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[VT]: Not Democratic?


Jul 1, 2018
Lieutenant General Nguyễn Văn Sơn of the Vietnam Coast Guard was sat at his desk, reading through letters, listening to messages, and generally going about his work. That is until his aid knocked on the door and entered. "Sir. Letter from the United States." he said after saluting the Lieutenant General.

"At ease." Lieutenant General Nguyễn Văn Sơn would say as he got up from his seat and retrieved the document.
"That will be all. Dismissed." he followed up dismissing the aid who left and closed the door as Sơn would would return to his desk, sit down, and then grab a letter opener.

This was it, this was the moment he read that Vietnam was approved for the coast guard vessels. He would finally have a fleet to command to protect Vietnamese territorial waters. Opening the letter he began to read out loud.

"Your nation does not meet the the following national requirements to purchase a LPL from American Defense Sales..." he began and immediately frowned. His good mood: destroyed. His optimism: gone.

"What... what is this?" he asked himself as he read further.

"Not a republic/democracy and/or in the Commonwealth Realm? Have established diplomatic relations with the United States including an exchange of embassies and ambassadors?"

His head was racing as he thought this all through. "What is this talking about? Vietnam is a Republic? I voted in the last elections and everything." he said confused by how they did not meet the requirements. "This must be some mistake. I am also pretty certain we were establishing diplomatic relations as I sent the request in." he said shaking his head.

He sat back thinking on the matter. Was it because of the war? It could be. What was just one war of many to the Vietnamese to secure freedom and independence may be still affecting the Americans to this day. No, that couldn't be it. There was no way the Americans could hold a grudge for twenty three years right? Well, maybe but he doubted that this was the case. It didn't seem right. Would propaganda about them well after the war still keep going? The Soviet Union collapsed, so the Americans obviously didn't have a real reason to be opposing to that extent anymore.

He drank some water as he got up and looked out his window thinking on it."India?" he pondered having heard about the communist activities there. "Maybe they are worried about something there and dont want to take the chance?" no, that didn't make sense either. The government had made it clear that the Chinese communists of India were not their friends. This in his mind only left one real option.

"They don't think our elections are legitimate... because we are a one party state?" he smirked at this."No that cant be it. Right?" he pondered thinking it over once more. "But they are a two party state? What difference does having one, two or even three parties make?"

He wasn't exactly sure what the American's game here was. But e had a duty to report the acquisition failure up the chain of command and give a reason why it failed.


Jul 1, 2018
Phạm Văn Trà the Minister of Defence of Vietnam was sitting at his desk reading a report when his secretary knocked on his door."Call for you from Lieutenant General Nguyễn Văn Sơn of the Vietnam Coast Guard sir. Line 1." they said before closing the door. Well, this was a surprise. He wasnt expecting such a call. Oh? Was this about those ships they were ordering. This was no doubt to let him know they got them! Good! He would pick up the phone on Line 1.

"Minister of Defence Phạm Văn Trà speaking." he would say before hearing Nguyễn Văn Sơn speak.

"Right, the coast guard vessels. This call is about them then?" he asked before listening.

"You didnt... get them? Why?" he asked setting down the report in his hand.

"We didnt meet the requirements?" he asked a bit confused by this.

"Not democratic? No relations? What?!" he practically shouted. There was a moment between his next outburst.

"Well, thank you for the report. I will get to the bottom of this right away!" he said before setting the phone down and rubbing his temples.

"What do they mean not democratic? What just because we are a one party state we cant be a functional republic? What is this non sense?" he asked himself before sighing. "Alright." he said as he brought out his phone book with numbers. "Lets get to the bottom of this."


Jul 1, 2018
Much to the annoyance of the Minister of Defence the Prime Minister Nguyễn Thị Bình was already in a phone call with Indonesia. This was frustrating. So, he decided to go a bit higher on the totem poll as one might say. All the way to the office of the President of Vietnam. President of Vietnam Trần Đức Lương was sitting at his desk when he got a message from his secretary saying someone was on line 1. That person being the Minister of Defence.

"Wonder what they want?" he asked as he then thanked the secretary and then picked up on line 1.

This is President Trần Đức Lương speaking. What do you need Minister?" he asked as he adjusted in his chair.

"Mr President. I was just informed by the head of the Coast Guard that our request for Hamilton Class cutters was denied." Phạm Văn Trà would state.

"Well, that is unfortunate. But, what does that have to do with me?" he asked not sure why he was being bothered by a failed purchase.

"Well sir, I suppose it has to do with the reasons they declined to do business with us." the Minister would state prompting the President to take some interest.

"Go on. Tell me what their reasoning was." he said curious as to what was going on here.

"Sir, the United States has stated we do not meet the requirements of being a functional Democracy or Republic. That we do not have diplomatic relations with them." The Minister said bluntly.

