deemed non-ideal or potentially detrimental. In these cases, all units and personnel, who are thoroughly trained and well-versed in operational protocols, must exercise their best judgment in handling the situation. All personnel have undergone rigorous training to ensure flawless communication protocols are followed within and between units. This training emphasizes excellence in both verbal and non-verbal information conveyance, ensuring that all communications are clear, concise, and secure.

4.3 Rules of Engagement

Engagement will be per the established Rule of Engagement (ROE) with the application of Increased Vigilance (IVG) and international laws. The use of force must be proportionate, and only used in self-defense or to deter identified threats after all non-lethal methods have been exhausted. They would never enter any country's territorial water

4.4 Support

Logistic support, including fuel, supplies, and maintenance, will be provided by the respective naval bases. Each seafarer is equipped with lightweight, waterproof body armor that integrates nanotechnology for maximum resistance against ballistic threats and corrosion from saltwater. The armor also provides buoyancy support, aiding survival in water. The standard issue firearm for naval personnel is the Heckler & Koch HK416 rifle fitted with accessory rails for attachments like tactical lights and optical sights. The Sig Sauer P226, used as the sidearm and personnel are also equipped with a variety of munitions including fragmentation, smoke, and flash grenades. Naval personnel are issued advanced, encrypted tactical radios and maritime GPS systems that maintain their functionality even in the harshest sea conditions. The GPS systems are equipped with maritime charts and include features for weather forecasts and sea current patterns to aid in navigation.

Navy personnel are issued a range of specialized equipment based on their assignments, which also includes state-of-the-art diving gear equipped with rebreathers for extended underwater operations. Each sailor is provided with a personal first aid kit that includes advanced medical supplies such as saline solution for hydration, sea sickness tablets, and sunburn treatments. Each member also has access to personal comprehensive survival kit that includes items like life rafts, signal flares, long-life water and food rations, fishing kits, and solar stills for desalination of seawater. Navy personnel also carry technical equipment such as multi-function watches with depth meters and compasses, handheld sonar devices for detecting underwater obstacles, and laser range finders for accurate distance measurements.

The Naresuan-class Frigates would be equipped with 6 × Decoys Terma SKWS (C-Guard) for 24 x Terma DL-12T and 24 x Terma Mk.137 each, and ESM ITT ES-3601 (AN/SLQ-4), and ECM Type 984-1 noise jammer & Type 981-3 deception jammer, which both could reach the effective range of 100 kilometers. - C-Guard inventory included 12 Mk214 Seduction Chaff rounds, designed to confuse enemy radar systems; 12 Mk216 Distraction Chaff rounds, used to divert incoming missiles away from the ship; 6 Mk245 "GIANT" IR Rounds, which were especially effective against heat-seeking missiles; and 18 Mk251 "Siren" Active Decoy Rounds, capable of deflecting enemy anti-ship missiles by replicating the ship's radar signature. Their armament included 1 × 5 in/54 (127 mm) Mk 45 Mod 2 naval gun with 500 rounds, 2 × 30mm MSI-DSL DS30MR automated small caliber gun with 2,000 rounds each, 8 cell Mk.41 VLS for 32 x RIM-162 ESSM, 8 × RGM-84 Harpoon SSM launcher for 8 × RGM(L) Harpoon Block II (Range: 278 km), and 2 × Triple Mark 32 Mod 5 torpedo tube with 6 × Mark 54. They had Atlas DSQS-24d sonar (Active: 6-9 KHz | Passive 1-11 KHz) (Effective range 15 km Max: 40 km). They can travel for 5600 nautical miles (10371.2 kilometers) at 12 knots or 4000 nautical miles (7408) kilometers at 18 knots. The frigate has the capacity to control and guide six missiles at the same time from its four fire control systems.

