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[VT]: Phonecall to Australian Ambassador


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs would be sitting in his office having just finished typing up and sending out the last batch of letters. He would after a moment pick up his secure phone and call the Australian Embassy. He was looking to get in contact with the Australian Ambassador Mr Michael J. Leung. So, he would wait patiently for the line to be picked up.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

In his office located within the embassy Ambassador Leung would be sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer with the phone ringing the Ambassador was startled as he was unsure why someone would be calling however after taking a drink of water he'd pick up the phone ensuring the line was encrypted and secured "Ambassador Leung, how can I be of service?" was said in a strong tone allowing the other caller to speak


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm would speak. "Hello Ambassador. This is Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn speaking." he said with a pause."I wanted to discuss a number of things with you. I'd like to have a meeting arranged in regards to Trade involving our respective Ministries of Trade. Do you think we can arrange for such a meeting to take place? it is very important."

"I also wanted to discuss this packet I got in the mail. It seems to be information for a currently existing alliance?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"The Minister listened before speaking "Ah Minister Cầm how are you sir? I can definitely talk with you with any topics you wish to discuss! When shall you like to arrange the meeting?" the Ambassador paused looking through his calendar on the computer before continuing to speak "I'm available whenever you wish to meet Minister" the Ambassador awaited a reply from the Vietnamese Minister


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"How about..." he paused looking at his calendar. "Tomorrow afternoon? Lets say, 1:30?" he would say waiting for the Ambassador to give a confirmation. Aside from writing letters his schedule was rather open and available.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"1.30 is fine with me Minister, if you can send over a list of topics you wish to discuss I can prepare and bring anything necessary with me" the Ambassador paused marking down on the calendar regarding the meeting with the Foreign Minister and noting down any topics the Minister wishes to discuss to allow an aide to prepare any files needed.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Sounds good, I'll have an aid run the topics down to you. See you tomorrow." he would then hang up and get to typing up a series of topics for them to discuss. After finishing the letter and sealing it he would hand it to an AID would would ride a bicycle down to the Australian embassy to give it to them by hand.




Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Ambassador would put the phone down, then instructing two aides to gather enough information and files on all the topics that the Vietnamese wanted to talk about. The Ambassador would place down in his diary the meeting location and time with the Vietnamese Minister.

When the time came, the Ambassador would along with a few aides enter the embassy vehicle and drive towards the meeting, once at reception the ambassador and aides would book in “Hi, I’m Ambassador Michael Leung, I’m here to meet with Minister Cầm” the ambassador paused waiting for the receptionist


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Ah welcome. Let me tell him you are here. Please, take a seat." the receptionist would say before getting up and leaving the desk. After a few minutes they would return with a smile."Minister Cầm can meet you now. Please follow me." they said before leading them to the Minister's Office. Inside they would see after opening the door Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm sitting at is desk. There was a type writer with ink ribbons next to it, and a stack of papers."Ah! Welcome! Thank you for comming on such short notice." he would say getting up, and offering a handshake with a slight bow.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"The pleasure is mine Mr Minister" the Ambassador said as he shooked the Ministers hand with a firm shake before taking a seat and continuing "I received your memo on the topics you wished to discuss, shall we begin with Trade Minister?" there was a short pause while the Ambassador was passed a folder by the economic aide, the Ambassador opened it and placed it on his lap "The Commonwealth of Australia can offer the Vietnamese people the following items; Coal, Aluminium, Iron Ore, Natural Gas & Petroleum. Of course these have a tariff to go a long with each item however the the Commonwealth is pro-free trade, so if needed we can enter a free trade agreement."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Minister Cầm would take a seat and listened to what the Australian Ambassador had to say."What is the exact tariff on those items? In return we can provide Fuels, Textiles and Clothing. Animal. Vegetable, and Footwear. The tariffs on those items are $4,000,000.00 , $3,000,000.00, $7,000,000.00, $4,000,000.00, and $3,000,000.00." he said reading them off of a piece of paper. "If possible we would like to work out a free trade agreement so that way trade can happen... well... freely. What would be the requirements to enter a free trae agreement with Australia?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"To ensure that a free trade happened between the Socialist Republic and the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth would seek for all tariffs to be dropped on both ends. We do have a formal agreement that the Socialist Republic can sign if needed. The Commonwealth can also provide transport too and from the Socialist Republic and Commonwealth on all trade. We hope this is something the Socialist Republic can agree too or something similar." the Ambassador paused allowing the Vietnamese to speak, with an aide bringing out another file regarding the free trade if the Vietnamese wishes to view it


