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[VT]: Phone Call To Germany


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm would via an private and encrypted line place a call to German Minister of Foreign Affairs Helmut Kohl. This was his German counterpart. So far Vietnam had seen much success in the Asian sphere, now it was time to see if that success could be translated to diplomacy in Europe. He would eagerly await a pickup as he sat in his private office. There were a few topics he had in mind.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The phone call would be routed through the central government switchboard where the idenfication of the caller was verified and the call would be encrypted prior to being forwarded to the office of the Foreign Minister. Sitting at his desk sipping a cup of coffee would be Helmut Kohl, his secretary knocked on the door and slipped in, "I've got the Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs on the line." Kohl would raise an eyebrow, it had not been a call he had expected, eitherway he was happy to take the call. "Patch them through."

Kohl cleared his throat before picking up the phone, "Foreign Minister Kohl speaking."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Hello, this is Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm speaking. Thank you for accepting my call. I decided it was best to get talking first instead of sending the usual letters. I am very interested in establishing diplomatic relations between Germany and Vietnam. As well as getting together possible discussions for trade and procurement."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Hello Minister. I'd like to thank you for taking the time to place this call and initiating the establishment of diplomatic relations between our governments. We have received word that you will be hosting a summit for the creation of the ASEAN organisation. We wish to congratulate you on taking this first step and pursuing a policy of multilateralism."

"I would be happy to discuss the topics of trade, and am I correct to assume that you are referring to defence procurement?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you, the negotiations for the reestablishment have been fruitful and will hopefully continue to be fruitful. It is necessary if nations of South East Asia wish to compete in the international community. I do wonder if this is successful whether or not Germany may pursue the reestablishment of the European Union?

But yes, trade and defense procurement. We can offer for trade Fuels, Textiles and Clothing, Animal, Vegetable, and Footwear at this time. Hopefully we will have more options for export as we develop out nation more. We do now have a fleet capable of transporting these goods. Though speaking of development it would seem one of our contracts integral to development has walked out on by the nation that took it up. Germany is known for it's high quality industry. Would Germany be interested in a contract for helping us develop our industrial sector?

As for defense procurement, we are interested in acquiring the Wieger StG-940 as it uses NATO standard ammunition much like the majority of ASEAN nations do."


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