The Chakri Narubet Class would be equipped with 4 × SRBOC decoy launchers for 24 decoys each (additional 140 service rounds ready to be loaded from reserve) and SLQ-32 towed decoy. Their armament would include 4 × Rheinmetall Mk 20 DM6 20mm/80 caliber with 15,000 rounds of HEI (High-Explosive Incendiary) or AP (Armor-Piercing) combination, 2 × 0.5-inch machine guns and 3 × sextuple Sadral launchers for Mistral surface-to-air missiles. Their deck can carry up to 10 aircraft with another 12 in the hangar. They have two transport lifts for these helicopters and another 2 lifts to transport supplies for 32 sorites of all kinds of armament. Each Eurocopter EC725 would be able to be equipped with a pair of 7.62 mm FN MAG machine guns with 200 rounds each mounted within forward left and right windows, or two air-to-ground rocket system 68 mm (2.75") with 19 tubes, and one MU9 Impact torpedo.

XV. CoordinationX

5.1 Inter-agency

Inter-agency communication between the Republic Thai Navy and other elements of the Republic Thai Armed Forces will be rigorously upheld, prioritizing security measures at all times. Liaison channels facilitating communication and information sharing between these agencies are established and overseen by the Republic Thai Armed Forces Headquarters. Integral to this communication infrastructure are the Tactical Power Display (TPD), Situation Awareness Display (SAD), and Maritime Awareness Display (MAD), all seamlessly integrated into the coordination and communication systems of all units involved. The comprehensive situational awareness and operational effectiveness across both land and maritime domains are ensured in this deployment and operation with undisturbed consistency.

5.2 International

Any decision to coordinate with foreign entities, whether at an informal or official level, must be promptly reported back to Headquarters for immediate deliberation in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Any individuals not directly involved in the operation must be regarded with the highest level of scrutiny by both organizational and governmental authorities. Additionally, any interactions with foreign units must be conducted with appropriate response.

XVI. ConclusionX

The Defense Ministry has mobilized all necessary resources for the deployment of Operation Blue Canvas. The Defense Ministry expects that its contribution will represent Thailand's role as a world leader dedicated to peace, stability, and cooperation.

Sutin Klungsang
Defence Minister

Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister, Republic of Thailand

Document Clearance:
The Office of the Prime Minister
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The National Intelligence Agency
The Republic Thai Air Force Command Center
The Republic Thai Navy Command Center
The Republic Thai Armed Forces Special Warfare & Operation Command

Distribution List:
The Office of the Prime Minister
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The National Intelligence Agency
The Republic Thai Air Force Command Center
The Republic Thai Navy Command Center
The Republic Thai Police
The Republic Armed Forces Headquarters
The Republic Thai Air Defense Command
The Naval Special Warfare Command
The Air Force Security Force Command
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.


Blue Canvas Sailing Formation​

Immediately after issuance of Operation Blue Canvas, the designated personnels were in optimal condition, positioning at their stationary post onboard their vessels. The crews were fully rested, followed strict healthy regimen, mentally balanced, and physically vigor. The naval vessels and military equipment were fully maintained, representing the epitome of naval and arms engineering; every corner onboard the ships had been modernized and well-suited for optimal living and working conditions. Phuket Naval Base, as well as other naval bases in Thailand, were in most favorable position to provide logistic support to the seafaring group with no effort given the fleet remained in the prefecture of Asia and the Pacific. Strategic allies such as France (Alexander) and Poland (ManBear) would be notified of Thailand’s intention to launch a new patrolling operation within Asia, urging them to be discreet with the information while sharing the fleet preliminary position and status every three hours to the Armed Forces Headquarters of both countries. The fleet would be fully stocked with nourishment of 6 months for consumption of the military and staff personnels; consistent inspection of their supplies would be conducted four times a day.