"Really? Not a functional democracy? Well, thank you for this information." he said not liking the sound of this.

"Is there anything you need me to do about this sir?" The Minister asked.

"No no, I'll handle it. Goodbye Minister." the President would state before hanging up.

"Not a functional republic or democracy?" he pondered on the idea for a moment. How strange. "What do they mean by that? We have elections. The Communist party acts in the best interests of the people." he said tapping his finger on his desk. "Do they think that people dont have choices because its a one party state? A key word there was functional? Maybe their definition of functional requires more then one." he sat back in his seat thinking about this.

"We really need a supplier. Our industry Isnt ready to take on those challenges yet." he said thinking about. "Well... perhaps..." he said coming upon an idea. "A token gesture could help smooth things over if all else fails?" he said wondering if the idea could work. "We could... yes we could bring back the Democratic Party of Vietnam and Socialist Party of Vietnam under the Vietnamese Fatherland Front. Maybe just one. But lets see how negotiations go." he said with a nod. "Ill need to get in contact with the national assembly." he said looking to his phone.


Jul 1, 2018
Chairperson of the National Assembly of Vietnam would be about to leave his office when he was interrupted by a phone call. He stared at the phone for a moment before returning to the desk. Standing next to it, and picking up the phone.
"Hello? This is Nông Đức Mạnh speaking. Who is this?" he asked a little annoyed to be interrupted before going to lunch.

"Hello Chairperson. This is the President of Vietnam Trần Đức Lương. I wanted to speak to you on a matter that may be brought to the National Assembly.

"Mr President? Oh! Of course I can speak with you!" the Chairperson would say as he quickly and in a rush sit back down.

"What can I help you with sir?" the Chair person asked ignoring the lingering feeling of hunger.

"Well Mr Chairperson. I was just informed the United States does not think we are a functional republic." the President said in a serious tone.

The chairperson snorted regardless, the notion seeming silly."Mr President, it sounds like they don't know what they are talking about. Every member of the national assembly is elected." the chairperson said finding the notion silly.

"Yes, I know that. However, I believe that what they are referring to is an idea that the people of Vietnam don't have a wide array of choices when it comes to collections. Or the perception that there isn't." the President said explaining further.

"Sir, we both know that people have plenty of choices. Plus, the communist party works in the best interest of the workers. Once we transition to socialism and then communism in the future there will be no doubts about what path was correct. Plus, we have a wide range of ideas here in the party. It was a combined effort freeing Vietnam from the yoke of imperialism." the Chairperson said knowing now the President was being serious.

"Yes, but it might not be apparent that people have these choices, or that we are working for their best interests from the outside. There is also a danger in that they might think our elections are corrupt or falsified in some way. As you can see, this isnt a matter of what is actually true. it is a matter of perception. How would the national assembly react if we put in the motion to reinstate the Democratic Party of Vietnam and Socialist Party of Vietnam under the Vietnamese Fatherland Front?" the President asked the Cairperson.

"I don't think it would be easy. People are comfortable with the current status quo. Reintroducing those parties would also give opportunity for reactionaries and counter revolutionaries to get a foothold. It could endanger the revolution if we are not careful. I believe it must be guarded carefully until the time comes when communism is achieved. Plus, those parties and ideas... while they are comrades and helped gain our independence their ideas could hamper our cause." the Chair person said.

"You said it yourself however. These people are already in the party. Everyone joins the communist party because it is the only choice. There is a wide range of ideas. Would it not be best if we had these people out in the open? So that people can make better educated decisions on elections? Would this not help the revolution?" the President asked having caught out the Chair person.

"I mean... well... I suppose it would be useful to have these people out in the open instead of silent?" the Chair person asked.

"It would be useful. We can achieve communism with any of the ideas of the proposed parties right? If an idea does not work will the workers and people not simply vote them out? A minor inconvenience at most. We work from a position of strength as we do not have the issues of western capitalist democracies. Bribery or as they call it lobbying does not stand in the way of policy that can hinder the revolution. State owned corporations, factories, and the means of production can be handed over without issue. But, do you know what could hinder this within our current system? Corruption. This will not be a issue that harms our generation, the next, or the one after that. But way down the line the status quo like in Yugoslavia will cause it. What happened in former Yugoslavia when corruption was allowed to fester in a communist system?" the President asked pointedly.

"What sir?" the Chair person asked.

"Those worker owned factories which became corrupt immediately returned to private capitalist hands. That is what status quo breeds. Now, wit all of that said I am going to see if we can get anything from the United States without this. But I want you to work on getting people to vote on the reactivation of these parties." the President ordered.

"Yes sir. But who will we put in charge of them?" the chair person asked.

"Who ever wants the job. Someone from each of the former parties. Can I trust you will carry this out?" the President would ask sitting back in his chair.

"Yes sir. You can trust me." the Chair person would say.

"Good." the President said before hanging up.

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