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I would very much like to read this free trade agreement. We can agree to a drop in tariffs for such an agreement, but it must be formal and in writing. At this time Vietnam is pursuing close economic ties all the nations of Asia and Oceana. Not to mention, free trade would help to boost our own development if allowed to happen. One thing I should note is that we have suggest to Indonesia that ASEAN should be reestablished."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"Certainly" the Ambassador paused handing over a file over to the Vietnamese Minister, "Regarding the ASEAN, this is something that the other file that was passed onto you can help with. The Organisation itself, can be used to promote economic growth as well as trade for those in the organisation as well as the region." the Ambassador paused clearing their throat and taking a drink awaiting the Minister to speak


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Simple, straightforward." The Vietnamese Minister would state after reading it. "This document is agreeable. We shall move forward on this yes?" he would ask as e then brought out the file that had been sent previously. "Yes, I read through this. It is very intriguing. The Organization for Economic and Security Cooperation. I do like the idea, and so does the President. However, we noticed that the only current member is Australia. We would like to see one additional member lined up to join before we consider it. The reason for this is simple. The democracy portion dictates that a majority must be had to make changes, allow new members to join, vote of no confidence, and wars of aggression. We would want a third member to be a tie breaker in the event of two member states no agreeing on a course of action. Otherwise, it is possible for nothing to occur." JamieA


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"That is great to hear, I'm glad the agreement is up to your standards." the Ambassador cleared his throat before continuing "Yes, currently the only member is Australia however the Republic of Korea and the Republic of India have been invited. Indonesia have reached out to start relations, however they haven't responded of as yet, which is why they haven't been invited as of yet. However looking at the current situation within the Republic of India, we are two minds on about India joining which is why we need OESC to move ahead quickly to help countries like India help solve problems. This organisation will also allow the Pacific and Asian region to deal with their own problems without countries like the United States getting involved and destroying things, as we both know from previous experience such as the Vietnam War and Somalia was a disaster in which we don't want happening in our regions again.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Indeed, the war was disastrous." Minister Cầm stated though not further elaborating on the why it was portion or for whom. "We are worried in regards to India. They are dealing with Maoist insurgents who are not satisfied with a Marxist Leninist taking a seat in the Indian congress." he said tapping the table a little. "Chinese aligned communists must be contained at all cost. They are revisionist and dangerous." he paused deciding something else had to be brought up."Speaking of the war. There is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. A great deal of our land has been contaminated with Agent orange. It has caused a large amount of... birth defects. If we joined would OESC be able to work with us in dealing with this issue?" he asked leaning forward a little.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"This is why the Australian Government is deploying a small force to evacuate its citizens and embassy staff before this spirals out of control. Medical Forces from other countries have already been attacked, the Republic of India has been advised to allow Australian Forces to deter and neutralise the insurgent forces before it becomes a major problem. If the Socialist Republic does join OESC, the Commonwealth will definitely advise and suggest that other fellow nations help the Commonwealth to deal with the contaminated areas with Agent Orange. I have also received word that the project to build and transform the first 5 airports will begin on the 15th."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"This is all very good news on all fronts. Once those Maoist insurgents are dealt with we can be sure of stable relations with India. I am also very glad to hear that the Commonwealth on the condition we join OESC would help us with the decontamination of affected areas. Doing so would build trust between our nations and more then likely cement relations for years to come. The US military dumped around 72 million liters of defoliant in Vietnam. This is a process that will take many years to fix. Now then, what would the process for joining OESC be at this time?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"I'm glad we can build the trust between our two nations, the process to join OESC would be simple enough at the moment and would just require ratification from your administration ensuring its passed into law. Once we have enough members in OESC, we can then proceed with a summit to decide where the headquarters can be based and so forth. I am hoping we can get Korea on side as well as other Asian nations, as this will not just benefit nations in OESC but nations also in the Asia and Pacific Region."

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