The Republic Thai Navy Fleet departed from the Phuket Naval Base at precisely ten in the morning. The crews bid farewell to their family and loved ones. The seven-vessel fleet’s authority and command were centralized on the light carrier, where two Hermes 450 and two Eurocopter EC725 standby on the deck. Onboard sensors and other functionality systems were fully active, ready for immediate command. They would sail toward the precise coordination of 7°30'10.1"N 87°27'04.8"E, the lower part of the Bay of Bengal near the equator. There, the fleet would position themselves stationary while performing the daily routine of operating a carrier group. Two Hermes 450 would be launched from the carrier, carrying four Spike-LR missiles. They would fly at the cruise speed of 130 kilometers per hour while maintaining the altitude of approximately 5,000 meters. During their missile, they would fly within the 75 kilometer radius from the carrier where the Hermes would conduct intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance mission. Their sophisticated onboard sensors would allow each unmanned aerial vehicle to observe up to 300 kilometers in radius of their surrounding. Mechanism would be in place for additional two Hermes to substitute them immediately at their position after the original duo began retreating.​

Position: NJ
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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
The Hexagone Ballard, home of the Imperial Armed Forces, would receive the Thai messages and in line with the request file them under the top secret classification and restrict their distribution beyond the building to only the Palace of Versailles, Ministry of the Armed Forces, and the COMOFEF and COMASIE as the commanders of the two commands that would be directly affected by the Thai operation.

A message would be sent thanking them for their notice and confirming that the information will be handled with the upmost secrecy within France, the message would also note which Offices and Commanders would be read in on the data in addition to the Hexagone Balard itself.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The Republic Navy Fleet from the Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4) would arrive at their predestinated coordination, where the center of the light carrier marked the location of their destination. They would perform necessary arrangements for their stationary position and any other procedures to efficiently conduct the aforementioned tasks. Meanwhile, the Republic Navy would augment its efforts in ensuring peace and rapid response capabilities to Thai and human interests by deployment another taskforce of the same size and organization as the contribution from the Republic Navy Second Fleet’s NEG4. They would depart from their homebase in Songkhla with the same property and starting prospects as the previously deployed taskforce under Operation Blue Canvas. They would depart at approximately eleven in the evening before arriving at the exact coordination of 14°59'52.5"N 114°01'38.8"E. From there, with necessary arrangement and configuration as another taskforce under the same operation, they would conduct the same ISTAR missions with same properties. The formation of this taskforce would be in the same as those of another.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

Given the impending withdrawal of the Humanitarian Aid Forces to New Caledonia (HAFNC), the taskforce from the NEG4 would be relocated to 21°51'29.86"S 162°21'45.32"E, in which they would sail at the speed of 18 knots while maintaining the carrier air operations. During their course of OK > PK > QJ > QI > QH, they would conduct freedom of navigation, sailing through the international waters. The Thai fleet would not cross into the territorial water of any country, and they would maintain at least 20 kilometers from the boundaries. The position and status of the fleet would be updated to the French and Polish counterpart every three hours, while the publication of their position of 20 kilometers accuracy would be published every six hours.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The task force from the NEG4 would now arrive at the exact coordination of 21°51'29.86"S 162°21'45.32"E, in which they would station in at location until the time in which France has decided to approval the withdrawal of Thai humanitarian forces from New Caledonia. The public status of the fleet would be updated to “waiting further instruction from the French Government,” and they would maintain a direct and consistent communication with the Thai and Polish forces (ManBear) on the island. Furthermore, given that Australia is current the only sovereign state from the Oceania that was active on the international stage, the Minis of Defense of Thailand would inform the Australia Government (Owen) that a public and neutral Thai task force is nearby. They would further instruct the Australian Government to visit its mission’s website, which would contain information such as fleet preliminary organization, location with 20 kilometers accuracy, and the status of the fleet. During the task force stationary assemble in the Coral Sea, they would continue to maintain their functional routine, which also included the traditional practice of having at least one sailor on the deck at all time. The light carrier itself would conduct its air operation as normal, ensuring consistency with its conduct previously in the operation.​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

The Defence Intelligence Organisation would take notice of the information that was publicly available to them about the Thai task force after being informed by the Thai Government about it. The only way to communicate directly with the ships would be through sophisticated Naval Communications Stations who had the necessary technology and equipment to do so, with three located on the Australian continent in Canberra, Darwin and Exmouth. Naval Communications Area Master Station Australia located HMAS Harman in Canberra would be the primary communications station for all of Australia and specifically dealt with the South and Western Pacific. A message would be tranmitted to HTMS Uthong Narubet from the Area Master Station.






I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The Thai light carrier Uthong Narubet would acknowledge the transmitted communication from the Australian communication station. It would convey appreciation for the Australian Navy sharing of resources regarding its maritime jurisdiction as well as the available of assistance which the Republic Navy warmly welcomed. The vessel would inform the Australian Navy that the Thai task force would give special prioritization for the Australian Navy and would provide the Australian communication station of its location, status, and mission objectives every four hours. The communication from the Thai task force would also include the invitation to the Australian naval personnel or officer to Thai task force if Australia wants any assurance of peaceful and humanitarian posture from Thailand. Moreover, given the ongoing ISTAR missions conducted by the air operations of the light carrier, the Thai task force would always communicate all information that could potentially pose threat to the Australian interests.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.


The screen of a Tactical Power Display (TPD) being optimized to observe the situational awareness capacity and other capabilities of the deployed forces in Operation Blue Canvas​

In response to the escalating crisis in Singapore (AsianSchnitzel), the Kingdom of Poland (ManBear) has announced plans to deploy a humanitarian team to the Riau Archipelago to facilitate the evacuation of Polish citizens and other foreign nationals not native to Singapore, to Thailand. The Republic's embassy in Singapore has coordinated the necessary logistics to support this operation, prompting the Republic Navy to direct the NEG2 Neutral Task Force to position itself in the Strait of Malacca in preparation for a potential evacuation effort in Southeast Asia.

The NEG2 Task Force will depart from its current location in the southern Bay of Bengal, coordinates 7°30'10.1"N 87°27'04.8"E, maintaining a cruising speed of 18 knots. Their destination is set for 2°59'55.66"N 100°37'49.05"E (Remained within NJ). Throughout the journey, the Task Force will uphold standard operational protocols, ensuring that all air operations from the light carrier proceed without disruption. The fleet's position (20 kilometers accuracy) will be publicly updated every six hours, and its operational status will be reported as "en route to the Strait of Malacca." Additionally, the Polish Armed Forces Headquarters will receive more frequent updates, every three hours, on the fleet's precise location and operational status to ensure continuous coordination.

Upon the Neutral Task Force's arrival in the operational theater, air surveillance operations will be escalated significantly. The number of Hermes 450 UAVs deployed for ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance) missions will be doubled from two to four. All systems and armaments within the fleet will remain in active status throughout the duration of the operation. During this phase, two Hermes 450 UAVs will be specifically tasked with conducting intelligence operations directed towards the Republic of Singapore, operating within the Surface Situational Awareness Radius of the Task Force. These UAVs will maintain an altitude of 5,000 meters and cruise at a speed of 130 km/hr.

Additionally, four Hermes 450 UAVs, each equipped with a payload of four Spike-LR missiles, will be on standby. These UAVs are outfitted with state-of-the-art surveillance technology, including Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) coupled with Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) capabilities, a Communications Intelligence (COMINT) suite, and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems. They will operate within the Total Situational Awareness Radius of the Task Force, ensuring comprehensive surveillance and readiness to engage identified threats.

Throughout their deployment on the ISTAR mission, the Hermes UAVs utilize their advanced EO/IR Sensors to surveil the area within their reach. In the case of nocturnal temperature fluctuations in Singapore, the thermal imaging capabilities of the infrared sensor ensure effective target detection, identification, and tracking even under cover of darkness from the vantage point. Additionally, electro-optical sensors deliver high-resolution visual imagery, augmenting situational awareness and intelligence gathering when visual intelligence is deemed necessary. The Hermes' Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) would provide detailed imagery of the operational area, offering insights into terrain features, infrastructure, and potential targets, even in adverse weather conditions or obscured environments. Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) capabilities would enable the detection and tracking of moving targets on the ground, such as vehicles or personnel, allowing Thai forces to monitor enemy movements and activities effectively.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.


The screen of a Maritime Awareness Domain (MAD) being optimized to observe the situational awareness capacity of the deployed forces in Operation Blue Canvas​

Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4) Theater

The task force positioned at 21°51'29.86"S 162°21'45.32"E commenced the intensification of its Intelligence Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions utilizing its air assets. Due to the considerable distance from the shore in New Caledonia and the extensive span between the task force and the nearest Australian territorial waters, collaboration between the Republic Navy and the scientific community in Thailand was initiated to conduct research within a 400-kilometer radius of the HTMS Uthong Narubet light aircraft carrier. Consequently, the deployment of Hermes 450 drones within a 100-kilometer radius from the carrier was augmented to four units. A rotation mechanism was established to ensure seamless coverage, whereby as one set of Hermes drones prepared to return to the carrier, another set of four would already be airborne. Although the operational range of the Hermes drones extended up to 100 kilometers, the majority operated within a 75-kilometer radius from the carrier. Additionally, four Hermes 450 UAVs, each armed with a payload of four Spike-LR missiles, were placed on standby. These UAVs were equipped with cutting-edge surveillance technology, including Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) capabilities, a Communications Intelligence (COMINT) suite, and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems.

The Hermes deployed its EO/IR sensors to provide comprehensive imagery, capturing both visible and infrared spectra for detailed marine environment analysis. Leveraging its infrared capabilities, it detected thermal patterns, including ocean surface temperatures, underwater volcanic activity, and heat signatures of marine life. Advanced image processing techniques were applied to extract valuable data, such as ocean color analysis for phytoplankton bloom studies, coral reef health assessments, and monitoring coastal vegetation changes. SAR technology facilitated high-resolution mapping of Earth's surface, encompassing seafloor topography and coastal regions, even under conditions of cloud cover or darkness. With GMTI capability, the Hermes detected and tracked moving targets, including marine vessels, large marine animals, and ocean currents or wave patterns. SAR data supported detailed coral reef structure mapping, hazard identification, and monitoring changes over time to aid conservation efforts. By combining SAR and GMTI technologies, the Hermes could glean insights into marine life interactions with their environment, facilitating studies on migration patterns, habitat use, and potential threats.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.


The screen of a Maritime Awareness Domain (MAD) being optimized to observe the situational awareness capacity of the deployed forces in Operation Blue Canvas​

The office phone rang sharply, breaking the stillness. Behind the mahogany desk, Admiral Wisa Tasanaroeng, Commander-in-Chief of the Republic Thai Navy Third Fleet, glanced at the caller ID. The name Sutin Klangsang flashed on the screen, catching him off guard.

He picked up the receiver, his voice measured and respectful. “Good afternoon, Defense Minister. How can I assist you?”

“Good afternoon, Admiral,” came the reply, authoritative yet brisk. “The RTARF HQ needs the TPD to gather intelligence beyond Coral Sea. Adjust the deployment accordingly. Official directives will follow after the parliamentary session.”

The line went dead, leaving the Admiral in a contemplative silence.

Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4) Theater

The lack of responsiveness from the French Government in Paris to the Republic Government and its humanitarian force in New Caledonia had been a major concern for the Thaksin administration. Following the rise of unrest and the independence movement in New Caledonia two years ago, the French Government had relied on the Republic Government’s decision to invest billions of USD in taxpayers’ money into the well-being of the local New Caledonian population. As the Humanitarian Aid Forces to New Caledonia (HAFNC), or Thailand in a broader sense, had been acting as the main provider of essential services and supplies to New Caledonia, the recent economic collapse in France had done nothing to alleviate the concerns of the Republic Government and the Thai population at large.

For more than eight consecutive months, the Republic Government had been consistently shipping 33,750 TEUs worth of essential aid to New Caledonia. With Paris unable to sustain its own economy and public services, the Republic Government had no doubt that New Caledonia would eventually descend into anarchy and revolt. The HAFNC mission remained solely dedicated to providing essential humanitarian aid to the local New Caledonian population. However, the French Government's negligible approach to its Pacific territory had raised questions among Thai lawmakers and some cabinet members regarding the feasibility of Paris maintaining neo-colonial control over New Caledonia in modern times.

While Thailand had been overlooking the vast funds needed to sustain its commitment in New Caledonia, the failure of Paris to communicate transparently with Bangkok had pushed the New Caledonian issue to the forefront of public discourse across Thailand. To ensure that the democratic process within Thailand would eventually reach a general consensus regarding its commitment to New Caledonia and the French Empire at large, the Defense Ministry had issued a special directive for Operation Blue Canvas to ensure that any decision was well-informed.

The deployed task force from the Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4) relocated from 21°51'29.86"S 162°21'45.32"E to 22° 5'37.83"S 164°14'41.70"E. Officially designated as "observing revolt in New Caledonia" on its mission website, the task force had been consistently supplied by replenishment tankers. If restocking was necessary, passing Thai humanitarian vessels ensured the deployment could be sustained as long as needed. All systems onboard the task force’s vessels were active and fully functional, with all parts and sections showing no signs of wear due to consistent maintenance. The crews were well-rested, well-treated, and well-prepared for prolonged deployment.

On the light aircraft carriers, all helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles on the deck were fully armed as specified in the mission parameters. They were ready for immediate vertical deployment to respond to any emerging threats. The light carrier's aerial operations continued within an 85-kilometer radius, avoiding closer than 5 kilometers to New Caledonian territorial waters. During their observation of the situation in New Caledonia, the HAFNC had access to a secure communication line controlled centrally from the light carrier. In case of any threat posed to the HAFNC, the task force was prepared to intervene and escort them out as necessary.

ManBear Jay Alexander


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

Upon receiving an update from the official channel regarding the French Armed Forces' major restructuring, the Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4) stationed in the Coral Sea initiated preparations for secure transferring intelligence to the French military elements. By this time, the task force had amassed a significant amount of valuable data, encompassing both tactical and academic insights from the area west of New Caledonia. With the defense budget remaining consistent with the 2004 Fiscal Year, the Republic Thai Government was particularly pleased with the prospect of maintaining reduced military expenditures.

All previously gathered intelligence from the task force's operations around New Caledonia was shared with the French Armed Forces Headquarters. Although the provided information did not include specific targeted intelligence, it offered a comprehensive overview of the east of New Caledonia, both inland and offshore, as observed by the Thai Navy. The task force collected numerous high-resolution images from various sensors, not just optical, resulting in several dozen gigabytes of data. However, more focused and zoomed images were of lower quality.

An additional focus was on the current proportionality of the NEG4 task force. Although it functioned as a carrier strike group, the NEG4 task force represented less than two-fifths of NEG4's full strength. The primary mission parameter of the task force was to act as a rapid response unit for accidents or disasters at sea, with power projection capability deemed soft by Republic Navy Headquarters. The task force, despite its offensive and defensive capabilities, was designed for rapid response rather than supporting a prolonged intervention in New Caledonia.

Information regarding the leader of the Kanak Independence Movement was shared with the French Armed Forces Headquarters and its government. This intelligence, flagged as “top secret,” was transmitted through secure and confidential channels. It had been gathered by the Republic Government and Armed Forces intelligence apparatus in collaboration with the renowned NIA, which had established networks in New Caledonia beforehand. Further information included details of all possible warehouses and facilities left by the HAFNC that could be utilized by the rebel movement.


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